blob: 7ba7138b55b5785ece236db549be54f7829bfa49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1alpha3
import (
import (
cluster ""
core ""
endpoint ""
discovery ""
xdstype ""
wrappers ""
meshconfig ""
networking ""
import (
// deltaConfigTypes are used to detect changes and trigger delta calculations. When config updates has ONLY entries
// in this map, then delta calculation is triggered.
var deltaConfigTypes = sets.New(gvk.ServiceEntry.Kind)
// getDefaultCircuitBreakerThresholds returns a copy of the default circuit breaker thresholds for the given traffic direction.
func getDefaultCircuitBreakerThresholds() *cluster.CircuitBreakers_Thresholds {
return &cluster.CircuitBreakers_Thresholds{
// DefaultMaxRetries specifies the default for the Envoy circuit breaker parameter max_retries. This
// defines the maximum number of parallel retries a given Envoy will allow to the upstream cluster. Envoy defaults
// this value to 3, however that has shown to be insufficient during periods of pod churn (e.g. rolling updates),
// where multiple endpoints in a cluster are terminated. In these scenarios the circuit breaker can kick
// in before Pilot is able to deliver an updated endpoint list to Envoy, leading to client-facing 503s.
MaxRetries: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: math.MaxUint32},
MaxRequests: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: math.MaxUint32},
MaxConnections: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: math.MaxUint32},
MaxPendingRequests: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: math.MaxUint32},
TrackRemaining: true,
// BuildClusters returns the list of clusters for the given proxy. This is the CDS output
// For outbound: Cluster for each service/subset hostname or cidr with SNI set to service hostname
// Cluster type based on resolution
// For inbound (sidecar only): Cluster for each inbound endpoint port and for each service port
func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) BuildClusters(proxy *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest) ([]*discovery.Resource, model.XdsLogDetails) {
// In Sotw, we care about all services.
var services []*model.Service
if features.FilterGatewayClusterConfig && proxy.Type == model.Router {
services = req.Push.GatewayServices(proxy)
} else {
services = proxy.SidecarScope.Services()
return configgen.buildClusters(proxy, req, services)
// BuildDeltaClusters generates the deltas (add and delete) for a given proxy. Currently, only service changes are reflected with deltas.
// Otherwise, we fall back onto generating everything.
func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) BuildDeltaClusters(proxy *model.Proxy, updates *model.PushRequest,
watched *model.WatchedResource,
) ([]*discovery.Resource, []string, model.XdsLogDetails, bool) {
// if we can't use delta, fall back to generate all
if !shouldUseDelta(updates) {
cl, lg := configgen.BuildClusters(proxy, updates)
return cl, nil, lg, false
var deletedClusters []string
var services []*model.Service
// holds clusters per service, keyed by hostname.
serviceClusters := make(map[string]sets.Set)
// holds service ports, keyed by hostname.
// inner map holds port and its cluster name.
servicePorts := make(map[string]map[int]string)
for _, cluster := range watched.ResourceNames {
// WatchedResources.ResourceNames will contain the names of the clusters it is subscribed to. We can
// check with the name of our service (cluster names are in the format outbound|<port>||<hostname>).
_, _, svcHost, port := model.ParseSubsetKey(cluster)
if serviceClusters[string(svcHost)] == nil {
serviceClusters[string(svcHost)] = sets.New()
if servicePorts[string(svcHost)] == nil {
servicePorts[string(svcHost)] = make(map[int]string)
servicePorts[string(svcHost)][port] = cluster
// In delta, we only care about the services that have changed.
for key := range updates.ConfigsUpdated {
// get the service that has changed.
service := updates.Push.ServiceForHostname(proxy, host.Name(key.Name))
// if this service removed, we can conclude that it is a removed cluster.
if service == nil {
for cluster := range serviceClusters[key.Name] {
deletedClusters = append(deletedClusters, cluster)
} else {
services = append(services, service)
// If servicePorts has this service, that means it is old service.
if servicePorts[service.Hostname.String()] != nil {
oldPorts := servicePorts[service.Hostname.String()]
for port, cluster := range oldPorts {
// if this service port is removed, we can conclude that it is a removed cluster.
if _, exists := service.Ports.GetByPort(port); !exists {
deletedClusters = append(deletedClusters, cluster)
clusters, log := configgen.buildClusters(proxy, updates, services)
return clusters, deletedClusters, log, true
// buildClusters builds clusters for the proxy with the services passed.
func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildClusters(proxy *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest,
services []*model.Service,
) ([]*discovery.Resource, model.XdsLogDetails) {
clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
resources := model.Resources{}
envoyFilterPatches := req.Push.EnvoyFilters(proxy)
cb := NewClusterBuilder(proxy, req, configgen.Cache)
instances := proxy.ServiceInstances
cacheStats := cacheStats{}
switch proxy.Type {
case model.SidecarProxy:
// Setup outbound clusters
outboundPatcher := clusterPatcher{efw: envoyFilterPatches, pctx: networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_OUTBOUND}
ob, cs := configgen.buildOutboundClusters(cb, proxy, outboundPatcher, services)
cacheStats = cacheStats.merge(cs)
resources = append(resources, ob...)
// Add a blackhole and passthrough cluster for catching traffic to unresolved routes
clusters = outboundPatcher.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil, cb.buildBlackHoleCluster(), cb.buildDefaultPassthroughCluster())
clusters = append(clusters, outboundPatcher.insertedClusters()...)
// Setup inbound clusters
inboundPatcher := clusterPatcher{efw: envoyFilterPatches, pctx: networking.EnvoyFilter_SIDECAR_INBOUND}
clusters = append(clusters, configgen.buildInboundClusters(cb, proxy, instances, inboundPatcher)...)
// Pass through clusters for inbound traffic. These cluster bind loopback-ish src address to access node local service.
clusters = inboundPatcher.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil, cb.buildInboundPassthroughClusters()...)
clusters = append(clusters, inboundPatcher.insertedClusters()...)
default: // Gateways
patcher := clusterPatcher{efw: envoyFilterPatches, pctx: networking.EnvoyFilter_GATEWAY}
ob, cs := configgen.buildOutboundClusters(cb, proxy, patcher, services)
cacheStats = cacheStats.merge(cs)
resources = append(resources, ob...)
// Gateways do not require the default passthrough cluster as they do not have original dst listeners.
clusters = patcher.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil, cb.buildBlackHoleCluster())
if proxy.Type == model.Router && proxy.MergedGateway != nil && proxy.MergedGateway.ContainsAutoPassthroughGateways {
clusters = append(clusters, configgen.buildOutboundSniDnatClusters(proxy, req, patcher)...)
clusters = append(clusters, patcher.insertedClusters()...)
for _, c := range clusters {
resources = append(resources, &discovery.Resource{Name: c.Name, Resource: util.MessageToAny(c)})
resources = cb.normalizeClusters(resources)
if cacheStats.empty() {
return resources, model.DefaultXdsLogDetails
return resources, model.XdsLogDetails{AdditionalInfo: fmt.Sprintf("cached:%v/%v", cacheStats.hits, cacheStats.hits+cacheStats.miss)}
func shouldUseDelta(updates *model.PushRequest) bool {
return updates != nil && deltaAwareConfigTypes(updates.ConfigsUpdated) && len(updates.ConfigsUpdated) > 0
// deltaAwareConfigTypes returns true if all updated configs are delta enabled.
func deltaAwareConfigTypes(cfgs map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}) bool {
for k := range cfgs {
if !deltaConfigTypes.Contains(k.Kind.Kind) {
return false
return true
type cacheStats struct {
hits, miss int
func (c cacheStats) empty() bool {
return c.hits == 0 && c.miss == 0
func (c cacheStats) merge(other cacheStats) cacheStats {
return cacheStats{
hits: c.hits + other.hits,
miss: c.miss + other.miss,
func buildClusterKey(service *model.Service, port *model.Port, cb *ClusterBuilder, proxy *model.Proxy, efKeys []string) *clusterCache {
clusterName := model.BuildSubsetKey(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, "", service.Hostname, port.Port)
clusterKey := &clusterCache{
clusterName: clusterName,
proxyVersion: cb.proxyVersion,
locality: cb.locality,
proxyClusterID: cb.clusterID,
proxySidecar: cb.sidecarProxy(),
proxyView: cb.proxyView,
http2: port.Protocol.IsHTTP2(),
downstreamAuto: cb.sidecarProxy() && util.IsProtocolSniffingEnabledForOutboundPort(port),
supportsIPv4: cb.supportsIPv4,
service: service,
destinationRule: proxy.SidecarScope.DestinationRule(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, proxy, service.Hostname),
envoyFilterKeys: efKeys,
metadataCerts: cb.metadataCerts,
peerAuthVersion: cb.req.Push.AuthnPolicies.GetVersion(),
serviceAccounts: cb.req.Push.ServiceAccounts[service.Hostname][port.Port],
return clusterKey
// buildOutboundClusters generates all outbound (including subsets) clusters for a given proxy.
func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildOutboundClusters(cb *ClusterBuilder, proxy *model.Proxy, cp clusterPatcher,
services []*model.Service,
) ([]*discovery.Resource, cacheStats) {
resources := make([]*discovery.Resource, 0)
efKeys := cp.efw.Keys()
hit, miss := 0, 0
for _, service := range services {
for _, port := range service.Ports {
if port.Protocol == protocol.UDP {
clusterKey := buildClusterKey(service, port, cb, proxy, efKeys)
cached, allFound := cb.getAllCachedSubsetClusters(*clusterKey)
if allFound && !features.EnableUnsafeAssertions {
hit += len(cached)
resources = append(resources, cached...)
miss += len(cached)
// We have a cache miss, so we will re-generate the cluster and later store it in the cache.
lbEndpoints := cb.buildLocalityLbEndpoints(clusterKey.proxyView, service, port.Port, nil)
// create default cluster
discoveryType := convertResolution(cb.proxyType, service)
defaultCluster := cb.buildDefaultCluster(clusterKey.clusterName, discoveryType, lbEndpoints, model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, port, service, nil)
if defaultCluster == nil {
// If stat name is configured, build the alternate stats name.
if len(cb.req.Push.Mesh.OutboundClusterStatName) != 0 {
defaultCluster.cluster.AltStatName = telemetry.BuildStatPrefix(cb.req.Push.Mesh.OutboundClusterStatName,
string(service.Hostname), "", port, &service.Attributes)
subsetClusters := cb.applyDestinationRule(defaultCluster, DefaultClusterMode, service, port,
clusterKey.proxyView, clusterKey.destinationRule, clusterKey.serviceAccounts)
if patched := cp.applyResource(nil,; patched != nil {
resources = append(resources, patched)
if features.EnableCDSCaching {
cb.cache.Add(clusterKey, cb.req, patched)
for _, ss := range subsetClusters {
if patched := cp.applyResource(nil, ss); patched != nil {
resources = append(resources, patched)
if features.EnableCDSCaching {
nk := *clusterKey
nk.clusterName = ss.Name
cb.cache.Add(&nk, cb.req, patched)
return resources, cacheStats{hits: hit, miss: miss}
type clusterPatcher struct {
efw *model.EnvoyFilterWrapper
pctx networking.EnvoyFilter_PatchContext
func (p clusterPatcher) applyResource(hosts []host.Name, c *cluster.Cluster) *discovery.Resource {
cluster := p.apply(hosts, c)
if cluster == nil {
return nil
return &discovery.Resource{Name: cluster.Name, Resource: util.MessageToAny(cluster)}
func (p clusterPatcher) apply(hosts []host.Name, c *cluster.Cluster) *cluster.Cluster {
if !envoyfilter.ShouldKeepCluster(p.pctx, p.efw, c, hosts) {
return nil
return envoyfilter.ApplyClusterMerge(p.pctx, p.efw, c, hosts)
func (p clusterPatcher) conditionallyAppend(l []*cluster.Cluster, hosts []host.Name, clusters ...*cluster.Cluster) []*cluster.Cluster {
if !p.hasPatches() {
return append(l, clusters...)
for _, c := range clusters {
if patched := p.apply(hosts, c); patched != nil {
l = append(l, patched)
return l
func (p clusterPatcher) insertedClusters() []*cluster.Cluster {
return envoyfilter.InsertedClusters(p.pctx, p.efw)
func (p clusterPatcher) hasPatches() bool {
return p.efw != nil && len(p.efw.Patches[networking.EnvoyFilter_CLUSTER]) > 0
// SniDnat clusters do not have any TLS setting, as they simply forward traffic to upstream
// All SniDnat clusters are internal services in the mesh.
// TODO enable cache - there is no blockers here, skipped to simplify the original caching implementation
func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildOutboundSniDnatClusters(proxy *model.Proxy, req *model.PushRequest,
cp clusterPatcher,
) []*cluster.Cluster {
clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
cb := NewClusterBuilder(proxy, req, nil)
proxyView := proxy.GetView()
for _, service := range proxy.SidecarScope.Services() {
if service.MeshExternal {
destRule := proxy.SidecarScope.DestinationRule(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, proxy, service.Hostname)
for _, port := range service.Ports {
if port.Protocol == protocol.UDP {
lbEndpoints := cb.buildLocalityLbEndpoints(proxyView, service, port.Port, nil)
// create default cluster
discoveryType := convertResolution(cb.proxyType, service)
clusterName := model.BuildDNSSrvSubsetKey(model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, "",
service.Hostname, port.Port)
defaultCluster := cb.buildDefaultCluster(clusterName, discoveryType, lbEndpoints, model.TrafficDirectionOutbound, port, service, nil)
if defaultCluster == nil {
subsetClusters := cb.applyDestinationRule(defaultCluster, SniDnatClusterMode, service, port, proxyView, destRule, nil)
clusters = cp.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil,
clusters = cp.conditionallyAppend(clusters, nil, subsetClusters...)
return clusters
func buildInboundLocalityLbEndpoints(bind string, port uint32) []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints {
if bind == "" {
return nil
address := util.BuildAddress(bind, port)
lbEndpoint := &endpoint.LbEndpoint{
HostIdentifier: &endpoint.LbEndpoint_Endpoint{
Endpoint: &endpoint.Endpoint{
Address: address,
return []*endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints{
LbEndpoints: []*endpoint.LbEndpoint{lbEndpoint},
func (configgen *ConfigGeneratorImpl) buildInboundClusters(cb *ClusterBuilder, proxy *model.Proxy, instances []*model.ServiceInstance,
cp clusterPatcher,
) []*cluster.Cluster {
clusters := make([]*cluster.Cluster, 0)
// The inbound clusters for a node depends on whether the node has a SidecarScope with inbound listeners
// or not. If the node has a sidecarscope with ingress listeners, we only return clusters corresponding
// to those listeners i.e. clusters made out of the defaultEndpoint field.
// If the node has no sidecarScope and has interception mode set to NONE, then we should skip the inbound
// clusters, because there would be no corresponding inbound listeners
sidecarScope := proxy.SidecarScope
noneMode := proxy.GetInterceptionMode() == model.InterceptionNone
_, actualLocalHost := getActualWildcardAndLocalHost(proxy)
// No user supplied sidecar scope or the user supplied one has no ingress listeners
if !sidecarScope.HasIngressListener() {
// We should not create inbound listeners in NONE mode based on the service instances
// Doing so will prevent the workloads from starting as they would be listening on the same port
// Users are required to provide the sidecar config to define the inbound listeners
if noneMode {
return nil
clustersToBuild := make(map[int][]*model.ServiceInstance)
for _, instance := range instances {
// For service instances with the same port,
// we still need to capture all the instances on this port, as its required to populate telemetry metadata
// The first instance will be used as the "primary" instance; this means if we have an conflicts between
// Services the first one wins
ep := int(instance.Endpoint.EndpointPort)
clustersToBuild[ep] = append(clustersToBuild[ep], instance)
bind := actualLocalHost
if features.EnableInboundPassthrough {
bind = ""
// For each workload port, we will construct a cluster
for epPort, instances := range clustersToBuild {
// The inbound cluster port equals to endpoint port.
localCluster := cb.buildInboundClusterForPortOrUDS(epPort, bind, proxy, instances[0], instances)
// If inbound cluster match has service, we should see if it matches with any host name across all instances.
hosts := make([]host.Name, 0, len(instances))
for _, si := range instances {
hosts = append(hosts, si.Service.Hostname)
clusters = cp.conditionallyAppend(clusters, hosts,
return clusters
for _, ingressListener := range sidecarScope.Sidecar.Ingress {
// LDS would have setup the inbound clusters
// as inbound|portNumber|portName|Hostname[or]SidecarScopeID
listenPort := &model.Port{
Port: int(ingressListener.Port.Number),
Protocol: protocol.Parse(ingressListener.Port.Protocol),
Name: ingressListener.Port.Name,
// Set up the endpoint. By default, we set this empty which will use ORIGINAL_DST passthrough.
// This can be overridden by ingress.defaultEndpoint.
// * send to localhost
// * send to INSTANCE_IP
// * unix:///...: send to configured unix domain socket
endpointAddress := ""
port := 0
if strings.HasPrefix(ingressListener.DefaultEndpoint, model.UnixAddressPrefix) {
// this is a UDS endpoint. assign it as is
endpointAddress = ingressListener.DefaultEndpoint
} else if len(ingressListener.DefaultEndpoint) > 0 {
// parse the ip, port. Validation guarantees presence of :
parts := strings.Split(ingressListener.DefaultEndpoint, ":")
if len(parts) < 2 {
var err error
if port, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[1]); err != nil {
if parts[0] == model.PodIPAddressPrefix {
endpointAddress = cb.proxyIPAddresses[0]
} else if parts[0] == model.LocalhostAddressPrefix {
endpointAddress = actualLocalHost
// Find the service instance that corresponds to this ingress listener by looking
// for a service instance that matches this ingress port as this will allow us
// to generate the right cluster name that LDS expects inbound|portNumber|portName|Hostname
instance := findOrCreateServiceInstance(instances, ingressListener, sidecarScope.Name, sidecarScope.Namespace)
instance.Endpoint.Address = endpointAddress
instance.ServicePort = listenPort
instance.Endpoint.ServicePortName = listenPort.Name
instance.Endpoint.EndpointPort = uint32(port)
localCluster := cb.buildInboundClusterForPortOrUDS(int(ingressListener.Port.Number), endpointAddress, proxy, instance, nil)
clusters = cp.conditionallyAppend(clusters, []host.Name{instance.Service.Hostname},
return clusters
func findOrCreateServiceInstance(instances []*model.ServiceInstance,
ingressListener *networking.IstioIngressListener, sidecar string, sidecarns string,
) *model.ServiceInstance {
for _, realInstance := range instances {
if realInstance.Endpoint.EndpointPort == ingressListener.Port.Number {
// We need to create a copy of the instance, as it is modified later while building clusters/listeners.
return realInstance.DeepCopy()
// We didn't find a matching instance. Create a dummy one because we need the right
// params to generate the right cluster name i.e. inbound|portNumber|portName|SidecarScopeID - which is uniformly generated by LDS/CDS.
return &model.ServiceInstance{
Service: &model.Service{
Hostname: host.Name(sidecar + "." + sidecarns),
Attributes: model.ServiceAttributes{
Name: sidecar,
// This will ensure that the right AuthN policies are selected
Namespace: sidecarns,
Endpoint: &model.IstioEndpoint{
EndpointPort: ingressListener.Port.Number,
func convertResolution(proxyType model.NodeType, service *model.Service) cluster.Cluster_DiscoveryType {
switch service.Resolution {
case model.ClientSideLB:
return cluster.Cluster_EDS
case model.DNSLB:
return cluster.Cluster_STRICT_DNS
case model.DNSRoundRobinLB:
return cluster.Cluster_LOGICAL_DNS
case model.Passthrough:
// Gateways cannot use passthrough clusters. So fallback to EDS
if proxyType == model.SidecarProxy {
if service.Attributes.ServiceRegistry == provider.Kubernetes && features.EnableEDSForHeadless {
return cluster.Cluster_EDS
return cluster.Cluster_ORIGINAL_DST
return cluster.Cluster_EDS
return cluster.Cluster_EDS
// SelectTrafficPolicyComponents returns the components of TrafficPolicy that should be used for given port.
func selectTrafficPolicyComponents(policy *networking.TrafficPolicy) (
*networking.ConnectionPoolSettings, *networking.OutlierDetection, *networking.LoadBalancerSettings, *networking.ClientTLSSettings,
) {
if policy == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
connectionPool := policy.ConnectionPool
outlierDetection := policy.OutlierDetection
loadBalancer := policy.LoadBalancer
tls := policy.Tls
// Check if CA Certificate should be System CA Certificate
if features.VerifyCertAtClient && tls != nil && tls.CaCertificates == "" {
tls.CaCertificates = "system"
return connectionPool, outlierDetection, loadBalancer, tls
// ClusterMode defines whether the cluster is being built for SNI-DNATing (sni passthrough) or not
type ClusterMode string
const (
// SniDnatClusterMode indicates cluster is being built for SNI dnat mode
SniDnatClusterMode ClusterMode = "sni-dnat"
// DefaultClusterMode indicates usual cluster with mTLS et al
DefaultClusterMode ClusterMode = "outbound"
type buildClusterOpts struct {
mesh *meshconfig.MeshConfig
mutable *MutableCluster
policy *networking.TrafficPolicy
port *model.Port
serviceAccounts []string
serviceInstances []*model.ServiceInstance
// Used for traffic across multiple network clusters
// the east-west gateway in a remote cluster will use this value to route
// traffic to the appropriate service
istioMtlsSni string
clusterMode ClusterMode
direction model.TrafficDirection
meshExternal bool
serviceMTLSMode model.MutualTLSMode
// Indicates the service registry of the cluster being built.
serviceRegistry provider.ID
// Indicates if the destionationRule has a workloadSelector
isDrWithSelector bool
type upgradeTuple struct {
meshdefault meshconfig.MeshConfig_H2UpgradePolicy
override networking.ConnectionPoolSettings_HTTPSettings_H2UpgradePolicy
func applyTCPKeepalive(mesh *meshconfig.MeshConfig, c *cluster.Cluster, tcp *networking.ConnectionPoolSettings_TCPSettings) {
// Apply mesh wide TCP keepalive if available.
setKeepAliveSettings(c, mesh.TcpKeepalive)
// Apply/Override individual attributes with DestinationRule TCP keepalive if set.
if tcp != nil {
setKeepAliveSettings(c, tcp.TcpKeepalive)
func setKeepAliveSettings(c *cluster.Cluster, keepalive *networking.ConnectionPoolSettings_TCPSettings_TcpKeepalive) {
if keepalive == nil {
// Start with empty tcp_keepalive, which would set SO_KEEPALIVE on the socket with OS default values.
if c.UpstreamConnectionOptions == nil {
c.UpstreamConnectionOptions = &cluster.UpstreamConnectionOptions{
TcpKeepalive: &core.TcpKeepalive{},
if keepalive.Probes > 0 {
c.UpstreamConnectionOptions.TcpKeepalive.KeepaliveProbes = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: keepalive.Probes}
if keepalive.Time != nil {
c.UpstreamConnectionOptions.TcpKeepalive.KeepaliveTime = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: uint32(keepalive.Time.Seconds)}
if keepalive.Interval != nil {
c.UpstreamConnectionOptions.TcpKeepalive.KeepaliveInterval = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: uint32(keepalive.Interval.Seconds)}
// FIXME: there isn't a way to distinguish between unset values and zero values
func applyOutlierDetection(c *cluster.Cluster, outlier *networking.OutlierDetection) {
if outlier == nil {
out := &cluster.OutlierDetection{}
// SuccessRate based outlier detection should be disabled.
out.EnforcingSuccessRate = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: 0}
if e := outlier.Consecutive_5XxErrors; e != nil {
v := e.GetValue()
out.Consecutive_5Xx = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: v}
if v > 0 {
v = 100
out.EnforcingConsecutive_5Xx = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: v}
if e := outlier.ConsecutiveGatewayErrors; e != nil {
v := e.GetValue()
out.ConsecutiveGatewayFailure = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: v}
if v > 0 {
v = 100
out.EnforcingConsecutiveGatewayFailure = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: v}
if outlier.Interval != nil {
out.Interval = outlier.Interval
if outlier.BaseEjectionTime != nil {
out.BaseEjectionTime = outlier.BaseEjectionTime
if outlier.MaxEjectionPercent > 0 {
out.MaxEjectionPercent = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: uint32(outlier.MaxEjectionPercent)}
if outlier.SplitExternalLocalOriginErrors {
out.SplitExternalLocalOriginErrors = true
if outlier.ConsecutiveLocalOriginFailures.GetValue() > 0 {
out.ConsecutiveLocalOriginFailure = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: outlier.ConsecutiveLocalOriginFailures.Value}
out.EnforcingConsecutiveLocalOriginFailure = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: 100}
// SuccessRate based outlier detection should be disabled.
out.EnforcingLocalOriginSuccessRate = &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: 0}
c.OutlierDetection = out
// Disable panic threshold by default as its not typically applicable in k8s environments
// with few pods per service.
// To do so, set the healthy_panic_threshold field even if its value is 0 (defaults to 50).
// FIXME: we can't distinguish between it being unset or being explicitly set to 0
minHealthPercent := outlier.MinHealthPercent
if minHealthPercent >= 0 {
if c.CommonLbConfig == nil {
c.CommonLbConfig = &cluster.Cluster_CommonLbConfig{}
// When we are sending unhealthy endpoints, we should disble Panic Threshold. Otherwise
// Envoy will send traffic to "Unready" pods when the percentage of healthy hosts fall
// below minimum health percentage.
if features.SendUnhealthyEndpoints {
minHealthPercent = 0
c.CommonLbConfig.HealthyPanicThreshold = &xdstype.Percent{Value: float64(minHealthPercent)}
func defaultLBAlgorithm() cluster.Cluster_LbPolicy {
if features.EnableLegacyLBAlgorithmDefault {
return cluster.Cluster_ROUND_ROBIN
return cluster.Cluster_LEAST_REQUEST
func applyLoadBalancer(c *cluster.Cluster, lb *networking.LoadBalancerSettings, port *model.Port,
locality *core.Locality, proxyLabels map[string]string, meshConfig *meshconfig.MeshConfig,
) {
// Disable panic threshold when SendUnhealthyEndpoints is enabled as enabling it "may" send traffic to unready
// end points when load balancer is in panic mode.
if features.SendUnhealthyEndpoints {
if c.CommonLbConfig == nil {
c.CommonLbConfig = &cluster.Cluster_CommonLbConfig{}
c.CommonLbConfig.HealthyPanicThreshold = &xdstype.Percent{Value: 0}
localityLbSetting := loadbalancer.GetLocalityLbSetting(meshConfig.GetLocalityLbSetting(), lb.GetLocalityLbSetting())
if localityLbSetting != nil {
if c.CommonLbConfig == nil {
c.CommonLbConfig = &cluster.Cluster_CommonLbConfig{}
c.CommonLbConfig.LocalityConfigSpecifier = &cluster.Cluster_CommonLbConfig_LocalityWeightedLbConfig_{
LocalityWeightedLbConfig: &cluster.Cluster_CommonLbConfig_LocalityWeightedLbConfig{},
// Use locality lb settings from load balancer settings if present, else use mesh wide locality lb settings
applyLocalityLBSetting(locality, proxyLabels, c, localityLbSetting)
if c.GetType() == cluster.Cluster_ORIGINAL_DST {
c.LbPolicy = cluster.Cluster_CLUSTER_PROVIDED
// Redis protocol must be defaulted with MAGLEV to benefit from client side sharding.
if features.EnableRedisFilter && port != nil && port.Protocol == protocol.Redis {
c.LbPolicy = cluster.Cluster_MAGLEV
// DO not do if else here. since lb.GetSimple returns a enum value (not pointer).
switch lb.GetSimple() {
// nolint: staticcheck
case networking.LoadBalancerSettings_LEAST_CONN, networking.LoadBalancerSettings_LEAST_REQUEST:
applyLeastRequestLoadBalancer(c, lb)
case networking.LoadBalancerSettings_RANDOM:
c.LbPolicy = cluster.Cluster_RANDOM
case networking.LoadBalancerSettings_ROUND_ROBIN:
applyRoundRobinLoadBalancer(c, lb)
case networking.LoadBalancerSettings_PASSTHROUGH:
c.LbPolicy = cluster.Cluster_CLUSTER_PROVIDED
c.ClusterDiscoveryType = &cluster.Cluster_Type{Type: cluster.Cluster_ORIGINAL_DST}
applySimpleDefaultLoadBalancer(c, lb)
ApplyRingHashLoadBalancer(c, lb)
// applySimpleDefaultLoadBalancer will set the DefaultLBPolicy and create an LbConfig if used in LoadBalancerSettings
func applySimpleDefaultLoadBalancer(c *cluster.Cluster, loadbalancer *networking.LoadBalancerSettings) {
c.LbPolicy = defaultLBAlgorithm()
switch c.LbPolicy {
case cluster.Cluster_ROUND_ROBIN:
applyRoundRobinLoadBalancer(c, loadbalancer)
case cluster.Cluster_LEAST_REQUEST:
applyLeastRequestLoadBalancer(c, loadbalancer)
// applyRoundRobinLoadBalancer will set the LbPolicy and create an LbConfig for ROUND_ROBIN if used in LoadBalancerSettings
func applyRoundRobinLoadBalancer(c *cluster.Cluster, loadbalancer *networking.LoadBalancerSettings) {
c.LbPolicy = cluster.Cluster_ROUND_ROBIN
if loadbalancer.GetWarmupDurationSecs() != nil {
c.LbConfig = &cluster.Cluster_RoundRobinLbConfig_{
RoundRobinLbConfig: &cluster.Cluster_RoundRobinLbConfig{
SlowStartConfig: setSlowStartConfig(loadbalancer.GetWarmupDurationSecs()),
// applyLeastRequestLoadBalancer will set the LbPolicy and create an LbConfig for LEAST_REQUEST if used in LoadBalancerSettings
func applyLeastRequestLoadBalancer(c *cluster.Cluster, loadbalancer *networking.LoadBalancerSettings) {
c.LbPolicy = cluster.Cluster_LEAST_REQUEST
if loadbalancer.GetWarmupDurationSecs() != nil {
c.LbConfig = &cluster.Cluster_LeastRequestLbConfig_{
LeastRequestLbConfig: &cluster.Cluster_LeastRequestLbConfig{
SlowStartConfig: setSlowStartConfig(loadbalancer.GetWarmupDurationSecs()),
// setSlowStartConfig will set the warmupDurationSecs for LEAST_REQUEST and ROUND_ROBIN if provided in DestinationRule
func setSlowStartConfig(dur *durationpb.Duration) *cluster.Cluster_SlowStartConfig {
return &cluster.Cluster_SlowStartConfig{
SlowStartWindow: dur,
// ApplyRingHashLoadBalancer will set the LbPolicy and create an LbConfig for RING_HASH if used in LoadBalancerSettings
func ApplyRingHashLoadBalancer(c *cluster.Cluster, lb *networking.LoadBalancerSettings) {
consistentHash := lb.GetConsistentHash()
if consistentHash == nil {
// TODO MinimumRingSize is an int, and zero could potentially be a valid value
// unable to distinguish between set and unset case currently GregHanson
// 1024 is the default value for envoy
minRingSize := &wrappers.UInt64Value{Value: 1024}
if consistentHash.MinimumRingSize != 0 {
minRingSize = &wrappers.UInt64Value{Value: consistentHash.GetMinimumRingSize()}
c.LbPolicy = cluster.Cluster_RING_HASH
c.LbConfig = &cluster.Cluster_RingHashLbConfig_{
RingHashLbConfig: &cluster.Cluster_RingHashLbConfig{
MinimumRingSize: minRingSize,
func applyLocalityLBSetting(locality *core.Locality, proxyLabels map[string]string, cluster *cluster.Cluster,
localityLB *networking.LocalityLoadBalancerSetting,
) {
// Failover should only be applied with outlier detection, or traffic will never failover.
enabledFailover := cluster.OutlierDetection != nil
if cluster.LoadAssignment != nil {
// TODO: enable failoverPriority for `STRICT_DNS` cluster type
loadbalancer.ApplyLocalityLBSetting(cluster.LoadAssignment, nil, locality, proxyLabels, localityLB, enabledFailover)
func addTelemetryMetadata(opts buildClusterOpts, service *model.Service, direction model.TrafficDirection, instances []*model.ServiceInstance) {
if !features.EnableTelemetryLabel {
if opts.mutable.cluster == nil {
if direction == model.TrafficDirectionInbound && (opts.serviceInstances == nil ||
len(opts.serviceInstances) == 0 || opts.port == nil) {
// At inbound, port and local service instance has to be provided
if direction == model.TrafficDirectionOutbound && service == nil {
// At outbound, the service corresponding to the cluster has to be provided.
im := getOrCreateIstioMetadata(opts.mutable.cluster)
// Add services field into istio metadata
im.Fields["services"] = &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_ListValue{
ListValue: &structpb.ListValue{
Values: []*structpb.Value{},
svcMetaList := im.Fields["services"].GetListValue()
// Add service related metadata. This will be consumed by telemetry v2 filter for metric labels.
if direction == model.TrafficDirectionInbound {
// For inbound cluster, add all services on the cluster port
have := make(map[host.Name]bool)
for _, svc := range instances {
if svc.ServicePort.Port != opts.port.Port {
// If the service port is different from the the port of the cluster that is being built,
// skip adding telemetry metadata for the service to the cluster.
if _, ok := have[svc.Service.Hostname]; ok {
// Skip adding metadata for instance with the same host name.
// This could happen when a service has multiple IPs.
svcMetaList.Values = append(svcMetaList.Values, buildServiceMetadata(svc.Service))
have[svc.Service.Hostname] = true
} else if direction == model.TrafficDirectionOutbound {
// For outbound cluster, add telemetry metadata based on the service that the cluster is built for.
svcMetaList.Values = append(svcMetaList.Values, buildServiceMetadata(service))
// Insert the original port into the istio metadata. The port is used in BTS delivered from client sidecar to server sidecar.
// Server side car uses this port after de-multiplexed from tunnel.
func addNetworkingMetadata(opts buildClusterOpts, service *model.Service, direction model.TrafficDirection) {
if opts.mutable == nil || direction == model.TrafficDirectionInbound {
if service == nil {
// At outbound, the service corresponding to the cluster has to be provided.
if port, ok := service.Ports.GetByPort(opts.port.Port); ok {
im := getOrCreateIstioMetadata(opts.mutable.cluster)
// Add original_port field into istio metadata
// Endpoint could override this port but the chance should be small.
im.Fields["default_original_port"] = &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_NumberValue{
NumberValue: float64(port.Port),
// Build a struct which contains service metadata and will be added into cluster label.
func buildServiceMetadata(svc *model.Service) *structpb.Value {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StructValue{
StructValue: &structpb.Struct{
Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
// service fqdn
"host": {
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: string(svc.Hostname),
// short name of the service
"name": {
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: svc.Attributes.Name,
// namespace of the service
"namespace": {
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: svc.Attributes.Namespace,
func getOrCreateIstioMetadata(cluster *cluster.Cluster) *structpb.Struct {
if cluster.Metadata == nil {
cluster.Metadata = &core.Metadata{
FilterMetadata: map[string]*structpb.Struct{},
// Create Istio metadata if does not exist yet
if _, ok := cluster.Metadata.FilterMetadata[util.IstioMetadataKey]; !ok {
cluster.Metadata.FilterMetadata[util.IstioMetadataKey] = &structpb.Struct{
Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{},
return cluster.Metadata.FilterMetadata[util.IstioMetadataKey]