blob: b64504009e3467222def04d9333d4836d05b3f0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package builder
import (
import (
tcppb ""
rbacpb ""
rbachttppb ""
httppb ""
rbactcppb ""
import (
authzmodel ""
var rbacPolicyMatchNever = &rbacpb.Policy{
Permissions: []*rbacpb.Permission{{Rule: &rbacpb.Permission_NotRule{
NotRule: &rbacpb.Permission{Rule: &rbacpb.Permission_Any{Any: true}},
Principals: []*rbacpb.Principal{{Identifier: &rbacpb.Principal_NotId{
NotId: &rbacpb.Principal{Identifier: &rbacpb.Principal_Any{Any: true}},
// General setting to control behavior
type Option struct {
IsCustomBuilder bool
Logger *AuthzLogger
// Builder builds Istio authorization policy to Envoy filters.
type Builder struct {
trustDomainBundle trustdomain.Bundle
option Option
// populated when building for CUSTOM action.
customPolicies []model.AuthorizationPolicy
extensions map[string]*builtExtAuthz
// populated when building for ALLOW/DENY/AUDIT action.
denyPolicies []model.AuthorizationPolicy
allowPolicies []model.AuthorizationPolicy
auditPolicies []model.AuthorizationPolicy
// New returns a new builder for the given workload with the authorization policy.
// Returns nil if none of the authorization policies are enabled for the workload.
func New(trustDomainBundle trustdomain.Bundle, push *model.PushContext, policies model.AuthorizationPoliciesResult, option Option) *Builder {
if option.IsCustomBuilder {
option.Logger.AppendDebugf("found %d CUSTOM actions", len(policies.Custom))
if len(policies.Custom) == 0 {
return nil
return &Builder{
customPolicies: policies.Custom,
extensions: processExtensionProvider(push),
trustDomainBundle: trustDomainBundle,
option: option,
option.Logger.AppendDebugf("found %d DENY actions, %d ALLOW actions, %d AUDIT actions", len(policies.Deny), len(policies.Allow), len(policies.Audit))
if len(policies.Deny) == 0 && len(policies.Allow) == 0 && len(policies.Audit) == 0 {
return nil
return &Builder{
denyPolicies: policies.Deny,
allowPolicies: policies.Allow,
auditPolicies: policies.Audit,
trustDomainBundle: trustDomainBundle,
option: option,
// BuildHTTP returns the HTTP filters built from the authorization policy.
func (b Builder) BuildHTTP() []*httppb.HttpFilter {
if b.option.IsCustomBuilder {
// Use the DENY action so that a HTTP rule is properly handled when generating for TCP filter chain.
if configs :=, rbacpb.RBAC_DENY, false); configs != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("built %d HTTP filters for CUSTOM action", len(configs.http))
return configs.http
return nil
var filters []*httppb.HttpFilter
if configs :=, rbacpb.RBAC_LOG, false); configs != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("built %d HTTP filters for AUDIT action", len(configs.http))
filters = append(filters, configs.http...)
if configs :=, rbacpb.RBAC_DENY, false); configs != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("built %d HTTP filters for DENY action", len(configs.http))
filters = append(filters, configs.http...)
if configs :=, rbacpb.RBAC_ALLOW, false); configs != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("built %d HTTP filters for ALLOW action", len(configs.http))
filters = append(filters, configs.http...)
return filters
// BuildTCP returns the TCP filters built from the authorization policy.
func (b Builder) BuildTCP() []*tcppb.Filter {
if b.option.IsCustomBuilder {
if configs :=, rbacpb.RBAC_DENY, true); configs != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("built %d TCP filters for CUSTOM action", len(configs.tcp))
return configs.tcp
return nil
var filters []*tcppb.Filter
if configs :=, rbacpb.RBAC_LOG, true); configs != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("built %d TCP filters for AUDIT action", len(configs.tcp))
filters = append(filters, configs.tcp...)
if configs :=, rbacpb.RBAC_DENY, true); configs != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("built %d TCP filters for DENY action", len(configs.tcp))
filters = append(filters, configs.tcp...)
if configs :=, rbacpb.RBAC_ALLOW, true); configs != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("built %d TCP filters for ALLOW action", len(configs.tcp))
filters = append(filters, configs.tcp...)
return filters
type builtConfigs struct {
http []*httppb.HttpFilter
tcp []*tcppb.Filter
func (b Builder) isDryRun(policy model.AuthorizationPolicy) bool {
dryRun := false
if val, ok := policy.Annotations[annotation.IoIstioDryRun.Name]; ok {
var err error
dryRun, err = strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendError(fmt.Errorf("failed to parse the value of %s: %v", annotation.IoIstioDryRun.Name, err))
return dryRun
func shadowRuleStatPrefix(rule *rbacpb.RBAC) string {
switch rule.GetAction() {
case rbacpb.RBAC_ALLOW:
return authzmodel.RBACShadowRulesAllowStatPrefix
case rbacpb.RBAC_DENY:
return authzmodel.RBACShadowRulesDenyStatPrefix
return ""
func (b Builder) build(policies []model.AuthorizationPolicy, action rbacpb.RBAC_Action, forTCP bool) *builtConfigs {
if len(policies) == 0 {
return nil
enforceRules := &rbacpb.RBAC{
Action: action,
Policies: map[string]*rbacpb.Policy{},
shadowRules := &rbacpb.RBAC{
Action: action,
Policies: map[string]*rbacpb.Policy{},
var providers []string
filterType := "HTTP"
if forTCP {
filterType = "TCP"
hasEnforcePolicy, hasDryRunPolicy := false, false
for _, policy := range policies {
var currentRule *rbacpb.RBAC
if b.isDryRun(policy) {
currentRule = shadowRules
hasDryRunPolicy = true
} else {
currentRule = enforceRules
hasEnforcePolicy = true
if b.option.IsCustomBuilder {
providers = append(providers, policy.Spec.GetProvider().GetName())
for i, rule := range policy.Spec.Rules {
// The name will later be used by ext_authz filter to get the evaluation result from dynamic metadata.
name := policyName(policy.Namespace, policy.Name, i, b.option)
if rule == nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendError(fmt.Errorf("skipped nil rule %s", name))
m, err := authzmodel.New(rule)
if err != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendError(multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("skipped invalid rule %s:", name)))
if len(b.trustDomainBundle.TrustDomains) > 1 {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("patched source principal with trust domain aliases %v", b.trustDomainBundle.TrustDomains)
generated, err := m.Generate(forTCP, action)
if err != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("skipped rule %s on TCP filter chain: %v", name, err)
if generated != nil {
currentRule.Policies[name] = generated
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("generated config from rule %s on %s filter chain successfully", name, filterType)
if len(policy.Spec.Rules) == 0 {
// Generate an explicit policy that never matches.
name := policyName(policy.Namespace, policy.Name, 0, b.option)
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("generated config from policy %s on %s filter chain successfully", name, filterType)
currentRule.Policies[name] = rbacPolicyMatchNever
if !hasEnforcePolicy {
enforceRules = nil
if !hasDryRunPolicy {
shadowRules = nil
if forTCP {
return &builtConfigs{tcp: b.buildTCP(enforceRules, shadowRules, providers)}
return &builtConfigs{http: b.buildHTTP(enforceRules, shadowRules, providers)}
func (b Builder) buildHTTP(rules *rbacpb.RBAC, shadowRules *rbacpb.RBAC, providers []string) []*httppb.HttpFilter {
if !b.option.IsCustomBuilder {
rbac := &rbachttppb.RBAC{
Rules: rules,
ShadowRules: shadowRules,
ShadowRulesStatPrefix: shadowRuleStatPrefix(shadowRules),
return []*httppb.HttpFilter{
Name: wellknown.HTTPRoleBasedAccessControl,
ConfigType: &httppb.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(rbac)},
extauthz, err := getExtAuthz(b.extensions, providers)
if err != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendError(multierror.Prefix(err, "failed to process CUSTOM action:"))
rbac := &rbachttppb.RBAC{Rules: rbacDefaultDenyAll}
return []*httppb.HttpFilter{
Name: wellknown.HTTPRoleBasedAccessControl,
ConfigType: &httppb.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(rbac)},
// Add the RBAC filter in shadow mode so that it only evaluates the matching rules for CUSTOM action but not enforce it.
// The evaluation result is stored in the dynamic metadata keyed by the policy name. And then the ext_authz filter
// can utilize these metadata to trigger the enforcement conditionally.
// See
// for more details.
rbac := &rbachttppb.RBAC{
ShadowRules: rules,
ShadowRulesStatPrefix: authzmodel.RBACExtAuthzShadowRulesStatPrefix,
return []*httppb.HttpFilter{
Name: wellknown.HTTPRoleBasedAccessControl,
ConfigType: &httppb.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(rbac)},
Name: wellknown.HTTPExternalAuthorization,
ConfigType: &httppb.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(extauthz.http)},
func (b Builder) buildTCP(rules *rbacpb.RBAC, shadowRules *rbacpb.RBAC, providers []string) []*tcppb.Filter {
if !b.option.IsCustomBuilder {
rbac := &rbactcppb.RBAC{
Rules: rules,
StatPrefix: authzmodel.RBACTCPFilterStatPrefix,
ShadowRules: shadowRules,
ShadowRulesStatPrefix: shadowRuleStatPrefix(shadowRules),
return []*tcppb.Filter{
Name: wellknown.RoleBasedAccessControl,
ConfigType: &tcppb.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(rbac)},
if extauthz, err := getExtAuthz(b.extensions, providers); err != nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendError(multierror.Prefix(err, "failed to parse CUSTOM action, will generate a deny all config:"))
rbac := &rbactcppb.RBAC{
Rules: rbacDefaultDenyAll,
StatPrefix: authzmodel.RBACTCPFilterStatPrefix,
return []*tcppb.Filter{
Name: wellknown.RoleBasedAccessControl,
ConfigType: &tcppb.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(rbac)},
} else if extauthz.tcp == nil {
b.option.Logger.AppendDebugf("ignored CUSTOM action with HTTP provider on TCP filter chain")
return nil
} else {
rbac := &rbactcppb.RBAC{
ShadowRules: rules,
StatPrefix: authzmodel.RBACTCPFilterStatPrefix,
ShadowRulesStatPrefix: authzmodel.RBACExtAuthzShadowRulesStatPrefix,
return []*tcppb.Filter{
Name: wellknown.RoleBasedAccessControl,
ConfigType: &tcppb.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(rbac)},
Name: wellknown.ExternalAuthorization,
ConfigType: &tcppb.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(extauthz.tcp)},
func policyName(namespace, name string, rule int, option Option) string {
prefix := ""
if option.IsCustomBuilder {
prefix = extAuthzMatchPrefix + "-"
return fmt.Sprintf("%sns[%s]-policy[%s]-rule[%d]", prefix, namespace, name, rule)