blob: b95873b0f2c2f3114b9fadbb3ac3457cbcfef784 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package filter
import (
stdHttp "net/http"
import (
import (
type (
// HttpFilterPlugin describe plugin
HttpFilterPlugin interface {
// Kind returns the unique kind name to represent itself.
Kind() string
// CreateFilterFactory return the filter factory
CreateFilterFactory() (HttpFilterFactory, error)
// HttpFilterFactory describe http filter
HttpFilterFactory interface {
// Config Expose the config so that Filter Manger can inject it, so it must be a pointer
Config() interface{}
// Apply After the config is injected, check it or make it to default
Apply() error
// PrepareFilterChain create filter and append it to FilterChain
// Be Careful !!! Do not pass the Factory's config pointer to the Filter instance,
// Factory's config may be updated by FilterManager
PrepareFilterChain(ctx *http.HttpContext, chain FilterChain) error
// HttpDecodeFilter before invoke upstream, like add/remove Header, route mutation etc..
// if config like this:
// - A
// - B
// - C
// decode filters will be invoked in the config order: A、B、C, and decode filters will be
// invoked in the reverse order: C、B、A
HttpDecodeFilter interface {
Decode(ctx *http.HttpContext) FilterStatus
// HttpEncodeFilter after invoke upstream,
// decode filters will be invoked in the reverse order
HttpEncodeFilter interface {
Encode(ctx *http.HttpContext) FilterStatus
// NetworkFilter describe network filter plugin
NetworkFilterPlugin interface {
// Kind returns the unique kind name to represent itself.
Kind() string
// CreateFilterFactory return the filter callback
CreateFilter(config interface{}) (NetworkFilter, error)
// Config Expose the config so that Filter Manger can inject it, so it must be a pointer
Config() interface{}
// NetworkFilter describe network filter
NetworkFilter interface {
// ServeHTTP handle http request and response
ServeHTTP(w stdHttp.ResponseWriter, r *stdHttp.Request)
// OnDecode decode bytes received from getty server
OnDecode(data []byte) (interface{}, int, error)
// OnEncode encode interface sent to getty server
OnEncode(p interface{}) ([]byte, error)
// OnData dubbo rpc invocation from getty server
OnData(data interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// OnTripleData triple rpc invocation from triple-server
OnTripleData(ctx context.Context, methodName string, arguments []interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// EmptyNetworkFilter default empty network filter adapter which offers empty function implements
EmptyNetworkFilter struct{}
// DubboFilter describe dubbo filter
DubboFilter interface {
// Handle rpc invocation
Handle(ctx *dubbo.RpcContext) FilterStatus
// NetworkFilter describe dubbo filter plugin
DubboFilterPlugin interface {
// Kind returns the unique kind name to represent itself.
Kind() string
// CreateFilter return the filter callback
CreateFilter(config interface{}) (DubboFilter, error)
// Config Expose the config so that Filter Manger can inject it, so it must be a pointer
Config() interface{}
var (
httpFilterPluginRegistry = map[string]HttpFilterPlugin{}
networkFilterPluginRegistry = map[string]NetworkFilterPlugin{}
dubboFilterPluginRegistry = map[string]DubboFilterPlugin{}
// OnDecode empty implement
func (enf *EmptyNetworkFilter) OnDecode(data []byte) (interface{}, int, error) {
panic("OnDecode is not implemented")
// OnEncode empty implement
func (enf *EmptyNetworkFilter) OnEncode(p interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
panic("OnEncode is not implemented")
// OnData receive data from listener
func (enf *EmptyNetworkFilter) OnData(data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
panic("OnData is not implemented")
// OnTripleData empty implement
func (enf *EmptyNetworkFilter) OnTripleData(ctx context.Context, methodName string, arguments []interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
panic("OnTripleData is not implemented")
// ServeHTTP empty implement
func (enf *EmptyNetworkFilter) ServeHTTP(w stdHttp.ResponseWriter, r *stdHttp.Request) {
panic("ServeHTTP is not implemented")
// Register registers filter plugin.
func RegisterHttpFilter(f HttpFilterPlugin) {
if f.Kind() == "" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T: empty kind", f))
existedPlugin, existed := httpFilterPluginRegistry[f.Kind()]
if existed {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T and %T got same kind: %s", f, existedPlugin, f.Kind()))
httpFilterPluginRegistry[f.Kind()] = f
// GetHttpFilterPlugin get plugin by kind
func GetHttpFilterPlugin(kind string) (HttpFilterPlugin, error) {
existedFilter, existed := httpFilterPluginRegistry[kind]
if existed {
return existedFilter, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("plugin not found %s", kind)
// RegisterNetworkFilter registers network filter.
func RegisterNetworkFilterPlugin(f NetworkFilterPlugin) {
if f.Kind() == "" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T: empty kind", f))
existedFilter, existed := networkFilterPluginRegistry[f.Kind()]
if existed {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T and %T got same kind: %s", f, existedFilter, f.Kind()))
networkFilterPluginRegistry[f.Kind()] = f
// GetNetworkFilterPlugin get plugin by kind
func GetNetworkFilterPlugin(kind string) (NetworkFilterPlugin, error) {
existedFilter, existed := networkFilterPluginRegistry[kind]
if existed {
return existedFilter, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("plugin not found %s", kind)
// RegisterDubboFilterPlugin registers dubbo filter.
func RegisterDubboFilterPlugin(f DubboFilterPlugin) {
if f.Kind() == "" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T: empty kind", f))
existedFilter, existed := dubboFilterPluginRegistry[f.Kind()]
if existed {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T and %T got same kind: %s", f, existedFilter, f.Kind()))
dubboFilterPluginRegistry[f.Kind()] = f
// GetDubboFilterPlugin get plugin by kind
func GetDubboFilterPlugin(kind string) (DubboFilterPlugin, error) {
existedFilter, existed := dubboFilterPluginRegistry[kind]
if existed {
return existedFilter, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("plugin not found %s", kind)