blob: 4665a426e5439f526c584240d4fae9113625c60b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1alpha3
import (
import (
core ""
listener ""
tcp ""
wrappers ""
networking ""
import (
istionetworking ""
istio_route ""
// A stateful listener builder
// Support the below intentions
// 1. Use separate inbound capture listener(:15006) and outbound capture listener(:15001)
// 2. The above listeners use bind_to_port sub listeners or filter chains.
type ListenerBuilder struct {
node *model.Proxy
push *model.PushContext
gatewayListeners []*listener.Listener
inboundListeners []*listener.Listener
outboundListeners []*listener.Listener
// HttpProxyListener is a specialize outbound listener. See MeshConfig.proxyHttpPort
httpProxyListener *listener.Listener
virtualOutboundListener *listener.Listener
virtualInboundListener *listener.Listener
envoyFilterWrapper *model.EnvoyFilterWrapper
// authnBuilder provides access to authn (mTLS) configuration for the given proxy.
authnBuilder *authn.Builder
// authzBuilder provides access to authz configuration for the given proxy.
authzBuilder *authz.Builder
// authzCustomBuilder provides access to CUSTOM authz configuration for the given proxy.
authzCustomBuilder *authz.Builder
// enabledInspector captures if for a given listener, listener filter inspectors are added
type enabledInspector struct {
HTTPInspector bool
TLSInspector bool
func NewListenerBuilder(node *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext) *ListenerBuilder {
builder := &ListenerBuilder{
node: node,
push: push,
builder.authnBuilder = authn.NewBuilder(push, node)
builder.authzBuilder = authz.NewBuilder(authz.Local, push, node)
builder.authzCustomBuilder = authz.NewBuilder(authz.Custom, push, node)
return builder
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) appendSidecarInboundListeners() *ListenerBuilder {
lb.inboundListeners = lb.buildInboundListeners()
return lb
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) appendSidecarOutboundListeners() *ListenerBuilder {
lb.outboundListeners = lb.buildSidecarOutboundListeners(lb.node, lb.push)
return lb
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildHTTPProxyListener() *ListenerBuilder {
httpProxy := lb.buildHTTPProxy(lb.node, lb.push)
if httpProxy == nil {
return lb
lb.patchOneListener(httpProxy, networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_OUTBOUND)
lb.httpProxyListener = httpProxy
return lb
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildVirtualOutboundListener() *ListenerBuilder {
if lb.node.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionNone {
// virtual listener is not necessary since workload is not using IPtables for traffic interception
return lb
var isTransparentProxy *wrappers.BoolValue
if lb.node.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionTproxy {
isTransparentProxy = proto.BoolTrue
filterChains := buildOutboundCatchAllNetworkFilterChains(lb.node, lb.push)
actualWildcard, _ := getActualWildcardAndLocalHost(lb.node)
// add an extra listener that binds to the port that is the recipient of the iptables redirect
ipTablesListener := &listener.Listener{
Name: model.VirtualOutboundListenerName,
Address: util.BuildAddress(actualWildcard, uint32(lb.push.Mesh.ProxyListenPort)),
Transparent: isTransparentProxy,
UseOriginalDst: proto.BoolTrue,
FilterChains: filterChains,
TrafficDirection: core.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND,
class := model.OutboundListenerClass(lb.node.Type)
accessLogBuilder.setListenerAccessLog(lb.push, lb.node, ipTablesListener, class)
lb.virtualOutboundListener = ipTablesListener
return lb
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) patchOneListener(l *listener.Listener, ctx networking.EnvoyFilter_PatchContext) *listener.Listener {
if l == nil {
return nil
tempArray := []*listener.Listener{l}
tempArray = envoyfilter.ApplyListenerPatches(ctx, lb.envoyFilterWrapper, tempArray, true)
// temp array will either be empty [if virtual listener was removed] or will have a modified listener
if len(tempArray) == 0 {
return nil
return tempArray[0]
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) patchListeners() {
lb.envoyFilterWrapper = lb.push.EnvoyFilters(lb.node)
if lb.envoyFilterWrapper == nil {
if lb.node.Type == model.Router {
lb.gatewayListeners = envoyfilter.ApplyListenerPatches(networking.EnvoyFilter_GATEWAY, lb.envoyFilterWrapper,
lb.gatewayListeners, false)
lb.virtualOutboundListener = lb.patchOneListener(lb.virtualOutboundListener, networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_OUTBOUND)
lb.virtualInboundListener = lb.patchOneListener(lb.virtualInboundListener, networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_INBOUND)
lb.inboundListeners = envoyfilter.ApplyListenerPatches(networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_INBOUND, lb.envoyFilterWrapper, lb.inboundListeners, false)
lb.outboundListeners = envoyfilter.ApplyListenerPatches(networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_OUTBOUND, lb.envoyFilterWrapper, lb.outboundListeners, false)
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) getListeners() []*listener.Listener {
if lb.node.Type == model.SidecarProxy {
nInbound, nOutbound := len(lb.inboundListeners), len(lb.outboundListeners)
nHTTPProxy, nVirtual := 0, 0
if lb.httpProxyListener != nil {
nHTTPProxy = 1
if lb.virtualOutboundListener != nil {
nVirtual = 1
nListener := nInbound + nOutbound + nHTTPProxy + nVirtual
listeners := make([]*listener.Listener, 0, nListener)
listeners = append(listeners, lb.outboundListeners...)
if lb.httpProxyListener != nil {
listeners = append(listeners, lb.httpProxyListener)
if lb.virtualOutboundListener != nil {
listeners = append(listeners, lb.virtualOutboundListener)
listeners = append(listeners, lb.inboundListeners...)
log.Debugf("Build %d listeners for node %s including %d outbound, %d http proxy, "+
"%d virtual outbound",
return listeners
return lb.gatewayListeners
func buildOutboundCatchAllNetworkFiltersOnly(push *model.PushContext, node *model.Proxy) []*listener.Filter {
var egressCluster string
if util.IsAllowAnyOutbound(node) {
// We need a passthrough filter to fill in the filter stack for orig_dst listener
egressCluster = util.PassthroughCluster
// no need to check for nil value as the previous if check has checked
if node.SidecarScope.OutboundTrafficPolicy.EgressProxy != nil {
// user has provided an explicit destination for all the unknown traffic.
// build a cluster out of this destination
egressCluster = istio_route.GetDestinationCluster(node.SidecarScope.OutboundTrafficPolicy.EgressProxy,
nil, 0)
} else {
egressCluster = util.BlackHoleCluster
idleTimeoutDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(node.Metadata.IdleTimeout)
if err != nil {
idleTimeoutDuration = 0
tcpProxy := &tcp.TcpProxy{
StatPrefix: egressCluster,
ClusterSpecifier: &tcp.TcpProxy_Cluster{Cluster: egressCluster},
IdleTimeout: durationpb.New(idleTimeoutDuration),
filterStack := buildMetricsNetworkFilters(push, node, istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarOutbound)
accessLogBuilder.setTCPAccessLog(push, node, tcpProxy, istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarOutbound)
filterStack = append(filterStack, &listener.Filter{
Name: wellknown.TCPProxy,
ConfigType: &listener.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(tcpProxy)},
return filterStack
// TODO: This code is still insufficient. Ideally we should be parsing all the virtual services
// with TLS blocks and build the appropriate filter chain matches and routes here. And then finally
// evaluate the left over unmatched TLS traffic using allow_any or registry_only.
// See
func buildOutboundCatchAllNetworkFilterChains(node *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext) []*listener.FilterChain {
filterStack := buildOutboundCatchAllNetworkFiltersOnly(push, node)
chains := make([]*listener.FilterChain, 0, 2)
chains = append(chains, blackholeFilterChain(push, node), &listener.FilterChain{
Name: model.VirtualOutboundCatchAllTCPFilterChainName,
Filters: filterStack,
return chains
func blackholeFilterChain(push *model.PushContext, node *model.Proxy) *listener.FilterChain {
return &listener.FilterChain{
Name: model.VirtualOutboundBlackholeFilterChainName,
FilterChainMatch: &listener.FilterChainMatch{
// We should not allow requests to the listen port directly. Requests must be
// sent to some other original port and iptables redirected to 15001. This
// ensures we do not passthrough back to the listen port.
DestinationPort: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: uint32(push.Mesh.ProxyListenPort)},
Filters: append(
buildMetricsNetworkFilters(push, node, istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarOutbound),
Name: wellknown.TCPProxy,
ConfigType: &listener.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(&tcp.TcpProxy{
StatPrefix: util.BlackHoleCluster,
ClusterSpecifier: &tcp.TcpProxy_Cluster{Cluster: util.BlackHoleCluster},