blob: 714038dcc196f851d79802bd35ef66f0e3df402d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
package dubbogen
import (
import (
discovery ""
istioioapidubbov1alpha1 ""
istioioapiextensionsv1alpha1 ""
import (
// Map of all configs that do not impact LDS
var snpConfigs = map[model.NodeType]map[config.GroupVersionKind]struct{}{
model.SidecarProxy: {
gvk.ServiceNameMapping: {},
func snpNeedsPush(proxy *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest) bool {
if req == nil {
return true
if !req.Full {
// SNP only handles full push
return false
// If none set, we will always push
if len(req.ConfigsUpdated) == 0 {
return true
for conf := range req.ConfigsUpdated {
if _, f := snpConfigs[proxy.Type][conf.Kind]; f {
return true
return false
func (d *DubboConfigGenerator) buildServiceNameMappings(node *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest, watchedResourceNames []string) model.Resources {
log.Debugf("building snp for %s", node.ID)
if !snpNeedsPush(node, req) {
return nil
snps := buildSnp(node, req, watchedResourceNames)
log.Debugf("snp res for %s:\n%v", node.ID, snps)
resources := model.Resources{}
for _, c := range snps {
resources = append(resources, &discovery.Resource{
Name: c.InterfaceName,
Resource: util.MessageToAny(c),
return resources
func buildSnp(node *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest, watchedResourceNames []string) []*istioioapidubbov1alpha1.ServiceMappingXdsResponse {
defaultNs := node.ConfigNamespace
res := make([]*istioioapidubbov1alpha1.ServiceMappingXdsResponse, 0, len(watchedResourceNames))
updatedMap := map[string]interface{}{}
for update, _ := range req.ConfigsUpdated {
watchedResourceName := buildNameAndNameSpace(update.Name, update.Namespace)
updatedMap[watchedResourceName] = struct{}{}
// if req.ConfigsUpdated is empty, it means that all watched resources need to be pushed
for _, w := range watchedResourceNames {
watchedResourceName := buildNameAndNameSpace(w, defaultNs)
// if configsUpdated empty, meaning a full push of watched snp resources.
if _, exists := updatedMap[watchedResourceName]; exists || len(req.ConfigsUpdated) == 0 {
snpName, namespace := extractNameAndNameSpace(watchedResourceName, defaultNs)
if snp := req.Push.ServiceNameMappingsByNameSpaceAndInterfaceName(namespace, snpName); snp != nil {
mapping := snp.Spec.(*istioioapiextensionsv1alpha1.ServiceNameMapping)
res = append(res, &istioioapidubbov1alpha1.ServiceMappingXdsResponse{
Namespace: snp.Namespace,
InterfaceName: mapping.InterfaceName,
ApplicationNames: mapping.ApplicationNames,
return res
// extractNameAndNameSpace watchedResource should like '[a.b.interface]|[namespace]', if namespace is nil,
// defaultNamespace will be used.
func extractNameAndNameSpace(watchedResource, defaultNamespace string) (string, string) {
split := strings.Split(watchedResource, "|")
if len(split) == 1 || split[1] == "" {
return split[0], defaultNamespace
return split[0], split[1]
// buildNameAndNameSpace watchedResource should like '[a.b.interface]|[namespace]', if namespace is nil,
// defaultNamespace will be used.
func buildNameAndNameSpace(watchedResource, defaultNamespace string) string {
split := strings.Split(watchedResource, "|")
if len(split) == 1 || split[1] == "" {
return strings.Join([]string{split[0], defaultNamespace}, "|")
return watchedResource