blob: 8a2ffb4936aea1e851ea373314cebc756ae295fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package route
import (
import (
networking ""
import (
// Cache includes the variables that can influence a Route Configuration.
// Implements XdsCacheEntry interface.
type Cache struct {
RouteName string
ProxyVersion string
// proxy cluster ID
ClusterID string
// proxy dns domain
DNSDomain string
// DNSCapture indicates whether the workload has enabled dns capture
DNSCapture bool
// DNSAutoAllocate indicates whether the workload should have auto allocated addresses for ServiceEntry
// This allows resolving ServiceEntries, which is especially useful for distinguishing TCP traffic
// This depends on DNSCapture.
DNSAutoAllocate bool
// AllowAny indicates if the proxy should allow all outbound traffic or only known registries
AllowAny bool
ListenerPort int
Services []*model.Service
VirtualServices []config.Config
DelegateVirtualServices []model.ConfigKey
DestinationRules []*config.Config
EnvoyFilterKeys []string
func (r *Cache) Cacheable() bool {
if r == nil {
return false
if r.ListenerPort == 0 {
return false
for _, config := range r.VirtualServices {
vs := config.Spec.(*networking.VirtualService)
for _, httpRoute := range vs.Http {
for _, match := range httpRoute.Match {
// if vs has source match, not cacheable
if len(match.SourceLabels) > 0 || match.SourceNamespace != "" {
return false
return true
func (r *Cache) DependentConfigs() []model.ConfigKey {
configs := make([]model.ConfigKey, 0, len(r.Services)+len(r.VirtualServices)+
for _, svc := range r.Services {
configs = append(configs, model.ConfigKey{Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry, Name: string(svc.Hostname), Namespace: svc.Attributes.Namespace})
for _, vs := range r.VirtualServices {
configs = append(configs, model.ConfigKey{Kind: gvk.VirtualService, Name: vs.Name, Namespace: vs.Namespace})
// add delegate virtual services to dependent configs
// so that we can clear the rds cache when delegate virtual services are updated
configs = append(configs, r.DelegateVirtualServices...)
for _, dr := range r.DestinationRules {
configs = append(configs, model.ConfigKey{Kind: gvk.DestinationRule, Name: dr.Name, Namespace: dr.Namespace})
for _, efKey := range r.EnvoyFilterKeys {
items := strings.Split(efKey, "/")
configs = append(configs, model.ConfigKey{Kind: gvk.EnvoyFilter, Name: items[1], Namespace: items[0]})
return configs
func (r *Cache) DependentTypes() []config.GroupVersionKind {
return nil
func (r *Cache) Key() string {
params := []string{
r.RouteName, r.ProxyVersion, r.ClusterID, r.DNSDomain,
strconv.FormatBool(r.DNSCapture), strconv.FormatBool(r.DNSAutoAllocate), strconv.FormatBool(r.AllowAny),
for _, svc := range r.Services {
params = append(params, string(svc.Hostname)+"/"+svc.Attributes.Namespace)
for _, vs := range r.VirtualServices {
params = append(params, vs.Name+"/"+vs.Namespace)
for _, dr := range r.DestinationRules {
params = append(params, dr.Name+"/"+dr.Namespace)
params = append(params, r.EnvoyFilterKeys...)
hash := md5.New()
for _, param := range params {
sum := hash.Sum(nil)
return hex.EncodeToString(sum)