blob: b8667200164c3506da003f402587d73c4023a946 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package xds
import (
import (
cryptomb ""
core ""
envoytls ""
discovery ""
mesh ""
import (
credscontroller ""
securitymodel ""
// SecretResource wraps the authnmodel type with cache functions implemented
type SecretResource struct {
var _ model.XdsCacheEntry = SecretResource{}
// DependentTypes is not needed; we know exactly which configs impact SDS, so we can scope at DependentConfigs level
func (sr SecretResource) DependentTypes() []config.GroupVersionKind {
return nil
func (sr SecretResource) DependentConfigs() []model.ConfigKey {
return relatedConfigs(model.ConfigKey{Kind: gvk.Secret, Name: sr.Name, Namespace: sr.Namespace})
func (sr SecretResource) Cacheable() bool {
return true
func sdsNeedsPush(updates model.XdsUpdates) bool {
if len(updates) == 0 {
return true
if len(model.ConfigNamesOfKind(updates, gvk.Secret)) > 0 {
return true
return false
// parseResources parses a list of resource names to SecretResource types, for a given proxy.
// Invalid resource names are ignored
func (s *SecretGen) parseResources(names []string, proxy *model.Proxy) []SecretResource {
res := make([]SecretResource, 0, len(names))
for _, resource := range names {
sr, err := credentials.ParseResourceName(resource, proxy.VerifiedIdentity.Namespace, proxy.Metadata.ClusterID, s.configCluster)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error parsing resource name: %v", err)
res = append(res, SecretResource{sr})
return res
func (s *SecretGen) Generate(proxy *model.Proxy, w *model.WatchedResource, req *model.PushRequest) (model.Resources, model.XdsLogDetails, error) {
if proxy.VerifiedIdentity == nil {
log.Warnf("proxy %s is not authorized to receive credscontroller. Ensure you are connecting over TLS port and are authenticated.", proxy.ID)
return nil, model.DefaultXdsLogDetails, nil
if req == nil || !sdsNeedsPush(req.ConfigsUpdated) {
return nil, model.DefaultXdsLogDetails, nil
var updatedSecrets map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}
if !req.Full {
updatedSecrets = model.ConfigsOfKind(req.ConfigsUpdated, gvk.Secret)
// TODO: For the new gateway-api, we should always search the config namespace and stop reading across all clusters
proxyClusterSecrets, err := s.secrets.ForCluster(proxy.Metadata.ClusterID)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("proxy %s is from an unknown cluster, cannot retrieve certificates: %v", proxy.ID, err)
return nil, model.DefaultXdsLogDetails, nil
configClusterSecrets, err := s.secrets.ForCluster(s.configCluster)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("config cluster %s not found, cannot retrieve certificates: %v", s.configCluster, err)
return nil, model.DefaultXdsLogDetails, nil
// Filter down to resources we can access. We do not return an error if they attempt to access a Secret
// they cannot; instead we just exclude it. This ensures that a single bad reference does not break the whole
// SDS flow. The pilotSDSCertificateErrors metric and logs handle visibility into invalid references.
resources := filterAuthorizedResources(s.parseResources(w.ResourceNames, proxy), proxy, proxyClusterSecrets)
results := model.Resources{}
cached, regenerated := 0, 0
for _, sr := range resources {
if updatedSecrets != nil {
if !containsAny(updatedSecrets, relatedConfigs(model.ConfigKey{Kind: gvk.Secret, Name: sr.Name, Namespace: sr.Namespace})) {
// This is an incremental update, filter out secrets that are not updated.
cachedItem, f := s.cache.Get(sr)
if f && !features.EnableUnsafeAssertions {
// If it is in the Cache, add it and continue
// We skip cache if assertions are enabled, so that the cache will assert our eviction logic is correct
results = append(results, cachedItem)
res := s.generate(sr, configClusterSecrets, proxyClusterSecrets, proxy)
if res != nil {
s.cache.Add(sr, req, res)
results = append(results, res)
return results, model.XdsLogDetails{AdditionalInfo: fmt.Sprintf("cached:%v/%v", cached, cached+regenerated)}, nil
func (s *SecretGen) generate(sr SecretResource, configClusterSecrets, proxyClusterSecrets credscontroller.Controller, proxy *model.Proxy) *discovery.Resource {
// Fetch the appropriate cluster's secret, based on the credential type
var secretController credscontroller.Controller
switch sr.Type {
case credentials.KubernetesGatewaySecretType:
secretController = configClusterSecrets
secretController = proxyClusterSecrets
isCAOnlySecret := strings.HasSuffix(sr.Name, securitymodel.SdsCaSuffix)
if isCAOnlySecret {
caCert, err := secretController.GetCaCert(sr.Name, sr.Namespace)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to fetch ca certificate for %s: %v", sr.ResourceName, err)
return nil
if features.VerifySDSCertificate {
if err := validateCertificate(caCert); err != nil {
recordInvalidCertificate(sr.ResourceName, err)
return nil
res := toEnvoyCaSecret(sr.ResourceName, caCert)
return res
key, cert, err := secretController.GetKeyAndCert(sr.Name, sr.Namespace)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to fetch key and certificate for %s: %v", sr.ResourceName, err)
return nil
if features.VerifySDSCertificate {
if err := validateCertificate(cert); err != nil {
recordInvalidCertificate(sr.ResourceName, err)
return nil
res := toEnvoyKeyCertSecret(sr.ResourceName, key, cert, proxy, s.meshConfig)
return res
func validateCertificate(data []byte) error {
block, _ := pem.Decode(data)
if block == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pem decode failed")
_, err := x509.ParseCertificates(block.Bytes)
return err
func recordInvalidCertificate(name string, err error) {
log.Warnf("invalid certificates: %q: %v", name, err)
// filterAuthorizedResources takes a list of SecretResource and filters out resources that proxy cannot access
func filterAuthorizedResources(resources []SecretResource, proxy *model.Proxy, secrets credscontroller.Controller) []SecretResource {
var authzResult *bool
var authzError error
// isAuthorized is a small wrapper around credscontroller.Authorize so we only call it once instead of each time in the loop
isAuthorized := func() bool {
if authzResult != nil {
return *authzResult
res := false
if err := secrets.Authorize(proxy.VerifiedIdentity.ServiceAccount, proxy.VerifiedIdentity.Namespace); err == nil {
res = true
} else {
authzError = err
authzResult = &res
return res
// There are 4 cases of secret reference
// Verified cross namespace (by ReferencePolicy). No Authz needed.
// Verified same namespace (implicit). No Authz needed.
// Unverified cross namespace. Never allowed.
// Unverified same namespace. Allowed if authorized.
allowedResources := make([]SecretResource, 0, len(resources))
deniedResources := make([]string, 0)
for _, r := range resources {
sameNamespace := r.Namespace == proxy.VerifiedIdentity.Namespace
verified := proxy.MergedGateway != nil && proxy.MergedGateway.VerifiedCertificateReferences.Contains(r.ResourceName)
switch r.Type {
case credentials.KubernetesGatewaySecretType:
// For KubernetesGateway, we only allow VerifiedCertificateReferences.
// This means a Secret in the same namespace as the Gateway (which also must be in the same namespace
// as the proxy), or a ReferencePolicy allowing the reference.
if verified {
allowedResources = append(allowedResources, r)
} else {
deniedResources = append(deniedResources, r.Name)
case credentials.KubernetesSecretType:
// For Kubernetes, we require the secret to be in the same namespace as the proxy and for it to be
// authorized for access.
if sameNamespace && isAuthorized() {
allowedResources = append(allowedResources, r)
} else {
deniedResources = append(deniedResources, r.Name)
// Should never happen
log.Warnf("unknown credential type %q", r.Type)
// If we filtered any out, report an error. We aggregate errors in one place here, rather than in the loop,
// to avoid excessive logs.
if len(deniedResources) > 0 {
errMessage := authzError
if errMessage == nil {
errMessage = fmt.Errorf("cross namespace secret reference requires ReferencePolicy")
log.Warnf("proxy %s attempted to access unauthorized certificates %s: %v", proxy.ID, atMostNJoin(deniedResources, 3), errMessage)
return allowedResources
func atMostNJoin(data []string, limit int) string {
if limit == 0 || limit == 1 {
// Assume limit >1, but make sure we dpn't crash if someone does pass those
return strings.Join(data, ", ")
if len(data) == 0 {
return ""
if len(data) < limit {
return strings.Join(data, ", ")
return strings.Join(data[:limit-1], ", ") + fmt.Sprintf(", and %d others", len(data)-limit+1)
func toEnvoyCaSecret(name string, cert []byte) *discovery.Resource {
res := util.MessageToAny(&envoytls.Secret{
Name: name,
Type: &envoytls.Secret_ValidationContext{
ValidationContext: &envoytls.CertificateValidationContext{
TrustedCa: &core.DataSource{
Specifier: &core.DataSource_InlineBytes{
InlineBytes: cert,
return &discovery.Resource{
Name: name,
Resource: res,
func toEnvoyKeyCertSecret(name string, key, cert []byte, proxy *model.Proxy, meshConfig *mesh.MeshConfig) *discovery.Resource {
var res *anypb.Any
pkpConf := proxy.Metadata.ProxyConfigOrDefault(meshConfig.GetDefaultConfig()).GetPrivateKeyProvider()
switch pkpConf.GetProvider().(type) {
case *mesh.PrivateKeyProvider_Cryptomb:
crypto := pkpConf.GetCryptomb()
msg := util.MessageToAny(&cryptomb.CryptoMbPrivateKeyMethodConfig{
PollDelay: durationpb.New(time.Duration(crypto.GetPollDelay().Nanos)),
PrivateKey: &core.DataSource{
Specifier: &core.DataSource_InlineBytes{
InlineBytes: key,
res = util.MessageToAny(&envoytls.Secret{
Name: name,
Type: &envoytls.Secret_TlsCertificate{
TlsCertificate: &envoytls.TlsCertificate{
CertificateChain: &core.DataSource{
Specifier: &core.DataSource_InlineBytes{
InlineBytes: cert,
PrivateKeyProvider: &envoytls.PrivateKeyProvider{
ProviderName: "cryptomb",
ConfigType: &envoytls.PrivateKeyProvider_TypedConfig{
TypedConfig: msg,
res = util.MessageToAny(&envoytls.Secret{
Name: name,
Type: &envoytls.Secret_TlsCertificate{
TlsCertificate: &envoytls.TlsCertificate{
CertificateChain: &core.DataSource{
Specifier: &core.DataSource_InlineBytes{
InlineBytes: cert,
PrivateKey: &core.DataSource{
Specifier: &core.DataSource_InlineBytes{
InlineBytes: key,
return &discovery.Resource{
Name: name,
Resource: res,
func containsAny(mp map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}, keys []model.ConfigKey) bool {
for _, k := range keys {
if _, f := mp[k]; f {
return true
return false
// relatedConfigs maps a single resource to a list of relevant resources. This is used for cache invalidation
// and push skipping. This is because an secret potentially has a dependency on the same secret with or without
// the -cacert suffix. By including this dependency we ensure we do not miss any updates.
// This is important for cases where we have a compound secret. In this case, the `foo` secret may update,
// but we need to push both the `foo` and `foo-cacert` resource name, or they will fall out of sync.
func relatedConfigs(k model.ConfigKey) []model.ConfigKey {
related := []model.ConfigKey{k}
// For secret without -cacert suffix, add the suffix
if !strings.HasSuffix(k.Name, securitymodel.SdsCaSuffix) {
k.Name += securitymodel.SdsCaSuffix
related = append(related, k)
} else {
// For secret with -cacert suffix, remove the suffix
k.Name = strings.TrimSuffix(k.Name, securitymodel.SdsCaSuffix)
related = append(related, k)
return related
type SecretGen struct {
secrets credscontroller.MulticlusterController
// Cache for XDS resources
cache model.XdsCache
configCluster cluster.ID
meshConfig *mesh.MeshConfig
var _ model.XdsResourceGenerator = &SecretGen{}
func NewSecretGen(sc credscontroller.MulticlusterController, cache model.XdsCache, configCluster cluster.ID,
meshConfig *mesh.MeshConfig) *SecretGen {
// TODO: Currently we only have a single credentials controller (Kubernetes). In the future, we will need a mapping
// of resource type to secret controller (ie kubernetes:// -> KubernetesController, vault:// -> VaultController)
return &SecretGen{
secrets: sc,
cache: cache,
configCluster: configCluster,
meshConfig: meshConfig,