blob: 8ada7788269d376ee78404f28b7776e9e81c7718 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package model
import (
import (
networking ""
import (
const (
wildcardNamespace = "*"
currentNamespace = "."
wildcardService = host.Name("*")
var (
sidecarScopeKnownConfigTypes = map[config.GroupVersionKind]struct{}{
gvk.ServiceEntry: {},
gvk.VirtualService: {},
gvk.DestinationRule: {},
gvk.Sidecar: {},
// clusterScopedConfigTypes includes configs when they are in root namespace,
// they will be applied to all namespaces within the cluster.
clusterScopedConfigTypes = map[config.GroupVersionKind]struct{}{
gvk.EnvoyFilter: {},
gvk.AuthorizationPolicy: {},
gvk.RequestAuthentication: {},
// SidecarScope is a wrapper over the Sidecar resource with some
// preprocessed data to determine the list of services, virtualServices,
// and destinationRules that are accessible to a given
// sidecar. Precomputing the list of services, virtual services, dest rules
// for a sidecar improves performance as we no longer need to compute this
// list for every sidecar. We simply have to match a sidecar to a
// SidecarScope. Note that this is not the same as public/private scoped
// services. The list of services seen by every sidecar scope (namespace
// wide or per workload) depends on the imports, the listeners, and other
// settings.
// Every proxy workload of SidecarProxy type will always map to a
// SidecarScope object. If the proxy's namespace does not have a user
// specified Sidecar CRD, we will construct one that has a catch all egress
// listener that imports every public service/virtualService in the mesh.
type SidecarScope struct {
Name string
// This is the namespace where the sidecar takes effect,
// maybe different from the ns where sidecar resides if sidecar is in root ns.
Namespace string
// The crd itself. Can be nil if we are constructing the default
// sidecar scope
Sidecar *networking.Sidecar
// Version this sidecar was computed for
Version string
// Set of egress listeners, and their associated services. A sidecar
// scope should have either ingress/egress listeners or both. For
// every proxy workload that maps to a sidecar API object (or the
// default object), we will go through every egress listener in the
// object and process the Envoy listener or RDS based on the imported
// services/virtual services in that listener.
EgressListeners []*IstioEgressListenerWrapper
// Union of services imported across all egress listeners for use by CDS code.
services []*Service
servicesByHostname map[host.Name]*Service
// Destination rules imported across all egress listeners. This
// contains the computed set based on public/private destination rules
// as well as the inherited ones, in addition to the wildcard matches
// such as *.com applying to Each hostname in this map
// corresponds to a service in the services array above. When computing
// CDS, we simply have to find the matching service and return the
// destination rule.
destinationRules map[host.Name][]*consolidatedDestRule
// OutboundTrafficPolicy defines the outbound traffic policy for this sidecar.
// If OutboundTrafficPolicy is ALLOW_ANY traffic to unknown destinations will
// be forwarded.
OutboundTrafficPolicy *networking.OutboundTrafficPolicy
// Set of known configs this sidecar depends on.
// This field will be used to determine the config/resource scope
// which means which config changes will affect the proxies within this scope.
configDependencies map[uint64]struct{}
// The namespace to treat as the administrative root namespace for
// Istio configuration.
// Changes to Sidecar resources in this namespace will trigger a push.
RootNamespace string
// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (sc *SidecarScope) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
// Json cannot expose unexported fields, so copy the ones we want here
return json.MarshalIndent(map[string]interface{}{
"version": sc.Version,
"rootNamespace": sc.RootNamespace,
"name": sc.Name,
"namespace": sc.Namespace,
"outboundTrafficPolicy": sc.OutboundTrafficPolicy,
"sidecar": sc.Sidecar,
"destinationRules": sc.destinationRules,
}, "", " ")
// IstioEgressListenerWrapper is a wrapper for
// networking.IstioEgressListener object. The wrapper provides performance
// optimizations as it allows us to precompute and store the list of
// services/virtualServices that apply to this listener.
type IstioEgressListenerWrapper struct {
// The actual IstioEgressListener api object from the Config. It can be
// nil if this is for the default sidecar scope.
IstioListener *networking.IstioEgressListener
// List of services imported by this egress listener above.
// This will be used by LDS and RDS code when
// building the set of virtual hosts or the tcp filterchain matches for
// a given listener port. Two listeners, on user specified ports or
// unix domain sockets could have completely different sets of
// services. So a global list of services per sidecar scope will be
// incorrect. Hence the per listener set of services.
services []*Service
// List of virtual services imported by this egress listener above.
// As with per listener services, this
// will be used by RDS code to compute the virtual host configs for
// http listeners, as well as by TCP/TLS filter code to compute the
// service routing configs and the filter chain matches. We need a
// virtualService set per listener and not one per sidecarScope because
// each listener imports an independent set of virtual services.
// Listener 1 could import a public virtual service for serviceA from
// namespace A that has some path rewrite, while listener2 could import
// a private virtual service for serviceA from the local namespace,
// with a different path rewrite or no path rewrites.
virtualServices []config.Config
listenerHosts map[string][]host.Name
const defaultSidecar = "default-sidecar"
// DefaultSidecarScopeForNamespace is a sidecar scope object with a default catch all egress listener
// that matches the default Istio behavior: a sidecar has listeners for all services in the mesh
// We use this scope when the user has not set any sidecar Config for a given config namespace.
func DefaultSidecarScopeForNamespace(ps *PushContext, configNamespace string) *SidecarScope {
defaultEgressListener := &IstioEgressListenerWrapper{
IstioListener: &networking.IstioEgressListener{
Hosts: []string{"*/*"},
} = ps.servicesExportedToNamespace(configNamespace)
defaultEgressListener.virtualServices = ps.VirtualServicesForGateway(configNamespace, constants.IstioMeshGateway)
out := &SidecarScope{
Name: defaultSidecar,
Namespace: configNamespace,
EgressListeners: []*IstioEgressListenerWrapper{defaultEgressListener},
destinationRules: make(map[host.Name][]*consolidatedDestRule),
servicesByHostname: make(map[host.Name]*Service, len(,
configDependencies: make(map[uint64]struct{}),
RootNamespace: ps.Mesh.RootNamespace,
Version: ps.PushVersion,
// Now that we have all the services that sidecars using this scope (in
// this config namespace) will see, identify all the destinationRules
// that these services need
for _, s := range {
// In some scenarios, there may be multiple Services defined for the same hostname due to ServiceEntry allowing
// arbitrary hostnames. In these cases, we want to pick the first Service, which is the oldest. This ensures
// newly created Services cannot take ownership unexpectedly.
// However, the Service is from Kubernetes it should take precedence over ones not. This prevents someone from
// "domain squatting" on the hostname before a Kubernetes Service is created.
// This relies on the assumption that
if existing, f := out.servicesByHostname[s.Hostname]; f &&
!(existing.Attributes.ServiceRegistry != provider.Kubernetes && s.Attributes.ServiceRegistry == provider.Kubernetes) {
out.servicesByHostname[s.Hostname] = s
if dr := ps.destinationRule(configNamespace, s); dr != nil {
out.destinationRules[s.Hostname] = dr
Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry,
Name: string(s.Hostname),
Namespace: s.Attributes.Namespace,
for _, drList := range out.destinationRules {
for _, dr := range drList {
for _, namespacedName := range dr.from {
Kind: gvk.DestinationRule,
Name: namespacedName.Name,
Namespace: namespacedName.Namespace,
for _, el := range out.EgressListeners {
// add dependencies on delegate virtual services
delegates := ps.DelegateVirtualServicesConfigKey(el.virtualServices)
for _, delegate := range delegates {
for _, vs := range el.virtualServices {
Kind: gvk.VirtualService,
Name: vs.Name,
Namespace: vs.Namespace,
if ps.Mesh.OutboundTrafficPolicy != nil {
out.OutboundTrafficPolicy = &networking.OutboundTrafficPolicy{
Mode: networking.OutboundTrafficPolicy_Mode(ps.Mesh.OutboundTrafficPolicy.Mode),
return out
// ConvertToSidecarScope converts from Sidecar config to SidecarScope object
func ConvertToSidecarScope(ps *PushContext, sidecarConfig *config.Config, configNamespace string) *SidecarScope {
if sidecarConfig == nil {
return DefaultSidecarScopeForNamespace(ps, configNamespace)
sidecar := sidecarConfig.Spec.(*networking.Sidecar)
out := &SidecarScope{
Name: sidecarConfig.Name,
Namespace: configNamespace,
Sidecar: sidecar,
configDependencies: make(map[uint64]struct{}),
RootNamespace: ps.Mesh.RootNamespace,
Version: ps.PushVersion,
Kind: gvk.Sidecar,
Name: sidecarConfig.Name,
Namespace: sidecarConfig.Namespace,
egressConfigs := sidecar.Egress
// If egress not set, setup a default listener
if len(egressConfigs) == 0 {
egressConfigs = append(egressConfigs, &networking.IstioEgressListener{Hosts: []string{"*/*"}})
out.EgressListeners = make([]*IstioEgressListenerWrapper, 0, len(egressConfigs))
for _, e := range egressConfigs {
out.EgressListeners = append(out.EgressListeners,
convertIstioListenerToWrapper(ps, configNamespace, e))
// Now collect all the imported services across all egress listeners in
// this sidecar crd. This is needed to generate CDS output = make([]*Service, 0)
type serviceIndex struct {
svc *Service
index int // index record the position of the svc in slice
servicesAdded := make(map[host.Name]serviceIndex)
addService := func(s *Service) {
if s == nil {
if foundSvc, found := servicesAdded[s.Hostname]; !found {
Kind: gvk.ServiceEntry,
Name: string(s.Hostname),
Namespace: s.Attributes.Namespace,
}) = append(, s)
servicesAdded[s.Hostname] = serviceIndex{s, len( - 1}
} else if foundSvc.svc.Attributes.Namespace == s.Attributes.Namespace && s.Ports != nil && len(s.Ports) > 0 {
// merge the ports to service when each listener generates partial service
// we only merge if the found service is in the same namespace as the one we're trying to add
copied := foundSvc.svc.DeepCopy()
for _, p := range s.Ports {
found := false
for _, osp := range copied.Ports {
if p.Port == osp.Port {
found = true
if !found {
copied.Ports = append(copied.Ports, p)
// replace service in slice[foundSvc.index] = copied
// Update index as well, so that future reads will merge into the new service
foundSvc.svc = copied
servicesAdded[foundSvc.svc.Hostname] = foundSvc
for _, listener := range out.EgressListeners {
// First add the explicitly requested services, which take priority
for _, s := range {
// add dependencies on delegate virtual services
delegates := ps.DelegateVirtualServicesConfigKey(listener.virtualServices)
for _, delegate := range delegates {
matchPort := needsPortMatch(listener)
// Infer more possible destinations from virtual services
// Services chosen here will not override services explicitly requested in
// That way, if there is ambiguity around what hostname to pick, a user can specify the one they
// want in the hosts field, and the potentially random choice below won't matter
for _, vs := range listener.virtualServices {
v := vs.Spec.(*networking.VirtualService)
Kind: gvk.VirtualService,
Name: vs.Name,
Namespace: vs.Namespace,
for _, h := range virtualServiceDestinationHosts(v) {
// Default to this hostname in our config namespace
if s, ok := ps.ServiceIndex.HostnameAndNamespace[host.Name(h)][configNamespace]; ok {
// This won't overwrite hostnames that have already been found eg because they were requested in hosts
var vss *Service
if matchPort {
vss = serviceMatchingListenerPort(s, listener)
} else {
vss = s
if vss != nil {
} else {
// We couldn't find the hostname in our config namespace
// We have to pick one arbitrarily for now, so we'll pick the first namespace alphabetically
// TODO: could we choose services more intelligently based on their ports?
byNamespace := ps.ServiceIndex.HostnameAndNamespace[host.Name(h)]
if len(byNamespace) == 0 {
// This hostname isn't found anywhere
log.Debugf("Could not find service hostname %s parsed from %s", h, vs.Key())
ns := make([]string, 0, len(byNamespace))
for k := range byNamespace {
if ps.IsServiceVisible(byNamespace[k], configNamespace) {
ns = append(ns, k)
if len(ns) > 0 {
// Pick first namespace alphabetically
// This won't overwrite hostnames that have already been found eg because they were requested in hosts
var vss *Service
if matchPort {
vss = serviceMatchingListenerPort(byNamespace[ns[0]], listener)
} else {
vss = byNamespace[ns[0]]
if vss != nil {
// Now that we have all the services that sidecars using this scope (in
// this config namespace) will see, identify all the destinationRules
// that these services need
out.servicesByHostname = make(map[host.Name]*Service, len(
out.destinationRules = make(map[host.Name][]*consolidatedDestRule)
for _, s := range {
out.servicesByHostname[s.Hostname] = s
drList := ps.destinationRule(configNamespace, s)
if drList != nil {
out.destinationRules[s.Hostname] = drList
for _, dr := range drList {
for _, key := range dr.from {
Kind: gvk.DestinationRule,
Name: key.Name,
Namespace: key.Namespace,
if sidecar.OutboundTrafficPolicy == nil {
if ps.Mesh.OutboundTrafficPolicy != nil {
out.OutboundTrafficPolicy = &networking.OutboundTrafficPolicy{
Mode: networking.OutboundTrafficPolicy_Mode(ps.Mesh.OutboundTrafficPolicy.Mode),
} else {
out.OutboundTrafficPolicy = sidecar.OutboundTrafficPolicy
return out
func convertIstioListenerToWrapper(ps *PushContext, configNamespace string,
istioListener *networking.IstioEgressListener) *IstioEgressListenerWrapper {
out := &IstioEgressListenerWrapper{
IstioListener: istioListener,
out.listenerHosts = make(map[string][]host.Name)
for _, h := range istioListener.Hosts {
parts := strings.SplitN(h, "/", 2)
if len(parts) < 2 {
log.Errorf("Illegal host in sidecar resource: %s, host must be of form namespace/dnsName", h)
if parts[0] == currentNamespace {
parts[0] = configNamespace
if _, exists := out.listenerHosts[parts[0]]; !exists {
out.listenerHosts[parts[0]] = make([]host.Name, 0)
out.listenerHosts[parts[0]] = append(out.listenerHosts[parts[0]], host.Name(parts[1]))
vses := ps.VirtualServicesForGateway(configNamespace, constants.IstioMeshGateway)
out.virtualServices = SelectVirtualServices(vses, out.listenerHosts)
svces := ps.servicesExportedToNamespace(configNamespace) = out.selectServices(svces, configNamespace, out.listenerHosts)
return out
// GetEgressListenerForRDS returns the egress listener corresponding to
// the listener port or the bind address or the catch all listener
func (sc *SidecarScope) GetEgressListenerForRDS(port int, bind string) *IstioEgressListenerWrapper {
if sc == nil {
return nil
for _, e := range sc.EgressListeners {
// We hit a catchall listener. This is the last listener in the list of listeners
// return as is
if e.IstioListener == nil || e.IstioListener.Port == nil {
return e
// Check if the ports match
// for unix domain sockets (i.e. port == 0), check if the bind is equal to the routeName
if int(e.IstioListener.Port.Number) == port {
if port == 0 { // unix domain socket
if e.IstioListener.Bind == bind {
return e
// no match.. continue searching
// this is a non-zero port match
return e
// This should never be reached unless user explicitly set an empty array for egress
// listeners which we actually forbid
return nil
// HasIngressListener returns if the sidecar scope has ingress listener set
func (sc *SidecarScope) HasIngressListener() bool {
if sc == nil {
return false
if sc.Sidecar == nil || len(sc.Sidecar.Ingress) == 0 {
return false
return true
// Services returns the list of services imported by this egress listener
func (ilw *IstioEgressListenerWrapper) Services() []*Service {
// VirtualServices returns the list of virtual services imported by this
// egress listener
func (ilw *IstioEgressListenerWrapper) VirtualServices() []config.Config {
return ilw.virtualServices
// DependsOnConfig determines if the proxy depends on the given config.
// Returns whether depends on this config or this kind of config is not scoped(unknown to be depended) here.
func (sc *SidecarScope) DependsOnConfig(config ConfigKey) bool {
if sc == nil {
return true
// This kind of config will trigger a change if made in the root namespace or the same namespace
if _, f := clusterScopedConfigTypes[config.Kind]; f {
return config.Namespace == sc.RootNamespace || config.Namespace == sc.Namespace
// This kind of config is unknown to sidecarScope.
if _, f := sidecarScopeKnownConfigTypes[config.Kind]; !f {
return true
_, exists := sc.configDependencies[config.HashCode()]
return exists
// AddConfigDependencies add extra config dependencies to this scope. This action should be done before the
// SidecarScope being used to avoid concurrent read/write.
func (sc *SidecarScope) AddConfigDependencies(dependencies ...ConfigKey) {
if sc == nil {
if sc.configDependencies == nil {
sc.configDependencies = make(map[uint64]struct{})
for _, config := range dependencies {
sc.configDependencies[config.HashCode()] = struct{}{}
// DestinationRule returns a destinationrule for a svc.
func (sc *SidecarScope) DestinationRule(direction TrafficDirection, proxy *Proxy, svc host.Name) *config.Config {
destinationRules := sc.destinationRules[svc]
var catchAllDr *config.Config
for _, destRule := range destinationRules {
destinationRule := destRule.rule.Spec.(*networking.DestinationRule)
if destinationRule.GetWorkloadSelector() == nil {
catchAllDr = destRule.rule
// filter DestinationRule based on workloadSelector for outbound configs.
// WorkloadSelector configuration is honored only for outbound configuration, because
// for inbound configuration, the settings at sidecar would be more explicit and the preferred way forward.
if sc.Namespace == destRule.rule.Namespace &&
destinationRule.GetWorkloadSelector() != nil && direction == TrafficDirectionOutbound {
workloadSelector := labels.Instance(destinationRule.GetWorkloadSelector().GetMatchLabels())
// return destination rule if workload selector matches
if workloadSelector.SubsetOf(proxy.Metadata.Labels) {
return destRule.rule
// If there is no workload specific destinationRule, return the wild carded dr if present.
if catchAllDr != nil {
return catchAllDr
return nil
// Services returns the list of services that are visible to a sidecar.
func (sc *SidecarScope) Services() []*Service {
// Return filtered services through the hosts field in the egress portion of the Sidecar config.
// Note that the returned service could be trimmed.
func (ilw *IstioEgressListenerWrapper) selectServices(services []*Service, configNamespace string, hosts map[string][]host.Name) []*Service {
importedServices := make([]*Service, 0)
wildcardHosts, wnsFound := hosts[wildcardNamespace]
for _, s := range services {
configNamespace := s.Attributes.Namespace
// Check if there is an explicit import of form ns/* or ns/host
if importedHosts, nsFound := hosts[configNamespace]; nsFound {
if svc := matchingService(importedHosts, s, ilw); svc != nil {
importedServices = append(importedServices, svc)
} else if wnsFound { // Check if there is an import of form */host or */*
if svc := matchingService(wildcardHosts, s, ilw); svc != nil {
importedServices = append(importedServices, svc)
validServices := make(map[host.Name]string)
for _, svc := range importedServices {
_, f := validServices[svc.Hostname]
// Select a single namespace for a given hostname.
// If the same hostname is imported from multiple namespaces, pick the one in the configNamespace
// If neither are in configNamespace, an arbitrary one will be chosen
if !f || svc.Attributes.Namespace == configNamespace {
validServices[svc.Hostname] = svc.Attributes.Namespace
filteredServices := make([]*Service, 0)
// Filter down to just instances in scope for the service
for _, svc := range importedServices {
if validServices[svc.Hostname] == svc.Attributes.Namespace {
filteredServices = append(filteredServices, svc)
return filteredServices
// Return the original service or a trimmed service which has a subset of the ports in original service.
func matchingService(importedHosts []host.Name, service *Service, ilw *IstioEgressListenerWrapper) *Service {
matchPort := needsPortMatch(ilw)
for _, importedHost := range importedHosts {
// Check if the hostnames match per usual hostname matching rules
if service.Hostname.SubsetOf(importedHost) {
if matchPort {
return serviceMatchingListenerPort(service, ilw)
return service
return nil
// serviceMatchingListenerPort constructs service with listener port.
func serviceMatchingListenerPort(service *Service, ilw *IstioEgressListenerWrapper) *Service {
for _, port := range service.Ports {
if port.Port == int(ilw.IstioListener.Port.GetNumber()) {
sc := service.DeepCopy()
sc.Ports = []*Port{port}
return sc
return nil
func needsPortMatch(ilw *IstioEgressListenerWrapper) bool {
// If a listener is defined with a port, we should match services with port except in the following case.
// - If Port's protocol is proxy protocol(HTTP_PROXY) in which case the egress listener is used as generic egress http proxy.
return ilw.IstioListener != nil && ilw.IstioListener.Port.GetNumber() != 0 &&
protocol.Parse(ilw.IstioListener.Port.Protocol) != protocol.HTTP_PROXY