blob: fcce3d2a38fa1e0213a515b237e0eeb6cae84569 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package serviceentry
import (
import (
networking ""
import (
labelutil ""
func convertPort(port *networking.Port) *model.Port {
return &model.Port{
Name: port.Name,
Port: int(port.Number),
Protocol: protocol.Parse(port.Protocol),
type HostAddress struct {
host string
address string
// ServiceToServiceEntry converts from internal Service representation to ServiceEntry
// This does not include endpoints - they'll be represented as EndpointSlice or EDS.
// See convertServices() for the reverse conversion, used by Istio to handle ServiceEntry configs.
// See kube.ConvertService for the conversion from K8S to internal Service.
func ServiceToServiceEntry(svc *model.Service, proxy *model.Proxy) *config.Config {
gvk := gvk.ServiceEntry
se := &networking.ServiceEntry{
// Host is fully qualified: name, namespace, domainSuffix
Hosts: []string{string(svc.Hostname)},
// Internal Service and K8S Service have a single Address.
// ServiceEntry can represent multiple - but we are not using that. SE may be merged.
// Will be if not specified as ClusterIP or ClusterIP==None. In such case resolution is Passthrough.
Addresses: svc.GetAddresses(proxy),
// Location: 0,
// Internal resolution:
// - Passthrough - for ClusterIP=None and no ExternalName
// - ClientSideLB - regular ClusterIP clusters (VIP, resolved via EDS)
// - DNSLB - if ExternalName is specified. Also meshExternal is set.
WorkloadSelector: &networking.WorkloadSelector{Labels: svc.Attributes.LabelSelectors},
// This is based on and
SubjectAltNames: svc.ServiceAccounts,
// Based on annotation
for k, v := range svc.Attributes.ExportTo {
if v {
// k is Private or Public
se.ExportTo = append(se.ExportTo, string(k))
if svc.MeshExternal {
se.Location = networking.ServiceEntry_MESH_EXTERNAL // 0 - default
} else {
se.Location = networking.ServiceEntry_MESH_INTERNAL
// Reverse in convertServices. Note that enum values are different
// TODO: make the enum match, should be safe (as long as they're used as enum)
var resolution networking.ServiceEntry_Resolution
switch svc.Resolution {
case model.Passthrough: // 2
resolution = networking.ServiceEntry_NONE // 0
case model.DNSLB: // 1
resolution = networking.ServiceEntry_DNS // 2
case model.DNSRoundRobinLB: // 3
resolution = networking.ServiceEntry_DNS_ROUND_ROBIN // 3
case model.ClientSideLB: // 0
resolution = networking.ServiceEntry_STATIC // 1
se.Resolution = resolution
// Port is mapped from ServicePort
for _, p := range svc.Ports {
se.Ports = append(se.Ports, &networking.Port{
Number: uint32(p.Port),
Name: p.Name,
// Protocol is converted to protocol.Instance - reverse conversion will use the name.
Protocol: string(p.Protocol),
// TODO: target port
cfg := &config.Config{
Meta: config.Meta{
GroupVersionKind: gvk,
Name: "synthetic-" + svc.Attributes.Name,
Namespace: svc.Attributes.Namespace,
CreationTimestamp: svc.CreationTime,
ResourceVersion: svc.ResourceVersion,
Spec: se,
// TODO: WorkloadSelector
// TODO: preserve ServiceRegistry. The reverse conversion sets it to 'external'
// TODO: preserve UID ? It seems MCP didn't preserve it - but that code path was not used much.
// TODO: ClusterExternalPorts map - for NodePort services, with "" ann
// It's a per-cluster map
// TODO: ClusterExternalAddresses - for LB types, per cluster. Populated from K8S, missing
// in SE. Used for multi-network support.
return cfg
// convertServices transforms a ServiceEntry config to a list of internal Service objects.
func convertServices(cfg config.Config) []*model.Service {
serviceEntry := cfg.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
creationTime := cfg.CreationTimestamp
var resolution model.Resolution
switch serviceEntry.Resolution {
case networking.ServiceEntry_NONE:
resolution = model.Passthrough
case networking.ServiceEntry_DNS:
resolution = model.DNSLB
case networking.ServiceEntry_DNS_ROUND_ROBIN:
resolution = model.DNSRoundRobinLB
case networking.ServiceEntry_STATIC:
resolution = model.ClientSideLB
svcPorts := make(model.PortList, 0, len(serviceEntry.Ports))
for _, port := range serviceEntry.Ports {
svcPorts = append(svcPorts, convertPort(port))
var exportTo map[visibility.Instance]bool
if len(serviceEntry.ExportTo) > 0 {
exportTo = make(map[visibility.Instance]bool)
for _, e := range serviceEntry.ExportTo {
exportTo[visibility.Instance(e)] = true
var labelSelectors map[string]string
if serviceEntry.WorkloadSelector != nil {
labelSelectors = serviceEntry.WorkloadSelector.Labels
hostAddresses := []*HostAddress{}
for _, hostname := range serviceEntry.Hosts {
if len(serviceEntry.Addresses) > 0 {
for _, address := range serviceEntry.Addresses {
// Check if address is an IP first because that is the most common case.
if net.ParseIP(address) != nil {
hostAddresses = append(hostAddresses, &HostAddress{hostname, address})
} else if ip, network, cidrErr := net.ParseCIDR(address); cidrErr == nil {
newAddress := address
ones, zeroes := network.Mask.Size()
if ones == zeroes {
// /32 mask. Remove the /32 and make it a normal IP address
newAddress = ip.String()
hostAddresses = append(hostAddresses, &HostAddress{hostname, newAddress})
} else {
hostAddresses = append(hostAddresses, &HostAddress{hostname, constants.UnspecifiedIP})
return buildServices(hostAddresses, cfg.Name, cfg.Namespace, svcPorts, serviceEntry.Location, resolution,
exportTo, labelSelectors, serviceEntry.SubjectAltNames, creationTime, cfg.Labels)
func buildServices(hostAddresses []*HostAddress, name, namespace string, ports model.PortList, location networking.ServiceEntry_Location,
resolution model.Resolution, exportTo map[visibility.Instance]bool, selectors map[string]string, saccounts []string,
ctime time.Time, labels map[string]string) []*model.Service {
out := make([]*model.Service, 0, len(hostAddresses))
lbls := labels
if features.CanonicalServiceForMeshExternalServiceEntry && location == networking.ServiceEntry_MESH_EXTERNAL {
lbls = ensureCanonicalServiceLabels(name, labels)
for _, ha := range hostAddresses {
out = append(out, &model.Service{
CreationTime: ctime,
MeshExternal: location == networking.ServiceEntry_MESH_EXTERNAL,
Hostname: host.Name(,
DefaultAddress: ha.address,
Ports: ports,
Resolution: resolution,
Attributes: model.ServiceAttributes{
ServiceRegistry: provider.External,
Namespace: namespace,
Labels: lbls,
ExportTo: exportTo,
LabelSelectors: selectors,
ServiceAccounts: saccounts,
return out
func ensureCanonicalServiceLabels(name string, srcLabels map[string]string) map[string]string {
if srcLabels == nil {
srcLabels = make(map[string]string)
_, svcLabelFound := srcLabels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceLabelName]
_, revLabelFound := srcLabels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceRevisionLabelName]
if svcLabelFound && revLabelFound {
return srcLabels
srcLabels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceLabelName], srcLabels[model.IstioCanonicalServiceRevisionLabelName] = labels.CanonicalService(srcLabels, name)
return srcLabels
func (s *Controller) convertEndpoint(service *model.Service, servicePort *networking.Port,
wle *networking.WorkloadEntry, configKey *configKey, clusterID cluster.ID) *model.ServiceInstance {
var instancePort uint32
addr := wle.GetAddress()
// priority level: unixAddress > we.ports > se.port.targetPort > se.port.number
if strings.HasPrefix(addr, model.UnixAddressPrefix) {
instancePort = 0
addr = strings.TrimPrefix(addr, model.UnixAddressPrefix)
} else if port, ok := wle.Ports[servicePort.Name]; ok && port > 0 {
instancePort = port
} else if servicePort.TargetPort > 0 {
instancePort = servicePort.TargetPort
} else {
// final fallback is to the service port value
instancePort = servicePort.Number
tlsMode := getTLSModeFromWorkloadEntry(wle)
sa := ""
if wle.ServiceAccount != "" {
sa = spiffe.MustGenSpiffeURI(service.Attributes.Namespace, wle.ServiceAccount)
networkID := s.workloadEntryNetwork(wle)
labels := labelutil.AugmentLabels(wle.Labels, clusterID, wle.Locality, networkID)
return &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: addr,
EndpointPort: instancePort,
ServicePortName: servicePort.Name,
Network: network.ID(wle.Network),
Locality: model.Locality{
Label: wle.Locality,
ClusterID: clusterID,
LbWeight: wle.Weight,
Labels: labels,
TLSMode: tlsMode,
ServiceAccount: sa,
// Workload entry config name is used as workload name, which will appear in metric label.
// After VM auto registry is introduced, workload group annotation should be used for workload name.
Namespace: configKey.namespace,
Service: service,
ServicePort: convertPort(servicePort),
// convertWorkloadEntryToServiceInstances translates a WorkloadEntry into ServiceInstances. This logic is largely the
// same as the ServiceEntry convertServiceEntryToInstances.
func (s *Controller) convertWorkloadEntryToServiceInstances(wle *networking.WorkloadEntry, services []*model.Service,
se *networking.ServiceEntry, configKey *configKey, clusterID cluster.ID) []*model.ServiceInstance {
out := make([]*model.ServiceInstance, 0)
for _, service := range services {
for _, port := range se.Ports {
out = append(out, s.convertEndpoint(service, port, wle, configKey, clusterID))
return out
func (s *Controller) convertServiceEntryToInstances(cfg config.Config, services []*model.Service) []*model.ServiceInstance {
out := make([]*model.ServiceInstance, 0)
serviceEntry := cfg.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
if serviceEntry == nil {
return nil
if services == nil {
services = convertServices(cfg)
for _, service := range services {
for _, serviceEntryPort := range serviceEntry.Ports {
if len(serviceEntry.Endpoints) == 0 && serviceEntry.WorkloadSelector == nil &&
(serviceEntry.Resolution == networking.ServiceEntry_DNS || serviceEntry.Resolution == networking.ServiceEntry_DNS_ROUND_ROBIN) {
// Note: only convert the hostname to service instance if WorkloadSelector is not set
// when service entry has discovery type DNS and no endpoints
// we create endpoints from service's host
// Do not use serviceentry.hosts as a service entry is converted into
// multiple services (one for each host)
endpointPort := serviceEntryPort.Number
if serviceEntryPort.TargetPort > 0 {
endpointPort = serviceEntryPort.TargetPort
out = append(out, &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: string(service.Hostname),
EndpointPort: endpointPort,
ServicePortName: serviceEntryPort.Name,
Labels: nil,
TLSMode: model.DisabledTLSModeLabel,
Service: service,
ServicePort: convertPort(serviceEntryPort),
} else {
for _, endpoint := range serviceEntry.Endpoints {
out = append(out, s.convertEndpoint(service, serviceEntryPort, endpoint, &configKey{}, s.clusterID))
return out
func getTLSModeFromWorkloadEntry(wle *networking.WorkloadEntry) string {
// * Use if its present
// * If not, set TLS mode if ServiceAccount is specified
tlsMode := model.DisabledTLSModeLabel
if val, exists := wle.Labels[label.SecurityTlsMode.Name]; exists {
tlsMode = val
} else if wle.ServiceAccount != "" {
tlsMode = model.IstioMutualTLSModeLabel
return tlsMode
// The workload instance has pointer to the service and its service port.
// We need to create our own but we can retain the endpoint already created.
func convertWorkloadInstanceToServiceInstance(workloadInstance *model.IstioEndpoint, serviceEntryServices []*model.Service,
serviceEntry *networking.ServiceEntry) []*model.ServiceInstance {
out := make([]*model.ServiceInstance, 0)
for _, service := range serviceEntryServices {
for _, serviceEntryPort := range serviceEntry.Ports {
ep := *workloadInstance
ep.ServicePortName = serviceEntryPort.Name
// if target port is set, use the target port else fallback to the service port
// TODO: we need a way to get the container port map from k8s
if serviceEntryPort.TargetPort > 0 {
ep.EndpointPort = serviceEntryPort.TargetPort
} else {
ep.EndpointPort = serviceEntryPort.Number
ep.EnvoyEndpoint = nil
out = append(out, &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: &ep,
Service: service,
ServicePort: convertPort(serviceEntryPort),
return out
// Convenience function to convert a workloadEntry into a WorkloadInstance object encoding the endpoint (without service
// port names) and the namespace - k8s will consume this workload instance when selecting workload entries
func (s *Controller) convertWorkloadEntryToWorkloadInstance(cfg config.Config, clusterID cluster.ID) *model.WorkloadInstance {
we := convertWorkloadEntry(cfg)
addr := we.GetAddress()
dnsServiceEntryOnly := false
if strings.HasPrefix(addr, model.UnixAddressPrefix) {
// k8s can't use uds for service objects
dnsServiceEntryOnly = true
if net.ParseIP(addr) == nil {
// k8s can't use workloads with hostnames in the address field.
dnsServiceEntryOnly = true
tlsMode := getTLSModeFromWorkloadEntry(we)
sa := ""
if we.ServiceAccount != "" {
sa = spiffe.MustGenSpiffeURI(cfg.Namespace, we.ServiceAccount)
networkID := s.workloadEntryNetwork(we)
labels := labelutil.AugmentLabels(we.Labels, clusterID, we.Locality, networkID)
return &model.WorkloadInstance{
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
Address: addr,
// Not setting ports here as its done by k8s controller
Network: network.ID(we.Network),
Locality: model.Locality{
Label: we.Locality,
ClusterID: clusterID,
LbWeight: we.Weight,
Namespace: cfg.Namespace,
// Workload entry config name is used as workload name, which will appear in metric label.
// After VM auto registry is introduced, workload group annotation should be used for workload name.
WorkloadName: cfg.Name,
Labels: labels,
TLSMode: tlsMode,
ServiceAccount: sa,
PortMap: we.Ports,
Namespace: cfg.Namespace,
Name: cfg.Name,
Kind: model.WorkloadEntryKind,
DNSServiceEntryOnly: dnsServiceEntryOnly,