blob: e1ad3368a25dbc6e6270402ae5f76139d7f89235 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1alpha3
import (
import (
accesslog ""
core ""
listener ""
route ""
hcm ""
envoyquicv3 ""
auth ""
wrappers ""
extensions ""
meshconfig ""
networking ""
import (
istionetworking ""
authnmodel ""
xdsfilters ""
const (
NoConflict = iota
// HTTPOverTCP represents incoming HTTP existing TCP
// TCPOverHTTP represents incoming TCP existing HTTP
// TCPOverTCP represents incoming TCP existing TCP
// TCPOverAuto represents incoming TCP existing AUTO
// AutoOverHTTP represents incoming AUTO existing HTTP
// AutoOverTCP represents incoming AUTO existing TCP
const (
// ProxyInboundListenPort is the port on which all inbound traffic to the pod/vm will be captured to
// TODO: allow configuration through mesh config
ProxyInboundListenPort = 15006
// MutableListener represents a listener that is being built.
type MutableListener struct {
// A set of pre-allocated variables related to protocol sniffing logic for
// propagating the ALPN to upstreams
var (
// These are sniffed by the HTTP Inspector in the outbound listener
// We need to forward these ALPNs to upstream so that the upstream can
// properly use an HTTP or TCP listener
plaintextHTTPALPNs = func() []string {
if features.HTTP10 {
// If HTTP 1.0 is enabled, we will match it
return []string{"http/1.0", "http/1.1", "h2c"}
// Otherwise, matching would just lead to immediate rejection. By not matching, we can let it pass
// through as raw TCP at least.
// NOTE: mtlsHTTPALPNs can always include 1.0, for simplicity, as it will only be sent if a client
return []string{"http/1.1", "h2c"}
mtlsHTTPALPNs = []string{"istio-http/1.0", "istio-http/1.1", "istio-h2"}
allIstioMtlsALPNs = []string{"istio", "istio-peer-exchange", "istio-http/1.0", "istio-http/1.1", "istio-h2"}
mtlsTCPWithMxcALPNs = []string{"istio-peer-exchange", "istio"}
// BuildListeners produces a list of listeners and referenced clusters for all proxies
func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) BuildListeners(node *model.Proxy,
push *model.PushContext) []*listener.Listener {
builder := NewListenerBuilder(node, push)
switch node.Type {
case model.SidecarProxy:
builder = configgen.buildSidecarListeners(builder)
case model.Router:
builder = configgen.buildGatewayListeners(builder)
return builder.getListeners()
func BuildListenerTLSContext(serverTLSSettings *networking.ServerTLSSettings,
proxy *model.Proxy, transportProtocol istionetworking.TransportProtocol) *auth.DownstreamTlsContext {
alpnByTransport := util.ALPNHttp
if transportProtocol == istionetworking.TransportProtocolQUIC {
alpnByTransport = util.ALPNHttp3OverQUIC
ctx := &auth.DownstreamTlsContext{
CommonTlsContext: &auth.CommonTlsContext{
AlpnProtocols: alpnByTransport,
ctx.RequireClientCertificate = proto.BoolFalse
if serverTLSSettings.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_MUTUAL ||
serverTLSSettings.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_ISTIO_MUTUAL {
ctx.RequireClientCertificate = proto.BoolTrue
if features.EnableLegacyIstioMutualCredentialName {
// Legacy code path. Can be removed after a couple releases.
switch {
// If credential name is specified at gateway config, create SDS config for gateway to fetch key/cert from Istiod.
case serverTLSSettings.CredentialName != "":
authnmodel.ApplyCredentialSDSToServerCommonTLSContext(ctx.CommonTlsContext, serverTLSSettings)
case serverTLSSettings.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_ISTIO_MUTUAL:
authnmodel.ApplyToCommonTLSContext(ctx.CommonTlsContext, proxy, serverTLSSettings.SubjectAltNames, []string{}, ctx.RequireClientCertificate.Value)
certProxy := &model.Proxy{}
certProxy.IstioVersion = proxy.IstioVersion
// If certificate files are specified in gateway configuration, use file based SDS.
certProxy.Metadata = &model.NodeMetadata{
TLSServerCertChain: serverTLSSettings.ServerCertificate,
TLSServerKey: serverTLSSettings.PrivateKey,
TLSServerRootCert: serverTLSSettings.CaCertificates,
authnmodel.ApplyToCommonTLSContext(ctx.CommonTlsContext, certProxy, serverTLSSettings.SubjectAltNames, []string{}, ctx.RequireClientCertificate.Value)
} else {
switch {
case serverTLSSettings.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_ISTIO_MUTUAL:
authnmodel.ApplyToCommonTLSContext(ctx.CommonTlsContext, proxy, serverTLSSettings.SubjectAltNames, []string{}, ctx.RequireClientCertificate.Value)
// If credential name is specified at gateway config, create SDS config for gateway to fetch key/cert from Istiod.
case serverTLSSettings.CredentialName != "":
authnmodel.ApplyCredentialSDSToServerCommonTLSContext(ctx.CommonTlsContext, serverTLSSettings)
certProxy := &model.Proxy{}
certProxy.IstioVersion = proxy.IstioVersion
// If certificate files are specified in gateway configuration, use file based SDS.
certProxy.Metadata = &model.NodeMetadata{
TLSServerCertChain: serverTLSSettings.ServerCertificate,
TLSServerKey: serverTLSSettings.PrivateKey,
TLSServerRootCert: serverTLSSettings.CaCertificates,
authnmodel.ApplyToCommonTLSContext(ctx.CommonTlsContext, certProxy, serverTLSSettings.SubjectAltNames, []string{}, ctx.RequireClientCertificate.Value)
// Set TLS parameters if they are non-default
if len(serverTLSSettings.CipherSuites) > 0 ||
serverTLSSettings.MinProtocolVersion != networking.ServerTLSSettings_TLS_AUTO ||
serverTLSSettings.MaxProtocolVersion != networking.ServerTLSSettings_TLS_AUTO {
ctx.CommonTlsContext.TlsParams = &auth.TlsParameters{
TlsMinimumProtocolVersion: convertTLSProtocol(serverTLSSettings.MinProtocolVersion),
TlsMaximumProtocolVersion: convertTLSProtocol(serverTLSSettings.MaxProtocolVersion),
CipherSuites: serverTLSSettings.CipherSuites,
return ctx
// Invalid cipher suites lead Envoy to NACKing. This filters the list down to just the supported set.
func filteredSidecarCipherSuites(suites []string) []string {
ret := make([]string, 0, len(suites))
validCiphers := sets.New()
for _, s := range suites {
if security.IsValidCipherSuite(s) {
if !validCiphers.Contains(s) {
ret = append(ret, s)
validCiphers = validCiphers.Insert(s)
} else if log.DebugEnabled() {
log.Debugf("ignoring duplicated cipherSuite: %q", s)
} else if log.DebugEnabled() {
log.Debugf("ignoring unsupported cipherSuite: %q", s)
return ret
// buildSidecarListeners produces a list of listeners for sidecar proxies
func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildSidecarListeners(builder *ListenerBuilder) *ListenerBuilder {
if builder.push.Mesh.ProxyListenPort > 0 {
// Any build order change need a careful code review
return builder
// if enableFlag is "1" indicates that AcceptHttp_10 is enabled.
func enableHTTP10(enableFlag string) bool {
return enableFlag == "1"
type outboundListenerEntry struct {
services []*model.Service
servicePort *model.Port
bind string
listener *listener.Listener
locked bool
protocol protocol.Instance
func protocolName(p protocol.Instance) string {
switch istionetworking.ModelProtocolToListenerProtocol(p, core.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND) {
case istionetworking.ListenerProtocolHTTP:
return "HTTP"
case istionetworking.ListenerProtocolTCP:
return "TCP"
return "UNKNOWN"
type outboundListenerConflict struct {
metric monitoring.Metric
node *model.Proxy
listenerName string
currentProtocol protocol.Instance
currentServices []*model.Service
newHostname host.Name
newProtocol protocol.Instance
func (c outboundListenerConflict) addMetric(metrics model.Metrics) {
currentHostnames := make([]string, len(c.currentServices))
for i, s := range c.currentServices {
currentHostnames[i] = string(s.Hostname)
concatHostnames := strings.Join(currentHostnames, ",")
fmt.Sprintf("Listener=%s Accepted%s=%s Rejected%s=%s %sServices=%d",
// buildSidecarOutboundListeners generates http and tcp listeners for
// outbound connections from the proxy based on the sidecar scope associated with the proxy.
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildSidecarOutboundListeners(node *model.Proxy,
push *model.PushContext) []*listener.Listener {
noneMode := node.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionNone
actualWildcard, actualLocalHostAddress := getActualWildcardAndLocalHost(node)
var tcpListeners, httpListeners []*listener.Listener
// For conflict resolution
listenerMap := make(map[string]*outboundListenerEntry)
// The sidecarConfig if provided could filter the list of
// services/virtual services that we need to process. It could also
// define one or more listeners with specific ports. Once we generate
// listeners for these user specified ports, we will auto generate
// configs for other ports if and only if the sidecarConfig has an
// egressListener on wildcard port.
// Validation will ensure that we have utmost one wildcard egress listener
// occurring in the end
// Add listeners based on the config in the sidecar.EgressListeners if
// no Sidecar CRD is provided for this config namespace,
// push.SidecarScope will generate a default catch all egress listener.
for _, egressListener := range node.SidecarScope.EgressListeners {
services := egressListener.Services()
virtualServices := egressListener.VirtualServices()
// determine the bindToPort setting for listeners
bindToPort := false
if noneMode {
// do not care what the listener's capture mode setting is. The proxy does not use iptables
bindToPort = true
} else if egressListener.IstioListener != nil {
if egressListener.IstioListener.CaptureMode == networking.CaptureMode_NONE {
// proxy uses iptables redirect or tproxy. IF mode is not set
// for older proxies, it defaults to iptables redirect. If the
// listener's capture mode specifies NONE, then the proxy wants
// this listener alone to be on a physical port. If the
// listener's capture mode is default, then its same as
// iptables i.e. bindToPort is false.
bindToPort = true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(egressListener.IstioListener.Bind, model.UnixAddressPrefix) {
// If the bind is a Unix domain socket, set bindtoPort to true as it makes no
// sense to have ORIG_DST listener for unix domain socket listeners.
bindToPort = true
if egressListener.IstioListener != nil &&
egressListener.IstioListener.Port != nil {
// We have a non catch all listener on some user specified port
// The user specified port may or may not match a service port.
// If it does not match any service port and the service has only
// one port, then we pick a default service port. If service has
// multiple ports, we expect the user to provide a virtualService
// that will route to a proper Service.
// Skip ports we cannot bind to
if !node.CanBindToPort(bindToPort, egressListener.IstioListener.Port.Number) {
log.Warnf("buildSidecarOutboundListeners: skipping privileged sidecar port %d for node %s as it is an unprivileged proxy",
egressListener.IstioListener.Port.Number, node.ID)
listenPort := &model.Port{
Port: int(egressListener.IstioListener.Port.Number),
Protocol: protocol.Parse(egressListener.IstioListener.Port.Protocol),
Name: egressListener.IstioListener.Port.Name,
// If capture mode is NONE i.e., bindToPort is true, and
// Bind IP + Port is specified, we will bind to the specified IP and Port.
// This specified IP is ideally expected to be a loopback IP.
// If capture mode is NONE i.e., bindToPort is true, and
// only Port is specified, we will bind to the default loopback IP
// and the specified Port.
// If capture mode is NONE, i.e., bindToPort is true, and
// only Bind IP is specified, we will bind to the specified IP
// for each port as defined in the service registry.
// If captureMode is not NONE, i.e., bindToPort is false, then
// we will bind to user specified IP (if any) or to the VIPs of services in
// this egress listener.
bind := egressListener.IstioListener.Bind
if bind == "" {
if bindToPort {
bind = actualLocalHostAddress
} else {
bind = actualWildcard
// Build ListenerOpts and PluginParams once and reuse across all Services to avoid unnecessary allocations.
listenerOpts := buildListenerOpts{
push: push,
proxy: node,
bind: bind,
port: listenPort,
bindToPort: bindToPort,
for _, service := range services {
listenerOpts.service = service
// Set service specific attributes here.
lb.buildSidecarOutboundListenerForPortOrUDS(listenerOpts, listenerMap, virtualServices, actualWildcard)
} else {
// This is a catch all egress listener with no port. This
// should be the last egress listener in the sidecar
// Scope. Construct a listener for each service and service
// port, if and only if this port was not specified in any of
// the preceding listeners from the sidecarScope. This allows
// users to specify a trimmed set of services for one or more
// listeners and then add a catch all egress listener for all
// other ports. Doing so allows people to restrict the set of
// services exposed on one or more listeners, and avoid hard
// port conflicts like tcp taking over http or http taking over
// tcp, or simply specify that of all the listeners that Istio
// generates, the user would like to have only specific sets of
// services exposed on a particular listener.
// To ensure that we do not add anything to listeners we have
// already generated, run through the outboundListenerEntry map and set
// the locked bit to true.
// buildSidecarOutboundListenerForPortOrUDS will not add/merge
// any HTTP/TCP listener if there is already a outboundListenerEntry
// with locked bit set to true
for _, e := range listenerMap {
e.locked = true
bind := ""
if egressListener.IstioListener != nil && egressListener.IstioListener.Bind != "" {
bind = egressListener.IstioListener.Bind
if bindToPort && bind == "" {
bind = actualLocalHostAddress
// Build ListenerOpts and PluginParams once and reuse across all Services to avoid unnecessary allocations.
listenerOpts := buildListenerOpts{
push: push,
proxy: node,
bindToPort: bindToPort,
for _, service := range services {
saddress := service.GetAddressForProxy(node)
for _, servicePort := range service.Ports {
// Skip ports we cannot bind to
if !node.CanBindToPort(bindToPort, uint32(servicePort.Port)) {
// here, we log at DEBUG level instead of WARN to avoid noise
// when the catch all egress listener hits ports 80 and 443
log.Debugf("buildSidecarOutboundListeners: skipping privileged sidecar port %d for node %s as it is an unprivileged proxy",
servicePort.Port, node.ID)
// bind might have been modified by below code, so reset it for every Service.
listenerOpts.bind = bind
// port depends on servicePort.
listenerOpts.port = servicePort
listenerOpts.service = service
// Support statefulsets/headless services with TCP ports, and empty service address field.
// Instead of generating a single listener, generate a listener
// for each instance. HTTP services can happily reside on and use the
// wildcard route match to get to the appropriate IP through original dst clusters.
if features.EnableHeadlessService && bind == "" && service.Resolution == model.Passthrough &&
saddress == constants.UnspecifiedIP && (servicePort.Protocol.IsTCP() || servicePort.Protocol.IsUnsupported()) {
instances := push.ServiceInstancesByPort(service, servicePort.Port, nil)
if service.Attributes.ServiceRegistry != provider.Kubernetes && len(instances) == 0 && service.Attributes.LabelSelectors == nil {
// A Kubernetes service with no endpoints means there are no endpoints at
// all, so don't bother sending, as traffic will never work. If we did
// send a wildcard listener, we may get into a situation where a scale
// down leads to a listener conflict. Similarly, if we have a
// labelSelector on the Service, then this may have endpoints not yet
// selected or scaled down, so we skip these as well. This leaves us with
// only a plain ServiceEntry with resolution NONE. In this case, we will
// fallback to a wildcard listener.
lb.buildSidecarOutboundListenerForPortOrUDS(listenerOpts, listenerMap, virtualServices, actualWildcard)
for _, instance := range instances {
// Make sure each endpoint address is a valid address
// as service entries could have NONE resolution with label selectors for workload
// entries (which could technically have hostnames).
if net.ParseIP(instance.Endpoint.Address) == nil {
// Skip build outbound listener to the node itself,
// as when app access itself by pod ip will not flow through this listener.
// Simultaneously, it will be duplicate with inbound listener.
if instance.Endpoint.Address == node.IPAddresses[0] {
listenerOpts.bind = instance.Endpoint.Address
lb.buildSidecarOutboundListenerForPortOrUDS(listenerOpts, listenerMap, virtualServices, actualWildcard)
} else {
// Standard logic for headless and non headless services
lb.buildSidecarOutboundListenerForPortOrUDS(listenerOpts, listenerMap, virtualServices, actualWildcard)
// Now validate all the listeners. Collate the tcp listeners first and then the HTTP listeners
// TODO: This is going to be bad for caching as the order of listeners in tcpListeners or httpListeners is not
// guaranteed.
for _, l := range listenerMap {
if l.servicePort.Protocol.IsTCP() {
tcpListeners = append(tcpListeners, l.listener)
} else {
httpListeners = append(httpListeners, l.listener)
tcpListeners = append(tcpListeners, httpListeners...)
// Build pass through filter chains now that all the non-passthrough filter chains are ready.
for _, l := range tcpListeners {
appendListenerFallthroughRouteForCompleteListener(l, node, push)
return tcpListeners
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildHTTPProxy(node *model.Proxy,
push *model.PushContext) *listener.Listener {
httpProxyPort := push.Mesh.ProxyHttpPort // global
if node.Metadata.HTTPProxyPort != "" {
port, err := strconv.Atoi(node.Metadata.HTTPProxyPort)
if err == nil {
httpProxyPort = int32(port)
if httpProxyPort == 0 {
return nil
// enable HTTP PROXY port if necessary; this will add an RDS route for this port
_, listenAddress := getActualWildcardAndLocalHost(node)
httpOpts := &core.Http1ProtocolOptions{
AllowAbsoluteUrl: proto.BoolTrue,
if features.HTTP10 || enableHTTP10(node.Metadata.HTTP10) {
httpOpts.AcceptHttp_10 = true
opts := buildListenerOpts{
push: push,
proxy: node,
bind: listenAddress,
port: &model.Port{Port: int(httpProxyPort)},
filterChainOpts: []*filterChainOpts{{
httpOpts: &httpListenerOpts{
rds: model.RDSHttpProxy,
useRemoteAddress: false,
connectionManager: &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{
HttpProtocolOptions: httpOpts,
protocol: protocol.HTTP_PROXY,
class: istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarOutbound,
bindToPort: true,
skipUserFilters: true,
l := buildListener(opts, core.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND)
// TODO: plugins for HTTP_PROXY mode, envoyfilter needs another listener match for SIDECAR_HTTP_PROXY
mutable := &MutableListener{
MutableObjects: istionetworking.MutableObjects{
Listener: l,
FilterChains: []istionetworking.FilterChain{{}},
if err :=, opts); err != nil {
log.Warn("buildHTTPProxy filter chain error ", err.Error())
return nil
return l
func buildSidecarOutboundHTTPListenerOptsForPortOrUDS(listenerMapKey *string,
currentListenerEntry **outboundListenerEntry, listenerOpts *buildListenerOpts,
listenerMap map[string]*outboundListenerEntry, actualWildcard string) (bool, []*filterChainOpts) {
// first identify the bind if its not set. Then construct the key
// used to lookup the listener in the conflict map.
if len(listenerOpts.bind) == 0 { // no user specified bind. Use
listenerOpts.bind = actualWildcard
*listenerMapKey = listenerOpts.bind + ":" + strconv.Itoa(listenerOpts.port.Port)
var exists bool
sniffingEnabled := features.EnableProtocolSniffingForOutbound
// Have we already generated a listener for this Port based on user
// specified listener ports? if so, we should not add any more HTTP
// services to the port. The user could have specified a sidecar
// resource with one or more explicit ports and then added a catch
// all listener, implying add all other ports as usual. When we are
// iterating through the services for a catchAll egress listener,
// the caller would have set the locked bit for each listener Entry
// in the map.
// Check if this HTTP listener conflicts with an existing TCP
// listener. We could have listener conflicts occur on unix domain
// sockets, or on IP binds. Specifically, its common to see
// conflicts on binds for wildcard address when a service has NONE
// resolution type, since we collapse all HTTP listeners into a
// single listener and use vhosts to distinguish
// individual http services in that port
if *currentListenerEntry, exists = listenerMap[*listenerMapKey]; exists {
// NOTE: This is not a conflict. This is simply filtering the
// services for a given listener explicitly.
// When the user declares their own ports in Sidecar.egress
// with some specific services on those ports, we should not
// generate any more listeners on that port as the user does
// not want those listeners. Protocol sniffing is not needed.
if (*currentListenerEntry).locked {
return false, nil
if !sniffingEnabled {
if listenerOpts.service != nil {
if !(*currentListenerEntry).servicePort.Protocol.IsHTTP() {
metric: model.ProxyStatusConflictOutboundListenerTCPOverHTTP,
node: listenerOpts.proxy,
listenerName: *listenerMapKey,
currentServices: (*currentListenerEntry).services,
currentProtocol: (*currentListenerEntry).servicePort.Protocol,
newHostname: listenerOpts.service.Hostname,
newProtocol: listenerOpts.port.Protocol,
// Skip building listener for the same http port
(*currentListenerEntry).services = append((*currentListenerEntry).services, listenerOpts.service)
return false, nil
listenerProtocol := istionetworking.ModelProtocolToListenerProtocol(listenerOpts.port.Protocol, core.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND)
// No conflicts. Add a http filter chain option to the listenerOpts
var rdsName string
if listenerOpts.port.Port == 0 {
rdsName = listenerOpts.bind // use the UDS as a rds name
} else {
if listenerProtocol == istionetworking.ListenerProtocolAuto &&
sniffingEnabled && listenerOpts.bind != actualWildcard && listenerOpts.service != nil {
rdsName = string(listenerOpts.service.Hostname) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(listenerOpts.port.Port)
} else {
rdsName = strconv.Itoa(listenerOpts.port.Port)
httpOpts := &httpListenerOpts{
// Set useRemoteAddress to true for side car outbound listeners so that it picks up the localhost address of the sender,
// which is an internal address, so that trusted headers are not sanitized. This helps to retain the timeout headers
// such as "x-envoy-upstream-rq-timeout-ms" set by the calling application.
useRemoteAddress: features.UseRemoteAddress,
rds: rdsName,
protocol: listenerOpts.port.Protocol,
class: istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarOutbound,
if features.HTTP10 || enableHTTP10(listenerOpts.proxy.Metadata.HTTP10) {
httpOpts.connectionManager = &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{
HttpProtocolOptions: &core.Http1ProtocolOptions{
AcceptHttp_10: true,
return true, []*filterChainOpts{{
httpOpts: httpOpts,
func buildSidecarOutboundTCPListenerOptsForPortOrUDS(listenerMapKey *string,
currentListenerEntry **outboundListenerEntry, listenerOpts *buildListenerOpts, listenerMap map[string]*outboundListenerEntry,
virtualServices []config.Config, actualWildcard string) (bool, []*filterChainOpts) {
// first identify the bind if its not set. Then construct the key
// used to lookup the listener in the conflict map.
// Determine the listener address if bind is empty
// we listen on the service VIP if and only
// if the address is an IP address. If its a CIDR, we listen on
//, and setup a filter chain match for the CIDR range.
// As a small optimization, CIDRs with /32 prefix will be converted
// into listener address so that there is a dedicated listener for this
// ip:port. This will reduce the impact of a listener reload
var destinationCIDR string
if len(listenerOpts.bind) == 0 {
svcListenAddress := listenerOpts.service.GetAddressForProxy(listenerOpts.proxy)
// We should never get an empty address.
// This is a safety guard, in case some platform adapter isn't doing things
// properly
if len(svcListenAddress) > 0 {
if !strings.Contains(svcListenAddress, "/") {
listenerOpts.bind = svcListenAddress
} else {
// Address is a CIDR. Fall back to and
// filter chain match
destinationCIDR = svcListenAddress
listenerOpts.bind = actualWildcard
// could be a unix domain socket or an IP bind
*listenerMapKey = listenerKey(listenerOpts.bind, listenerOpts.port.Port)
var exists bool
// Have we already generated a listener for this Port based on user
// specified listener ports? if so, we should not add any more
// services to the port. The user could have specified a sidecar
// resource with one or more explicit ports and then added a catch
// all listener, implying add all other ports as usual. When we are
// iterating through the services for a catchAll egress listener,
// the caller would have set the locked bit for each listener Entry
// in the map.
// Check if this TCP listener conflicts with an existing HTTP listener
if *currentListenerEntry, exists = listenerMap[*listenerMapKey]; exists {
// NOTE: This is not a conflict. This is simply filtering the
// services for a given listener explicitly.
// When the user declares their own ports in Sidecar.egress
// with some specific services on those ports, we should not
// generate any more listeners on that port as the user does
// not want those listeners. Protocol sniffing is not needed.
if (*currentListenerEntry).locked {
return false, nil
if !features.EnableProtocolSniffingForOutbound {
// Check for port collisions between TCP/TLS and HTTP (or unknown). If
// configured correctly, TCP/TLS ports may not collide. We'll
// need to do additional work to find out if there is a
// collision within TCP/TLS.
// If the service port was defined as unknown. It will conflict with all other
// protocols.
if !(*currentListenerEntry).servicePort.Protocol.IsTCP() {
// NOTE: While pluginParams.Service can be nil,
// this code cannot be reached if Service is nil because a pluginParams.Service can be nil only
// for user defined Egress listeners with ports. And these should occur in the API before
// the wildcard egress listener. the check for the "locked" bit will eliminate the collision.
// User is also not allowed to add duplicate ports in the egress listener
var newHostname host.Name
if listenerOpts.service != nil {
newHostname = listenerOpts.service.Hostname
} else {
// user defined outbound listener via sidecar API
newHostname = "sidecar-config-egress-http-listener"
// We have a collision with another TCP port. This can happen
// for headless services, or non-k8s services that do not have
// a VIP, or when we have two binds on a unix domain socket or
// on same IP. Unfortunately we won't know if this is a real
// conflict or not until we process the VirtualServices, etc.
// The conflict resolution is done later in this code
metric: model.ProxyStatusConflictOutboundListenerHTTPOverTCP,
node: listenerOpts.proxy,
listenerName: *listenerMapKey,
currentServices: (*currentListenerEntry).services,
currentProtocol: (*currentListenerEntry).servicePort.Protocol,
newHostname: newHostname,
newProtocol: listenerOpts.port.Protocol,
return false, nil
meshGateway := map[string]bool{constants.IstioMeshGateway: true}
return true, buildSidecarOutboundTCPTLSFilterChainOpts(listenerOpts.proxy,
listenerOpts.push, virtualServices,
destinationCIDR, listenerOpts.service,
listenerOpts.bind, listenerOpts.port, meshGateway)
// buildSidecarOutboundListenerForPortOrUDS builds a single listener and
// adds it to the listenerMap provided by the caller. Listeners are added
// if one doesn't already exist. HTTP listeners on same port are ignored
// (as vhosts are shipped through RDS). TCP listeners on same port are
// allowed only if they have different CIDR matches.
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildSidecarOutboundListenerForPortOrUDS(listenerOpts buildListenerOpts,
listenerMap map[string]*outboundListenerEntry, virtualServices []config.Config, actualWildcard string) {
var listenerMapKey string
var currentListenerEntry *outboundListenerEntry
var ret bool
var opts []*filterChainOpts
listenerOpts.class = istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarOutbound
conflictType := NoConflict
outboundSniffingEnabled := features.EnableProtocolSniffingForOutbound
listenerPortProtocol := listenerOpts.port.Protocol
listenerProtocol := istionetworking.ModelProtocolToListenerProtocol(listenerOpts.port.Protocol, core.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND)
// For HTTP_PROXY protocol defined by sidecars, just create the HTTP listener right away.
if listenerPortProtocol == protocol.HTTP_PROXY {
if ret, opts = buildSidecarOutboundHTTPListenerOptsForPortOrUDS(&listenerMapKey, &currentListenerEntry,
&listenerOpts, listenerMap, actualWildcard); !ret {
listenerOpts.filterChainOpts = opts
} else {
switch listenerProtocol {
case istionetworking.ListenerProtocolHTTP:
if ret, opts = buildSidecarOutboundHTTPListenerOptsForPortOrUDS(&listenerMapKey,
&currentListenerEntry, &listenerOpts, listenerMap, actualWildcard); !ret {
// Check if conflict happens
if outboundSniffingEnabled && currentListenerEntry != nil {
// Build HTTP listener. If current listener entry is using HTTP or protocol sniffing,
// append the service. Otherwise (TCP), change current listener to use protocol sniffing.
if currentListenerEntry.protocol.IsHTTP() {
// conflictType is HTTPOverHTTP
// In these cases, we just add the services and exit early rather than recreate an identical listener = append(, listenerOpts.service)
} else if currentListenerEntry.protocol.IsTCP() {
conflictType = HTTPOverTCP
} else {
// conflictType is HTTPOverAuto
// In these cases, we just add the services and exit early rather than recreate an identical listener = append(, listenerOpts.service)
// Add application protocol filter chain match to the http filter chain. The application protocol will be set by http inspector
// Since application protocol filter chain match has been added to the http filter chain, a fall through filter chain will be
// appended to the listener later to allow arbitrary egress TCP traffic pass through when its port is conflicted with existing
// HTTP services, which can happen when a pod accesses a non registry service.
if outboundSniffingEnabled {
if listenerOpts.bind == actualWildcard {
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt.match == nil {
opt.match = &listener.FilterChainMatch{}
// Support HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2
opt.match.ApplicationProtocols = append(opt.match.ApplicationProtocols, plaintextHTTPALPNs...)
opt.match.TransportProtocol = xdsfilters.RawBufferTransportProtocol
listenerOpts.needHTTPInspector = true
// if we have a tcp fallthrough filter chain, this is no longer an HTTP listener - it
// is instead "unsupported" (auto detected), as we have a TCP and HTTP filter chain with
// inspection to route between them
listenerPortProtocol = protocol.Unsupported
listenerOpts.filterChainOpts = opts
case istionetworking.ListenerProtocolTCP:
if ret, opts = buildSidecarOutboundTCPListenerOptsForPortOrUDS(&listenerMapKey, &currentListenerEntry,
&listenerOpts, listenerMap, virtualServices, actualWildcard); !ret {
// Check if conflict happens
if outboundSniffingEnabled && currentListenerEntry != nil {
// Build TCP listener. If current listener entry is using HTTP, add a new TCP filter chain
// If current listener is using protocol sniffing, merge the TCP filter chains.
if currentListenerEntry.protocol.IsHTTP() {
conflictType = TCPOverHTTP
} else if currentListenerEntry.protocol.IsTCP() {
conflictType = TCPOverTCP
} else {
conflictType = TCPOverAuto
listenerOpts.filterChainOpts = opts
case istionetworking.ListenerProtocolAuto:
// Add tcp filter chain, build TCP filter chain first.
if ret, opts = buildSidecarOutboundTCPListenerOptsForPortOrUDS(&listenerMapKey, &currentListenerEntry,
&listenerOpts, listenerMap, virtualServices, actualWildcard); !ret {
listenerOpts.filterChainOpts = append(listenerOpts.filterChainOpts, opts...)
// Add http filter chain and tcp filter chain to the listener opts
if ret, opts = buildSidecarOutboundHTTPListenerOptsForPortOrUDS(&listenerMapKey, &currentListenerEntry,
&listenerOpts, listenerMap, actualWildcard); !ret {
// Add application protocol filter chain match to the http filter chain. The application protocol will be set by http inspector
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt.match == nil {
opt.match = &listener.FilterChainMatch{}
// Support HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2
opt.match.ApplicationProtocols = append(opt.match.ApplicationProtocols, plaintextHTTPALPNs...)
opt.match.TransportProtocol = xdsfilters.RawBufferTransportProtocol
listenerOpts.filterChainOpts = append(listenerOpts.filterChainOpts, opts...)
listenerOpts.needHTTPInspector = true
if currentListenerEntry != nil {
if currentListenerEntry.protocol.IsHTTP() {
conflictType = AutoOverHTTP
} else if currentListenerEntry.protocol.IsTCP() {
conflictType = AutoOverTCP
} else {
// conflictType is AutoOverAuto
// In these cases, we just add the services and exit early rather than recreate an identical listener = append(, listenerOpts.service)
// UDP or other protocols: no need to log, it's too noisy
// Lets build the new listener with the filter chains. In the end, we will
// merge the filter chains with any existing listener on the same port/bind point
l := buildListener(listenerOpts, core.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND)
mutable := &MutableListener{
MutableObjects: istionetworking.MutableObjects{
Listener: l,
FilterChains: getPluginFilterChain(listenerOpts),
// Filters are serialized one time into an opaque struct once we have the complete list.
if err :=, listenerOpts); err != nil {
log.Warn("buildSidecarOutboundListeners: ", err.Error())
// If there is a TCP listener on well known port, cannot add any http filter chain
// with the inspector as it will break for server-first protocols. Similarly,
// if there was a HTTP listener on well known port, cannot add a tcp listener
// with the inspector as inspector breaks all server-first protocols.
if currentListenerEntry != nil &&
!isConflictWithWellKnownPort(listenerOpts.port.Protocol, currentListenerEntry.protocol, conflictType) {
log.Warnf("conflict happens on a well known port %d, incoming protocol %v, existing protocol %v, conflict type %v",
listenerOpts.port.Port, listenerOpts.port.Protocol, currentListenerEntry.protocol, conflictType)
// There are 9 types conflicts
// Incoming Existing
// 1. HTTP -> HTTP
// 2. HTTP -> TCP
// 3. HTTP -> unknown
// 4. TCP -> HTTP
// 5. TCP -> TCP
// 6. TCP -> unknown
// 7. unknown -> HTTP
// 8. unknown -> TCP
// 9. unknown -> unknown
// Type 1 can be resolved by appending service to existing services
// Type 2 can be resolved by merging TCP filter chain with HTTP filter chain
// Type 3 can be resolved by appending service to existing services
// Type 4 can be resolved by merging HTTP filter chain with TCP filter chain
// Type 5 can be resolved by merging TCP filter chains
// Type 6 can be resolved by merging TCP filter chains
// Type 7 can be resolved by appending service to existing services
// Type 8 can be resolved by merging TCP filter chains
// Type 9 can be resolved by merging TCP and HTTP filter chains
switch conflictType {
case NoConflict:
if currentListenerEntry != nil {
currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains = mergeTCPFilterChains(mutable.Listener.FilterChains,
listenerOpts, listenerMapKey, listenerMap)
} else {
listenerMap[listenerMapKey] = &outboundListenerEntry{
services: []*model.Service{listenerOpts.service},
servicePort: listenerOpts.port,
bind: listenerOpts.bind,
listener: mutable.Listener,
protocol: listenerPortProtocol,
case HTTPOverTCP:
// Merge HTTP filter chain to TCP filter chain
currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains = mergeFilterChains(mutable.Listener.FilterChains, currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains)
currentListenerEntry.protocol = protocol.Unsupported
currentListenerEntry.listener.ListenerFilters = appendListenerFilters(currentListenerEntry.listener.ListenerFilters) = append(, listenerOpts.service)
case TCPOverHTTP:
// Merge TCP filter chain to HTTP filter chain
currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains = mergeFilterChains(currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains, mutable.Listener.FilterChains)
currentListenerEntry.protocol = protocol.Unsupported
currentListenerEntry.listener.ListenerFilters = appendListenerFilters(currentListenerEntry.listener.ListenerFilters)
case TCPOverTCP:
// Merge two TCP filter chains. HTTP filter chain will not conflict with TCP filter chain because HTTP filter chain match for
// HTTP filter chain is different from TCP filter chain's.
currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains = mergeTCPFilterChains(mutable.Listener.FilterChains, listenerOpts, listenerMapKey, listenerMap)
case TCPOverAuto:
// Merge two TCP filter chains. HTTP filter chain will not conflict with TCP filter chain because HTTP filter chain match for
// HTTP filter chain is different from TCP filter chain's.
currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains = mergeTCPFilterChains(mutable.Listener.FilterChains, listenerOpts, listenerMapKey, listenerMap)
case AutoOverHTTP:
listenerMap[listenerMapKey] = &outboundListenerEntry{
services: append(, listenerOpts.service),
servicePort: listenerOpts.port,
bind: listenerOpts.bind,
listener: mutable.Listener,
protocol: protocol.Unsupported,
currentListenerEntry.listener.ListenerFilters = appendListenerFilters(currentListenerEntry.listener.ListenerFilters)
case AutoOverTCP:
// Merge two TCP filter chains. HTTP filter chain will not conflict with TCP filter chain because HTTP filter chain match for
// HTTP filter chain is different from TCP filter chain's.
currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains = mergeTCPFilterChains(mutable.Listener.FilterChains,
listenerOpts, listenerMapKey, listenerMap)
currentListenerEntry.protocol = protocol.Unsupported
currentListenerEntry.listener.ListenerFilters = appendListenerFilters(currentListenerEntry.listener.ListenerFilters)
// Covered previously - in this case we return early to prevent creating listeners that we end up throwing away
// This should never happen
log.Errorf("Got unexpected conflict type %v. This should never happen", conflictType)
if log.DebugEnabled() && len(mutable.Listener.FilterChains) > 1 || currentListenerEntry != nil {
var numChains int
if currentListenerEntry != nil {
numChains = len(currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains)
} else {
numChains = len(mutable.Listener.FilterChains)
log.Debugf("buildSidecarOutboundListeners: multiple filter chain listener %s with %d chains", mutable.Listener.Name, numChains)
// httpListenerOpts are options for an HTTP listener
type httpListenerOpts struct {
routeConfig *route.RouteConfiguration
rds string
// If set, use this as a basis
connectionManager *hcm.HttpConnectionManager
// stat prefix for the http connection manager
// DO not set this field. Will be overridden by buildCompleteFilterChain
statPrefix string
protocol protocol.Instance
useRemoteAddress bool
// http3Only indicates that the HTTP codec used
// is HTTP/3 over QUIC transport (uses UDP)
http3Only bool
class istionetworking.ListenerClass
// filterChainOpts describes a filter chain: a set of filters with the same TLS context
type filterChainOpts struct {
filterChainName string
sniHosts []string
destinationCIDRs []string
metadata *core.Metadata
tlsContext *auth.DownstreamTlsContext
httpOpts *httpListenerOpts
match *listener.FilterChainMatch
listenerFilters []*listener.ListenerFilter
networkFilters []*listener.Filter
filterChain istionetworking.FilterChain
// buildListenerOpts are the options required to build a Listener
type buildListenerOpts struct {
// nolint: maligned
push *model.PushContext
proxy *model.Proxy
bind string
port *model.Port
filterChainOpts []*filterChainOpts
bindToPort bool
skipUserFilters bool
needHTTPInspector bool
class istionetworking.ListenerClass
service *model.Service
transport istionetworking.TransportProtocol
func (lb *ListenerBuilder) buildHTTPConnectionManager(httpOpts *httpListenerOpts) *hcm.HttpConnectionManager {
if httpOpts.connectionManager == nil {
httpOpts.connectionManager = &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{}
connectionManager := httpOpts.connectionManager
if httpOpts.http3Only {
connectionManager.CodecType = hcm.HttpConnectionManager_HTTP3
connectionManager.Http3ProtocolOptions = &core.Http3ProtocolOptions{}
} else {
connectionManager.CodecType = hcm.HttpConnectionManager_AUTO
connectionManager.AccessLog = []*accesslog.AccessLog{}
connectionManager.StatPrefix = httpOpts.statPrefix
// Setup normalization
connectionManager.PathWithEscapedSlashesAction = hcm.HttpConnectionManager_KEEP_UNCHANGED
switch lb.push.Mesh.GetPathNormalization().GetNormalization() {
case meshconfig.MeshConfig_ProxyPathNormalization_NONE:
connectionManager.NormalizePath = proto.BoolFalse
case meshconfig.MeshConfig_ProxyPathNormalization_BASE, meshconfig.MeshConfig_ProxyPathNormalization_DEFAULT:
connectionManager.NormalizePath = proto.BoolTrue
case meshconfig.MeshConfig_ProxyPathNormalization_MERGE_SLASHES:
connectionManager.NormalizePath = proto.BoolTrue
connectionManager.MergeSlashes = true
case meshconfig.MeshConfig_ProxyPathNormalization_DECODE_AND_MERGE_SLASHES:
connectionManager.NormalizePath = proto.BoolTrue
connectionManager.MergeSlashes = true
connectionManager.PathWithEscapedSlashesAction = hcm.HttpConnectionManager_UNESCAPE_AND_FORWARD
if httpOpts.useRemoteAddress {
connectionManager.UseRemoteAddress = proto.BoolTrue
} else {
connectionManager.UseRemoteAddress = proto.BoolFalse
// Allow websocket upgrades
websocketUpgrade := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager_UpgradeConfig{UpgradeType: "websocket"}
connectionManager.UpgradeConfigs = []*hcm.HttpConnectionManager_UpgradeConfig{websocketUpgrade}
idleTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(lb.node.Metadata.IdleTimeout)
if err == nil {
connectionManager.CommonHttpProtocolOptions = &core.HttpProtocolOptions{
IdleTimeout: durationpb.New(idleTimeout),
notimeout := durationpb.New(0 * time.Second)
connectionManager.StreamIdleTimeout = notimeout
if httpOpts.rds != "" {
rds := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager_Rds{
Rds: &hcm.Rds{
ConfigSource: &core.ConfigSource{
ConfigSourceSpecifier: &core.ConfigSource_Ads{
Ads: &core.AggregatedConfigSource{},
InitialFetchTimeout: durationpb.New(0),
ResourceApiVersion: core.ApiVersion_V3,
RouteConfigName: httpOpts.rds,
connectionManager.RouteSpecifier = rds
} else {
connectionManager.RouteSpecifier = &hcm.HttpConnectionManager_RouteConfig{RouteConfig: httpOpts.routeConfig}
accessLogBuilder.setHTTPAccessLog(lb.push, lb.node, connectionManager, httpOpts.class)
routerFilterCtx, reqIDExtensionCtx := configureTracing(lb.push, lb.node, connectionManager, httpOpts.class)
filters := []*hcm.HttpFilter{}
wasm := lb.push.WasmPlugins(lb.node)
// TODO: how to deal with ext-authz? It will be in the ordering twice
filters = append(filters, lb.authzCustomBuilder.BuildHTTP(httpOpts.class)...)
filters = extension.PopAppend(filters, wasm, extensions.PluginPhase_AUTHN)
filters = append(filters, lb.authnBuilder.BuildHTTP(httpOpts.class)...)
filters = extension.PopAppend(filters, wasm, extensions.PluginPhase_AUTHZ)
filters = append(filters, lb.authzBuilder.BuildHTTP(httpOpts.class)...)
// TODO: these feel like the wrong place to insert, but this retains backwards compatibility with the original implementation
filters = extension.PopAppend(filters, wasm, extensions.PluginPhase_STATS)
filters = extension.PopAppend(filters, wasm, extensions.PluginPhase_UNSPECIFIED_PHASE)
if features.MetadataExchange {
filters = append(filters, xdsfilters.HTTPMx)
if httpOpts.protocol == protocol.GRPCWeb {
filters = append(filters, xdsfilters.GrpcWeb)
if httpOpts.protocol.IsGRPC() {
filters = append(filters, xdsfilters.GrpcStats)
// append ALPN HTTP filter in HTTP connection manager for outbound listener only.
if features.ALPNFilter {
if httpOpts.class != istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarInbound {
filters = append(filters, xdsfilters.Alpn)
// TypedPerFilterConfig in route needs these filters.
filters = append(filters, xdsfilters.Fault, xdsfilters.Cors)
filters = append(filters, lb.push.Telemetry.HTTPFilters(lb.node, httpOpts.class)...)
filters = append(filters, xdsfilters.BuildRouterFilter(routerFilterCtx))
connectionManager.HttpFilters = filters
connectionManager.RequestIdExtension = requestidextension.BuildUUIDRequestIDExtension(reqIDExtensionCtx)
return connectionManager
// buildListener builds and initializes a Listener proto based on the provided opts. It does not set any filters.
// Optionally for HTTP filters with TLS enabled, HTTP/3 can be supported by generating QUIC Mirror filters for the
// same port (it is fine as QUIC uses UDP)
func buildListener(opts buildListenerOpts, trafficDirection core.TrafficDirection) *listener.Listener {
filterChains := make([]*listener.FilterChain, 0, len(opts.filterChainOpts))
listenerFiltersMap := make(map[string]bool)
var listenerFilters []*listener.ListenerFilter
// add a TLS inspector if we need to detect ServerName or ALPN
// (this is not applicable for QUIC listeners)
needTLSInspector := false
if opts.transport == istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP {
for _, chain := range opts.filterChainOpts {
needsALPN := chain.tlsContext != nil && chain.tlsContext.CommonTlsContext != nil && len(chain.tlsContext.CommonTlsContext.AlpnProtocols) > 0
if len(chain.sniHosts) > 0 || needsALPN {
needTLSInspector = true
if opts.proxy.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionTproxy && trafficDirection == core.TrafficDirection_INBOUND {
listenerFiltersMap[wellknown.OriginalSource] = true
listenerFilters = append(listenerFilters, xdsfilters.OriginalSrc)
// We add a TLS inspector when http inspector is needed for outbound only. This
// is because if we ever set ALPN in the match without
// transport_protocol=raw_buffer, Envoy will automatically inject a tls
// inspector: This leads to
// excessive logging and loss of control over the config For inbound this is not
// needed, since we are explicitly setting transport protocol in every single
// match. We can do this for outbound as well, at which point this could be
// removed, but have not yet
if opts.transport == istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP &&
(needTLSInspector || (opts.class == istionetworking.ListenerClassSidecarOutbound && opts.needHTTPInspector)) {
listenerFiltersMap[wellknown.TlsInspector] = true
listenerFilters = append(listenerFilters, xdsfilters.TLSInspector)
// TODO: For now we assume that only HTTP/3 is used over QUIC. Revisit this in the future
if opts.needHTTPInspector && opts.transport == istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP {
listenerFiltersMap[wellknown.HttpInspector] = true
listenerFilters = append(listenerFilters, xdsfilters.HTTPInspector)
for _, chain := range opts.filterChainOpts {
for _, filter := range chain.listenerFilters {
if _, exist := listenerFiltersMap[filter.Name]; !exist {
listenerFiltersMap[filter.Name] = true
listenerFilters = append(listenerFilters, filter)
match := &listener.FilterChainMatch{}
needMatch := false
if chain.match != nil {
needMatch = true
match = chain.match
if len(chain.sniHosts) > 0 {
fullWildcardFound := false
for _, h := range chain.sniHosts {
if h == "*" {
fullWildcardFound = true
// If we have a host with *, it effectively means match anything, i.e.
// no SNI based matching for this host.
if !fullWildcardFound {
chain.sniHosts = append([]string{}, chain.sniHosts...)
match.ServerNames = chain.sniHosts
if len(chain.destinationCIDRs) > 0 {
chain.destinationCIDRs = append([]string{}, chain.destinationCIDRs...)
for _, d := range chain.destinationCIDRs {
cidr := util.ConvertAddressToCidr(d)
if cidr != nil && cidr.AddressPrefix != constants.UnspecifiedIP {
match.PrefixRanges = append(match.PrefixRanges, cidr)
if !needMatch && filterChainMatchEmpty(match) {
match = nil
var transportSocket *core.TransportSocket
switch opts.transport {
case istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP:
transportSocket = buildDownstreamTLSTransportSocket(chain.tlsContext)
case istionetworking.TransportProtocolQUIC:
transportSocket = buildDownstreamQUICTransportSocket(chain.tlsContext)
filterChains = append(filterChains, &listener.FilterChain{
FilterChainMatch: match,
TransportSocket: transportSocket,
var res *listener.Listener
switch opts.transport {
case istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP:
var bindToPort *wrappers.BoolValue
var connectionBalance *listener.Listener_ConnectionBalanceConfig
if !opts.bindToPort {
bindToPort = proto.BoolFalse
// only use to exact_balance for tcp outbound listeners; virtualOutbound listener should
// not have this set per Envoy docs for redirected listeners
if opts.proxy.Metadata.OutboundListenerExactBalance && trafficDirection == core.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND {
connectionBalance = &listener.Listener_ConnectionBalanceConfig{
BalanceType: &listener.Listener_ConnectionBalanceConfig_ExactBalance_{
ExactBalance: &listener.Listener_ConnectionBalanceConfig_ExactBalance{},
res = &listener.Listener{
// TODO: need to sanitize the opts.bind if its a UDS socket, as it could have colons, that envoy doesn't like
Name: getListenerName(opts.bind, opts.port.Port, istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP),
Address: util.BuildAddress(opts.bind, uint32(opts.port.Port)),
TrafficDirection: trafficDirection,
ListenerFilters: listenerFilters,
FilterChains: filterChains,
BindToPort: bindToPort,
ConnectionBalanceConfig: connectionBalance,
if opts.proxy.Type != model.Router {
res.ListenerFiltersTimeout = opts.push.Mesh.ProtocolDetectionTimeout
if res.ListenerFiltersTimeout != nil {
res.ContinueOnListenerFiltersTimeout = true
case istionetworking.TransportProtocolQUIC:
// TODO: switch on TransportProtocolQUIC is in too many places now. Once this is a bit
// mature, refactor some of these to an interface so that they kick off the process
// of building listener, filter chains, serializing etc based on transport protocol
listenerName := getListenerName(opts.bind, opts.port.Port, istionetworking.TransportProtocolQUIC)
log.Debugf("buildListener: building UDP/QUIC listener %s", listenerName)
res = &listener.Listener{
Name: listenerName,
Address: util.BuildNetworkAddress(opts.bind, uint32(opts.port.Port), istionetworking.TransportProtocolQUIC),
TrafficDirection: trafficDirection,
FilterChains: filterChains,
UdpListenerConfig: &listener.UdpListenerConfig{
// TODO: Maybe we should add options in MeshConfig to
// configure QUIC options - it should look similar
// to the H2 protocol options.
QuicOptions: &listener.QuicProtocolOptions{},
DownstreamSocketConfig: &core.UdpSocketConfig{},
EnableReusePort: proto.BoolTrue,
accessLogBuilder.setListenerAccessLog(opts.push, opts.proxy, res, opts.class)
return res
func getMatchAllFilterChain(l *listener.Listener) (int, *listener.FilterChain) {
for i, fc := range l.FilterChains {
if isMatchAllFilterChain(fc) {
return i, fc
return 0, nil
// Create pass through filter chain for the listener assuming all the other filter chains are ready.
// The match member of pass through filter chain depends on the existing non-passthrough filter chain.
// TODO(lambdai): Calculate the filter chain match to replace the wildcard and replace appendListenerFallthroughRoute.
func appendListenerFallthroughRouteForCompleteListener(l *listener.Listener, node *model.Proxy, push *model.PushContext) {
matchIndex, matchAll := getMatchAllFilterChain(l)
fallthroughNetworkFilters := buildOutboundCatchAllNetworkFiltersOnly(push, node)
outboundPassThroughFilterChain := &listener.FilterChain{
FilterChainMatch: &listener.FilterChainMatch{},
Name: util.PassthroughFilterChain,
Filters: fallthroughNetworkFilters,
// Set a default filter chain. This allows us to avoid issues where
// traffic starts to match a filter chain but then doesn't match latter criteria, leading to
// dropped requests. See for details.
// If there are multiple filter chains and a match all chain, move it to DefaultFilterChain
// This ensures it will always be used as the fallback.
if matchAll != nil && len(l.FilterChains) > 1 {
copy(l.FilterChains[matchIndex:], l.FilterChains[matchIndex+1:]) // Shift l.FilterChains[i+1:] left one index.
l.FilterChains[len(l.FilterChains)-1] = nil // Erase last element (write zero value).
l.FilterChains = l.FilterChains[:len(l.FilterChains)-1] // Truncate slice.
l.DefaultFilterChain = matchAll
} else if matchAll == nil {
// Otherwise, if there is no match all already, set a passthrough match all
l.DefaultFilterChain = outboundPassThroughFilterChain
// build adds the provided TCP and HTTP filters to the provided Listener and serializes them.
// TODO: given how tightly tied listener.FilterChains, opts.filterChainOpts, and mutable.FilterChains
// are to each other we should encapsulate them some way to ensure they remain consistent (mainly that
// in each an index refers to the same chain).
func (ml *MutableListener) build(builder *ListenerBuilder, opts buildListenerOpts) error {
if len(opts.filterChainOpts) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("must have more than 0 chains in listener %q", ml.Listener.Name)
httpConnectionManagers := make([]*hcm.HttpConnectionManager, len(ml.FilterChains))
for i := range ml.FilterChains {
chain := ml.FilterChains[i]
opt := opts.filterChainOpts[i]
ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Metadata = opt.metadata
ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Name = opt.filterChainName
if opt.httpOpts == nil {
// we are building a network filter chain (no http connection manager) for this filter chain
// In HTTP, we need to have RBAC, etc. upfront so that they can enforce policies immediately
// For network filters such as mysql, mongo, etc., we need the filter codec upfront. Data from this
// codec is used by RBAC later.
// Currently, when transport is QUIC we assume HTTP3. So it should not come here.
// When other protocols are used over QUIC, we have to revisit this assumption.
if len(opt.networkFilters) > 0 {
// this is the terminating filter
lastNetworkFilter := opt.networkFilters[len(opt.networkFilters)-1]
for n := 0; n < len(opt.networkFilters)-1; n++ {
ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters = append(ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters, opt.networkFilters[n])
ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters = append(ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters, chain.TCP...)
ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters = append(ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters, lastNetworkFilter)
} else {
ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters = append(ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters, chain.TCP...)
log.Debugf("attached %d network filters to listener %q filter chain %d", len(chain.TCP)+len(opt.networkFilters), ml.Listener.Name, i)
} else {
// Add the TCP filters first.. and then the HTTP connection manager.
// Skip adding this if transport is not TCP (could be QUIC)
if chain.TransportProtocol == istionetworking.TransportProtocolTCP {
ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters = append(ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters, chain.TCP...)
// If statPrefix has been set before calling this method, respect that.
if len(opt.httpOpts.statPrefix) == 0 {
opt.httpOpts.statPrefix = strings.ToLower(ml.Listener.TrafficDirection.String()) + "_" + ml.Listener.Name
httpConnectionManagers[i] = builder.buildHTTPConnectionManager(opt.httpOpts)
filter := &listener.Filter{
Name: wellknown.HTTPConnectionManager,
ConfigType: &listener.Filter_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(httpConnectionManagers[i])},
ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters = append(ml.Listener.FilterChains[i].Filters, filter)
log.Debugf("attached HTTP filter with %d http_filter options to listener %q filter chain %d",
len(httpConnectionManagers[i].HttpFilters), ml.Listener.Name, i)
return nil
func mergeTCPFilterChains(incoming []*listener.FilterChain, listenerOpts buildListenerOpts, listenerMapKey string,
listenerMap map[string]*outboundListenerEntry) []*listener.FilterChain {
// TODO(rshriram) merge multiple identical filter chains with just a single destination CIDR based
// filter chain match, into a single filter chain and array of destinationcidr matches
// The code below checks for TCP over TCP conflicts and merges listeners
// Merge the newly built listener with the existing listener, if and only if the filter chains have distinct conditions.
// Extract the current filter chain matches, for every new filter chain match being added, check if there is a matching
// one in previous filter chains, if so, skip adding this filter chain with a warning.
currentListenerEntry := listenerMap[listenerMapKey]
mergedFilterChains := make([]*listener.FilterChain, 0, len(currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains)+len(incoming))
// Start with the current listener's filter chains.
mergedFilterChains = append(mergedFilterChains, currentListenerEntry.listener.FilterChains...)
for _, incomingFilterChain := range incoming {
conflict := false
for _, existingFilterChain := range mergedFilterChains {
conflict = isConflict(existingFilterChain, incomingFilterChain)
if conflict {
// NOTE: While pluginParams.Service can be nil,
// this code cannot be reached if Service is nil because a pluginParams.Service can be nil only
// for user defined Egress listeners with ports. And these should occur in the API before
// the wildcard egress listener. the check for the "locked" bit will eliminate the collision.
// User is also not allowed to add duplicate ports in the egress listener
var newHostname host.Name
if listenerOpts.service != nil {
newHostname = listenerOpts.service.Hostname
} else {
// user defined outbound listener via sidecar API
newHostname = "sidecar-config-egress-tcp-listener"
metric: model.ProxyStatusConflictOutboundListenerTCPOverTCP,
node: listenerOpts.proxy,
listenerName: listenerMapKey,
currentProtocol: currentListenerEntry.servicePort.Protocol,
newHostname: newHostname,
newProtocol: listenerOpts.port.Protocol,
if !conflict {
// There is no conflict with any filter chain in the existing listener.
// So append the new filter chains to the existing listener's filter chains
mergedFilterChains = append(mergedFilterChains, incomingFilterChain)
if listenerOpts.service != nil {
lEntry := listenerMap[listenerMapKey] = append(, listenerOpts.service)
return mergedFilterChains
// isConflict determines whether the incoming filter chain has conflict with existing filter chain.
func isConflict(existing, incoming *listener.FilterChain) bool {
return filterChainMatchEqual(existing.FilterChainMatch, incoming.FilterChainMatch)
func filterChainMatchEmpty(fcm *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
return fcm == nil || filterChainMatchEqual(fcm, emptyFilterChainMatch)
// filterChainMatchEqual returns true if both filter chains are equal otherwise false.
func filterChainMatchEqual(first *listener.FilterChainMatch, second *listener.FilterChainMatch) bool {
if first == nil || second == nil {
return first == second
if first.TransportProtocol != second.TransportProtocol {
return false
if !util.StringSliceEqual(first.ApplicationProtocols, second.ApplicationProtocols) {
return false
if first.DestinationPort.GetValue() != second.DestinationPort.GetValue() {
return false
if !util.CidrRangeSliceEqual(first.PrefixRanges, second.PrefixRanges) {
return false
if !util.CidrRangeSliceEqual(first.SourcePrefixRanges, second.SourcePrefixRanges) {
return false
if !util.CidrRangeSliceEqual(first.DirectSourcePrefixRanges, second.DirectSourcePrefixRanges) {
return false
if first.AddressSuffix != second.AddressSuffix {
return false
if first.SuffixLen.GetValue() != second.SuffixLen.GetValue() {
return false
if first.SourceType != second.SourceType {
return false
if !util.UInt32SliceEqual(first.SourcePorts, second.SourcePorts) {
return false
if !util.StringSliceEqual(first.ServerNames, second.ServerNames) {
return false
return true
func mergeFilterChains(httpFilterChain, tcpFilterChain []*listener.FilterChain) []*listener.FilterChain {
var newFilterChan []*listener.FilterChain
for _, fc := range httpFilterChain {
if fc.FilterChainMatch == nil {
fc.FilterChainMatch = &listener.FilterChainMatch{}
var missingHTTPALPNs []string
for _, p := range plaintextHTTPALPNs {
if !contains(fc.FilterChainMatch.ApplicationProtocols, p) {
missingHTTPALPNs = append(missingHTTPALPNs, p)
fc.FilterChainMatch.ApplicationProtocols = append(fc.FilterChainMatch.ApplicationProtocols, missingHTTPALPNs...)
newFilterChan = append(newFilterChan, fc)
return append(tcpFilterChain, newFilterChan...)
// It's fine to use this naive implementation for searching in a very short list like ApplicationProtocols
func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func getPluginFilterChain(opts buildListenerOpts) []istionetworking.FilterChain {
filterChain := make([]istionetworking.FilterChain, len(opts.filterChainOpts))
for id := range filterChain {
if opts.filterChainOpts[id].httpOpts == nil {
filterChain[id].ListenerProtocol = istionetworking.ListenerProtocolTCP
} else {
filterChain[id].ListenerProtocol = istionetworking.ListenerProtocolHTTP
filterChain[id].TCP = opts.filterChainOpts[id].filterChain.TCP
filterChain[id].HTTP = opts.filterChainOpts[id].filterChain.HTTP
return filterChain
// isConflictWithWellKnownPort checks conflicts between incoming protocol and existing protocol.
// Mongo and MySQL are not allowed to co-exist with other protocols in one port.
func isConflictWithWellKnownPort(incoming, existing protocol.Instance, conflict int) bool {
if conflict == NoConflict {
return true
if (incoming == protocol.Mongo ||
incoming == protocol.MySQL ||
existing == protocol.Mongo ||
existing == protocol.MySQL) && incoming != existing {
return false
return true
func appendListenerFilters(filters []*listener.ListenerFilter) []*listener.ListenerFilter {
hasTLSInspector := false
hasHTTPInspector := false
for _, f := range filters {
hasTLSInspector = hasTLSInspector || f.Name == wellknown.TlsInspector
hasHTTPInspector = hasHTTPInspector || f.Name == wellknown.HttpInspector
if !hasTLSInspector {
filters = append(filters, xdsfilters.TLSInspector)
if !hasHTTPInspector {
filters = append(filters, xdsfilters.HTTPInspector)
return filters
// nolint: interfacer
func buildDownstreamTLSTransportSocket(tlsContext *auth.DownstreamTlsContext) *core.TransportSocket {
if tlsContext == nil {
return nil
return &core.TransportSocket{
Name: util.EnvoyTLSSocketName,
ConfigType: &core.TransportSocket_TypedConfig{TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(tlsContext)},
func buildDownstreamQUICTransportSocket(tlsContext *auth.DownstreamTlsContext) *core.TransportSocket {
if tlsContext == nil {
return nil
return &core.TransportSocket{
Name: util.EnvoyQUICSocketName,
ConfigType: &core.TransportSocket_TypedConfig{
TypedConfig: util.MessageToAny(&envoyquicv3.QuicDownstreamTransport{
DownstreamTlsContext: tlsContext,
func isMatchAllFilterChain(fc *listener.FilterChain) bool {
// See if it is empty filter chain.
return filterChainMatchEmpty(fc.FilterChainMatch)
func removeListenerFilterTimeout(listeners []*listener.Listener) {
for _, l := range listeners {
// Remove listener filter timeout for
// 1. outbound listeners AND
// 2. without HTTP inspector
hasHTTPInspector := false
for _, lf := range l.ListenerFilters {
if lf.Name == wellknown.HttpInspector {
hasHTTPInspector = true
if !hasHTTPInspector && l.TrafficDirection == core.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND {
l.ListenerFiltersTimeout = nil
l.ContinueOnListenerFiltersTimeout = false
// listenerKey builds the key for a given bind and port
func listenerKey(bind string, port int) string {
return bind + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port)