blob: 341057099601ac3ddc54b04c881c84d796f5cb17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package builder
import (
import (
envoy_config_core_v3 ""
rbacpb ""
extauthzhttp ""
extauthztcp ""
envoy_type_matcher_v3 ""
envoytypev3 ""
meshconfig ""
import (
authzmodel ""
const (
extAuthzMatchPrefix = "istio-ext-authz"
var (
rbacPolicyMatchAll = &rbacpb.Policy{
Permissions: []*rbacpb.Permission{{Rule: &rbacpb.Permission_Any{Any: true}}},
Principals: []*rbacpb.Principal{{Identifier: &rbacpb.Principal_Any{Any: true}}},
rbacDefaultDenyAll = &rbacpb.RBAC{
Action: rbacpb.RBAC_DENY,
Policies: map[string]*rbacpb.Policy{
"default-deny-all-due-to-bad-CUSTOM-action": rbacPolicyMatchAll,
supportedStatus = func() []int {
var supported []int
for code := range envoytypev3.StatusCode_name {
supported = append(supported, int(code))
return supported
type builtExtAuthz struct {
http *extauthzhttp.ExtAuthz
tcp *extauthztcp.ExtAuthz
err error
func processExtensionProvider(push *model.PushContext) map[string]*builtExtAuthz {
resolved := map[string]*builtExtAuthz{}
for i, config := range push.Mesh.ExtensionProviders {
var errs error
if config.Name == "" {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("extension provider name must not be empty, found empty at index: %d", i))
} else if _, found := resolved[config.Name]; found {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("extension provider name must be unique, found duplicate: %s", config.Name))
var parsed *builtExtAuthz
var err error
// TODO(yangminzhu): Refactor and cache the ext_authz config.
switch p := config.Provider.(type) {
case *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_EnvoyExtAuthzHttp:
if err = validation.ValidateExtensionProviderEnvoyExtAuthzHTTP(p.EnvoyExtAuthzHttp); err == nil {
parsed, err = buildExtAuthzHTTP(push, p.EnvoyExtAuthzHttp)
case *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_EnvoyExtAuthzGrpc:
if err = validation.ValidateExtensionProviderEnvoyExtAuthzGRPC(p.EnvoyExtAuthzGrpc); err == nil {
parsed, err = buildExtAuthzGRPC(push, p.EnvoyExtAuthzGrpc)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse extension provider %q:", config.Name)))
if parsed == nil {
parsed = &builtExtAuthz{}
parsed.err = errs
resolved[config.Name] = parsed
if authzLog.DebugEnabled() {
authzLog.Debugf("Resolved extension providers: %v", spew.Sdump(resolved))
return resolved
func notAllTheSame(names []string) bool {
for i := 1; i < len(names); i++ {
if names[i-1] != names[i] {
return true
return false
func getExtAuthz(resolved map[string]*builtExtAuthz, providers []string) (*builtExtAuthz, error) {
if resolved == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("extension provider is either invalid or undefined")
if len(providers) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no provider specified in authorization policy")
if notAllTheSame(providers) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("only 1 provider can be used per workload, found multiple providers: %v", providers)
provider := providers[0]
ret, found := resolved[provider]
if !found {
var li []string
for p := range resolved {
li = append(li, p)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("available providers are %v but found %q", li, provider)
} else if ret.err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found errors in provider %s: %v", provider, ret.err)
return ret, nil
func buildExtAuthzHTTP(push *model.PushContext,
config *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_EnvoyExternalAuthorizationHttpProvider) (*builtExtAuthz, error) {
var errs error
port, err := parsePort(config.Port)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
hostname, cluster, err := extensionproviders.LookupCluster(push, config.Service, port)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
status, err := parseStatusOnError(config.StatusOnError)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
if config.PathPrefix != "" {
if _, err := url.Parse(config.PathPrefix); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid pathPrefix %q:", config.PathPrefix)))
if !strings.HasPrefix(config.PathPrefix, "/") {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("pathPrefix must begin with `/`, found: %q", config.PathPrefix))
checkWildcard := func(field string, values []string) {
for _, val := range values {
if val == "*" {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("a single wildcard (\"*\") is not supported, change it to either prefix or suffix match: %s", field))
checkWildcard("IncludeRequestHeadersInCheck", config.IncludeRequestHeadersInCheck)
checkWildcard("IncludeHeadersInCheck", config.IncludeHeadersInCheck)
checkWildcard("HeadersToDownstreamOnDeny", config.HeadersToDownstreamOnDeny)
checkWildcard("HeadersToDownstreamOnAllow", config.HeadersToDownstreamOnAllow)
checkWildcard("HeadersToUpstreamOnAllow", config.HeadersToUpstreamOnAllow)
if errs != nil {
return nil, errs
return generateHTTPConfig(hostname, cluster, status, config), nil
func buildExtAuthzGRPC(push *model.PushContext,
config *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_EnvoyExternalAuthorizationGrpcProvider) (*builtExtAuthz, error) {
var errs error
port, err := parsePort(config.Port)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
_, cluster, err := extensionproviders.LookupCluster(push, config.Service, port)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
status, err := parseStatusOnError(config.StatusOnError)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
if errs != nil {
return nil, errs
return generateGRPCConfig(cluster, config, status), nil
func parsePort(port uint32) (int, error) {
if 1 <= port && port <= 65535 {
return int(port), nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("port must be in the range [1, 65535], found: %d", port)
func parseStatusOnError(status string) (*envoytypev3.HttpStatus, error) {
if status == "" {
return nil, nil
code, err := strconv.ParseInt(status, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid statusOnError %q:", status))
if _, found := envoytypev3.StatusCode_name[int32(code)]; !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported statusOnError %s, supported values: %v", status, supportedStatus)
return &envoytypev3.HttpStatus{Code: envoytypev3.StatusCode(code)}, nil
func generateHTTPConfig(hostname, cluster string, status *envoytypev3.HttpStatus,
config *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_EnvoyExternalAuthorizationHttpProvider) *builtExtAuthz {
service := &extauthzhttp.HttpService{
PathPrefix: config.PathPrefix,
ServerUri: &envoy_config_core_v3.HttpUri{
// Timeout is required.
Timeout: timeoutOrDefault(config.Timeout),
// Uri is required but actually not used in the ext_authz filter.
Uri: fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", hostname),
HttpUpstreamType: &envoy_config_core_v3.HttpUri_Cluster{
Cluster: cluster,
allowedHeaders := generateHeaders(config.IncludeRequestHeadersInCheck)
if allowedHeaders == nil {
// IncludeHeadersInCheck is deprecated, only use it if IncludeRequestHeadersInCheck is not set.
// TODO: Remove the IncludeHeadersInCheck field before promoting to beta.
allowedHeaders = generateHeaders(config.IncludeHeadersInCheck)
var headersToAdd []*envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValue
var additionalHeaders []string
for k := range config.IncludeAdditionalHeadersInCheck {
additionalHeaders = append(additionalHeaders, k)
for _, k := range additionalHeaders {
headersToAdd = append(headersToAdd, &envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValue{
Key: k,
Value: config.IncludeAdditionalHeadersInCheck[k],
if allowedHeaders != nil || len(headersToAdd) != 0 {
service.AuthorizationRequest = &extauthzhttp.AuthorizationRequest{
AllowedHeaders: allowedHeaders,
HeadersToAdd: headersToAdd,
if len(config.HeadersToUpstreamOnAllow) > 0 || len(config.HeadersToDownstreamOnDeny) > 0 ||
len(config.HeadersToDownstreamOnAllow) > 0 {
service.AuthorizationResponse = &extauthzhttp.AuthorizationResponse{
AllowedUpstreamHeaders: generateHeaders(config.HeadersToUpstreamOnAllow),
AllowedClientHeaders: generateHeaders(config.HeadersToDownstreamOnDeny),
AllowedClientHeadersOnSuccess: generateHeaders(config.HeadersToDownstreamOnAllow),
http := &extauthzhttp.ExtAuthz{
StatusOnError: status,
FailureModeAllow: config.FailOpen,
TransportApiVersion: envoy_config_core_v3.ApiVersion_V3,
Services: &extauthzhttp.ExtAuthz_HttpService{
HttpService: service,
FilterEnabledMetadata: generateFilterMatcher(wellknown.HTTPRoleBasedAccessControl),
WithRequestBody: withBodyRequest(config.IncludeRequestBodyInCheck),
return &builtExtAuthz{http: http}
func generateGRPCConfig(cluster string, config *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_EnvoyExternalAuthorizationGrpcProvider,
status *envoytypev3.HttpStatus) *builtExtAuthz {
// The cluster includes the character `|` that is invalid in gRPC authority header and will cause the connection
// rejected in the server side, replace it with a valid character and set in authority otherwise ext_authz will
// use the cluster name as default authority.
authority := strings.ReplaceAll(cluster, "|", "_.")
grpc := &envoy_config_core_v3.GrpcService{
TargetSpecifier: &envoy_config_core_v3.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc_{
EnvoyGrpc: &envoy_config_core_v3.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc{
ClusterName: cluster,
Authority: authority,
Timeout: timeoutOrDefault(config.Timeout),
http := &extauthzhttp.ExtAuthz{
StatusOnError: status,
FailureModeAllow: config.FailOpen,
Services: &extauthzhttp.ExtAuthz_GrpcService{
GrpcService: grpc,
FilterEnabledMetadata: generateFilterMatcher(wellknown.HTTPRoleBasedAccessControl),
TransportApiVersion: envoy_config_core_v3.ApiVersion_V3,
WithRequestBody: withBodyRequest(config.IncludeRequestBodyInCheck),
tcp := &extauthztcp.ExtAuthz{
StatPrefix: "tcp.",
FailureModeAllow: config.FailOpen,
TransportApiVersion: envoy_config_core_v3.ApiVersion_V3,
GrpcService: grpc,
FilterEnabledMetadata: generateFilterMatcher(wellknown.RoleBasedAccessControl),
return &builtExtAuthz{http: http, tcp: tcp}
func generateHeaders(headers []string) *envoy_type_matcher_v3.ListStringMatcher {
if len(headers) == 0 {
return nil
var patterns []*envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher
for _, header := range headers {
pattern := &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
IgnoreCase: true,
if strings.HasPrefix(header, "*") {
pattern.MatchPattern = &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Suffix{
Suffix: strings.TrimPrefix(header, "*"),
} else if strings.HasSuffix(header, "*") {
pattern.MatchPattern = &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Prefix{
Prefix: strings.TrimSuffix(header, "*"),
} else {
pattern.MatchPattern = &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Exact{
Exact: header,
patterns = append(patterns, pattern)
return &envoy_type_matcher_v3.ListStringMatcher{Patterns: patterns}
func generateFilterMatcher(name string) *envoy_type_matcher_v3.MetadataMatcher {
return &envoy_type_matcher_v3.MetadataMatcher{
Filter: name,
Path: []*envoy_type_matcher_v3.MetadataMatcher_PathSegment{
Segment: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.MetadataMatcher_PathSegment_Key{
Key: authzmodel.RBACExtAuthzShadowRulesStatPrefix + authzmodel.RBACShadowEffectivePolicyID,
Value: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.ValueMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.ValueMatcher_StringMatch{
StringMatch: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Prefix{
Prefix: extAuthzMatchPrefix,
func timeoutOrDefault(t *durationpb.Duration) *durationpb.Duration {
if t == nil {
// Default timeout is 600s.
return &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 600}
return t
func withBodyRequest(config *meshconfig.MeshConfig_ExtensionProvider_EnvoyExternalAuthorizationRequestBody) *extauthzhttp.BufferSettings {
if config == nil {
return nil
return &extauthzhttp.BufferSettings{
MaxRequestBytes: config.MaxRequestBytes,
AllowPartialMessage: config.AllowPartialMessage,
PackAsBytes: config.PackAsBytes,