blob: 9c02a7c1bf476f1aa3b1930e9f137a1893d5bf1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package workloadentry
import (
import (
core ""
metav1 ""
kubetypes ""
import (
func init() {
features.WorkloadEntryAutoRegistration = true
features.WorkloadEntryHealthChecks = true
features.WorkloadEntryCleanupGracePeriod = 200 * time.Millisecond
var (
tmplA = &v1alpha3.WorkloadGroup{
Template: &v1alpha3.WorkloadEntry{
Ports: map[string]uint32{"http": 80},
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "a"},
Network: "nw0",
Locality: "reg0/zone0/subzone0",
Weight: 1,
ServiceAccount: "sa-a",
wgA = config.Config{
Meta: config.Meta{
GroupVersionKind: gvk.WorkloadGroup,
Namespace: "a",
Name: "wg-a",
Labels: map[string]string{
"grouplabel": "notonentry",
Spec: tmplA,
Status: nil,
func TestNonAutoregisteredWorkloads(t *testing.T) {
store := memory.NewController(memory.Make(collections.All))
c := NewController(store, "", keepalive.Infinity)
createOrFail(t, store, wgA)
stop := make(chan struct{})
go c.Run(stop)
defer close(stop)
cases := map[string]*model.Proxy{
"missing group": {IPAddresses: []string{""}, Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{Namespace: wgA.Namespace}},
"missing ip": {Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{Namespace: wgA.Namespace, AutoRegisterGroup: wgA.Name}},
"missing namespace": {IPAddresses: []string{""}, Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{AutoRegisterGroup: wgA.Name}},
"non-existent group": {IPAddresses: []string{""}, Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{Namespace: wgA.Namespace, AutoRegisterGroup: "dne"}},
for name, tc := range cases {
tc := tc
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
c.RegisterWorkload(tc, time.Now())
items, err := store.List(gvk.WorkloadEntry, model.NamespaceAll)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed listing WorkloadEntry: %v", err)
if len(items) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 WorkloadEntry")
func TestAutoregistrationLifecycle(t *testing.T) {
maxConnAge := time.Hour
c1, c2, store := setup(t)
c2.maxConnectionAge = maxConnAge
stopped1 := false
stop1, stop2 := make(chan struct{}), make(chan struct{})
defer func() {
// stop1 should be killed early, as part of test
if !stopped1 {
defer close(stop2)
go c1.Run(stop1)
go c2.Run(stop2)
n := fakeNode("reg1", "zone1", "subzone1")
p := fakeProxy("", wgA, "nw1")
p.XdsNode = n
p2 := fakeProxy("", wgA, "nw2")
p2.XdsNode = n
p3 := fakeProxy("", wgA, "nw1")
p3.XdsNode = n
// allows associating a Register call with Unregister
var origConnTime time.Time
t.Run("initial registration", func(t *testing.T) {
// simply make sure the entry exists after connecting
c1.RegisterWorkload(p, time.Now())
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p, n, c1.instanceID)
t.Run("multinetwork same ip", func(t *testing.T) {
// make sure we don't overrwrite a similar entry for a different network
c2.RegisterWorkload(p2, time.Now())
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p, n, c1.instanceID)
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p2, n, c2.instanceID)
t.Run("fast reconnect", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("same instance", func(t *testing.T) {
// disconnect, make sure entry is still there with disconnect meta
c1.QueueUnregisterWorkload(p, time.Now())
time.Sleep(features.WorkloadEntryCleanupGracePeriod / 2)
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p, n, "")
// reconnect, ensure entry is there with the same instance id
origConnTime = time.Now()
c1.RegisterWorkload(p, origConnTime)
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p, n, c1.instanceID)
t.Run("same instance: connect before disconnect ", func(t *testing.T) {
// reconnect, ensure entry is there with the same instance id
c1.RegisterWorkload(p, origConnTime.Add(10*time.Millisecond))
// disconnect (associated with original connect, not the reconnect)
// make sure entry is still there with disconnect meta
c1.QueueUnregisterWorkload(p, origConnTime)
time.Sleep(features.WorkloadEntryCleanupGracePeriod / 2)
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p, n, c1.instanceID)
t.Run("different instance", func(t *testing.T) {
// disconnect, make sure entry is still there with disconnect metadata
c1.QueueUnregisterWorkload(p, time.Now())
time.Sleep(features.WorkloadEntryCleanupGracePeriod / 2)
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p, n, "")
// reconnect, ensure entry is there with the new instance id
origConnTime = time.Now()
c2.RegisterWorkload(p, origConnTime)
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p, n, c2.instanceID)
t.Run("slow reconnect", func(t *testing.T) {
// disconnect, wait and make sure entry is gone
c2.QueueUnregisterWorkload(p, origConnTime)
retry.UntilSuccessOrFail(t, func() error {
return checkNoEntry(store, wgA, p)
// reconnect
origConnTime = time.Now()
c1.RegisterWorkload(p, origConnTime)
checkEntryOrFail(t, store, wgA, p, n, c1.instanceID)
t.Run("garbage collected if pilot stops after disconnect", func(t *testing.T) {
// disconnect, kill the cleanup queue from the first controller
c1.QueueUnregisterWorkload(p, origConnTime)
// stop processing the delayed close queue in c1, forces using periodic cleanup
stopped1 = true
// unfortunately, this retry at worst could be twice as long as the sweep interval
retry.UntilSuccessOrFail(t, func() error {
return checkNoEntry(store, wgA, p)
}, retry.Timeout(time.Until(time.Now().Add(21*features.WorkloadEntryCleanupGracePeriod))))
t.Run("garbage collected if pilot and workload stops simultaneously before pilot can do anything", func(t *testing.T) {
// simulate p3 has been registered long before
c2.RegisterWorkload(p3, time.Now().Add(-2*maxConnAge))
// keep silent to simulate the scenario
// unfortunately, this retry at worst could be twice as long as the sweep interval
retry.UntilSuccessOrFail(t, func() error {
return checkNoEntry(store, wgA, p3)
}, retry.Timeout(time.Until(time.Now().Add(21*features.WorkloadEntryCleanupGracePeriod))))
// TODO test garbage collection if pilot stops before disconnect meta is set (relies on heartbeat)
func TestUpdateHealthCondition(t *testing.T) {
stop := make(chan struct{})
t.Cleanup(func() {
ig, ig2, store := setup(t)
go ig.Run(stop)
go ig2.Run(stop)
p := fakeProxy("", wgA, "litNw")
p.XdsNode = fakeNode("reg1", "zone1", "subzone1")
ig.RegisterWorkload(p, time.Now())
t.Run("auto registered healthy health", func(t *testing.T) {
ig.QueueWorkloadEntryHealth(p, HealthEvent{
Healthy: true,
checkHealthOrFail(t, store, p, true)
t.Run("auto registered unhealthy health", func(t *testing.T) {
ig.QueueWorkloadEntryHealth(p, HealthEvent{
Healthy: false,
Message: "lol health bad",
checkHealthOrFail(t, store, p, false)
func TestWorkloadEntryFromGroup(t *testing.T) {
group := config.Config{
Meta: config.Meta{
GroupVersionKind: gvk.WorkloadGroup,
Namespace: "a",
Name: "wg-a",
Labels: map[string]string{
"grouplabel": "notonentry",
Spec: &v1alpha3.WorkloadGroup{
Metadata: &v1alpha3.WorkloadGroup_ObjectMeta{
Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
Annotations: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
Template: &v1alpha3.WorkloadEntry{
Ports: map[string]uint32{"http": 80},
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "a"},
Weight: 1,
Network: "nw0",
Locality: "rgn1/zone1/subzone1",
ServiceAccount: "sa-a",
proxy := fakeProxy("", group, "nw1")
proxy.XdsNode = fakeNode("rgn2", "zone2", "subzone2")
wantLabels := map[string]string{
"app": "a", // from WorkloadEntry template
"foo": "bar", // from WorkloadGroup.Metadata
"merge": "me", // from Node metadata
want := config.Config{
Meta: config.Meta{
GroupVersionKind: gvk.WorkloadEntry,
Name: "test-we",
Namespace: proxy.Metadata.Namespace,
Labels: wantLabels,
Annotations: map[string]string{
AutoRegistrationGroupAnnotation: group.Name,
"foo": "bar",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{{
APIVersion: group.GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion(),
Kind: group.GroupVersionKind.Kind,
Name: group.Name,
UID: kubetypes.UID(group.UID),
Controller: &workloadGroupIsController,
Spec: &v1alpha3.WorkloadEntry{
Address: "",
Ports: map[string]uint32{
"http": 80,
Labels: wantLabels,
Network: "nw1",
Locality: "rgn2/zone2/subzone2",
Weight: 1,
ServiceAccount: "sa-a",
got := workloadEntryFromGroup("test-we", proxy, &group)
assert.Equal(t, got, &want)
func setup(t *testing.T) (*Controller, *Controller, model.ConfigStoreController) {
store := memory.NewController(memory.Make(collections.All))
c1 := NewController(store, "pilot-1", keepalive.Infinity)
c2 := NewController(store, "pilot-2", keepalive.Infinity)
createOrFail(t, store, wgA)
return c1, c2, store
func checkNoEntry(store model.ConfigStoreController, wg config.Config, proxy *model.Proxy) error {
name := wg.Name + "-" + proxy.IPAddresses[0]
if proxy.Metadata.Network != "" {
name += "-" + string(proxy.Metadata.Network)
cfg := store.Get(gvk.WorkloadEntry, name, wg.Namespace)
if cfg != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("did not expect WorkloadEntry %s/%s to exist", wg.Namespace, name)
return nil
func checkEntry(
store model.ConfigStore,
wg config.Config,
proxy *model.Proxy,
node *core.Node,
connectedTo string,
) (err error) {
name := wg.Name + "-" + proxy.IPAddresses[0]
if proxy.Metadata.Network != "" {
name += "-" + string(proxy.Metadata.Network)
cfg := store.Get(gvk.WorkloadEntry, name, wg.Namespace)
if cfg == nil {
err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("expected WorkloadEntry %s/%s to exist", wg.Namespace, name))
tmpl := wg.Spec.(*v1alpha3.WorkloadGroup)
we := cfg.Spec.(*v1alpha3.WorkloadEntry)
// check workload entry specific fields
if !reflect.DeepEqual(we.Ports, tmpl.Template.Ports) {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("expected ports from WorkloadGroup"))
if we.Address != proxy.IPAddresses[0] {
err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("entry has address %s; expected %s", we.Address, proxy.IPAddresses[0]))
if proxy.Metadata.Network != "" {
if we.Network != string(proxy.Metadata.Network) {
err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("entry has network %s; expected to match meta network %s", we.Network, proxy.Metadata.Network))
} else {
if we.Network != tmpl.Template.Network {
err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("entry has network %s; expected to match group template network %s", we.Network, tmpl.Template.Network))
loc := tmpl.Template.Locality
if node.Locality != nil {
loc = util.LocalityToString(node.Locality)
if we.Locality != loc {
err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("entry has locality %s; expected %s", we.Locality, loc))
// check controller annotations
if connectedTo != "" {
if v := cfg.Annotations[WorkloadControllerAnnotation]; v != connectedTo {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("expected WorkloadEntry to be updated by %s; got %s", connectedTo, v))
if _, ok := cfg.Annotations[ConnectedAtAnnotation]; !ok {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("expected connection timestamp to be set"))
} else if _, ok := cfg.Annotations[DisconnectedAtAnnotation]; !ok {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("expected disconnection timestamp to be set"))
// check all labels are copied to the WorkloadEntry
if !reflect.DeepEqual(cfg.Labels, we.Labels) {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("spec labels on WorkloadEntry should match meta labels"))
for k, v := range tmpl.Template.Labels {
if _, ok := proxy.Metadata.Labels[k]; ok {
// would be overwritten
if we.Labels[k] != v {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("labels missing on WorkloadEntry: %s=%s from template", k, v))
for k, v := range proxy.Metadata.Labels {
if we.Labels[k] != v {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("labels missing on WorkloadEntry: %s=%s from proxy meta", k, v))
func checkEntryOrFail(
t test.Failer,
store model.ConfigStoreController,
wg config.Config,
proxy *model.Proxy,
node *core.Node,
connectedTo string,
) {
if err := checkEntry(store, wg, proxy, node, connectedTo); err != nil {
func checkEntryHealth(store model.ConfigStoreController, proxy *model.Proxy, healthy bool) (err error) {
name := proxy.AutoregisteredWorkloadEntryName
cfg := store.Get(gvk.WorkloadEntry, name, proxy.Metadata.Namespace)
if cfg == nil || cfg.Status == nil {
err = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("expected workloadEntry %s/%s to exist", name, proxy.Metadata.Namespace))
stat := cfg.Status.(*v1alpha1.IstioStatus)
found := false
idx := 0
for i, cond := range stat.Conditions {
if cond.Type == "Healthy" {
idx = i
found = true
if !found {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("expected condition of type Health on WorkloadEntry %s/%s",
name, proxy.Metadata.Namespace))
} else {
statStr := stat.Conditions[idx].Status
if healthy && statStr != "True" {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("expected healthy condition on WorkloadEntry %s/%s",
name, proxy.Metadata.Namespace))
if !healthy && statStr != "False" {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf("expected unhealthy condition on WorkloadEntry %s/%s",
name, proxy.Metadata.Namespace))
func checkHealthOrFail(t test.Failer, store model.ConfigStoreController, proxy *model.Proxy, healthy bool) {
err := wait.Poll(100*time.Millisecond, 1*time.Second, func() (done bool, err error) {
err2 := checkEntryHealth(store, proxy, healthy)
if err2 != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
if err != nil {
func fakeProxy(ip string, wg config.Config, nw network.ID) *model.Proxy {
return &model.Proxy{
IPAddresses: []string{ip},
Metadata: &model.NodeMetadata{
AutoRegisterGroup: wg.Name,
Namespace: wg.Namespace,
Network: nw,
Labels: map[string]string{"merge": "me"},
func fakeNode(r, z, sz string) *core.Node {
return &core.Node{
Locality: &core.Locality{
Region: r,
Zone: z,
SubZone: sz,
// createOrFail wraps config creation with convience for failing tests
func createOrFail(t test.Failer, store model.ConfigStoreController, cfg config.Config) {
if _, err := store.Create(cfg); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed creating %s/%s: %v", cfg.Namespace, cfg.Name, err)