blob: 1714f68525ca8e50a5b60764f2a9136861ef6ed9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package model
import (
import (
// Bootstrap the door
type Bootstrap struct {
StaticResources StaticResources `yaml:"static_resources" json:"static_resources" mapstructure:"static_resources"`
DynamicResources *DynamicResources `yaml:"dynamic_resources" json:"dynamic_resources" mapstructure:"dynamic_resources"`
Metric Metric `yaml:"metric" json:"metric" mapstructure:"metric"`
Node *Node `yaml:"node" json:"node" mapstructure:"node"`
Trace *TracerConfig `yaml:"tracing" json:"tracing" mapstructure:"tracing"`
Wasm *WasmConfig `yaml:"wasm" json:"wasm" mapstructure:"wasm"`
Config *ConfigCenter `yaml:"config-center" json:"config-center" mapstructure:"config-center"`
// Third party dependency
Nacos *Nacos `yaml:"nacos" json:"nacos" mapstructure:"nacos"`
// Node node info for dynamic identifier
type Node struct {
Cluster string `yaml:"cluster" json:"cluster" mapstructure:"cluster"`
Id string `yaml:"id" json:"id" mapstructure:"id"`
// GetListeners
func (bs *Bootstrap) GetListeners() []*Listener {
return bs.StaticResources.Listeners
func (bs *Bootstrap) GetStaticListeners() []*Listener {
return bs.StaticResources.Listeners
// GetShutdownConfig
func (bs *Bootstrap) GetShutdownConfig() *ShutdownConfig {
if bs.StaticResources.ShutdownConfig == nil {
bs.StaticResources.ShutdownConfig = &ShutdownConfig{
Timeout: "0s",
StepTimeout: "0s",
RejectPolicy: "immediacy",
return bs.StaticResources.ShutdownConfig
// GetPprof
func (bs *Bootstrap) GetPprof() PprofConf {
return bs.StaticResources.PprofConf
// ExistCluster
func (bs *Bootstrap) ExistCluster(name string) bool {
if len(bs.StaticResources.Clusters) > 0 {
for _, v := range bs.StaticResources.Clusters {
if v.Name == name {
return true
return false
// StaticResources
type StaticResources struct {
Listeners []*Listener `yaml:"listeners" json:"listeners" mapstructure:"listeners"`
Clusters []*ClusterConfig `yaml:"clusters" json:"clusters" mapstructure:"clusters"`
Adapters []*Adapter `yaml:"adapters" json:"adapters" mapstructure:"adapters"`
ShutdownConfig *ShutdownConfig `yaml:"shutdown_config" json:"shutdown_config" mapstructure:"shutdown_config"`
PprofConf PprofConf `yaml:"pprofConf" json:"pprofConf" mapstructure:"pprofConf"`
// DynamicResources config the dynamic resource source
// "lds_config": "{...}", # config lister load source
// "cds_config": "{...}", # config cluster load source
// "ads_config": "{...}"
// "ada_config": "{...}" # config adaptor load source
type DynamicResources struct {
LdsConfig *ApiConfigSource `yaml:"lds_config" json:"lds_config" mapstructure:"lds_config"`
CdsConfig *ApiConfigSource `yaml:"cds_config" json:"cds_config" mapstructure:"cds_config"`
AdsConfig *ApiConfigSource `yaml:"ads_config" json:"ads_config" mapstructure:"ads_config"`
// ShutdownConfig how to shutdown server.
type ShutdownConfig struct {
Timeout string `default:"0s" yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout,omitempty"`
StepTimeout string `default:"0s" yaml:"step_timeout" json:"step_timeout,omitempty"`
RejectPolicy string `default:"immediacy" yaml:"reject_policy" json:"reject_policy,omitempty"`
// GetTimeoutOfShutdown
func (sdc *ShutdownConfig) GetTimeout() time.Duration {
result, err := time.ParseDuration(sdc.Timeout)
if err != nil {
defaultTimeout := 60 * time.Second
logger.Errorf("The Timeout configuration is invalid: %s, and we will use the default value: %s, err: %v",
sdc.Timeout, defaultTimeout.String(), err)
return defaultTimeout
return result
// APIMetaConfig how to find api config, file or etcd etc.
type APIMetaConfig struct {
Address string `yaml:"address" json:"address,omitempty"`
APIConfigPath string `default:"/pixiu/config/api" yaml:"api_config_path" json:"api_config_path,omitempty" mapstructure:"api_config_path"`
// TimeoutConfig the config of ConnectTimeout and RequestTimeout
type TimeoutConfig struct {
ConnectTimeoutStr string `default:"5s" yaml:"connect_timeout" json:"connect_timeout,omitempty"` // ConnectTimeout timeout for connect to cluster node
RequestTimeoutStr string `default:"10s" yaml:"request_timeout" json:"request_timeout,omitempty"`
type Config struct {
Listeners []*Listener `yaml:"listeners" json:"listeners" mapstructure:"listeners"`
Clusters []*ClusterConfig `yaml:"clusters" json:"clusters" mapstructure:"clusters"`
Adapters []*Adapter `yaml:"adapters" json:"adapters" mapstructure:"adapters"`
ShutdownConfig *ShutdownConfig `yaml:"shutdown_config" json:"shutdown_config" mapstructure:"shutdown_config"`
PprofConf PprofConf `yaml:"pprofConf" json:"pprofConf" mapstructure:"pprofConf"`
type Nacos struct {
ServerConfigs []*NacosServerConfig `yaml:"server_configs" json:"server-configs" mapstructure:"server_configs"`
ClientConfig *NacosClientConfig `yaml:"client-config" json:"client-config" mapstructure:"client_config"`
DataId string `yaml:"data-id" json:"data-id" mapstructure:"data_id" default:"pixiu.yaml"`
Group string `yaml:"group" json:"group" mapstructure:"group" default:"DEFAULT_GROUP"`
type NacosServerConfig struct {
IpAddr string `json:"ip_addr,omitempty" yaml:"ip_addr" mapstructure:"ip_addr"`
Port uint64 `json:"port,omitempty" yaml:"port" mapstructure:"port"`
Scheme string `json:"scheme" yaml:"scheme" mapstructure:"scheme"`
ContextPath string `json:"contextPath" yaml:"contextPath" mapstructure:"contextPath"`
type NacosClientConfig struct {
TimeoutMs uint64 `json:"timeout_ms,omitempty" yaml:"timeout_ms" mapstructure:"timeout_ms"` // timeout for requesting Nacos server, default value is 10000ms
ListenInterval uint64 `json:"listen_interval,omitempty" yaml:"listen_interval" mapstructure:"listen_interval"` // Deprecated
BeatInterval int64 `json:"beat_interval,omitempty" yaml:"beat_interval" mapstructure:"beat_interval"` // the time interval for sending beat to server,default value is 5000ms
NamespaceId string `json:"namespace_id,omitempty" yaml:"namespace_id" mapstructure:"namespace_id"` // the namespaceId of Nacos.When namespace is public, fill in the blank string here.
AppName string `json:"app_name,omitempty" yaml:"app_name" mapstructure:"app_name"` // the appName
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint,omitempty" yaml:"endpoint" mapstructure:"endpoint"` // the endpoint for get Nacos server addresses
RegionId string `json:"region_id,omitempty" yaml:"region_id" mapstructure:"region_id"` // the regionId for kms
AccessKey string `json:"access_key,omitempty" yaml:"access_key" mapstructure:"access_key"` // the AccessKey for kms
SecretKey string `json:"secret_key,omitempty" yaml:"secret_key" mapstructure:"secret_key"` // the SecretKey for kms
OpenKMS bool `json:"open_kms,omitempty" yaml:"open_kms" mapstructure:"open_kms"` // it's to open kms,default is false.
CacheDir string `json:"cache_dir,omitempty" yaml:"cache_dir" mapstructure:"cache_dir" default:"/tmp/nacos/cache"` // the directory for persist nacos service info,default value is current path
UpdateThreadNum int `json:"update_thread_num,omitempty" yaml:"update_thread_num" mapstructure:"update_thread_num"` // the number of gorutine for update nacos service info,default value is 20
NotLoadCacheAtStart bool `json:"not_load_cache_at_start,omitempty" yaml:"not_load_cache_at_start" mapstructure:"not_load_cache_at_start"` // not to load persistent nacos service info in CacheDir at start time
UpdateCacheWhenEmpty bool `json:"update_cache_when_empty,omitempty" yaml:"update_cache_when_empty" mapstructure:"update_cache_when_empty"` // update cache when get empty service instance from server
Username string `json:"username,omitempty" yaml:"username" mapstructure:"username"` // the username for nacos auth
Password string `json:"password,omitempty" yaml:"password" mapstructure:"password"` // the password for nacos auth
LogDir string `json:"log_dir,omitempty" yaml:"log_dir" mapstructure:"log_dir" default:"/tmp/nacos/log"` // the directory for log, default is current path
LogLevel string `json:"log_level,omitempty" yaml:"log_level" mapstructure:"log_level"` // the level of log, it's must be debug,info,warn,error, default value is info
//LogSampling *ClientLogSamplingConfig // the sampling config of log
ContextPath string `json:"context_path,omitempty" yaml:"context_path" mapstructure:"context_path"` // the nacos server contextpath
//LogRollingConfig *ClientLogRollingConfig // the log rolling config
type ConfigCenter struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type"`
Enable string `json:"enable" yaml:"enable"`