blob: feeddd8d7763c008d129565ae8b91d92b6ce9562 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1alpha3
import (
import (
core ""
listener ""
hcm ""
tcp ""
envoytype ""
wrappers ""
meshconfig ""
networking ""
import (
istionetworking ""
xdsfilters ""
// inboundChainConfig defines the configuration for a single inbound filter chain. This may be created
// as a result of a Service, and Sidecar CR, or for the built-in passthrough filter chains.
type inboundChainConfig struct {
// clusterName defines the destination cluster for this chain
clusterName string
// port defines the port configuration for this chain. Note that there is a Port and TargetPort;
// most usages should just use TargetPort. Port is mostly used for legacy compatibility and
// telemetry.
port ServiceInstancePort
// bind determines where (IP) this filter chain should bind. Note: typically we just end up using
// 'virtual' listener and do not literally bind to port; in these cases this just impacts naming
// and telemetry.
bind string
// tlsSettings defines the *custom* TLS settings for the chain. mTLS settings are orthogonal; this
// only configures TLS overrides.
tlsSettings *networking.ServerTLSSettings
// passthrough should be set to true for the 'passthrough' chains, which are the chains always
// present to handle all unmatched traffic. These have a few naming and quirks that require
// different configuration.
passthrough bool
// bindToPort determines if this chain should form a real listener that actually binds to a real port,
// or if it should just be a filter chain part of the 'virtual inbound' listener.
bindToPort bool
// telemetryMetadata defines additional information about the chain for telemetry purposes.
telemetryMetadata telemetry.FilterChainMetadata
// StatPrefix returns the stat prefix for the config
func (cc inboundChainConfig) StatPrefix() string {
if cc.passthrough {
// A bit arbitrary, but for backwards compatibility just use the cluster name
return cc.clusterName
return "inbound_" + cc.Name(istionetworking.ListenerProtocolHTTP)
// Name determines the name for this chain
func (cc inboundChainConfig) Name(protocol istionetworking.ListenerProtocol) string {
if cc.passthrough {
// A bit arbitrary, but for backwards compatibility fixed names are used
// Passthrough chains have fix names based on protocol
if protocol == istionetworking.ListenerProtocolHTTP {
return model.VirtualInboundCatchAllHTTPFilterChainName
return model.VirtualInboundListenerName
// Everything else derived from bind/port
return getListenerName(cc.bind, int(cc.port.TargetPort), istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP)
var (
IPv4PasstrhoughCIDR = []*core.CidrRange{util.ConvertAddressToCidr("")}
IPv6PasstrhoughCIDR = []*core.CidrRange{util.ConvertAddressToCidr("::/0")}
// ToFilterChainMatch builds the FilterChainMatch for the config
func (cc inboundChainConfig) ToFilterChainMatch(opt FilterChainMatchOptions) *listener.FilterChainMatch {
match := &listener.FilterChainMatch{}
match.ApplicationProtocols = opt.ApplicationProtocols
match.TransportProtocol = opt.TransportProtocol
if cc.passthrough {
// Pasthrough listeners do an IP match - but matching all IPs. This is really an IP *version* match,
// but Envoy doesn't explicitly have version check.
if cc.clusterName == util.InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4 {
match.PrefixRanges = IPv4PasstrhoughCIDR
} else {
match.PrefixRanges = IPv6PasstrhoughCIDR
if cc.port.TargetPort > 0 {
match.DestinationPort = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: cc.port.TargetPort}
return match
// ServiceInstancePort defines a port that has both a port and targetPort (which distinguishes it from model.Port)
// Note: ServiceInstancePort only makes sense in the context of a specific ServiceInstance, because TargetPort depends on a specific instance.
type ServiceInstancePort struct {
// Name ascribes a human readable name for the port object. When a
// service has multiple ports, the name field is mandatory
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Port number where the service can be reached. Does not necessarily
// map to the corresponding port numbers for the instances behind the
// service.
Port uint32 `json:"port"`
TargetPort uint32 `json:"targetPort"`
// Protocol to be used for the port.
Protocol protocol.Instance `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
// buildInboundListeners creates inbound listeners.
// Typically, this a single listener with many filter chains for each applicable Service; traffic is redirect with iptables.
// However, explicit listeners can be used in NONE mode or with Sidecar.Ingress configuration.
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildInboundListeners() []*listener.Listener {
// All listeners we build
var listeners []*listener.Listener
// virtualInboundFilterChains builds up all of the filter chains for the virtual inbound listener
var virtualInboundFilterChains []*listener.FilterChain
// For each chain config we will build required filter chain(s)
for _, cc := range lb.buildInboundChainConfigs() {
// First, construct our set of filter chain matchers. For a given port, we will have multiple matches
// to handle mTLS vs plaintext and HTTP vs TCP (depending on protocol and PeerAuthentication).
var opts []FilterChainMatchOptions
mtls := lb.authnBuilder.ForPort(cc.port.TargetPort)
// Chain has explicit user TLS config. This can only apply when the mTLS settings are DISABLE to avoid conflicts
if cc.tlsSettings != nil && mtls.Mode == model.MTLSDisable {
// Since we are terminating TLS, we need to treat the protocol as if its terminated.
// Example: user specifies protocol=HTTPS and user TLS, we will use HTTP
cc.port.Protocol = cc.port.Protocol.AfterTLSTermination()
lp := istionetworking.ModelProtocolToListenerProtocol(cc.port.Protocol, core.TrafficDirection_INBOUND)
opts = getTLSFilterChainMatchOptions(lp)
mtls.TCP = BuildListenerTLSContext(cc.tlsSettings, lb.node, istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP)
mtls.HTTP = mtls.TCP
} else {
lp := istionetworking.ModelProtocolToListenerProtocol(cc.port.Protocol, core.TrafficDirection_INBOUND)
opts = getFilterChainMatchOptions(mtls, lp)
// Build the actual chain
chains := lb.inboundChainForOpts(cc, mtls, opts)
if cc.bindToPort {
// If this config is for bindToPort, we want to actually create a real Listener.
listeners = append(listeners, lb.inboundCustomListener(cc, chains))
} else {
// Otherwise, just append the filter chain to the virtual inbound chains.
virtualInboundFilterChains = append(virtualInboundFilterChains, chains...)
if lb.node.GetInterceptionMode() != model.InterceptionNone {
// Prepend virtual inbound, as long as we are using redirection.
listeners = append([]*listener.Listener{lb.inboundVirtualListener(virtualInboundFilterChains)}, listeners...)
return listeners
// inboundVirtualListener builds the virtual inbound listener.
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) inboundVirtualListener(chains []*listener.FilterChain) *listener.Listener {
actualWildcard, _ := getActualWildcardAndLocalHost(lb.node)
// Build the "virtual" inbound listener. This will capture all inbound redirected traffic and contains:
// * Passthrough filter chains, matching all unmatched traffic. There are a few of these to handle all cases
// * Service filter chains. These will either be for each Port exposed by a Service OR Sidecar.Ingress configuration.
allChains := buildInboundPassthroughChains(lb)
allChains = append(allChains, chains...)
return lb.buildInboundListener(model.VirtualInboundListenerName, util.BuildAddress(actualWildcard, ProxyInboundListenPort), false, allChains)
// inboundCustomListener build a custom listener that actually binds to a port, rather than relying on redirection.
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) inboundCustomListener(cc inboundChainConfig, chains []*listener.FilterChain) *listener.Listener {
return lb.buildInboundListener(cc.Name(istionetworking.ListenerProtocolTCP), util.BuildAddress(cc.bind, cc.port.TargetPort), true, chains)
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildInboundListener(name string, address *core.Address, bindToPort bool, chains []*listener.FilterChain) *listener.Listener {
l := &listener.Listener{
Name: name,
Address: address,
TrafficDirection: core.TrafficDirection_INBOUND,
if lb.node.Metadata.InboundListenerExactBalance {
l.ConnectionBalanceConfig = &listener.Listener_ConnectionBalanceConfig{
BalanceType: &listener.Listener_ConnectionBalanceConfig_ExactBalance_{
ExactBalance: &listener.Listener_ConnectionBalanceConfig_ExactBalance{},
if !bindToPort && lb.node.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionTproxy {
l.Transparent = proto.BoolTrue
accessLogBuilder.setListenerAccessLog(lb.push, lb.node, l, istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound)
l.FilterChains = chains
l.ListenerFilters = populateListenerFilters(lb.node, l, bindToPort)
l.ListenerFiltersTimeout = getProtocolDetectionTimeout(lb.push.Mesh)
l.ContinueOnListenerFiltersTimeout = true
return l
// inboundChainForOpts builds a set of filter chains
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) inboundChainForOpts(cc inboundChainConfig, mtls plugin.MTLSSettings, opts []FilterChainMatchOptions) []*listener.FilterChain {
chains := make([]*listener.FilterChain, 0, len(opts))
for _, opt := range opts {
switch opt.Protocol {
// Switch on the protocol. Note: we do not need to handle Auto protocol as it will already be split into a TCP and HTTP option.
case istionetworking.ListenerProtocolHTTP:
chains = append(chains, &listener.FilterChain{
FilterChainMatch: cc.ToFilterChainMatch(opt),
Filters: lb.buildInboundNetworkFiltersForHTTP(cc),
TransportSocket: buildDownstreamTLSTransportSocket(opt.ToTransportSocket(mtls)),
Name: cc.Name(opt.Protocol),
case istionetworking.ListenerProtocolTCP:
chains = append(chains, &listener.FilterChain{
FilterChainMatch: cc.ToFilterChainMatch(opt),
Filters: lb.buildInboundNetworkFilters(cc),
TransportSocket: buildDownstreamTLSTransportSocket(opt.ToTransportSocket(mtls)),
Name: cc.Name(opt.Protocol),
return chains
// buildInboundChainConfigs builds all the application chain configs.
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildInboundChainConfigs() []inboundChainConfig {
chainsByPort := make(map[uint32]inboundChainConfig)
// No user supplied sidecar scope or the user supplied one has no ingress listeners.
if !lb.node.SidecarScope.HasIngressListener() {
// We will look at all Services that apply to this proxy and build chains for each distinct port.
// Note: this does mean that we may have multiple Services applying to the same port, which introduces a conflict
for _, i := range lb.node.ServiceInstances {
port := ServiceInstancePort{
Name: i.ServicePort.Name,
Port: uint32(i.ServicePort.Port),
TargetPort: i.Endpoint.EndpointPort,
Protocol: i.ServicePort.Protocol,
cc := inboundChainConfig{
telemetryMetadata: telemetry.FilterChainMetadata{InstanceHostname: i.Service.Hostname},
port: port,
clusterName: model.BuildInboundSubsetKey(int(port.TargetPort)),
bind: "", // TODO ipv6
bindToPort: getBindToPort(networking.CaptureMode_DEFAULT, lb.node),
if i.Service.Attributes.ServiceRegistry == provider.Kubernetes {
cc.telemetryMetadata.KubernetesServiceNamespace = i.Service.Attributes.Namespace
cc.telemetryMetadata.KubernetesServiceName = i.Service.Attributes.Name
// First, make sure there is a distinct instance used per port.
// The Service is *almost* not relevant, but some Telemetry is per-service.
// If there is a conflict, we will use the oldest Service. This impacts the protocol used as well.
if old, f := chainsByPort[port.TargetPort]; f {
reportInboundConflict(lb, old, cc)
chainsByPort[port.TargetPort] = cc
} else {
for _, i := range lb.node.SidecarScope.Sidecar.Ingress {
port := ServiceInstancePort{
Name: i.Port.Name,
Port: i.Port.Number,
TargetPort: i.Port.Number, // No targetPort support in the API
Protocol: protocol.Parse(i.Port.Protocol),
bindtoPort := getBindToPort(i.CaptureMode, lb.node)
// Skip ports we cannot bind to
if !lb.node.CanBindToPort(bindtoPort, port.TargetPort) {
log.Warnf("buildInboundListeners: skipping privileged sidecar port %d for node %s as it is an unprivileged proxy",
i.Port.Number, lb.node.ID)
cc := inboundChainConfig{
// Sidecar config doesn't have a real hostname. In order to give some telemetry info, make a synthetic hostname.
telemetryMetadata: telemetry.FilterChainMetadata{
InstanceHostname: host.Name(lb.node.SidecarScope.Name + "." + lb.node.SidecarScope.Namespace),
port: port,
clusterName: model.BuildInboundSubsetKey(int(port.TargetPort)),
bind: i.Bind,
bindToPort: bindtoPort,
if cc.bind == "" {
// If user didn't provide, pick one based on IP
cc.bind = getSidecarInboundBindIP(lb.node)
// If there is a conflict, we will use the oldest Service. This impacts the protocol used as well.
if old, f := chainsByPort[port.TargetPort]; f {
reportInboundConflict(lb, old, cc)
if i.Tls != nil && features.EnableTLSOnSidecarIngress {
// User provided custom TLS settings
cc.tlsSettings = i.Tls.DeepCopy()
cc.tlsSettings.CipherSuites = filteredSidecarCipherSuites(cc.tlsSettings.CipherSuites)
cc.port.Protocol = cc.port.Protocol.AfterTLSTermination()
chainsByPort[port.TargetPort] = cc
chainConfigs := make([]inboundChainConfig, 0, len(chainsByPort))
for _, cc := range chainsByPort {
chainConfigs = append(chainConfigs, cc)
// Give a stable order to the chains
sort.Slice(chainConfigs, func(i, j int) bool {
return chainConfigs[i].port.TargetPort < chainConfigs[j].port.TargetPort
return chainConfigs
// getBindToPort determines whether we should bind to port based on the chain-specific config and the proxy
func getBindToPort(mode networking.CaptureMode, node *model.Proxy) bool {
if mode == networking.CaptureMode_DEFAULT {
// Chain doesn't specify explicit config, so use the proxy defaults
return node.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionNone
// Explicitly configured in the config, ignore proxy defaults
return mode == networking.CaptureMode_NONE
func getProtocolDetectionTimeout(mesh *meshconfig.MeshConfig) *duration.Duration {
timeout := mesh.GetProtocolDetectionTimeout()
if features.InboundProtocolDetectionTimeoutSet {
timeout = durationpb.New(features.InboundProtocolDetectionTimeout)
return timeout
// populateListenerFilters determines the appropriate listener filters based on the listener
// HTTP and TLS inspectors are automatically derived based on FilterChainMatch requirements.
func populateListenerFilters(node *model.Proxy, vi *listener.Listener, bindToPort bool) []*listener.ListenerFilter {
lf := make([]*listener.ListenerFilter, 0, 4)
if !bindToPort {
lf = append(lf, xdsfilters.OriginalDestination)
if !bindToPort && node.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionTproxy {
lf = append(lf, xdsfilters.OriginalSrc)
// inspectors builds up a map of port -> required inspectors (TLS/HTTP)
inspectors := map[int]enabledInspector{}
for _, fc := range vi.FilterChains {
port := fc.GetFilterChainMatch().GetDestinationPort().GetValue()
needsTLS := fc.GetFilterChainMatch().GetTransportProtocol() == xdsfilters.TLSTransportProtocol
needHTTP := false
for _, ap := range fc.GetFilterChainMatch().GetApplicationProtocols() {
// Check for HTTP protocol - these require HTTP inspector
if ap == "http/1.1" || ap == "h2c" {
needHTTP = true
// Port may already have config; we OR them together. If any filter chain on that port is enabled
// we will enable the inspector.
i := inspectors[int(port)]
i.HTTPInspector = i.HTTPInspector || needHTTP
i.TLSInspector = i.TLSInspector || needsTLS
inspectors[int(port)] = i
// Enable TLS inspector on any ports we need it
if needsTLS(inspectors) {
lf = append(lf, buildTLSInspector(inspectors))
// Note: the HTTP inspector should be after TLS inspector.
// If TLS inspector sets transport protocol to tls, the http inspector
// won't inspect the packet.
if features.EnableProtocolSniffingForInbound && needsHTTP(inspectors) {
lf = append(lf, buildHTTPInspector(inspectors))
return lf
// listenerPredicateExcludePorts returns a listener filter predicate that will
// match everything except the passed in ports. This is useful, for example, to
// enable protocol sniffing on every port except port X and Y, because X and Y
// are explicitly declared.
func listenerPredicateExcludePorts(ports []int) *listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate {
ranges := []*listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate{}
for _, p := range ports {
ranges = append(ranges, &listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate{Rule: &listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate_DestinationPortRange{
// Range is [start, end)
DestinationPortRange: &envoytype.Int32Range{
Start: int32(p),
End: int32(p + 1),
if len(ranges) > 1 {
return &listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate{Rule: &listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate_OrMatch{
OrMatch: &listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate_MatchSet{
Rules: ranges,
return &listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate{Rule: ranges[0].GetRule()}
func listenerPredicateIncludePorts(ports []int) *listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate {
rule := listenerPredicateExcludePorts(ports)
return &listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate{Rule: &listener.ListenerFilterChainMatchPredicate_NotMatch{
NotMatch: rule,
func needsTLS(inspectors map[int]enabledInspector) bool {
for _, i := range inspectors {
if i.TLSInspector {
return true
return false
func needsHTTP(inspectors map[int]enabledInspector) bool {
for _, i := range inspectors {
if i.HTTPInspector {
return true
return false
// buildTLSInspector creates a tls inspector filter. Based on the configured ports, this may be enabled
// for only some ports.
func buildTLSInspector(inspectors map[int]enabledInspector) *listener.ListenerFilter {
// TODO share logic with HTTP inspector
defaultEnabled := inspectors[0].TLSInspector
// We have a split path here based on if the passthrough inspector is enabled
// If it is, then we need to explicitly opt ports out of the inspector
// If it isn't, then we need to explicitly opt ports into the inspector
if defaultEnabled {
ports := make([]int, 0, len(inspectors))
// Collect all ports where TLS inspector is disabled.
for p, i := range inspectors {
if p == 0 {
if !i.TLSInspector {
ports = append(ports, p)
// No need to filter, return the cached version enabled for all ports
if len(ports) == 0 {
return xdsfilters.TLSInspector
// Ensure consistent ordering as we are looping over a map
filter := &listener.ListenerFilter{
Name: wellknown.TlsInspector,
ConfigType: xdsfilters.TLSInspector.ConfigType,
FilterDisabled: listenerPredicateExcludePorts(ports),
return filter
ports := make([]int, 0, len(inspectors))
// Collect all ports where TLS inspector is disabled.
for p, i := range inspectors {
if p == 0 {
if i.TLSInspector {
ports = append(ports, p)
// No need to filter, return the cached version enabled for all ports
if len(ports) == 0 {
return xdsfilters.TLSInspector
// Ensure consistent ordering as we are looping over a map
filter := &listener.ListenerFilter{
Name: wellknown.TlsInspector,
ConfigType: xdsfilters.TLSInspector.ConfigType,
// Exclude all disabled ports
FilterDisabled: listenerPredicateIncludePorts(ports),
return filter
// buildHTTPInspector creates an http inspector filter. Based on the configured ports, this may be enabled
// for only some ports.
func buildHTTPInspector(inspectors map[int]enabledInspector) *listener.ListenerFilter {
ports := make([]int, 0, len(inspectors))
// Collect all ports where HTTP inspector is disabled.
for p, i := range inspectors {
if !i.HTTPInspector {
ports = append(ports, p)
// No need to filter, return the cached version enabled for all ports
if len(ports) == 0 {
return xdsfilters.HTTPInspector
// Ensure consistent ordering as we are looping over a map
filter := &listener.ListenerFilter{
Name: wellknown.HttpInspector,
ConfigType: xdsfilters.HTTPInspector.ConfigType,
// Exclude all disabled ports
FilterDisabled: listenerPredicateExcludePorts(ports),
return filter
func reportInboundConflict(lb *ListenerBuilder, old inboundChainConfig, cc inboundChainConfig) {
// If the protocols and service do not match, we have a real conflict. For example, one Service may
// define TCP and the other HTTP. Report this up to the user.
if old.port.Protocol != cc.port.Protocol && old.telemetryMetadata.InstanceHostname != cc.telemetryMetadata.InstanceHostname {
lb.push.AddMetric(model.ProxyStatusConflictInboundListener, lb.node.ID, lb.node.ID,
fmt.Sprintf("Conflicting inbound listener:%d. existing: %s, incoming: %s", cc.port.TargetPort,
old.telemetryMetadata.InstanceHostname, cc.telemetryMetadata.InstanceHostname))
// This can happen if two services select the same pod with same port and protocol - we should skip
// building listener again, but no need to report to the user
if old.telemetryMetadata.InstanceHostname != cc.telemetryMetadata.InstanceHostname {
log.Debugf("skipping inbound listener:%d as we have already build it for existing host: %s, new host: %s",
old.telemetryMetadata.InstanceHostname, cc.telemetryMetadata.InstanceHostname)
// buildInboundPassthroughChains builds the passthrough chains. These match any unmatched traffic.
// This allows traffic to ports not exposed by any Service, for example.
func buildInboundPassthroughChains(lb *ListenerBuilder) []*listener.FilterChain {
// ipv4 and ipv6 feature detect
ipVersions := make([]string, 0, 2)
if lb.node.SupportsIPv4() {
ipVersions = append(ipVersions, util.InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4)
if lb.node.SupportsIPv6() {
ipVersions = append(ipVersions, util.InboundPassthroughClusterIpv6)
// Setup enough slots for common max size (permissive mode is 5 filter chains). This is not
// exact, just best effort optimization
filterChains := make([]*listener.FilterChain, 0, 1+5*len(ipVersions))
filterChains = append(filterChains, buildInboundBlackhole(lb))
for _, clusterName := range ipVersions {
mtlsOptions := lb.authnBuilder.ForPassthrough()
for _, mtls := range mtlsOptions {
cc := inboundChainConfig{
port: ServiceInstancePort{
Name: model.VirtualInboundListenerName,
// Port as 0 doesn't completely make sense here, since we get weird tracing decorators like `:0/*`,
// but this is backwards compatible and there aren't any perfect options.
Port: 0,
Protocol: protocol.Unsupported,
TargetPort: mtls.Port,
clusterName: clusterName,
passthrough: true,
opts := getFilterChainMatchOptions(mtls, istionetworking.ListenerProtocolAuto)
filterChains = append(filterChains, lb.inboundChainForOpts(cc, mtls, opts)...)
return filterChains
// buildInboundBlackhole builds a special filter chain for the virtual inbound matching traffic to the port the listener is actually on.
// This avoids a possible loop where traffic sent to this port would continually call itself indefinitely.
func buildInboundBlackhole(lb *ListenerBuilder) *listener.FilterChain {
var filters []*listener.Filter
filters = append(filters, buildMetadataExchangeNetworkFilters(istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound)...)
filters = append(filters, buildMetricsNetworkFilters(lb.push, lb.node, istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound)...)
filters = append(filters, &listener.Filter{
Name: wellknown.TCPProxy,
ConfigType: &listener.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(&tcp.TcpProxy{
StatPrefix: util.BlackHoleCluster,
ClusterSpecifier: &tcp.TcpProxy_Cluster{Cluster: util.BlackHoleCluster},
return &listener.FilterChain{
Name: model.VirtualInboundBlackholeFilterChainName,
FilterChainMatch: &listener.FilterChainMatch{
DestinationPort: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: ProxyInboundListenPort},
Filters: filters,
// buildSidecarInboundHTTPOpts sets up HTTP options for a given chain.
func buildSidecarInboundHTTPOpts(lb *ListenerBuilder, cc inboundChainConfig) *httpListenerOpts {
httpOpts := &httpListenerOpts{
routeConfig: buildSidecarInboundHTTPRouteConfig(lb, cc),
rds: "", // no RDS for inbound traffic
useRemoteAddress: false,
connectionManager: &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{
// Append and forward client cert to backend.
ForwardClientCertDetails: hcm.HttpConnectionManager_APPEND_FORWARD,
SetCurrentClientCertDetails: &hcm.HttpConnectionManager_SetCurrentClientCertDetails{
Subject: proto.BoolTrue,
Uri: true,
Dns: true,
ServerName: EnvoyServerName,
protocol: cc.port.Protocol,
class: istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound,
statPrefix: cc.StatPrefix(),
// See
if cc.port.Protocol.IsHTTP2() {
httpOpts.connectionManager.Http2ProtocolOptions = &core.Http2ProtocolOptions{}
if features.HTTP10 || enableHTTP10(lb.node.Metadata.HTTP10) {
httpOpts.connectionManager.HttpProtocolOptions = &core.Http1ProtocolOptions{
AcceptHttp_10: true,
return httpOpts
// buildInboundNetworkFiltersForHTTP builds the network filters that should be inserted before an HCM.
// This should only be used with HTTP; see buildInboundNetworkFilters for TCP
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildInboundNetworkFiltersForHTTP(cc inboundChainConfig) []*listener.Filter {
var filters []*listener.Filter
filters = append(filters, buildMetadataExchangeNetworkFilters(istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound)...)
httpOpts := buildSidecarInboundHTTPOpts(lb, cc)
hcm := lb.buildHTTPConnectionManager(httpOpts)
filters = append(filters, &listener.Filter{
Name: wellknown.HTTPConnectionManager,
ConfigType: &listener.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(hcm)},
return filters
// buildInboundNetworkFilters generates a TCP proxy network filter on the inbound path
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildInboundNetworkFilters(fcc inboundChainConfig) []*listener.Filter {
statPrefix := fcc.clusterName
// If stat name is configured, build the stat prefix from configured pattern.
if len(lb.push.Mesh.InboundClusterStatName) != 0 {
statPrefix = telemetry.BuildInboundStatPrefix(lb.push.Mesh.InboundClusterStatName, fcc.telemetryMetadata, "", fcc.port.Port, fcc.port.Name)
tcpProxy := &tcp.TcpProxy{
StatPrefix: statPrefix,
ClusterSpecifier: &tcp.TcpProxy_Cluster{Cluster: fcc.clusterName},
idleTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(lb.node.Metadata.IdleTimeout)
if err == nil {
tcpProxy.IdleTimeout = durationpb.New(idleTimeout)
tcpFilter := setAccessLogAndBuildTCPFilter(lb.push, lb.node, tcpProxy, istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound)
var filters []*listener.Filter
filters = append(filters, buildMetadataExchangeNetworkFilters(istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound)...)
filters = append(filters, lb.authzCustomBuilder.BuildTCP()...)
filters = append(filters, lb.authzBuilder.BuildTCP()...)
filters = append(filters, buildMetricsNetworkFilters(lb.push, lb.node, istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound)...)
filters = append(filters, buildNetworkFiltersStack(fcc.port.Protocol, tcpFilter, statPrefix, fcc.clusterName)...)
return filters