blob: 187a6f3d11c9ae05f583610efd9849a9a6d5b0ae [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright Istio Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package status
import (
import (
// Manager allows multiple controllers to provide input into configuration
// status without needlessly doubling the number of writes, or overwriting
// one another. Each status controller calls newController, passing in
// an arbitrary status modification function, and then calls EnqueueStatusUpdate
// when an individual resource is ready to be updated with the relevant data.
type Manager struct {
// TODO: is Resource the right abstraction?
store model.ConfigStore
workers WorkerQueue
func NewManager(store model.ConfigStore) *Manager {
writeFunc := func(m *config.Config, istatus interface{}) {
scope.Debugf("writing status for resource %s/%s", m.Namespace, m.Name)
status := istatus.(GenerationProvider)
m.Status = status.Unwrap()
_, err := store.UpdateStatus(*m)
if err != nil {
// TODO: need better error handling
scope.Errorf("Encountered unexpected error updating status for %v, will try again later: %s", m, err)
retrieveFunc := func(resource Resource) *config.Config {
scope.Debugf("retrieving config for status update: %s/%s", resource.Namespace, resource.Name)
schema, _ := collections.All.FindByGroupVersionResource(resource.GroupVersionResource)
if schema == nil {
scope.Warnf("schema %v could not be identified", schema)
return nil
current := store.Get(schema.Resource().GroupVersionKind(), resource.Name, resource.Namespace)
return current
return &Manager{
store: store,
workers: NewWorkerPool(writeFunc, retrieveFunc, uint(features.StatusMaxWorkers)),
func (m *Manager) Start(stop <-chan struct{}) {
scope.Info("Starting status manager")
ctx := NewIstioContext(stop)
// CreateGenericController provides an interface for a status update function to be
// called in series with other controllers, minimizing the number of actual
// api server writes sent from various status controllers. The UpdateFunc
// must take the target resrouce status and arbitrary context information as
// parameters, and return the updated status value. Multiple controllers
// will be called in series, so the input status may not have been written
// to the API server yet, and the output status may be modified by other
// controllers before it is written to the server.
func (m *Manager) CreateGenericController(fn UpdateFunc) *Controller {
result := &Controller{
fn: fn,
workers: m.workers,
return result
func (m *Manager) CreateIstioStatusController(fn func(status *v1alpha1.IstioStatus, context interface{}) *v1alpha1.IstioStatus) *Controller {
wrapper := func(status interface{}, context interface{}) GenerationProvider {
var input *v1alpha1.IstioStatus
if status != nil {
converted := status.(*IstioGenerationProvider)
input = converted.IstioStatus
result := fn(input, context)
return &IstioGenerationProvider{result}
result := &Controller{
fn: wrapper,
workers: m.workers,
return result
type UpdateFunc func(status interface{}, context interface{}) GenerationProvider
type Controller struct {
fn UpdateFunc
workers WorkerQueue
// EnqueueStatusUpdateResource informs the manager that this controller would like to
// update the status of target, using the information in context. Once the status
// workers are ready to perform this update, the controller's UpdateFunc
// will be called with target and context as input.
func (c *Controller) EnqueueStatusUpdateResource(context interface{}, target Resource) {
// TODO: buffer this with channel
c.workers.Push(target, c, context)
func (c *Controller) Delete(r Resource) {