blob: d45b13d4d7a9e0341ab6e63be19a91f884a27d7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1beta1
import (
import (
core ""
route ""
envoy_jwt ""
http_conn ""
authn_alpha ""
authn_filter ""
meshconfig ""
import (
authn_utils ""
authn_model ""
var authnLog = log.RegisterScope("authn", "authn debugging", 0)
// Implementation of authn.PolicyApplier with v1beta1 API.
type v1beta1PolicyApplier struct {
jwtPolicies []*config.Config
peerPolices []*config.Config
// processedJwtRules is the consolidate JWT rules from all jwtPolicies.
processedJwtRules []*v1beta1.JWTRule
consolidatedPeerPolicy *v1beta1.PeerAuthentication
push *model.PushContext
func (a *v1beta1PolicyApplier) JwtFilter() *http_conn.HttpFilter {
if len(a.processedJwtRules) == 0 {
return nil
filterConfigProto := convertToEnvoyJwtConfig(a.processedJwtRules, a.push)
if filterConfigProto == nil {
return nil
return &http_conn.HttpFilter{
Name: authn_model.EnvoyJwtFilterName,
ConfigType: &http_conn.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(filterConfigProto)},
func defaultAuthnFilter() *authn_filter.FilterConfig {
return &authn_filter.FilterConfig{
Policy: &authn_alpha.Policy{},
// we can always set this field, it's no-op if mTLS is not used.
SkipValidateTrustDomain: true,
func (a *v1beta1PolicyApplier) setAuthnFilterForRequestAuthn(config *authn_filter.FilterConfig) *authn_filter.FilterConfig {
if len(a.processedJwtRules) == 0 {
// (beta) RequestAuthentication is not set for workload, do nothing.
authnLog.Debug("AuthnFilter: RequestAuthentication (beta policy) not found, keep settings with alpha API")
return config
if config == nil {
config = defaultAuthnFilter()
// This is obsoleted and not needed (payload is extracted from metadata). Reset the field to remove
// any artifacts from alpha applier.
config.JwtOutputPayloadLocations = nil
p := config.Policy
// Reset origins to use with beta API
// nolint: staticcheck
p.Origins = []*authn_alpha.OriginAuthenticationMethod{}
// Always set to true for beta API, as it doesn't doe rejection on missing token.
// nolint: staticcheck
p.OriginIsOptional = true
// Always bind request.auth.principal from JWT origin. In v2 policy, authorization config specifies what principal to
// choose from instead, rather than in authn config.
// nolint: staticcheck
p.PrincipalBinding = authn_alpha.PrincipalBinding_USE_ORIGIN
// nolint: staticcheck
for _, jwt := range a.processedJwtRules {
p.Origins = append(p.Origins, &authn_alpha.OriginAuthenticationMethod{
Jwt: &authn_alpha.Jwt{
// used for getting the filter data, and all other fields are irrelevant.
Issuer: jwt.GetIssuer(),
return config
// AuthNFilter returns the Istio authn filter config:
// - If RequestAuthentication is used, it overwrite the settings for request principal validation and extraction based on the new API.
// - If RequestAuthentication is used, principal binding is always set to ORIGIN.
func (a *v1beta1PolicyApplier) AuthNFilter(forSidecar bool) *http_conn.HttpFilter {
var filterConfigProto *authn_filter.FilterConfig
// Override the config with request authentication, if applicable.
filterConfigProto = a.setAuthnFilterForRequestAuthn(filterConfigProto)
if filterConfigProto == nil {
return nil
// disable clear route cache for sidecars because the JWT claim based routing is only supported on gateways.
filterConfigProto.DisableClearRouteCache = forSidecar
// Note: in previous Istio versions, the authn filter also handled PeerAuthentication, to extract principal.
// This has been modified to rely on the TCP filter
return &http_conn.HttpFilter{
Name: authn_model.AuthnFilterName,
ConfigType: &http_conn.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(filterConfigProto)},
func (a *v1beta1PolicyApplier) InboundMTLSSettings(endpointPort uint32, node *model.Proxy, trustDomainAliases []string) plugin.MTLSSettings {
effectiveMTLSMode := a.GetMutualTLSModeForPort(endpointPort)
authnLog.Debugf("InboundFilterChain: build inbound filter change for %v:%d in %s mode", node.ID, endpointPort, effectiveMTLSMode)
var mc *meshconfig.MeshConfig
if a.push != nil {
mc = a.push.Mesh
// Configure TLS version based on meshconfig TLS API.
minTLSVersion := authn_utils.GetMinTLSVersion(mc.GetMeshMTLS().GetMinProtocolVersion())
return plugin.MTLSSettings{
Port: endpointPort,
Mode: effectiveMTLSMode,
TCP: authn_utils.BuildInboundTLS(effectiveMTLSMode, node, networking.ListenerProtocolTCP,
trustDomainAliases, minTLSVersion),
HTTP: authn_utils.BuildInboundTLS(effectiveMTLSMode, node, networking.ListenerProtocolHTTP,
trustDomainAliases, minTLSVersion),
// NewPolicyApplier returns new applier for v1beta1 authentication policies.
func NewPolicyApplier(rootNamespace string,
jwtPolicies []*config.Config,
peerPolicies []*config.Config,
push *model.PushContext,
) authn.PolicyApplier {
processedJwtRules := []*v1beta1.JWTRule{}
// TODO(diemtvu) should we need to deduplicate JWT with the same issuer.
for idx := range jwtPolicies {
spec := jwtPolicies[idx].Spec.(*v1beta1.RequestAuthentication)
processedJwtRules = append(processedJwtRules, spec.JwtRules...)
// Sort the jwt rules by the issuer alphabetically to make the later-on generated filter
// config deterministic.
sort.Slice(processedJwtRules, func(i, j int) bool {
return strings.Compare(
processedJwtRules[i].GetIssuer(), processedJwtRules[j].GetIssuer()) < 0
return &v1beta1PolicyApplier{
jwtPolicies: jwtPolicies,
peerPolices: peerPolicies,
processedJwtRules: processedJwtRules,
consolidatedPeerPolicy: ComposePeerAuthentication(rootNamespace, peerPolicies),
push: push,
// convertToEnvoyJwtConfig converts a list of JWT rules into Envoy JWT filter config to enforce it.
// Each rule is expected corresponding to one JWT issuer (provider).
// The behavior of the filter should reject all requests with invalid token. On the other hand,
// if no token provided, the request is allowed.
func convertToEnvoyJwtConfig(jwtRules []*v1beta1.JWTRule, push *model.PushContext) *envoy_jwt.JwtAuthentication {
if len(jwtRules) == 0 {
return nil
providers := map[string]*envoy_jwt.JwtProvider{}
// Each element of innerAndList is the requirement for each provider, in the form of
// {provider OR `allow_missing`}
// This list will be ANDed (if have more than one provider) for the final requirement.
innerAndList := []*envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement{}
// This is an (or) list for all providers. This will be OR with the innerAndList above so
// it can pass the requirement in the case that providers share the same location.
outterOrList := []*envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement{}
for i, jwtRule := range jwtRules {
provider := &envoy_jwt.JwtProvider{
Issuer: jwtRule.Issuer,
Audiences: jwtRule.Audiences,
Forward: jwtRule.ForwardOriginalToken,
ForwardPayloadHeader: jwtRule.OutputPayloadToHeader,
PayloadInMetadata: jwtRule.Issuer,
for _, location := range jwtRule.FromHeaders {
provider.FromHeaders = append(provider.FromHeaders, &envoy_jwt.JwtHeader{
Name: location.Name,
ValuePrefix: location.Prefix,
provider.FromParams = jwtRule.FromParams
if features.EnableRemoteJwks && jwtRule.JwksUri != "" {
// Use remote jwks if jwksUri is non empty. Parse the jwksUri to get the cluster name,
// generate the jwt filter config using remoteJwks.
// If failed to parse the cluster name, fallback to let istiod to fetch the jwksUri.
// TODO: Implement the logic to auto-generate the cluster so that when the flag is enabled,
// it will always let envoy to fetch the jwks for consistent behavior.
u, _ := url.Parse(jwtRule.JwksUri)
hostAndPort := strings.Split(u.Host, ":")
host := hostAndPort[0]
// TODO: Default port based on scheme ?
port := 80
if len(hostAndPort) == 2 {
var err error
if port, err = strconv.Atoi(hostAndPort[1]); err != nil {
port = 80 // If port is not specified or there is an error in parsing default to 80.
_, cluster, err := extensionproviders.LookupCluster(push, host, port)
if err == nil && len(cluster) > 0 {
// This is a case of URI pointing to mesh cluster. Setup Remote Jwks and let Envoy fetch the key.
provider.JwksSourceSpecifier = &envoy_jwt.JwtProvider_RemoteJwks{
RemoteJwks: &envoy_jwt.RemoteJwks{
HttpUri: &core.HttpUri{
Uri: jwtRule.JwksUri,
HttpUpstreamType: &core.HttpUri_Cluster{
Cluster: cluster,
Timeout: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 5},
CacheDuration: &durationpb.Duration{Seconds: 5 * 60},
} else {
provider.JwksSourceSpecifier = push.JwtKeyResolver.BuildLocalJwks(jwtRule.JwksUri, jwtRule.Issuer, "")
} else {
// Use inline jwks as existing flow, either jwtRule.jwks is non empty or let istiod to fetch the jwtRule.jwksUri
provider.JwksSourceSpecifier = push.JwtKeyResolver.BuildLocalJwks(jwtRule.JwksUri, jwtRule.Issuer, jwtRule.Jwks)
name := fmt.Sprintf("origins-%d", i)
providers[name] = provider
innerAndList = append(innerAndList, &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement{
RequiresType: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement_RequiresAny{
RequiresAny: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirementOrList{
Requirements: []*envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement{
RequiresType: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement_ProviderName{
ProviderName: name,
RequiresType: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement_AllowMissing{
AllowMissing: &emptypb.Empty{},
outterOrList = append(outterOrList, &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement{
RequiresType: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement_ProviderName{
ProviderName: name,
// If there is only one provider, simply use an OR of {provider, `allow_missing`}.
if len(innerAndList) == 1 {
return &envoy_jwt.JwtAuthentication{
Rules: []*envoy_jwt.RequirementRule{
Match: &route.RouteMatch{
PathSpecifier: &route.RouteMatch_Prefix{
Prefix: "/",
RequirementType: &envoy_jwt.RequirementRule_Requires{
Requires: innerAndList[0],
Providers: providers,
BypassCorsPreflight: true,
// If there are more than one provider, filter should OR of
// {P1, P2 .., AND of {OR{P1, allow_missing}, OR{P2, allow_missing} ...}}
// where the innerAnd enforce a token, if provided, must be valid, and the
// outer OR aids the case where providers share the same location (as
// it will always fail with the innerAND).
outterOrList = append(outterOrList, &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement{
RequiresType: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement_RequiresAll{
RequiresAll: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirementAndList{
Requirements: innerAndList,
return &envoy_jwt.JwtAuthentication{
Rules: []*envoy_jwt.RequirementRule{
Match: &route.RouteMatch{
PathSpecifier: &route.RouteMatch_Prefix{
Prefix: "/",
RequirementType: &envoy_jwt.RequirementRule_Requires{
Requires: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement{
RequiresType: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirement_RequiresAny{
RequiresAny: &envoy_jwt.JwtRequirementOrList{
Requirements: outterOrList,
Providers: providers,
BypassCorsPreflight: true,
func (a *v1beta1PolicyApplier) PortLevelSetting() map[uint32]*v1beta1.PeerAuthentication_MutualTLS {
return a.consolidatedPeerPolicy.PortLevelMtls
func (a *v1beta1PolicyApplier) GetMutualTLSModeForPort(endpointPort uint32) model.MutualTLSMode {
if a.consolidatedPeerPolicy.PortLevelMtls != nil {
if portMtls, ok := a.consolidatedPeerPolicy.PortLevelMtls[endpointPort]; ok {
return getMutualTLSMode(portMtls)
return getMutualTLSMode(a.consolidatedPeerPolicy.Mtls)
// getMutualTLSMode returns the MutualTLSMode enum corresponding peer MutualTLS settings.
// Input cannot be nil.
func getMutualTLSMode(mtls *v1beta1.PeerAuthentication_MutualTLS) model.MutualTLSMode {
return model.ConvertToMutualTLSMode(mtls.Mode)
// ComposePeerAuthentication returns the effective PeerAuthentication given the list of applicable
// configs. This list should contains at most 1 mesh-level and 1 namespace-level configs.
// Workload-level configs should not be in root namespace (this should be guaranteed by the caller,
// though they will be safely ignored in this function). If the input config list is empty, returns
// a default policy set to a PERMISSIVE.
// If there is at least one applicable config, returns should not be nil, and is a combined policy
// based on following rules:
// - It should have the setting from the most narrow scope (i.e workload-level is preferred over
// namespace-level, which is preferred over mesh-level).
// - When there are more than one policy in the same scope (i.e workload-level), the oldest one win.
// - UNSET will be replaced with the setting from the parent. I.e UNSET port-level config will be
// replaced with config from workload-level, UNSET in workload-level config will be replaced with
// one in namespace-level and so on.
func ComposePeerAuthentication(rootNamespace string, configs []*config.Config) *v1beta1.PeerAuthentication {
var meshCfg, namespaceCfg, workloadCfg *config.Config
// Initial outputPolicy is set to a PERMISSIVE.
outputPolicy := v1beta1.PeerAuthentication{
Mtls: &v1beta1.PeerAuthentication_MutualTLS{
Mode: v1beta1.PeerAuthentication_MutualTLS_PERMISSIVE,
for _, cfg := range configs {
spec := cfg.Spec.(*v1beta1.PeerAuthentication)
if spec.Selector == nil || len(spec.Selector.MatchLabels) == 0 {
// Namespace-level or mesh-level policy
if cfg.Namespace == rootNamespace {
if meshCfg == nil || cfg.CreationTimestamp.Before(meshCfg.CreationTimestamp) {
authnLog.Debugf("Switch selected mesh policy to %s.%s (%v)", cfg.Name, cfg.Namespace, cfg.CreationTimestamp)
meshCfg = cfg
} else {
if namespaceCfg == nil || cfg.CreationTimestamp.Before(namespaceCfg.CreationTimestamp) {
authnLog.Debugf("Switch selected namespace policy to %s.%s (%v)", cfg.Name, cfg.Namespace, cfg.CreationTimestamp)
namespaceCfg = cfg
} else if cfg.Namespace != rootNamespace {
// Workload-level policy, aka the one with selector and not in root namespace.
if workloadCfg == nil || cfg.CreationTimestamp.Before(workloadCfg.CreationTimestamp) {
authnLog.Debugf("Switch selected workload policy to %s.%s (%v)", cfg.Name, cfg.Namespace, cfg.CreationTimestamp)
workloadCfg = cfg
// Process in mesh, namespace, workload order to resolve inheritance (UNSET)
if meshCfg != nil && !isMtlsModeUnset(meshCfg.Spec.(*v1beta1.PeerAuthentication).Mtls) {
// If mesh policy is defined, update parent policy to mesh policy.
outputPolicy.Mtls = meshCfg.Spec.(*v1beta1.PeerAuthentication).Mtls
if namespaceCfg != nil && !isMtlsModeUnset(namespaceCfg.Spec.(*v1beta1.PeerAuthentication).Mtls) {
// If namespace policy is defined, update output policy to namespace policy. This means namespace
// policy overwrite mesh policy.
outputPolicy.Mtls = namespaceCfg.Spec.(*v1beta1.PeerAuthentication).Mtls
var workloadPolicy *v1beta1.PeerAuthentication
if workloadCfg != nil {
workloadPolicy = workloadCfg.Spec.(*v1beta1.PeerAuthentication)
if workloadPolicy != nil && !isMtlsModeUnset(workloadPolicy.Mtls) {
// If workload policy is defined, update parent policy to workload policy.
outputPolicy.Mtls = workloadPolicy.Mtls
if workloadPolicy != nil && workloadPolicy.PortLevelMtls != nil {
outputPolicy.PortLevelMtls = make(map[uint32]*v1beta1.PeerAuthentication_MutualTLS, len(workloadPolicy.PortLevelMtls))
for port, mtls := range workloadPolicy.PortLevelMtls {
if isMtlsModeUnset(mtls) {
// Inherit from workload level.
outputPolicy.PortLevelMtls[port] = outputPolicy.Mtls
} else {
outputPolicy.PortLevelMtls[port] = mtls
return &outputPolicy
func isMtlsModeUnset(mtls *v1beta1.PeerAuthentication_MutualTLS) bool {
return mtls == nil || mtls.Mode == v1beta1.PeerAuthentication_MutualTLS_UNSET