blob: 06ef05aec66df720b934c70f93b105691dc60fec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bootstrap
import (
import (
v1 ""
bootstrap ""
core ""
trace ""
matcher ""
meshconfig ""
import (
type stats struct {
prefixes string
suffixes string
regexps string
var (
// The following set of inclusions add minimal upstream and downstream metrics.
// Upstream metrics record client side measurements.
// Downstream metrics record server side measurements.
upstreamStatsSuffixes = "upstream_rq_1xx,upstream_rq_2xx,upstream_rq_3xx,upstream_rq_4xx,upstream_rq_5xx," +
// example downstream metric: http.
// http.<pod_ip>_<port>.downstream_rq_2xx
// This metric is collected at the inbound listener at a sidecar.
// All the other downstream metrics at a sidecar are from the application to the local sidecar.
downstreamStatsSuffixes = "downstream_rq_1xx,downstream_rq_2xx,downstream_rq_3xx,downstream_rq_4xx,downstream_rq_5xx," +
// Generate configs for the default configs used by istio.
// If the template is updated, refresh golden files using:
// REFRESH_GOLDEN=true go test ./pkg/bootstrap/...
func TestGolden(t *testing.T) {
var ts *httptest.Server
cases := []struct {
base string
envVars map[string]string
annotations map[string]string
sdsUDSPath string
sdsTokenPath string
expectLightstepAccessToken bool
stats stats
checkLocality bool
stsPort int
platformMeta map[string]string
setup func()
teardown func()
check func(got *bootstrap.Bootstrap, t *testing.T)
base: "xdsproxy",
base: "auth",
base: "authsds",
sdsUDSPath: "udspath",
sdsTokenPath: "/var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token",
base: "default",
base: "running",
envVars: map[string]string{
"ISTIO_META_ISTIO_PROXY_SHA": "istio-proxy:sha",
"ISTIO_META_ISTIO_VERSION": "release-3.1",
"ISTIO_META_POD_NAME": "svc-0-0-0-6944fb884d-4pgx8",
"POD_NAME": "svc-0-0-0-6944fb884d-4pgx8",
"POD_NAMESPACE": "test",
"ISTIO_METAJSON_LABELS": `{"version": "v1alpha1", "app": "test", "istio-locality":"regionA.zoneB.sub_zoneC"}`,
annotations: map[string]string{
"": "{\"paths\":[\"/metrics\",\"/live\"]}",
checkLocality: true,
base: "runningsds",
envVars: map[string]string{
"ISTIO_META_ISTIO_PROXY_SHA": "istio-proxy:sha",
"ISTIO_META_ISTIO_VERSION": "release-3.1",
"ISTIO_META_POD_NAME": "svc-0-0-0-6944fb884d-4pgx8",
"POD_NAME": "svc-0-0-0-6944fb884d-4pgx8",
"POD_NAMESPACE": "test",
"ISTIO_METAJSON_LABELS": `{"version": "v1alpha1", "app": "test", "istio-locality":"regionA.zoneB.sub_zoneC"}`,
annotations: map[string]string{
"": "{\"paths\":[\"/metrics\",\"/live\"]}",
sdsUDSPath: "udspath",
sdsTokenPath: "/var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token",
checkLocality: true,
base: "tracing_lightstep",
expectLightstepAccessToken: true,
base: "tracing_zipkin",
base: "tracing_datadog",
base: "metrics_no_statsd",
base: "tracing_stackdriver",
stsPort: 15463,
platformMeta: map[string]string{
"gcp_project": "my-sd-project",
setup: func() {
ts = httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "my-sd-project")
u, err := url.Parse(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to parse mock server url: %v", err)
_ = os.Setenv("GCE_METADATA_HOST", u.Host)
teardown: func() {
if ts != nil {
_ = os.Unsetenv("GCE_METADATA_HOST")
check: func(got *bootstrap.Bootstrap, t *testing.T) {
// nolint: staticcheck
cfg := got.Tracing.Http.GetTypedConfig()
sdMsg := &trace.OpenCensusConfig{}
if err := cfg.UnmarshalTo(sdMsg); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to parse: %v %v", cfg, err)
want := &trace.OpenCensusConfig{
TraceConfig: &v1.TraceConfig{
Sampler: &v1.TraceConfig_ConstantSampler{
ConstantSampler: &v1.ConstantSampler{
Decision: v1.ConstantSampler_ALWAYS_PARENT,
MaxNumberOfAttributes: 200,
MaxNumberOfAnnotations: 201,
MaxNumberOfMessageEvents: 201,
MaxNumberOfLinks: 200,
StackdriverExporterEnabled: true,
StdoutExporterEnabled: true,
StackdriverProjectId: "my-sd-project",
StackdriverGrpcService: &core.GrpcService{
TargetSpecifier: &core.GrpcService_GoogleGrpc_{
GoogleGrpc: &core.GrpcService_GoogleGrpc{
TargetUri: "",
StatPrefix: "oc_stackdriver_tracer",
ChannelCredentials: &core.GrpcService_GoogleGrpc_ChannelCredentials{
CredentialSpecifier: &core.GrpcService_GoogleGrpc_ChannelCredentials_SslCredentials{
SslCredentials: &core.GrpcService_GoogleGrpc_SslCredentials{},
CallCredentials: []*core.GrpcService_GoogleGrpc_CallCredentials{
CredentialSpecifier: &core.GrpcService_GoogleGrpc_CallCredentials_StsService_{
StsService: &core.GrpcService_GoogleGrpc_CallCredentials_StsService{
TokenExchangeServiceUri: "http://localhost:15463/token",
SubjectTokenPath: "./var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token",
SubjectTokenType: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt",
Scope: "",
InitialMetadata: []*core.HeaderValue{
Key: "x-goog-user-project",
Value: "my-sd-project",
IncomingTraceContext: []trace.OpenCensusConfig_TraceContext{
OutgoingTraceContext: []trace.OpenCensusConfig_TraceContext{
if diff := cmp.Diff(sdMsg, want, protocmp.Transform()); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("got unexpected diff: %v", diff)
base: "tracing_opencensusagent",
// Specify zipkin/statsd address, similar with the default config in v1 tests
base: "all",
base: "stats_inclusion",
annotations: map[string]string{
"": "prefix1,prefix2,http.{pod_ip}_",
"": "suffix1,suffix2" + "," + upstreamStatsSuffixes + "," + downstreamStatsSuffixes,
"": "http.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*_8080.downstream_rq_time",
"": "dlp_status,dlp_error",
stats: stats{
prefixes: "prefix1,prefix2,http.,http.,http.,http.",
suffixes: "suffix1,suffix2," + upstreamStatsSuffixes + "," + downstreamStatsSuffixes,
regexps: "http.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*_8080.downstream_rq_time",
base: "tracing_tls",
base: "tracing_tls_custom_sni",
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run("Bootstrap-"+c.base, func(t *testing.T) {
out := t.TempDir()
if c.setup != nil {
if c.teardown != nil {
defer c.teardown()
proxyConfig, err := loadProxyConfig(c.base, out, t)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to load proxy config: %s\n%v", c.base, err)
_, localEnv := createEnv(t, map[string]string{}, c.annotations)
for k, v := range c.envVars {
localEnv = append(localEnv, k+"="+v)
plat := &fakePlatform{
meta: c.platformMeta,
annoFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "annotations")
if err != nil {
defer os.Remove(annoFile.Name())
for k, v := range c.annotations {
annoFile.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s=%q\n", k, v)))
node, err := GetNodeMetaData(MetadataOptions{
ID: "sidecar~",
Envs: localEnv,
Platform: plat,
InstanceIPs: []string{"", "", "", "", ""},
StsPort: c.stsPort,
ProxyConfig: proxyConfig,
PilotSubjectAltName: []string{
OutlierLogPath: "/dev/stdout",
annotationFilePath: annoFile.Name(),
EnvoyPrometheusPort: 15090,
EnvoyStatusPort: 15021,
if err != nil {
fn, err := New(Config{
Node: node,
if err != nil {
read, err := os.ReadFile(fn)
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error reading generated file ", err)
// apply minor modifications for the generated file so that tests are consistent
// across different env setups
err = os.WriteFile(fn, correctForEnvDifference(read, !c.checkLocality, out), 0o700)
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error modifying generated file ", err)
// re-read generated file with the changes having been made
read, err = os.ReadFile(fn)
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error reading generated file ", err)
goldenFile := "testdata/" + c.base + "_golden.json"
util.RefreshGoldenFile(t, read, goldenFile)
golden, err := os.ReadFile(goldenFile)
if err != nil {
golden = []byte{}
realM := &bootstrap.Bootstrap{}
goldenM := &bootstrap.Bootstrap{}
jgolden, err := yaml.YAMLToJSON(golden)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to convert: %s %v", c.base, err)
if err = protomarshal.Unmarshal(jgolden, goldenM); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid json %s %s\n%v", c.base, err, string(jgolden))
if err = goldenM.Validate(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid golden %s: %v", c.base, err)
if err = protomarshal.Unmarshal(read, realM); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid json %v\n%s", err, string(read))
if err = realM.Validate(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid generated file %s: %v", c.base, err)
checkStatsMatcher(t, realM, goldenM, c.stats)
if c.check != nil {
c.check(realM, t)
checkOpencensusConfig(t, realM, goldenM)
if diff := cmp.Diff(goldenM, realM, protocmp.Transform()); diff != "" {
t.Logf("difference: %s", diff)
t.Fatalf("\n got: %s\nwant: %s", prettyPrint(read), prettyPrint(jgolden))
// Check if the LightStep access token file exists
_, err = os.Stat(lightstepAccessTokenFile(path.Dir(fn)))
if c.expectLightstepAccessToken {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Error("expected to find a LightStep access token file but none found")
} else if err != nil {
t.Error("error running Stat on file: ", err)
} else {
if err == nil {
t.Error("found a LightStep access token file but none was expected")
} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Error("error running Stat on file: ", err)
func prettyPrint(b []byte) []byte {
var out bytes.Buffer
_ = json.Indent(&out, b, "", " ")
return out.Bytes()
func checkListStringMatcher(t *testing.T, got *matcher.ListStringMatcher, want string, typ string) {
var patterns []string
for _, pattern := range got.GetPatterns() {
var pat string
switch typ {
case "prefix":
pat = pattern.GetPrefix()
case "suffix":
pat = pattern.GetSuffix()
case "regexp":
// Migration tracked in
//nolint: staticcheck
pat = pattern.GetSafeRegex().GetRegex()
if pat != "" {
patterns = append(patterns, pat)
gotPattern := strings.Join(patterns, ",")
if want != gotPattern {
t.Fatalf("%s mismatch:\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", typ, gotPattern, want)
// nolint: staticcheck
func checkOpencensusConfig(t *testing.T, got, want *bootstrap.Bootstrap) {
if want.Tracing == nil {
if want.Tracing.Http.Name != "envoy.tracers.opencensus" {
if diff := cmp.Diff(got.Tracing.Http, want.Tracing.Http, protocmp.Transform()); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("t diff: %v\ngot:\n %v\nwant:\n %v\n", diff, got.Tracing.Http, want.Tracing.Http)
func checkStatsMatcher(t *testing.T, got, want *bootstrap.Bootstrap, stats stats) {
gsm := got.GetStatsConfig().GetStatsMatcher()
if stats.prefixes == "" {
stats.prefixes = v2Prefixes + requiredEnvoyStatsMatcherInclusionPrefixes + v2Suffix
} else {
stats.prefixes = v2Prefixes + stats.prefixes + "," + requiredEnvoyStatsMatcherInclusionPrefixes + v2Suffix
if stats.suffixes == "" {
stats.suffixes = rbacEnvoyStatsMatcherInclusionSuffix
} else {
stats.suffixes += "," + rbacEnvoyStatsMatcherInclusionSuffix
if err := gsm.Validate(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Generated invalid matcher: %v", err)
checkListStringMatcher(t, gsm.GetInclusionList(), stats.prefixes, "prefix")
checkListStringMatcher(t, gsm.GetInclusionList(), stats.suffixes, "suffix")
checkListStringMatcher(t, gsm.GetInclusionList(), stats.regexps, "regexp")
// remove StatsMatcher for general matching
got.StatsConfig.StatsMatcher = nil
want.StatsConfig.StatsMatcher = nil
// remove StatsMatcher metadata from matching
delete(got.Node.Metadata.Fields, annotation.SidecarStatsInclusionPrefixes.Name)
delete(want.Node.Metadata.Fields, annotation.SidecarStatsInclusionPrefixes.Name)
delete(got.Node.Metadata.Fields, annotation.SidecarStatsInclusionSuffixes.Name)
delete(want.Node.Metadata.Fields, annotation.SidecarStatsInclusionSuffixes.Name)
delete(got.Node.Metadata.Fields, annotation.SidecarStatsInclusionRegexps.Name)
delete(want.Node.Metadata.Fields, annotation.SidecarStatsInclusionRegexps.Name)
type regexReplacement struct {
pattern *regexp.Regexp
replacement []byte
// correctForEnvDifference corrects the portions of a generated bootstrap config that vary depending on the environment
// so that they match the golden file's expected value.
func correctForEnvDifference(in []byte, excludeLocality bool, tmpDir string) []byte {
replacements := []regexReplacement{
// Lightstep access tokens are written to a file and that path is dependent upon the environment variables that
// are set. Standardize the path so that golden files can be properly checked.
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`("access_token_file": ").*(lightstep_access_token.txt")`),
replacement: []byte("$1/test-path/$2"),
// Example: "customConfigFile":"../../tools/packaging/common/envoy_bootstrap.json"
// The path may change in CI/other machines
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`("customConfigFile":").*(envoy_bootstrap.json")`),
replacement: []byte(`"customConfigFile":"envoy_bootstrap.json"`),
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(tmpDir),
replacement: []byte(`/tmp`),
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`("path": ".*/XDS")`),
replacement: []byte(`"path": "/tmp/XDS"`),
if excludeLocality {
// zone and region can vary based on the environment, so it shouldn't be considered in the diff.
replacements = append(replacements,
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`"zone": ".+"`),
replacement: []byte("\"zone\": \"\""),
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`"region": ".+"`),
replacement: []byte("\"region\": \"\""),
out := in
for _, r := range replacements {
out = r.pattern.ReplaceAll(out, r.replacement)
return out
func loadProxyConfig(base, out string, _ *testing.T) (*meshconfig.ProxyConfig, error) {
content, err := os.ReadFile("testdata/" + base + ".proxycfg")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg := &meshconfig.ProxyConfig{}
err = prototext.Unmarshal(content, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Exported from makefile or env
cfg.ConfigPath = filepath.Join(out, "/bootstrap/", base)
cfg.CustomConfigFile = filepath.Join(env.IstioSrc, "/tools/packaging/common/envoy_bootstrap.json")
if cfg.StatusPort == 0 {
cfg.StatusPort = 15020
return cfg, nil
// createEnv takes labels and annotations are returns environment in go format.
func createEnv(t *testing.T, labels map[string]string, anno map[string]string) (map[string]string, []string) {
merged := map[string]string{}
mergeMap(merged, labels)
mergeMap(merged, anno)
envs := make([]string, 0)
if labels != nil {
envs = append(envs, encodeAsJSON(t, labels, "LABELS"))
if anno != nil {
envs = append(envs, encodeAsJSON(t, anno, "ANNOTATIONS"))
return merged, envs
func encodeAsJSON(t *testing.T, data map[string]string, name string) string {
jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to marshal %s %v: %v", name, data, err)
return IstioMetaJSONPrefix + name + "=" + string(jsonStr)
func TestNodeMetadataEncodeEnvWithIstioMetaPrefix(t *testing.T) {
originalKey := "foo"
notIstioMetaKey := "NOT_AN_" + IstioMetaPrefix + originalKey
anIstioMetaKey := IstioMetaPrefix + originalKey
envs := []string{
notIstioMetaKey + "=bar",
anIstioMetaKey + "=baz",
node, err := GetNodeMetaData(MetadataOptions{
ID: "test",
Envs: envs,
ProxyConfig: &meshconfig.ProxyConfig{},
nm := node.Metadata
if err != nil {
if _, ok := nm.Raw[notIstioMetaKey]; ok {
t.Fatalf("%s should not be encoded in node metadata", notIstioMetaKey)
if _, ok := nm.Raw[anIstioMetaKey]; ok {
t.Fatalf("%s should not be encoded in node metadata. The prefix '%s' should be stripped", anIstioMetaKey, IstioMetaPrefix)
if val, ok := nm.Raw[originalKey]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("%s has the prefix %s and it should be encoded in the node metadata", originalKey, IstioMetaPrefix)
} else if val != "baz" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected value node metadata %s. got %s, want: %s", originalKey, val, "baz")
func TestNodeMetadata(t *testing.T) {
envs := []string{
node, err := GetNodeMetaData(MetadataOptions{
ID: "test",
Envs: envs,
ProxyConfig: &meshconfig.ProxyConfig{},
nm := node.Metadata
if err != nil {
if nm.IstioVersion != "1.0.0" {
t.Fatalf("Expected IstioVersion 1.0.0, got %v", nm.IstioVersion)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(nm.Labels, map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}) {
t.Fatalf("Expected Labels foo: bar, got %v", nm.Labels)
func mergeMap(to map[string]string, from map[string]string) {
for k, v := range from {
to[k] = v
type fakePlatform struct {
meta map[string]string
labels map[string]string
func (f *fakePlatform) Metadata() map[string]string {
return f.meta
func (f *fakePlatform) Locality() *core.Locality {
return &core.Locality{}
func (f *fakePlatform) Labels() map[string]string {
return f.labels
func (f *fakePlatform) IsKubernetes() bool {
return true