blob: 03b1653538af35cdce55f09039046347fc3a861d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package controller
import (
import (
klabels ""
import (
const (
mcsDomainSuffix = "." + constants.DefaultClusterSetLocalDomain
type importedService struct {
namespacedName types.NamespacedName
clusterSetVIP string
// serviceImportCache reads and processes Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) ServiceImport
// resources.
// An MCS controller is responsible for reading ServiceExport resources in one cluster and generating
// ServiceImport in all clusters of the ClusterSet (i.e. mesh). While the serviceExportCache reads
// ServiceExport to control the discoverability policy for individual endpoints, this controller
// reads ServiceImport in the cluster in order to extract the ClusterSet VIP and generate a
// synthetic service for the MCS host (i.e. clusterset.local). The aggregate.Controller will then
// merge together the MCS services from all the clusters, filling out the full map of Cluster IPs.
// The synthetic MCS service is a copy of the real k8s Service (e.g. cluster.local) with the same
// namespaced name, but with the hostname and VIPs changed to the appropriate ClusterSet values.
// The real k8s Service can live anywhere in the mesh and does not have to reside in the same
// cluster as the ServiceImport.
type serviceImportCache interface {
HasSynced() bool
ImportedServices() []importedService
// newServiceImportCache creates a new cache of ServiceImport resources in the cluster.
func newServiceImportCache(c *Controller) serviceImportCache {
if features.EnableMCSHost {
dInformer := c.client.DynamicInformer().ForResource(mcs.ServiceImportGVR)
sic := &serviceImportCacheImpl{
Controller: c,
informer: dInformer.Informer(),
lister: dInformer.Lister(),
// Register callbacks for Service events anywhere in the mesh.
c.opts.MeshServiceController.AppendServiceHandlerForCluster(c.Cluster(), sic.onServiceEvent)
// Register callbacks for ServiceImport events in this cluster only.
c.registerHandlers(sic.informer, "ServiceImports", sic.onServiceImportEvent, nil)
return sic
// MCS Service discovery is disabled. Use a placeholder cache.
return disabledServiceImportCache{}
// serviceImportCacheImpl reads ServiceImport resources for a single cluster.
type serviceImportCacheImpl struct {
informer cache.SharedIndexInformer
lister cache.GenericLister
// onServiceEvent is called when the controller receives an event for the kube Service (i.e. cluster.local).
// When this happens, we need to update the state of the associated synthetic MCS service.
func (ic *serviceImportCacheImpl) onServiceEvent(svc *model.Service, event model.Event) {
if strings.HasSuffix(svc.Hostname.String(), mcsDomainSuffix) {
// Ignore events for MCS services that were triggered by this controller.
// This method is called concurrently from each cluster's queue. Process it in `this` cluster's queue
// in order to synchronize event processing.
ic.queue.Push(func() error {
namespacedName := namespacedNameForService(svc)
// Lookup the previous MCS service if there was one.
mcsHost := serviceClusterSetLocalHostname(namespacedName)
prevMcsService := ic.GetService(mcsHost)
// Get the ClusterSet VIPs for this service in this cluster. Will only be populated if the
// service has a ServiceImport in this cluster.
vips := ic.getClusterSetIPs(namespacedName)
name := namespacedName.Name
ns := namespacedName.Namespace
if len(vips) == 0 || (event == model.EventDelete &&
ic.opts.MeshServiceController.GetService(kube.ServiceHostname(name, ns, ic.opts.DomainSuffix)) == nil) {
if prevMcsService != nil {
// There are no vips in this cluster. Just delete the MCS service now.
return nil
if prevMcsService != nil {
event = model.EventUpdate
} else {
event = model.EventAdd
mcsService := ic.genMCSService(svc, mcsHost, vips)
ic.addOrUpdateService(nil, mcsService, event, false)
return nil
func (ic *serviceImportCacheImpl) onServiceImportEvent(obj interface{}, event model.Event) error {
si, ok := obj.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if !ok {
tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get object from tombstone %#v", obj)
si, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("tombstone contained object that is not a ServiceImport %#v", obj)
// We need a full push if the cluster VIP changes.
needsFullPush := false
// Get the updated MCS service.
mcsHost := serviceClusterSetLocalHostnameForKR(si)
mcsService := ic.GetService(mcsHost)
ips := GetServiceImportIPs(si)
if mcsService == nil {
if event == model.EventDelete || len(ips) == 0 {
// We never created the service. Nothing to delete.
return nil
// The service didn't exist prior. Treat it as an add.
event = model.EventAdd
// Create the MCS service, based on the cluster.local service. We get the merged, mesh-wide service
// from the aggregate controller so that we don't rely on the service existing in this cluster.
realService := ic.opts.MeshServiceController.GetService(kube.ServiceHostnameForKR(si, ic.opts.DomainSuffix))
if realService == nil {
log.Warnf("failed processing %s event for ServiceImport %s/%s in cluster %s. No matching service found in cluster",
event, si.GetNamespace(), si.GetName(), ic.Cluster())
return nil
// Create the MCS service from the cluster.local service.
mcsService = ic.genMCSService(realService, mcsHost, ips)
} else {
if event == model.EventDelete || len(ips) == 0 {
return nil
// The service already existed. Treat it as an update.
event = model.EventUpdate
if ic.updateIPs(mcsService, ips) {
needsFullPush = true
// Always force a rebuild of the endpoint cache in case this import caused
// a change to the discoverability policy.
ic.addOrUpdateService(nil, mcsService, event, true)
if needsFullPush {
ic.doFullPush(mcsHost, si.GetNamespace())
return nil
func (ic *serviceImportCacheImpl) updateIPs(mcsService *model.Service, ips []string) (updated bool) {
prevIPs := mcsService.ClusterVIPs.GetAddressesFor(ic.Cluster())
if !util.StringSliceEqual(prevIPs, ips) {
// Update the VIPs
mcsService.ClusterVIPs.SetAddressesFor(ic.Cluster(), ips)
updated = true
func (ic *serviceImportCacheImpl) doFullPush(mcsHost host.Name, ns string) {
pushReq := &model.PushRequest{
Full: true,
ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{{
Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry,
Name: mcsHost.String(),
Namespace: ns,
}: {}},
Reason: []model.TriggerReason{model.ServiceUpdate},
// GetServiceImportIPs returns the list of ClusterSet IPs for the ServiceImport.
// Exported for testing only.
func GetServiceImportIPs(si *unstructured.Unstructured) []string {
var ips []string
if spec, ok := si.Object["spec"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if rawIPs, ok := spec["ips"].([]interface{}); ok {
for _, rawIP := range rawIPs {
ip := rawIP.(string)
if net.ParseIP(ip) != nil {
ips = append(ips, ip)
return ips
// genMCSService generates an MCS service based on the given real k8s service. The list of vips must be non-empty.
func (ic *serviceImportCacheImpl) genMCSService(realService *model.Service, mcsHost host.Name, vips []string) *model.Service {
mcsService := realService.DeepCopy()
mcsService.Hostname = mcsHost
mcsService.DefaultAddress = vips[0]
mcsService.ClusterVIPs.Addresses = map[cluster.ID][]string{
ic.Cluster(): vips,
return mcsService
func (ic *serviceImportCacheImpl) getClusterSetIPs(name types.NamespacedName) []string {
if si, err := ic.lister.ByNamespace(name.Namespace).Get(name.Name); err == nil {
return GetServiceImportIPs(si.(*unstructured.Unstructured))
return nil
func (ic *serviceImportCacheImpl) ImportedServices() []importedService {
sis, err := ic.lister.List(klabels.Everything())
if err != nil {
return make([]importedService, 0)
// Iterate over the ServiceImport resources in this cluster.
out := make([]importedService, 0, len(sis))
for _, si := range sis {
usi := si.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
info := importedService{
namespacedName: kube.NamespacedNameForK8sObject(usi),
// Lookup the synthetic MCS service.
hostName := serviceClusterSetLocalHostnameForKR(usi)
svc := ic.servicesMap[hostName]
if svc != nil {
if vips := svc.ClusterVIPs.GetAddressesFor(ic.Cluster()); len(vips) > 0 {
info.clusterSetVIP = vips[0]
out = append(out, info)
return out
func (ic *serviceImportCacheImpl) HasSynced() bool {
return ic.informer.HasSynced()
type disabledServiceImportCache struct{}
var _ serviceImportCache = disabledServiceImportCache{}
func (c disabledServiceImportCache) HasSynced() bool {
return true
func (c disabledServiceImportCache) ImportedServices() []importedService {
// MCS is disabled - returning `nil`, which is semantically different here than an empty list.
return nil