blob: ddea47465654fcb78be9b458f88eff29e3cde14e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package v1alpha1
import (
import (
dubbov1alpha1 ""
extensionsv1alpha1 ""
istiolog ""
apierror ""
v1 ""
import (
var log = istiolog.RegisterScope("Snp server", "Snp register server for Proxyless dubbo", 0)
type Snp struct {
KubeClient kube.Client
queue chan *RegisterRequest
debounceAfter time.Duration
debounceMax time.Duration
enableDebounce bool
func NewSnp(kubeClient kube.Client) *Snp {
return &Snp{
KubeClient: kubeClient,
queue: make(chan *RegisterRequest, 10),
debounceAfter: features.SNPDebounceAfter,
debounceMax: features.SNPDebounceMax,
enableDebounce: features.SNPEnableDebounce,
// RegisterServiceAppMapping register service app mapping.
func (s *Snp) RegisterServiceAppMapping(ctx context.Context, req *dubbov1alpha1.ServiceMappingRequest) (*dubbov1alpha1.ServiceMappingResponse, error) {
namespace := req.GetNamespace()
interfaces := req.GetInterfaceNames()
applicationName := req.GetApplicationName()
registerReq := &RegisterRequest{ConfigsUpdated: map[model.ConfigKey]map[string]struct{}{}}
for _, interfaceName := range interfaces {
key := model.ConfigKey{
Name: interfaceName,
Namespace: namespace,
if _, ok := registerReq.ConfigsUpdated[key]; !ok {
registerReq.ConfigsUpdated[key] = make(map[string]struct{})
registerReq.ConfigsUpdated[key][applicationName] = struct{}{}
s.queue <- registerReq
return &dubbov1alpha1.ServiceMappingResponse{}, nil
func (s *Snp) Register(server *grpc.Server) {
dubbov1alpha1.RegisterServiceNameMappingServiceServer(server, s)
func (s *Snp) Start(stop <-chan struct{}) {
if s == nil {
log.Warn("Snp server is not init, skip start")
go s.debounce(stop, s.push)
func (s *Snp) push(req *RegisterRequest) {
for key, m := range req.ConfigsUpdated {
var appNames []string
for app := range m {
appNames = append(appNames, app)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
if err := tryRegister(s.KubeClient, key.Namespace, key.Name, appNames); err != nil {
log.Errorf(" register [%v] failed: %v, try again later", key, err)
} else {
// Each application registers its services with the Snp server at startup,
// and there are usually multiple copies of a deployment. They make requests
// at the same time. So we need to debounce these requests,
// because only one request is valid for the same deployment!
// So we wait for a while, merge incoming requests, and submit them when
// there is a timeout or a short period of no subsequent requests,
// by default a minimum of 200ms and a maximum of 1s, which is usually acceptable.
// The above can significantly reduce the pressure on the registry.
func (s *Snp) debounce(stopCh <-chan struct{}, pushFn func(req *RegisterRequest)) {
ch := s.queue
var timeChan <-chan time.Time
var startDebounce time.Time
var lastConfigUpdateTime time.Time
pushCounter := 0
debouncedEvents := 0
var req *RegisterRequest
free := true
freeCh := make(chan struct{}, 1)
push := func(req *RegisterRequest) {
freeCh <- struct{}{}
pushWorker := func() {
eventDelay := time.Since(startDebounce)
quietTime := time.Since(lastConfigUpdateTime)
// it has been too long or quiet enough
if eventDelay >= s.debounceMax || quietTime >= s.debounceAfter {
if req != nil {
if req.ConfigsUpdated != nil {
log.Infof(" Push debounce stable[%d] %d for config %s: %v since last change, %v since last push",
pushCounter, debouncedEvents, configsUpdated(req),
quietTime, eventDelay)
free = false
go push(req)
req = nil
debouncedEvents = 0
} else {
timeChan = time.After(s.debounceAfter - quietTime)
for {
select {
case <-freeCh:
free = true
case r := <-ch:
// if debounce is disabled, push immediately
if !s.enableDebounce {
go push(r)
req = nil
lastConfigUpdateTime = time.Now()
if debouncedEvents == 0 {
timeChan = time.After(200 * time.Millisecond)
startDebounce = lastConfigUpdateTime
req = req.Merge(r)
case <-timeChan:
if free {
case <-stopCh:
func tryRegister(kubeClient kube.Client, namespace, interfaceName string, newApps []string) error {
log.Debugf("try register [%s] in namespace [%s] with [%v] apps", interfaceName, namespace, len(newApps))
snp, created, err := getOrCreateSnp(kubeClient, namespace, interfaceName, newApps)
if created {
log.Debugf("register success, revision:%s", snp.ResourceVersion)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
previousLen := len(snp.Spec.ApplicationNames)
previousAppNames := make(map[string]struct{}, previousLen)
for _, name := range snp.Spec.ApplicationNames {
previousAppNames[name] = struct{}{}
for _, newApp := range newApps {
previousAppNames[newApp] = struct{}{}
if len(previousAppNames) == previousLen {
log.Debugf("[%s] has been registered: %v", interfaceName, newApps)
return nil
mergedApps := make([]string, 0, len(previousAppNames))
for name := range previousAppNames {
mergedApps = append(mergedApps, name)
snp.Spec.ApplicationNames = mergedApps
snpInterface := kubeClient.Istio().ExtensionsV1alpha1().ServiceNameMappings(namespace)
snp, err = snpInterface.Update(context.Background(), snp, v1.UpdateOptions{})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, " update failed")
log.Debugf("register update success, revision:%s", snp.ResourceVersion)
return nil
func getOrCreateSnp(kubeClient kube.Client, namespace string, interfaceName string, newApps []string) (*v1alpha1.ServiceNameMapping, bool, error) {
ctx := context.TODO()
// snp name is a lowercase RFC 1123 label must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-'
lowerCaseName := strings.ToLower(strings.ReplaceAll(interfaceName, ".", "-"))
snpInterface := kubeClient.Istio().ExtensionsV1alpha1().ServiceNameMappings(namespace)
snp, err := snpInterface.Get(ctx, lowerCaseName, v1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
if apierror.IsNotFound(err) {
//try to create snp, this operation may be conflict with other goroutine
snp, err = snpInterface.Create(ctx, &v1alpha1.ServiceNameMapping{
ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
Name: lowerCaseName,
Namespace: namespace,
Labels: map[string]string{
"interface": interfaceName,
Spec: extensionsv1alpha1.ServiceNameMapping{
InterfaceName: interfaceName,
ApplicationNames: newApps,
}, v1.CreateOptions{})
// create success
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("create snp %s revision %s", interfaceName, snp.ResourceVersion)
return snp, true, nil
// If the creation fails, meaning it already created by other goroutine, then get it
if apierror.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
log.Debugf("[%s] has been exists, err: %v", err)
snp, err = snpInterface.Get(ctx, lowerCaseName, v1.GetOptions{})
// maybe failed to get snp cause of network issue, just return error
if err != nil {
return nil, false, errors.Wrap(err, "tryRegister retry get snp error")
} else {
return nil, false, errors.Wrap(err, "tryRegister get snp error")
return snp, false, nil
type RegisterRequest struct {
ConfigsUpdated map[model.ConfigKey]map[string]struct{}
func (r *RegisterRequest) Merge(req *RegisterRequest) *RegisterRequest {
if r == nil {
return req
for key, newApps := range req.ConfigsUpdated {
if _, ok := r.ConfigsUpdated[key]; !ok {
r.ConfigsUpdated[key] = make(map[string]struct{})
for app, _ := range newApps {
r.ConfigsUpdated[key][app] = struct{}{}
return r
func configsUpdated(req *RegisterRequest) string {
configs := ""
for key := range req.ConfigsUpdated {
configs += key.String()
if len(req.ConfigsUpdated) > 1 {
more := fmt.Sprintf(" and %d more configs", len(req.ConfigsUpdated)-1)
configs += more
return configs