blob: f0a1e19fe51be33b708890c8b457d117a72235c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package virtualservice
import (
import (
import (
// DestinationHostAnalyzer checks the destination hosts associated with each virtual service
type DestinationHostAnalyzer struct{}
var _ analysis.Analyzer = &DestinationHostAnalyzer{}
type hostAndSubset struct {
host resource.FullName
subset string
// Metadata implements Analyzer
func (a *DestinationHostAnalyzer) Metadata() analysis.Metadata {
return analysis.Metadata{
Name: "virtualservice.DestinationHostAnalyzer",
Description: "Checks the destination hosts associated with each virtual service",
Inputs: collection.Names{
// Analyze implements Analyzer
func (a *DestinationHostAnalyzer) Analyze(ctx analysis.Context) {
// Precompute the set of service entry hosts that exist (there can be more than one defined per ServiceEntry CRD)
serviceEntryHosts := util.InitServiceEntryHostMap(ctx)
virtualServiceDestinations := initVirtualServiceDestinations(ctx)
ctx.ForEach(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Virtualservices.Name(), func(r *resource.Instance) bool {
a.analyzeVirtualService(r, ctx, serviceEntryHosts)
a.analyzeSubset(r, ctx, virtualServiceDestinations)
return true
func (a *DestinationHostAnalyzer) analyzeSubset(r *resource.Instance, ctx analysis.Context, vsDestinations map[resource.FullName][]*v1alpha3.Destination) {
vs := r.Message.(*v1alpha3.VirtualService)
// if there's no gateway specified, we're done
if len(vs.Gateways) == 0 {
for ruleIndex, http := range vs.Http {
for routeIndex, route := range http.Route {
if route.Destination.Subset == "" {
for virtualservice, destinations := range vsDestinations {
for _, destination := range destinations {
if destination.Host == route.Destination.Host {
m := msg.NewIngressRouteRulesNotAffected(r, virtualservice.String(), r.Metadata.FullName.String())
key := fmt.Sprintf(util.DestinationHost, http.Name, ruleIndex, routeIndex)
if line, ok := util.ErrorLine(r, key); ok {
m.Line = line
ctx.Report(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Virtualservices.Name(), m)
// get all virtualservice that have destination with subset
func initVirtualServiceDestinations(ctx analysis.Context) map[resource.FullName][]*v1alpha3.Destination {
virtualservices := make(map[resource.FullName][]*v1alpha3.Destination)
ctx.ForEach(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Virtualservices.Name(), func(r *resource.Instance) bool {
virtualservice := r.Message.(*v1alpha3.VirtualService)
for _, routes := range virtualservice.Http {
for _, destinations := range routes.Route {
// if there's no subset specified, we're done
if destinations.Destination.Subset != "" {
for _, host := range virtualservice.Hosts {
if destinations.Destination.Host == host {
virtualservices[r.Metadata.FullName] = append(virtualservices[r.Metadata.FullName], destinations.Destination)
return true
return virtualservices
func (a *DestinationHostAnalyzer) analyzeVirtualService(r *resource.Instance, ctx analysis.Context,
serviceEntryHosts map[util.ScopedFqdn]*v1alpha3.ServiceEntry) {
vs := r.Message.(*v1alpha3.VirtualService)
for _, d := range getRouteDestinations(vs) {
s := util.GetDestinationHost(r.Metadata.FullName.Namespace, d.Destination.GetHost(), serviceEntryHosts)
if s == nil {
m := msg.NewReferencedResourceNotFound(r, "host", d.Destination.GetHost())
key := fmt.Sprintf(util.DestinationHost, d.RouteRule, d.ServiceIndex, d.DestinationIndex)
if line, found := util.ErrorLine(r, key); found {
m.Line = line
ctx.Report(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Virtualservices.Name(), m)
checkServiceEntryPorts(ctx, r, d, s)
for _, d := range getHTTPMirrorDestinations(vs) {
s := util.GetDestinationHost(r.Metadata.FullName.Namespace, d.Destination.GetHost(), serviceEntryHosts)
if s == nil {
m := msg.NewReferencedResourceNotFound(r, "mirror host", d.Destination.GetHost())
key := fmt.Sprintf(util.MirrorHost, d.ServiceIndex)
if line, ok := util.ErrorLine(r, key); ok {
m.Line = line
ctx.Report(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Virtualservices.Name(), m)
checkServiceEntryPorts(ctx, r, d, s)
func checkServiceEntryPorts(ctx analysis.Context, r *resource.Instance, d *AnnotatedDestination, s *v1alpha3.ServiceEntry) {
if d.Destination.GetPort() == nil {
// If destination port isn't specified, it's only a problem if the service being referenced exposes multiple ports.
if len(s.GetPorts()) > 1 {
var portNumbers []int
for _, p := range s.GetPorts() {
portNumbers = append(portNumbers, int(p.GetNumber()))
m := msg.NewVirtualServiceDestinationPortSelectorRequired(r, d.Destination.GetHost(), portNumbers)
if d.RouteRule == "http.mirror" {
key := fmt.Sprintf(util.MirrorHost, d.ServiceIndex)
if line, ok := util.ErrorLine(r, key); ok {
m.Line = line
} else {
key := fmt.Sprintf(util.DestinationHost, d.RouteRule, d.ServiceIndex, d.DestinationIndex)
if line, ok := util.ErrorLine(r, key); ok {
m.Line = line
ctx.Report(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Virtualservices.Name(), m)
// Otherwise, it's not needed and we're done here.
foundPort := false
for _, p := range s.GetPorts() {
if d.Destination.GetPort().GetNumber() == p.GetNumber() {
foundPort = true
if !foundPort {
m := msg.NewReferencedResourceNotFound(r, "host:port",
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", d.Destination.GetHost(), d.Destination.GetPort().GetNumber()))
if d.RouteRule == "http.mirror" {
key := fmt.Sprintf(util.MirrorHost, d.ServiceIndex)
if line, ok := util.ErrorLine(r, key); ok {
m.Line = line
} else {
key := fmt.Sprintf(util.DestinationHost, d.RouteRule, d.ServiceIndex, d.DestinationIndex)
if line, ok := util.ErrorLine(r, key); ok {
m.Line = line
ctx.Report(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Virtualservices.Name(), m)