blob: 21c42600123716e0143f2dff4f5cf028cc207cef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package gateway
import (
import (
type CertificateAnalyzer struct{}
var _ analysis.Analyzer = &CertificateAnalyzer{}
func (*CertificateAnalyzer) Metadata() analysis.Metadata {
return analysis.Metadata{
Name: "gateway.CertificateAnalyzer",
Description: "Checks a gateway certificate",
Inputs: collection.Names{
// Analyze implements analysis.Analyzer
func (gateway *CertificateAnalyzer) Analyze(context analysis.Context) {
context.ForEach(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Gateways.Name(), func(resource *resource.Instance) bool {
gateway.analyzeDuplicateCertificate(resource, context, features.ScopeGatewayToNamespace)
return true
func (gateway *CertificateAnalyzer) analyzeDuplicateCertificate(currentResource *resource.Instance, context analysis.Context, scopeGatewayToNamespace bool) {
currentGateway := currentResource.Message.(*v1alpha3.Gateway)
currentGatewayFullName := currentResource.Metadata.FullName
gateways := getGatewaysWithSelector(context, scopeGatewayToNamespace, currentGatewayFullName, currentGateway.Selector)
for _, gatewayFullName := range gateways {
// ignore matching the same exact gateway
if currentGatewayFullName == gatewayFullName {
gatewayInstance := context.Find(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Gateways.Name(), gatewayFullName)
gateway := gatewayInstance.Message.(*v1alpha3.Gateway)
for _, currentServer := range currentGateway.Servers {
for _, server := range gateway.Servers {
// make sure have TLS configuration
if currentServer.Tls == nil || server.Tls == nil {
if haveSameCertificate(currentServer.Tls, server.Tls) {
gatewayNames := []string{currentGatewayFullName.String(), gatewayFullName.String()}
message := msg.NewGatewayDuplicateCertificate(currentResource, gatewayNames)
if line, ok := util.ErrorLine(currentResource, util.MetadataName); ok {
message.Line = line
context.Report(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Gateways.Name(), message)
func haveSameCertificate(currentGatewayTLS, gatewayTLS *v1alpha3.ServerTLSSettings) bool {
if currentGatewayTLS.CredentialName != "" && gatewayTLS.CredentialName != "" {
return currentGatewayTLS.CredentialName == gatewayTLS.CredentialName
if currentGatewayTLS.CredentialName == "" && gatewayTLS.CredentialName == "" {
if currentGatewayTLS.ServerCertificate != "" && gatewayTLS.ServerCertificate != "" {
if currentGatewayTLS.ServerCertificate == gatewayTLS.ServerCertificate {
if currentGatewayTLS.PrivateKey != "" && gatewayTLS.PrivateKey != "" {
return currentGatewayTLS.PrivateKey == gatewayTLS.PrivateKey
return false
return false
// get all gateways that is superset of the selector
func getGatewaysWithSelector(c analysis.Context, gwScope bool, currentGWName resource.FullName, currentGWSelector map[string]string) []resource.FullName {
var gateways []resource.FullName
c.ForEach(collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Gateways.Name(), func(resource *resource.Instance) bool {
// if scopeToNamespace true, ignore adding gateways from other namespace
if gwScope {
if currentGWName.Namespace != resource.Metadata.FullName.Namespace {
return true
// if current gateway selector is empty, match all gateway
if len(currentGWSelector) == 0 {
gateways = append(gateways, resource.Metadata.FullName)
return true
gateway := resource.Message.(*v1alpha3.Gateway)
// if current gateway selector is subset of other gateway selector
// add other gateway
if selectorSubset(currentGWSelector, gateway.Selector) {
gateways = append(gateways, resource.Metadata.FullName)
return true
return gateways
func selectorSubset(selectorX, selectorY map[string]string) bool {
var count int
for keyX, valueX := range selectorX {
for keyY, valueY := range selectorY {
if keyX == keyY {
// if have same key but different value
// mean selectorX is not subset of selectorY
if valueX != valueY {
return false
// if key and value is same
// increase the counting
// if total counting is not same with the length
// of selectorX, selectorX is not subset of selectorY
return count == len(selectorX)