blob: a9f3a34276efbfb9302b5e847729c19ee04f792b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1alpha3
import (
import (
import (
// Match by source labels, the listener port where traffic comes in, the gateway on which the rule is being
// bound, etc. All these can be checked statically, since we are generating the configuration for a proxy
// with predefined labels, on a specific port.
func matchTLS(match *v1alpha3.TLSMatchAttributes, proxyLabels labels.Instance, gateways map[string]bool, port int, proxyNamespace string) bool {
if match == nil {
return true
gatewayMatch := len(match.Gateways) == 0
for _, gateway := range match.Gateways {
gatewayMatch = gatewayMatch || gateways[gateway]
labelMatch := labels.Instance(match.SourceLabels).SubsetOf(proxyLabels)
portMatch := match.Port == 0 || match.Port == uint32(port)
nsMatch := match.SourceNamespace == "" || match.SourceNamespace == proxyNamespace
return gatewayMatch && labelMatch && portMatch && nsMatch
// Match by source labels, the listener port where traffic comes in, the gateway on which the rule is being
// bound, etc. All these can be checked statically, since we are generating the configuration for a proxy
// with predefined labels, on a specific port.
func matchTCP(match *v1alpha3.L4MatchAttributes, proxyLabels labels.Instance, gateways map[string]bool, port int, proxyNamespace string) bool {
if match == nil {
return true
gatewayMatch := len(match.Gateways) == 0
for _, gateway := range match.Gateways {
gatewayMatch = gatewayMatch || gateways[gateway]
labelMatch := labels.Instance(match.SourceLabels).SubsetOf(proxyLabels)
portMatch := match.Port == 0 || match.Port == uint32(port)
nsMatch := match.SourceNamespace == "" || match.SourceNamespace == proxyNamespace
return gatewayMatch && labelMatch && portMatch && nsMatch
// Select the config pertaining to the service being processed.
func getConfigsForHost(hostname host.Name, configs []config.Config) []config.Config {
svcConfigs := make([]config.Config, 0)
for index := range configs {
virtualService := configs[index].Spec.(*v1alpha3.VirtualService)
for _, vsHost := range virtualService.Hosts {
if host.Name(vsHost).Matches(hostname) {
svcConfigs = append(svcConfigs, configs[index])
return svcConfigs
// hashRuntimeTLSMatchPredicates hashes runtime predicates of a TLS match
func hashRuntimeTLSMatchPredicates(match *v1alpha3.TLSMatchAttributes) string {
return strings.Join(match.SniHosts, ",") + "|" + strings.Join(match.DestinationSubnets, ",")
func buildSidecarOutboundTLSFilterChainOpts(node *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext, destinationCIDR string,
service *model.Service, bind string, listenPort *model.Port,
gateways map[string]bool, configs []config.Config) []*filterChainOpts {
if !listenPort.Protocol.IsTLS() {
return nil
actualWildcard, _ := getActualWildcardAndLocalHost(node)
// TLS matches are composed of runtime and static predicates.
// Static predicates can be evaluated during the generation of the config. Examples: gateway, source labels, etc.
// Runtime predicates cannot be evaluated during config generation. Instead the proxy must be configured to
// evaluate them. Examples: SNI hosts, source/destination subnets, etc.
// A list of matches may contain duplicate runtime matches, but different static matches. For example:
// {sni_hosts: A, sourceLabels: X} => destination M
// {sni_hosts: A, sourceLabels: *} => destination N
// For a proxy with labels X, we can evaluate the static predicates to get:
// {sni_hosts: A} => destination M
// {sni_hosts: A} => destination N
// The matches have the same runtime predicates. Since the second match can never be reached, we only
// want to generate config for the first match.
// To achieve this in this function we keep track of which runtime matches we have already generated config for
// and only add config if the we have not already generated config for that set of runtime predicates.
matchHasBeenHandled := make(map[string]bool) // Runtime predicate set -> have we generated config for this set?
// Is there a virtual service with a TLS block that matches us?
hasTLSMatch := false
out := make([]*filterChainOpts, 0)
for _, cfg := range configs {
virtualService := cfg.Spec.(*v1alpha3.VirtualService)
for _, tls := range virtualService.Tls {
for _, match := range tls.Match {
if matchTLS(match, node.Metadata.Labels, gateways, listenPort.Port, node.Metadata.Namespace) {
// Use the service's CIDRs.
// But if a virtual service overrides it with its own destination subnet match
// give preference to the user provided one
// destinationCIDR will be empty for services with VIPs
var destinationCIDRs []string
if destinationCIDR != "" {
destinationCIDRs = []string{destinationCIDR}
// Only set CIDR match if the listener is bound to an IP.
// If its bound to a unix domain socket, then ignore the CIDR matches
// Unix domain socket bound ports have Port value set to 0
if len(match.DestinationSubnets) > 0 && listenPort.Port > 0 {
destinationCIDRs = match.DestinationSubnets
matchHash := hashRuntimeTLSMatchPredicates(match)
if !matchHasBeenHandled[matchHash] {
out = append(out, &filterChainOpts{
metadata: util.BuildConfigInfoMetadata(cfg.Meta),
sniHosts: match.SniHosts,
destinationCIDRs: destinationCIDRs,
networkFilters: buildOutboundNetworkFilters(node, tls.Route, push, listenPort, cfg.Meta),
hasTLSMatch = true
matchHasBeenHandled[matchHash] = true
// HTTPS or TLS ports without associated virtual service
if !hasTLSMatch {
var sniHosts []string
// In case of a sidecar config with user defined port, if the user specified port is not the same as the
// service's port, then pick the service port if and only if the service has only one port. If service
// has multiple ports, then route to a cluster with the listener port (i.e. sidecar defined port) - the
// traffic will most likely blackhole.
port := listenPort.Port
if len(service.Ports) == 1 {
port = service.Ports[0].Port
clusterName := model.BuildSubsetKey(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, "", service.Hostname, port)
statPrefix := clusterName
// If stat name is configured, use it to build the stat prefix.
if len(push.Mesh.OutboundClusterStatName) != 0 {
statPrefix = telemetry.BuildStatPrefix(push.Mesh.OutboundClusterStatName, string(service.Hostname), "", &model.Port{Port: port}, &service.Attributes)
// Use the hostname as the SNI value if and only:
// 1) if the destination is a CIDR;
// 2) or if we have an empty destination VIP (i.e. which we should never get in case some platform adapter improper handlings);
// 3) or if the destination is a wildcard destination VIP with the listener bound to the wildcard as well.
// In the above cited cases, the listener will be bound to So SNI match is the only way to distinguish different
// target services. If we have a VIP, then we know the destination. Or if we do not have an VIP, but have
// `PILOT_ENABLE_HEADLESS_SERVICE_POD_LISTENERS` enabled (by default) and applicable to all that's needed, pilot will generate
// an outbound listener for each pod in a headless service. There is thus no need to do a SNI match. It saves us from having to
// generate expensive permutations of the host name just like RDS does..
// NOTE that we cannot have two services with the same VIP as our listener build logic will treat it as a collision and
// ignore one of the services.
svcListenAddress := service.GetAddressForProxy(node)
if strings.Contains(svcListenAddress, "/") {
// Address is a CIDR, already captured by destinationCIDR parameter.
svcListenAddress = ""
if len(destinationCIDR) > 0 || len(svcListenAddress) == 0 || (svcListenAddress == actualWildcard && bind == actualWildcard) {
sniHosts = []string{string(service.Hostname)}
destinationRule := CastDestinationRule(node.SidecarScope.DestinationRule(
model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, node, service.Hostname))
out = append(out, &filterChainOpts{
sniHosts: sniHosts,
destinationCIDRs: []string{destinationCIDR},
networkFilters: buildOutboundNetworkFiltersWithSingleDestination(push, node, statPrefix, clusterName, "", listenPort, destinationRule),
return out
func buildSidecarOutboundTCPFilterChainOpts(node *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext, destinationCIDR string,
service *model.Service, listenPort *model.Port,
gateways map[string]bool, configs []config.Config) []*filterChainOpts {
if listenPort.Protocol.IsTLS() {
return nil
out := make([]*filterChainOpts, 0)
// very basic TCP
// break as soon as we add one network filter with no destination addresses to match
// This is the terminating condition in the filter chain match list
defaultRouteAdded := false
for _, cfg := range configs {
virtualService := cfg.Spec.(*v1alpha3.VirtualService)
for _, tcp := range virtualService.Tcp {
var destinationCIDRs []string
if destinationCIDR != "" {
destinationCIDRs = []string{destinationCIDR}
if len(tcp.Match) == 0 {
// implicit match
out = append(out, &filterChainOpts{
metadata: util.BuildConfigInfoMetadata(cfg.Meta),
destinationCIDRs: destinationCIDRs,
networkFilters: buildOutboundNetworkFilters(node, tcp.Route, push, listenPort, cfg.Meta),
defaultRouteAdded = true
break TcpLoop
// Use the service's virtual address first.
// But if a virtual service overrides it with its own destination subnet match
// give preference to the user provided one
virtualServiceDestinationSubnets := make([]string, 0)
for _, match := range tcp.Match {
if matchTCP(match, node.Metadata.Labels, gateways, listenPort.Port, node.Metadata.Namespace) {
// Scan all the match blocks
// if we find any match block without a runtime destination subnet match
// i.e. match any destination address, then we treat it as the terminal match/catch all match
// and break out of the loop. We also treat it as a terminal match if the listener is bound
// to a unix domain socket.
// But if we find only runtime destination subnet matches in all match blocks, collect them
// (this is similar to virtual hosts in http) and create filter chain match accordingly.
if len(match.DestinationSubnets) == 0 || listenPort.Port == 0 {
out = append(out, &filterChainOpts{
metadata: util.BuildConfigInfoMetadata(cfg.Meta),
destinationCIDRs: destinationCIDRs,
networkFilters: buildOutboundNetworkFilters(node, tcp.Route, push, listenPort, cfg.Meta),
defaultRouteAdded = true
break TcpLoop
virtualServiceDestinationSubnets = append(virtualServiceDestinationSubnets, match.DestinationSubnets...)
if len(virtualServiceDestinationSubnets) > 0 {
out = append(out, &filterChainOpts{
destinationCIDRs: virtualServiceDestinationSubnets,
networkFilters: buildOutboundNetworkFilters(node, tcp.Route, push, listenPort, cfg.Meta),
// If at this point there is a filter chain generated with the same CIDR match as the
// one that may be generated for the service as the default route, do not generate it.
// Otherwise, Envoy will complain about having filter chains with identical matches
// and will reject the config.
if util.StringSliceEqual(virtualServiceDestinationSubnets, destinationCIDRs) {
log.Warnf("Existing filter chain with same matching CIDR: %v.", destinationCIDRs)
defaultRouteAdded = true
if !defaultRouteAdded {
// In case of a sidecar config with user defined port, if the user specified port is not the same as the
// service's port, then pick the service port if and only if the service has only one port. If service
// has multiple ports, then route to a cluster with the listener port (i.e. sidecar defined port) - the
// traffic will most likely blackhole.
port := listenPort.Port
if len(service.Ports) == 1 {
port = service.Ports[0].Port
clusterName := model.BuildSubsetKey(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, "", service.Hostname, port)
statPrefix := clusterName
destinationRule := CastDestinationRule(node.SidecarScope.DestinationRule(
model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, node, service.Hostname))
// If stat name is configured, use it to build the stat prefix.
if len(push.Mesh.OutboundClusterStatName) != 0 {
statPrefix = telemetry.BuildStatPrefix(push.Mesh.OutboundClusterStatName, string(service.Hostname), "", &model.Port{Port: port}, &service.Attributes)
out = append(out, &filterChainOpts{
destinationCIDRs: []string{destinationCIDR},
networkFilters: buildOutboundNetworkFiltersWithSingleDestination(push, node, statPrefix, clusterName, "", listenPort, destinationRule),
return out
// This function can be called for namespaces with the auto generated sidecar, i.e. once per service and per port.
// OR, it could be called in the context of an egress listener with specific TCP port on a sidecar config.
// In the latter case, there is no service associated with this listen port. So we have to account for this
// missing service throughout this file
func buildSidecarOutboundTCPTLSFilterChainOpts(node *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext,
configs []config.Config, destinationCIDR string, service *model.Service, bind string, listenPort *model.Port,
gateways map[string]bool) []*filterChainOpts {
out := make([]*filterChainOpts, 0)
var svcConfigs []config.Config
if service != nil {
svcConfigs = getConfigsForHost(service.Hostname, configs)
} else {
svcConfigs = configs
out = append(out, buildSidecarOutboundTLSFilterChainOpts(node, push, destinationCIDR, service,
bind, listenPort, gateways, svcConfigs)...)
out = append(out, buildSidecarOutboundTCPFilterChainOpts(node, push, destinationCIDR, service,
listenPort, gateways, svcConfigs)...)
return out