blob: cdc7c872498f3fa060ff254518a148be5a1485be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package serviceentry
import (
import (
networking ""
import (
func createConfigs(configs []*config.Config, store model.ConfigStore, t testing.TB) {
for _, cfg := range configs {
_, err := store.Create(*cfg)
if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "item already exists") {
_, err := store.Update(*cfg)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error occurred updating ServiceEntry config: %v", err)
} else if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error occurred creating ServiceEntry config: %v", err)
func callInstanceHandlers(instances []*model.WorkloadInstance, sd *Controller, ev model.Event, t testing.TB) {
for _, instance := range instances {
sd.WorkloadInstanceHandler(instance, ev)
func deleteConfigs(configs []*config.Config, store model.ConfigStore, t testing.TB) {
for _, cfg := range configs {
err := store.Delete(cfg.GroupVersionKind, cfg.Name, cfg.Namespace, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error occurred crearting ServiceEntry config: %v", err)
type Event struct {
kind string
host string
namespace string
proxyIP string
endpoints int
pushReq *model.PushRequest
type FakeXdsUpdater struct {
// Events tracks notifications received by the updater
Events chan Event
var _ model.XDSUpdater = &FakeXdsUpdater{}
func (fx *FakeXdsUpdater) EDSUpdate(_ model.ShardKey, hostname string, namespace string, entry []*model.IstioEndpoint) {
fx.Events <- Event{kind: "eds", host: hostname, namespace: namespace, endpoints: len(entry)}
func (fx *FakeXdsUpdater) EDSCacheUpdate(_ model.ShardKey, _, _ string, _ []*model.IstioEndpoint) {
func (fx *FakeXdsUpdater) ConfigUpdate(req *model.PushRequest) {
fx.Events <- Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: req}
func (fx *FakeXdsUpdater) ProxyUpdate(_ cluster.ID, ip string) {
fx.Events <- Event{kind: "xds", proxyIP: ip}
func (fx *FakeXdsUpdater) SvcUpdate(_ model.ShardKey, hostname string, namespace string, _ model.Event) {
fx.Events <- Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: hostname, namespace: namespace}
func (fx *FakeXdsUpdater) RemoveShard(_ model.ShardKey) {
fx.Events <- Event{kind: "removeshard"}
func waitUntilEvent(t testing.TB, ch chan Event, event Event) {
for {
select {
case e := <-ch:
if e == event {
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out waiting for event %v", event)
func waitForEvent(t testing.TB, ch chan Event) Event {
select {
case e := <-ch:
return e
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out waiting for event")
return Event{}
func initServiceDiscovery() (model.ConfigStore, *Controller, chan Event, func()) {
return initServiceDiscoveryWithOpts(false)
// initServiceDiscoveryWithoutEvents initializes a test setup with no events. This avoids excessive attempts to push
// EDS updates to a full queue
func initServiceDiscoveryWithoutEvents(t test.Failer) (model.ConfigStore, *Controller) {
store := memory.Make(collections.Pilot)
configController := memory.NewController(store)
stop := make(chan struct{})
go configController.Run(stop)
eventch := make(chan Event, 100)
xdsUpdater := &FakeXdsUpdater{
Events: eventch,
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case <-eventch: // drain
istioStore := model.MakeIstioStore(configController)
serviceController := NewController(configController, istioStore, xdsUpdater)
t.Cleanup(func() {
return istioStore, serviceController
func initServiceDiscoveryWithOpts(workloadOnly bool, opts ...Option) (model.ConfigStore, *Controller, chan Event, func()) {
store := memory.Make(collections.Pilot)
configController := memory.NewController(store)
stop := make(chan struct{})
go configController.Run(stop)
eventch := make(chan Event, 100)
xdsUpdater := &FakeXdsUpdater{
Events: eventch,
istioStore := model.MakeIstioStore(configController)
var controller *Controller
if !workloadOnly {
controller = NewController(configController, istioStore, xdsUpdater, opts...)
} else {
controller = NewWorkloadEntryController(configController, istioStore, xdsUpdater, opts...)
go controller.Run(stop)
return istioStore, controller, eventch, func() {
func TestServiceDiscoveryServices(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, eventCh, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
expectedServices := []*model.Service{
makeService("*", "httpDNSRR", constants.UnspecifiedIP, map[string]int{"http-port": 80, "http-alt-port": 8080}, true, model.DNSRoundRobinLB),
makeService("*", "httpDNS", constants.UnspecifiedIP, map[string]int{"http-port": 80, "http-alt-port": 8080}, true, model.DNSLB),
makeService("", "tcpStatic", "", map[string]int{"tcp-444": 444}, true, model.ClientSideLB),
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpDNS, httpDNSRR, tcpStatic}, store, t)
waitUntilEvent(t, eventCh, Event{
kind: "svcupdate",
host: "*",
namespace: httpDNS.Namespace,
waitUntilEvent(t, eventCh, Event{
kind: "svcupdate",
host: "*",
namespace: httpDNSRR.Namespace,
waitUntilEvent(t, eventCh, Event{
kind: "svcupdate",
host: "",
namespace: tcpStatic.Namespace,
services := sd.Services()
if err := compare(t, services, expectedServices); err != nil {
func TestServiceDiscoveryGetService(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "*"
hostDNE := "does.not.exist.local"
store, sd, eventCh, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpDNS, tcpStatic}, store, t)
waitForEvent(t, eventCh)
waitForEvent(t, eventCh)
service := sd.GetService(host.Name(hostDNE))
if service != nil {
t.Errorf("GetService(%q) => should not exist, got %s", hostDNE, service.Hostname)
service = sd.GetService(host.Name(hostname))
if service == nil {
t.Fatalf("GetService(%q) => should exist", hostname)
if service.Hostname != host.Name(hostname) {
t.Errorf("GetService(%q) => %q, want %q", hostname, service.Hostname, hostname)
// TestServiceDiscoveryServiceUpdate test various add/update/delete events for ServiceEntry
// nolint: lll
func TestServiceDiscoveryServiceUpdate(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, events, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
// httpStaticOverlayUpdated is the same as httpStaticOverlay but with an extra endpoint added to test updates
httpStaticOverlayUpdated := func() *config.Config {
c := httpStaticOverlay.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.Endpoints = append(se.Endpoints, &networking.WorkloadEntry{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"other": "bar"},
return &c
// httpStaticOverlayUpdatedInstance is the same as httpStaticOverlayUpdated but with an extra endpoint added that has the same address
httpStaticOverlayUpdatedInstance := func() *config.Config {
c := httpStaticOverlayUpdated.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.Endpoints = append(se.Endpoints, &networking.WorkloadEntry{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"some-new-label": "bar"},
return &c
// httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNop is the same as httpStaticOverlayUpdated but with a NOP change
httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNop := func() *config.Config {
c := httpStaticOverlayUpdated.DeepCopy()
return &c
// httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs is the same as httpStaticOverlay but with an extra endpoint and different namespace added to test updates
httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs := func() *config.Config {
c := httpStaticOverlay.DeepCopy()
c.Namespace = "other"
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.Endpoints = append(se.Endpoints, &networking.WorkloadEntry{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"namespace": "bar"},
return &c
// Setup the expected instances for `httpStatic`. This will be added/removed from as we add various configs
baseInstances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpStatic, "", 7080, httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpStatic, "", 18080, httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpStatic, "", 1080, httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpStatic, "", 8080, httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpStatic, "", 1080, httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStatic, "", 8080, httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, PlainText),
t.Run("simple entry", func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a SE, expect the base instances
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStatic}, store, t)
instances := baseInstances
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStatic, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "*", namespace: httpStatic.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts[0], Namespace: httpStatic.Namespace}: {}}}})
t.Run("add entry", func(t *testing.T) {
// Create another SE for the same host, expect these instances to get added
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlay}, store, t)
instances := append(baseInstances,
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText))
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStatic, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts[0], Namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace}: {}}}})
t.Run("add endpoint", func(t *testing.T) {
// Update the SE for the same host, expect these instances to get added
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlayUpdated}, store, t)
instances := append(baseInstances,
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"other": "bar"}, PlainText))
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStatic, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace, endpoints: len(instances)})
// Make a NOP change, expect that there are no changes
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNop}, store, t)
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNop, 0, instances)
// TODO this could trigger no changes
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace, endpoints: len(instances)})
t.Run("overlapping address", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add another SE with an additional endpoint with a matching address
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlayUpdatedInstance}, store, t)
instances := append(baseInstances,
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"other": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"some-new-label": "bar"}, PlainText))
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStaticOverlayUpdatedInstance, 0, instances)
proxyInstances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"other": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"some-new-label": "bar"}, PlainText),
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, proxyInstances, "")
// TODO 45 is wrong
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace, endpoints: len(instances)})
// Remove the additional endpoint
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlayUpdated}, store, t)
instances = append(baseInstances,
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"other": "bar"}, PlainText))
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStatic, 0, instances)
proxyInstances = []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"other": "bar"}, PlainText),
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, proxyInstances, "")
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace, endpoints: len(instances)})
t.Run("update removes endpoint", func(t *testing.T) {
// Update the SE for the same host to remove the endpoint
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlay}, store, t)
instances := append(baseInstances,
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText))
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStaticOverlay, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "eds", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace, endpoints: len(instances)})
t.Run("different namespace", func(t *testing.T) {
// Update the SE for the same host in a different ns, expect these instances to get added
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"namespace": "bar"}, PlainText),
// This lookup is per-namespace, so we should only see the objects in the same namespace
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs, 0, instances)
// Expect a full push, as the Service has changed
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "*", namespace: "other"},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts[0], Namespace: httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs.Namespace}: {}}}})
t.Run("delete entry", func(t *testing.T) {
// Delete the additional SE in same namespace , expect it to get removed
deleteConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlayUpdated}, store, t)
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStatic, 0, baseInstances)
// Check the other namespace is untouched
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"namespace": "bar"}, PlainText),
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStaticOverlayUpdatedNs, 0, instances)
// svcUpdate is not triggered since `httpStatic` is there and has instances, so we should
// not delete the endpoints shards of "*". We xpect a full push as the service has changed.
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "*", Namespace: httpStaticOverlayUpdated.Namespace}: {}}}},
// delete httpStatic, no "*" service exists now.
deleteConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStatic}, store, t)
// svcUpdate is triggered since "*" in same namespace is deleted and
// we need to delete endpoint shards. We expect a full push as the service has changed.
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "*", namespace: httpStatic.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "*", Namespace: httpStaticOverlayUpdated.Namespace}: {}}}},
// add back httpStatic
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStatic}, store, t)
instances = baseInstances
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStatic, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "*", namespace: httpStatic.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts[0], Namespace: httpStatic.Namespace}: {}}}})
// Add back the ServiceEntry, expect these instances to get added
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlayUpdated}, store, t)
instances = append(baseInstances,
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"other": "bar"}, PlainText))
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStatic, 0, instances)
// Service change, so we need a full push
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "*", Namespace: httpStaticOverlayUpdated.Namespace}: {}}}})
t.Run("change host", func(t *testing.T) {
// same as httpStaticOverlayUpdated but with an additional host
httpStaticHost := func() *config.Config {
c := httpStaticOverlayUpdated.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.Hosts = append(se.Hosts, "")
return &c
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticHost}, store, t)
instances := append(baseInstances,
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(httpStaticOverlay, "", 4567, httpStaticOverlay.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"other": "bar"}, PlainText))
// This is not applied, just to make makeInstance pick the right service.
otherHost := func() *config.Config {
c := httpStaticOverlayUpdated.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.Hosts = []string{""}
return &c
instances2 := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(otherHost, "", 4567, httpStaticHost.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"overlay": "bar"}, PlainText),
makeInstance(otherHost, "", 4567, httpStaticHost.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"other": "bar"}, PlainText),
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpStaticHost, 0, instances, instances2)
// Service change, so we need a full push
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: httpStaticOverlayUpdated.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "", Namespace: httpStaticOverlayUpdated.Namespace}: {}}}}) // service added
// restore this config and remove the added host.
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStaticOverlayUpdated}, store, t)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: httpStatic.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "", Namespace: httpStaticOverlayUpdated.Namespace}: {}}}}) // service deleted
t.Run("change dns endpoints", func(t *testing.T) {
// Setup the expected instances for DNS. This will be added/removed from as we add various configs
instances1 := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(tcpDNS, "", 444, tcpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0],
nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(tcpDNS, "", 444, tcpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0],
nil, MTLS),
// This is not applied, just to make makeInstance pick the right service.
tcpDNSUpdated := func() *config.Config {
c := tcpDNS.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.Endpoints = []*networking.WorkloadEntry{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{label.SecurityTlsMode.Name: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel},
return &c
instances2 := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(tcpDNS, "", 444, tcpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0],
nil, MTLS),
createConfigs([]*config.Config{tcpDNS}, store, t)
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, tcpDNS, 0, instances1)
// Service change, so we need a full push
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: tcpDNS.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "", Namespace: tcpDNS.Namespace}: {}}}}) // service added
// now update the config
createConfigs([]*config.Config{tcpDNSUpdated}, store, t)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{
Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "",
Namespace: tcpDNSUpdated.Namespace,
}: {}}}}) // service deleted
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, tcpDNS, 0, instances2)
t.Run("change workload selector", func(t *testing.T) {
// same as selector but with an additional host
selector1 := func() *config.Config {
c := httpStaticOverlay.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.Hosts = append(se.Hosts, "")
se.Endpoints = nil
se.WorkloadSelector = &networking.WorkloadSelector{
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
return &c
createConfigs([]*config.Config{selector1}, store, t)
// Service change, so we need a full push
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace},
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{
{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "*", Namespace: selector1.Namespace}: {},
{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "", Namespace: selector1.Namespace}: {},
}}}) // service added
selector1Updated := func() *config.Config {
c := selector1.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.WorkloadSelector = &networking.WorkloadSelector{
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle1"},
return &c
createConfigs([]*config.Config{selector1Updated}, store, t)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "*", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace},
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: httpStaticOverlay.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds", pushReq: &model.PushRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{
{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "*", Namespace: selector1.Namespace}: {},
{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: "", Namespace: selector1.Namespace}: {},
}}}) // service updated
func TestServiceDiscoveryWorkloadUpdate(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, events, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
// Setup a couple workload entries for test. These will be selected by the `selector` SE
wle := createWorkloadEntry("wl", selector.Name,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
wle2 := createWorkloadEntry("wl2", selector.Name,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
wle3 := createWorkloadEntry("wl3", selector.Name,
Address: "abc.def",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
dnsWle := createWorkloadEntry("dnswl", dnsSelector.Namespace,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "dns-wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
t.Run("service entry", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add just the ServiceEntry with selector. We should see no instances
createConfigs([]*config.Config{selector}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{}
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds"})
t.Run("add workload", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add a WLE, we expect this to update
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "xds", proxyIP: ""},
Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 2},
t.Run("add dns service entry", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add just the ServiceEntry with selector. We should see no instances
createConfigs([]*config.Config{dnsSelector}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{}
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, dnsSelector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: dnsSelector.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds"})
t.Run("add dns workload", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add a WLE, we expect this to update
createConfigs([]*config.Config{dnsWle}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(dnsSelector, "", 444,
map[string]string{"app": "dns-wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(dnsSelector, "", 445,
map[string]string{"app": "dns-wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "dnswl"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = dnsSelector.Namespace
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, dnsSelector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "xds"})
t.Run("another workload", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add a different WLE
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle2}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
instances = append(instances,
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"))
for _, i := range instances[2:] {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl2"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "xds", proxyIP: ""},
Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 4},
t.Run("ignore host workload", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add a WLE with host address. Should be ignored by static service entry.
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle3}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
instances = append(instances,
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"))
for _, i := range instances[2:] {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl2"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "xds", proxyIP: "abc.def"},
t.Run("deletion", func(t *testing.T) {
// Delete the configs, it should be gone
deleteConfigs([]*config.Config{wle2}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 2})
// Delete the other config
deleteConfigs([]*config.Config{wle}, store, t)
instances = []*model.ServiceInstance{}
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 0})
// Add the config back
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle}, store, t)
instances = []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "xds", proxyIP: ""},
Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 2},
func TestServiceDiscoveryWorkloadChangeLabel(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, events, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
wle := createWorkloadEntry("wl", selector.Name,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
wle2 := createWorkloadEntry("wl", selector.Name,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle2"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
wle3 := createWorkloadEntry("wl3", selector.Name,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
t.Run("service entry", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add just the ServiceEntry with selector. We should see no instances
createConfigs([]*config.Config{selector}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{}
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds"})
t.Run("change label removing all", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add a WLE, we expect this to update
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "xds", proxyIP: ""},
Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 2},
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle2}, store, t)
instances = []*model.ServiceInstance{}
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 0})
t.Run("change label removing one", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add a WLE, we expect this to update
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle}, store, t)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 2},
// add a wle, expect this to be an add
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle3}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances[:2] {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
for _, i := range instances[2:] {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl3"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances[:2], "")
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances[2:], "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "xds", proxyIP: ""},
Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 4},
createConfigs([]*config.Config{wle2}, store, t)
instances = []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
for _, i := range instances {
i.Endpoint.WorkloadName = "wl3"
i.Endpoint.Namespace = selector.Name
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 2})
func TestServiceDiscoveryWorkloadInstance(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, events, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
// Setup a couple of workload instances for test. These will be selected by the `selector` SE
fi1 := &model.WorkloadInstance{
Name: selector.Name,
Namespace: selector.Namespace,
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: spiffe.MustGenSpiffeURI(selector.Name, "default"),
TLSMode: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel,
fi2 := &model.WorkloadInstance{
Name: "some-other-name",
Namespace: selector.Namespace,
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: spiffe.MustGenSpiffeURI(selector.Name, "default"),
TLSMode: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel,
fi3 := &model.WorkloadInstance{
Name: "another-name",
Namespace: dnsSelector.Namespace,
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "dns-wle"},
ServiceAccount: spiffe.MustGenSpiffeURI(dnsSelector.Name, "default"),
TLSMode: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel,
t.Run("service entry", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add just the ServiceEntry with selector. We should see no instances
createConfigs([]*config.Config{selector}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{}
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds"})
t.Run("add another service entry", func(t *testing.T) {
createConfigs([]*config.Config{dnsSelector}, store, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{}
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, dnsSelector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events,
Event{kind: "svcupdate", host: "", namespace: dnsSelector.Namespace},
Event{kind: "xds"})
t.Run("add workload instance", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add a workload instance, we expect this to update
callInstanceHandlers([]*model.WorkloadInstance{fi1}, sd, model.EventAdd, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 2})
t.Run("another workload instance", func(t *testing.T) {
// Add a different instance
callInstanceHandlers([]*model.WorkloadInstance{fi2}, sd, model.EventAdd, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
instances = append(instances,
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"))
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 4})
t.Run("delete workload instance", func(t *testing.T) {
// Delete the instances, it should be gone
callInstanceHandlers([]*model.WorkloadInstance{fi2}, sd, model.EventDelete, t)
instances := []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 444,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(selector, "", 445,
selector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "wle"}, "default"),
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 2})
key := instancesKey{namespace: selector.Namespace, hostname: ""}
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: selector.Namespace, Name: selector.Name}
if len(sd.serviceInstances.ip2instance) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("service instances store `ip2instance` memory leak, expect 1, got %d", len(sd.serviceInstances.ip2instance))
if len(sd.serviceInstances.instances[key]) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("service instances store `instances` memory leak, expect 1, got %d", len(sd.serviceInstances.instances[key]))
if len(sd.serviceInstances.instancesBySE[namespacedName]) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("service instances store `instancesBySE` memory leak, expect 1, got %d", len(sd.serviceInstances.instancesBySE[namespacedName]))
// The following sections mimic this scenario:
// f1 starts terminating, f3 picks up the IP, f3 delete event (pod
// not ready yet) comes before f1
// Delete f3 event
callInstanceHandlers([]*model.WorkloadInstance{fi3}, sd, model.EventDelete, t)
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
// Delete f1 event
callInstanceHandlers([]*model.WorkloadInstance{fi1}, sd, model.EventDelete, t)
instances = []*model.ServiceInstance{}
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, selector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: selector.Namespace, endpoints: 0})
if len(sd.serviceInstances.ip2instance) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("service instances store `ip2instance` memory leak, expect 0, got %d", len(sd.serviceInstances.ip2instance))
if len(sd.serviceInstances.instances[key]) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("service instances store `instances` memory leak, expect 0, got %d", len(sd.serviceInstances.instances[key]))
if len(sd.serviceInstances.instancesBySE[namespacedName]) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("service instances store `instancesBySE` memory leak, expect 0, got %d", len(sd.serviceInstances.instancesBySE[namespacedName]))
// Add f3 event
callInstanceHandlers([]*model.WorkloadInstance{fi3}, sd, model.EventAdd, t)
instances = []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(dnsSelector, "", 444,
dnsSelector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"app": "dns-wle"}, "default"),
makeInstanceWithServiceAccount(dnsSelector, "", 445,
dnsSelector.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"app": "dns-wle"}, "default"),
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, instances, "")
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, dnsSelector, 0, instances)
expectEvents(t, events, Event{kind: "eds", host: "", namespace: dnsSelector.Namespace, endpoints: 2})
func expectProxyInstances(t testing.TB, sd *Controller, expected []*model.ServiceInstance, ip string) {
// The system is eventually consistent, so add some retries
retry.UntilSuccessOrFail(t, func() error {
instances := sd.GetProxyServiceInstances(&model.Proxy{IPAddresses: []string{ip}, Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{}})
if err := compare(t, instances, expected); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}, retry.Converge(2), retry.Timeout(time.Second*5))
func expectEvents(t testing.TB, ch chan Event, events ...Event) {
cmpPushRequest := func(expectReq, gotReq *model.PushRequest) bool {
var expectConfigs, gotConfigs map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}
if expectReq != nil {
expectConfigs = expectReq.ConfigsUpdated
if gotReq != nil {
gotConfigs = gotReq.ConfigsUpdated
return reflect.DeepEqual(expectConfigs, gotConfigs)
for _, event := range events {
got := waitForEvent(t, ch)
if event.pushReq != nil {
if !cmpPushRequest(event.pushReq, got.pushReq) {
t.Fatalf("expected event %+v %+v, got %+v %+v", event, event.pushReq, got, got.pushReq)
event.pushReq, got.pushReq = nil, nil
if event != got {
t.Fatalf("expected event %+v, got %+v", event, got)
// Drain events
for {
select {
case e := <-ch:
t.Logf("ignoring event %+v", e)
if len(events) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("got unexpected event %+v", e)
func expectServiceInstances(t testing.TB, sd *Controller, cfg *config.Config, port int, expected ...[]*model.ServiceInstance) {
svcs := convertServices(*cfg)
if len(svcs) != len(expected) {
t.Fatalf("got more services than expected: %v vs %v", len(svcs), len(expected))
// The system is eventually consistent, so add some retries
retry.UntilSuccessOrFail(t, func() error {
for i, svc := range svcs {
instances := sd.InstancesByPort(svc, port, nil)
if err := compare(t, instances, expected[i]); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%d: %v", i, err)
return nil
}, retry.Converge(2), retry.Timeout(time.Second*1))
func TestServiceDiscoveryGetProxyServiceInstances(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, _, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStatic, tcpStatic}, store, t)
expectProxyInstances(t, sd, []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpStatic, "", 7080, httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpStatic, "", 18080, httpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(tcpStatic, "", 444, tcpStatic.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
}, "")
// Keeping this test for legacy - but it never happens in real life.
func TestServiceDiscoveryInstances(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, _, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpDNS, tcpStatic}, store, t)
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpDNS, 0, []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 7080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 18080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 1080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 8080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 80, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 8080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[1], map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, MTLS),
// Keeping this test for legacy - but it never happens in real life.
func TestServiceDiscoveryInstances1Port(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, _, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpDNS, tcpStatic}, store, t)
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpDNS, 80, []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 7080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 1080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 80, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, MTLS),
func TestNonServiceConfig(t *testing.T) {
store, sd, _, stopFn := initServiceDiscovery()
defer stopFn()
// Create a non-service configuration element. This should not affect the service registry at all.
cfg := config.Config{
Meta: config.Meta{
GroupVersionKind: collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Destinationrules.Resource().GroupVersionKind(),
Name: "fakeDestinationRule",
Namespace: "default",
Domain: "cluster.local",
CreationTimestamp: GlobalTime,
Spec: &networking.DestinationRule{
Host: "fakehost",
_, err := store.Create(cfg)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error occurred crearting ServiceEntry config: %v", err)
// Now create some service entries and verify that it's added to the registry.
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpDNS, tcpStatic}, store, t)
expectServiceInstances(t, sd, httpDNS, 80, []*model.ServiceInstance{
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 7080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 1080, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], nil, MTLS),
makeInstance(httpDNS, "", 80, httpDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Ports[0], map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, MTLS),
// nolint: lll
func TestServicesDiff(t *testing.T) {
updatedHTTPDNS := &config.Config{
Meta: config.Meta{
GroupVersionKind: collections.IstioNetworkingV1Alpha3Serviceentries.Resource().GroupVersionKind(),
Name: "httpDNS",
Namespace: "httpDNS",
CreationTimestamp: GlobalTime,
Labels: map[string]string{label.SecurityTlsMode.Name: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel},
Spec: &networking.ServiceEntry{
Hosts: []string{"*", "*"},
Ports: []*networking.Port{
{Number: 80, Name: "http-port", Protocol: "http"},
{Number: 8080, Name: "http-alt-port", Protocol: "http"},
Endpoints: []*networking.WorkloadEntry{
Address: "",
Ports: map[string]uint32{"http-port": 7080, "http-alt-port": 18080},
Labels: map[string]string{label.SecurityTlsMode.Name: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel},
Address: "",
Ports: map[string]uint32{"http-port": 1080},
Labels: map[string]string{label.SecurityTlsMode.Name: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel},
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar", label.SecurityTlsMode.Name: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel},
Location: networking.ServiceEntry_MESH_EXTERNAL,
Resolution: networking.ServiceEntry_DNS,
updatedHTTPDNSPort := func() *config.Config {
c := updatedHTTPDNS.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
var ports []*networking.Port
ports = append(ports, se.Ports...)
ports = append(ports, &networking.Port{Number: 9090, Name: "http-new-port", Protocol: "http"})
se.Ports = ports
return &c
updatedEndpoint := func() *config.Config {
c := updatedHTTPDNS.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
var endpoints []*networking.WorkloadEntry
endpoints = append(endpoints, se.Endpoints...)
endpoints = append(endpoints, &networking.WorkloadEntry{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar", label.SecurityTlsMode.Name: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel},
se.Endpoints = endpoints
return &c
stringsToHosts := func(hosts []string) []host.Name {
ret := make([]host.Name, len(hosts))
for i, hostname := range hosts {
ret[i] = host.Name(hostname)
return ret
cases := []struct {
name string
current *config.Config
new *config.Config
added []host.Name
deleted []host.Name
updated []host.Name
unchanged []host.Name
name: "same config",
current: updatedHTTPDNS,
new: updatedHTTPDNS,
unchanged: stringsToHosts(updatedHTTPDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts),
name: "same config with different name",
current: updatedHTTPDNS,
new: func() *config.Config {
c := updatedHTTPDNS.DeepCopy()
c.Name = "httpDNS1"
return &c
unchanged: stringsToHosts(updatedHTTPDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts),
name: "different resolution",
current: updatedHTTPDNS,
new: func() *config.Config {
c := updatedHTTPDNS.DeepCopy()
c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Resolution = networking.ServiceEntry_NONE
return &c
updated: stringsToHosts(updatedHTTPDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts),
name: "config modified with added/deleted host",
current: updatedHTTPDNS,
new: func() *config.Config {
c := updatedHTTPDNS.DeepCopy()
se := c.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
se.Hosts = []string{"*", ""}
return &c
added: []host.Name{""},
deleted: []host.Name{"*"},
unchanged: []host.Name{"*"},
name: "config modified with additional port",
current: updatedHTTPDNS,
new: updatedHTTPDNSPort,
updated: stringsToHosts(updatedHTTPDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts),
name: "same config with additional endpoint",
current: updatedHTTPDNS,
new: updatedEndpoint,
unchanged: stringsToHosts(updatedHTTPDNS.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry).Hosts),
servicesHostnames := func(services []*model.Service) []host.Name {
if len(services) == 0 {
return nil
ret := make([]host.Name, len(services))
for i, svc := range services {
ret[i] = svc.Hostname
return ret
for _, tt := range cases {
if != "same config with additional endpoint" {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
as := convertServices(*tt.current)
bs := convertServices(*
added, deleted, updated, unchanged := servicesDiff(as, bs)
for i, item := range []struct {
hostnames []host.Name
services []*model.Service
{tt.added, added},
{tt.deleted, deleted},
{tt.updated, updated},
{tt.unchanged, unchanged},
} {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(servicesHostnames(, item.hostnames) {
t.Errorf("ServicesChanged %d got %v, want %v", i, servicesHostnames(, item.hostnames)
func sortServices(services []*model.Service) {
sort.Slice(services, func(i, j int) bool { return services[i].Hostname < services[j].Hostname })
for _, service := range services {
func sortServiceInstances(instances []*model.ServiceInstance) {
labelsToSlice := func(labels labels.Instance) []string {
out := make([]string, 0, len(labels))
for k, v := range labels {
out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
return out
sort.Slice(instances, func(i, j int) bool {
if instances[i].Service.Hostname == instances[j].Service.Hostname {
if instances[i].Endpoint.EndpointPort == instances[j].Endpoint.EndpointPort {
if instances[i].Endpoint.Address == instances[j].Endpoint.Address {
if len(instances[i].Endpoint.Labels) == len(instances[j].Endpoint.Labels) {
iLabels := labelsToSlice(instances[i].Endpoint.Labels)
jLabels := labelsToSlice(instances[j].Endpoint.Labels)
for k := range iLabels {
if iLabels[k] < jLabels[k] {
return true
return len(instances[i].Endpoint.Labels) < len(instances[j].Endpoint.Labels)
return instances[i].Endpoint.Address < instances[j].Endpoint.Address
return instances[i].Endpoint.EndpointPort < instances[j].Endpoint.EndpointPort
return instances[i].Service.Hostname < instances[j].Service.Hostname
func sortPorts(ports []*model.Port) {
sort.Slice(ports, func(i, j int) bool {
if ports[i].Port == ports[j].Port {
if ports[i].Name == ports[j].Name {
return ports[i].Protocol < ports[j].Protocol
return ports[i].Name < ports[j].Name
return ports[i].Port < ports[j].Port
func Test_autoAllocateIP_conditions(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
inServices []*model.Service
wantServices []*model.Service
name: "no allocation for passthrough",
inServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.Passthrough,
DefaultAddress: "",
wantServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.Passthrough,
DefaultAddress: "",
name: "no allocation if address exists",
inServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.ClientSideLB,
DefaultAddress: "",
wantServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.ClientSideLB,
DefaultAddress: "",
name: "no allocation if hostname is wildcard",
inServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "*",
Resolution: model.ClientSideLB,
DefaultAddress: "",
wantServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "*",
Resolution: model.ClientSideLB,
DefaultAddress: "",
name: "allocate IP for clientside lb",
inServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.ClientSideLB,
DefaultAddress: "",
wantServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.ClientSideLB,
DefaultAddress: "",
AutoAllocatedIPv4Address: "",
AutoAllocatedIPv6Address: "2001:2::f0f0:1",
name: "allocate IP for dns lb",
inServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.DNSLB,
DefaultAddress: "",
wantServices: []*model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.DNSLB,
DefaultAddress: "",
AutoAllocatedIPv4Address: "",
AutoAllocatedIPv6Address: "2001:2::f0f0:1",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got := autoAllocateIPs(tt.inServices)
if got[0].AutoAllocatedIPv4Address != tt.wantServices[0].AutoAllocatedIPv4Address {
t.Errorf("autoAllocateIPs() AutoAllocatedIPv4Address = %v, want %v",
got[0].AutoAllocatedIPv4Address, tt.wantServices[0].AutoAllocatedIPv4Address)
if got[0].AutoAllocatedIPv6Address != tt.wantServices[0].AutoAllocatedIPv6Address {
t.Errorf("autoAllocateIPs() AutoAllocatedIPv4Address = %v, want %v",
got[0].AutoAllocatedIPv6Address, tt.wantServices[0].AutoAllocatedIPv6Address)
func Test_autoAllocateIP_values(t *testing.T) {
inServices := make([]*model.Service, 512)
for i := 0; i < 512; i++ {
temp := model.Service{
Hostname: "",
Resolution: model.ClientSideLB,
DefaultAddress: constants.UnspecifiedIP,
inServices[i] = &temp
gotServices := autoAllocateIPs(inServices)
// out of the 512 IPs, we dont expect the following IPs
// The last IP should be
doNotWant := map[string]bool{
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
expectedLastIP := ""
if gotServices[len(gotServices)-1].AutoAllocatedIPv4Address != expectedLastIP {
t.Errorf("expected last IP address to be %s, got %s", expectedLastIP, gotServices[len(gotServices)-1].AutoAllocatedIPv4Address)
gotIPMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, svc := range gotServices {
if svc.AutoAllocatedIPv4Address == "" || doNotWant[svc.AutoAllocatedIPv4Address] {
t.Errorf("unexpected value for auto allocated IP address %s", svc.AutoAllocatedIPv4Address)
if gotIPMap[svc.AutoAllocatedIPv4Address] {
t.Errorf("multiple allocations of same IP address to different services: %s", svc.AutoAllocatedIPv4Address)
gotIPMap[svc.AutoAllocatedIPv4Address] = true
func TestWorkloadEntryOnlyMode(t *testing.T) {
store, registry, _, cleanup := initServiceDiscoveryWithOpts(true)
defer cleanup()
createConfigs([]*config.Config{httpStatic}, store, t)
svcs := registry.Services()
if len(svcs) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 services, got %d", len(svcs))
svc := registry.GetService("*")
if svc != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected nil, got %v", svc)
func BenchmarkServiceEntryHandler(b *testing.B) {
_, sd := initServiceDiscoveryWithoutEvents(b)
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
go sd.Run(stopCh)
defer close(stopCh)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sd.serviceEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *httpDNS, model.EventAdd)
sd.serviceEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *httpDNSRR, model.EventAdd)
sd.serviceEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *tcpDNS, model.EventAdd)
sd.serviceEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *tcpStatic, model.EventAdd)
sd.serviceEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *httpDNS, model.EventDelete)
sd.serviceEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *httpDNSRR, model.EventDelete)
sd.serviceEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *tcpDNS, model.EventDelete)
sd.serviceEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *tcpStatic, model.EventDelete)
func BenchmarkWorkloadInstanceHandler(b *testing.B) {
store, sd := initServiceDiscoveryWithoutEvents(b)
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
go sd.Run(stopCh)
defer close(stopCh)
// Add just the ServiceEntry with selector. We should see no instances
createConfigs([]*config.Config{selector, dnsSelector}, store, b)
// Setup a couple of workload instances for test. These will be selected by the `selector` SE
fi1 := &model.WorkloadInstance{
Name: selector.Name,
Namespace: selector.Namespace,
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: spiffe.MustGenSpiffeURI(selector.Name, "default"),
TLSMode: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel,
fi2 := &model.WorkloadInstance{
Name: "some-other-name",
Namespace: selector.Namespace,
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: spiffe.MustGenSpiffeURI(selector.Name, "default"),
TLSMode: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel,
fi3 := &model.WorkloadInstance{
Name: "another-name",
Namespace: dnsSelector.Namespace,
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "dns-wle"},
ServiceAccount: spiffe.MustGenSpiffeURI(dnsSelector.Name, "default"),
TLSMode: model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel,
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sd.WorkloadInstanceHandler(fi1, model.EventAdd)
sd.WorkloadInstanceHandler(fi2, model.EventAdd)
sd.WorkloadInstanceHandler(fi3, model.EventDelete)
sd.WorkloadInstanceHandler(fi2, model.EventDelete)
sd.WorkloadInstanceHandler(fi1, model.EventDelete)
sd.WorkloadInstanceHandler(fi3, model.EventDelete)
func BenchmarkWorkloadEntryHandler(b *testing.B) {
// Setup a couple workload entries for test. These will be selected by the `selector` SE
wle := createWorkloadEntry("wl", selector.Name,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
wle2 := createWorkloadEntry("wl2", selector.Name,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
dnsWle := createWorkloadEntry("dnswl", dnsSelector.Namespace,
Address: "",
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "dns-wle"},
ServiceAccount: "default",
store, sd := initServiceDiscoveryWithoutEvents(b)
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
go sd.Run(stopCh)
defer close(stopCh)
// Add just the ServiceEntry with selector. We should see no instances
createConfigs([]*config.Config{selector}, store, b)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sd.workloadEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *wle, model.EventAdd)
sd.workloadEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *dnsWle, model.EventAdd)
sd.workloadEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *wle2, model.EventAdd)
sd.workloadEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *wle, model.EventDelete)
sd.workloadEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *dnsWle, model.EventDelete)
sd.workloadEntryHandler(config.Config{}, *wle2, model.EventDelete)