blob: f9a7529aa1380c404e3bf5e0c693af1b6ad30cc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package controller
import (
import (
metav1 ""
klabels ""
import (
kubesr ""
type exportedService struct {
namespacedName types.NamespacedName
discoverability map[host.Name]string
// serviceExportCache reads Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) ServiceExport resources in the
// cluster and generates discoverability policies for the endpoints.
type serviceExportCache interface {
// EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy returns the policy for Service endpoints residing within the current cluster.
EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy(svc *model.Service) model.EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy
// ExportedServices returns the list of services that are exported in this cluster. Used for debugging.
ExportedServices() []exportedService
// HasSynced indicates whether the kube createClient has synced for the watched resources.
HasSynced() bool
// newServiceExportCache creates a new serviceExportCache that observes the given cluster.
func newServiceExportCache(c *Controller) serviceExportCache {
if features.EnableMCSServiceDiscovery {
dInformer := c.client.DynamicInformer().ForResource(mcs.ServiceExportGVR)
ec := &serviceExportCacheImpl{
Controller: c,
informer: dInformer.Informer(),
lister: dInformer.Lister(),
// Set the discoverability policy for the clusterset.local host.
ec.clusterSetLocalPolicySelector = func(svc *model.Service) (policy model.EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy) {
// If the service is exported in this cluster, allow the endpoints in this cluster to be discoverable
// anywhere in the mesh.
if ec.isExported(namespacedNameForService(svc)) {
return model.AlwaysDiscoverable
// Otherwise, endpoints are only discoverable from within the same cluster.
return model.DiscoverableFromSameCluster
// Set the discoverability policy for the cluster.local host.
if features.EnableMCSClusterLocal {
// MCS cluster.local mode is enabled. Allow endpoints for the cluster.local host to be
// discoverable only from within the same cluster.
ec.clusterLocalPolicySelector = func(svc *model.Service) (policy model.EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy) {
return model.DiscoverableFromSameCluster
} else {
// MCS cluster.local mode is not enabled, so requests to the cluster.local host are not confined
// to the same cluster. Use the same discoverability policy as for clusterset.local.
ec.clusterLocalPolicySelector = ec.clusterSetLocalPolicySelector
// Register callbacks for events.
c.registerHandlers(ec.informer, "ServiceExports", ec.onServiceExportEvent, nil)
return ec
// MCS Service discovery is disabled. Use a placeholder cache.
return disabledServiceExportCache{}
type discoverabilityPolicySelector func(*model.Service) model.EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy
// serviceExportCache reads ServiceExport resources for a single cluster.
type serviceExportCacheImpl struct {
informer cache.SharedIndexInformer
lister cache.GenericLister
// clusterLocalPolicySelector selects an appropriate EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy for the cluster.local host.
clusterLocalPolicySelector discoverabilityPolicySelector
// clusterSetLocalPolicySelector selects an appropriate EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy for the clusterset.local host.
clusterSetLocalPolicySelector discoverabilityPolicySelector
func (ec *serviceExportCacheImpl) onServiceExportEvent(obj interface{}, event model.Event) error {
se, ok := obj.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if !ok {
tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get object from tombstone %#v", obj)
se, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("tombstone contained object that is not a ServiceExport %#v", obj)
switch event {
case model.EventAdd, model.EventDelete:
// Don't care about updates.
return nil
func (ec *serviceExportCacheImpl) updateXDS(se metav1.Object) {
for _, svc := range ec.servicesForNamespacedName(kubesr.NamespacedNameForK8sObject(se)) {
// Re-build the endpoints for this service with a new discoverability policy.
// Also update any internal caching.
endpoints := ec.buildEndpointsForService(svc, true)
shard := model.ShardKeyFromRegistry(ec)
ec.opts.XDSUpdater.EDSUpdate(shard, svc.Hostname.String(), se.GetNamespace(), endpoints)
func (ec *serviceExportCacheImpl) EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy(svc *model.Service) model.EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy {
if svc == nil {
// Default policy when the service doesn't exist.
return model.DiscoverableFromSameCluster
if strings.HasSuffix(svc.Hostname.String(), "."+constants.DefaultClusterSetLocalDomain) {
return ec.clusterSetLocalPolicySelector(svc)
return ec.clusterLocalPolicySelector(svc)
func (ec *serviceExportCacheImpl) isExported(name types.NamespacedName) bool {
_, err := ec.lister.ByNamespace(name.Namespace).Get(name.Name)
return err == nil
func (ec *serviceExportCacheImpl) ExportedServices() []exportedService {
// List all exports in this cluster.
exports, err := ec.lister.List(klabels.Everything())
if err != nil {
return make([]exportedService, 0)
out := make([]exportedService, 0, len(exports))
for _, export := range exports {
uExport := export.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
es := exportedService{
namespacedName: kubesr.NamespacedNameForK8sObject(uExport),
discoverability: make(map[host.Name]string),
// Generate the map of all hosts for this service to their discoverability policies.
clusterLocalHost := kubesr.ServiceHostname(uExport.GetName(), uExport.GetNamespace(), ec.opts.DomainSuffix)
clusterSetLocalHost := serviceClusterSetLocalHostname(es.namespacedName)
for _, hostName := range []host.Name{clusterLocalHost, clusterSetLocalHost} {
if svc := ec.servicesMap[hostName]; svc != nil {
es.discoverability[hostName] = ec.EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy(svc).String()
out = append(out, es)
return out
func (ec *serviceExportCacheImpl) HasSynced() bool {
return ec.informer.HasSynced()
type disabledServiceExportCache struct{}
var _ serviceExportCache = disabledServiceExportCache{}
func (c disabledServiceExportCache) EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy(*model.Service) model.EndpointDiscoverabilityPolicy {
return model.AlwaysDiscoverable
func (c disabledServiceExportCache) HasSynced() bool {
return true
func (c disabledServiceExportCache) ExportedServices() []exportedService {
// MCS is disabled - returning `nil`, which is semantically different here than an empty list.
return nil