blob: 470e4291250ad58b7c4497581fff8fa45fb3f71b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package ingress provides a read-only view of Kubernetes ingress resources
// as an ingress rule configuration type store
package ingress
import (
import (
meshconfig ""
knetworking ""
kerrors ""
ingressinformer ""
listerv1 ""
networkinglister ""
import (
kubecontroller ""
// In 1.0, the Gateway is defined in the namespace where the actual controller runs, and needs to be managed by
// user.
// The gateway is named by appending "-istio-autogenerated-k8s-ingress" to the name of the ingress.
// Currently the gateway namespace is hardcoded to dubbo-system (model.IstioIngressNamespace)
// VirtualServices are also auto-generated in the model.IstioIngressNamespace.
// The sync of Ingress objects to IP is done by status.go
// the 'ingress service' name is used to get the IP of the Service
// If ingress service is empty, it falls back to NodeExternalIP list, selected using the labels.
// This is using 'namespace' of pilot - but seems to be broken (never worked), since it uses Pilot's pod labels
// instead of the ingress labels.
// Follows mesh.IngressControllerMode setting to enable - OFF|STRICT|DEFAULT.
// STRICT requires "" == mesh.IngressClass
// DEFAULT allows Ingress without explicit class.
// In 1.1:
// - K8S_INGRESS_NS - namespace of the Gateway that will act as ingress.
// - labels of the gateway set to "app=ingressgateway" for node_port, service set to 'ingressgateway' (matching default install)
// If we need more flexibility - we can add it (but likely we'll deprecate ingress support first)
// -
var schemas = collection.SchemasFor(
// Control needs RBAC permissions to write to Pods.
type controller struct {
meshWatcher mesh.Holder
domainSuffix string
queue controllers.Queue
virtualServiceHandlers []model.EventHandler
gatewayHandlers []model.EventHandler
mutex sync.RWMutex
// processed ingresses
ingresses map[types.NamespacedName]*knetworking.Ingress
ingressInformer cache.SharedInformer
ingressLister networkinglister.IngressLister
serviceInformer cache.SharedInformer
serviceLister listerv1.ServiceLister
// May be nil if ingress class is not supported in the cluster
classes ingressinformer.IngressClassInformer
// TODO: move to features ( and remove in 1.2 )
var ingressNamespace = env.RegisterStringVar("K8S_INGRESS_NS", "", "").Get()
var errUnsupportedOp = errors.New("unsupported operation: the ingress config store is a read-only view")
// NewController creates a new Kubernetes controller
func NewController(client kube.Client, meshWatcher mesh.Holder,
options kubecontroller.Options) model.ConfigStoreController {
if ingressNamespace == "" {
ingressNamespace = constants.IstioIngressNamespace
ingressInformer := client.KubeInformer().Networking().V1().Ingresses()
serviceInformer := client.KubeInformer().Core().V1().Services()
classes := client.KubeInformer().Networking().V1().IngressClasses()
c := &controller{
meshWatcher: meshWatcher,
domainSuffix: options.DomainSuffix,
ingresses: make(map[types.NamespacedName]*knetworking.Ingress),
ingressInformer: ingressInformer.Informer(),
ingressLister: ingressInformer.Lister(),
classes: classes,
serviceInformer: serviceInformer.Informer(),
serviceLister: serviceInformer.Lister(),
c.queue = controllers.NewQueue("ingress",
return c
func (c *controller) Run(stop <-chan struct{}) {
func (c *controller) shouldProcessIngress(mesh *meshconfig.MeshConfig, i *knetworking.Ingress) (bool, error) {
var class *knetworking.IngressClass
if c.classes != nil && i.Spec.IngressClassName != nil {
c, err := c.classes.Lister().Get(*i.Spec.IngressClassName)
if err != nil && !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to get ingress class %v: %v", i.Spec.IngressClassName, err)
class = c
return shouldProcessIngressWithClass(mesh, i, class), nil
// shouldProcessIngressUpdate checks whether we should renotify registered handlers about an update event
func (c *controller) shouldProcessIngressUpdate(ing *knetworking.Ingress) (bool, error) {
// ingress add/update
shouldProcess, err := c.shouldProcessIngress(c.meshWatcher.Mesh(), ing)
if err != nil {
return false, err
item := types.NamespacedName{Name: ing.Name, Namespace: ing.Namespace}
if shouldProcess {
// record processed ingress
c.ingresses[item] = ing
return true, nil
_, preProcessed := c.ingresses[item]
// previous processed but should not currently, delete it
if preProcessed && !shouldProcess {
delete(c.ingresses, item)
} else {
c.ingresses[item] = ing
return preProcessed, nil
func (c *controller) onEvent(item types.NamespacedName) error {
event := model.EventUpdate
ing, err := c.ingressLister.Ingresses(item.Namespace).Get(item.Name)
if err != nil {
if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
event = model.EventDelete
ing = c.ingresses[item]
delete(c.ingresses, item)
} else {
return err
// ingress deleted, and it is not processed before
if ing == nil {
return nil
// we should check need process only when event is not delete,
// if it is delete event, and previously processed, we need to process too.
if event != model.EventDelete {
shouldProcess, err := c.shouldProcessIngressUpdate(ing)
if err != nil {
return err
if !shouldProcess {
return nil
vsmetadata := config.Meta{
Name: item.Name + "-" + "virtualservice",
Namespace: item.Namespace,
GroupVersionKind: gvk.VirtualService,
// Set this label so that we do not compare configs and just push.
Labels: map[string]string{constants.AlwaysPushLabel: "true"},
gatewaymetadata := config.Meta{
Name: item.Name + "-" + "gateway",
Namespace: item.Namespace,
GroupVersionKind: gvk.Gateway,
// Set this label so that we do not compare configs and just push.
Labels: map[string]string{constants.AlwaysPushLabel: "true"},
// Trigger updates for Gateway and VirtualService
// TODO: we could be smarter here and only trigger when real changes were found
for _, f := range c.virtualServiceHandlers {
f(config.Config{Meta: vsmetadata}, config.Config{Meta: vsmetadata}, event)
for _, f := range c.gatewayHandlers {
f(config.Config{Meta: gatewaymetadata}, config.Config{Meta: gatewaymetadata}, event)
return nil
func (c *controller) RegisterEventHandler(kind config.GroupVersionKind, f model.EventHandler) {
switch kind {
case gvk.VirtualService:
c.virtualServiceHandlers = append(c.virtualServiceHandlers, f)
case gvk.Gateway:
c.gatewayHandlers = append(c.gatewayHandlers, f)
func (c *controller) SetWatchErrorHandler(handler func(r *cache.Reflector, err error)) error {
var errs error
if err := c.serviceInformer.SetWatchErrorHandler(handler); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(err, errs)
if err := c.ingressInformer.SetWatchErrorHandler(handler); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(err, errs)
if err := c.classes.Informer().SetWatchErrorHandler(handler); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(err, errs)
return errs
func (c *controller) HasSynced() bool {
// TODO: add c.queue.HasSynced() once #36332 is ready, ensuring Run is called before HasSynced
return c.ingressInformer.HasSynced() && c.serviceInformer.HasSynced() &&
(c.classes == nil || c.classes.Informer().HasSynced())
func (c *controller) Schemas() collection.Schemas {
// TODO: are these two config descriptors right?
return schemas
func (c *controller) Get(typ config.GroupVersionKind, name, namespace string) *config.Config {
return nil
// sortIngressByCreationTime sorts the list of config objects in ascending order by their creation time (if available).
func sortIngressByCreationTime(configs []interface{}) []*knetworking.Ingress {
ingr := make([]*knetworking.Ingress, 0, len(configs))
for _, i := range configs {
ingr = append(ingr, i.(*knetworking.Ingress))
sort.Slice(ingr, func(i, j int) bool {
// If creation time is the same, then behavior is nondeterministic. In this case, we can
// pick an arbitrary but consistent ordering based on name and namespace, which is unique.
// CreationTimestamp is stored in seconds, so this is not uncommon.
if ingr[i].CreationTimestamp == ingr[j].CreationTimestamp {
in := ingr[i].Name + "." + ingr[i].Namespace
jn := ingr[j].Name + "." + ingr[j].Namespace
return in < jn
return ingr[i].CreationTimestamp.Before(&ingr[j].CreationTimestamp)
return ingr
func (c *controller) List(typ config.GroupVersionKind, namespace string) ([]config.Config, error) {
if typ != gvk.Gateway &&
typ != gvk.VirtualService {
return nil, errUnsupportedOp
out := make([]config.Config, 0)
ingressByHost := map[string]*config.Config{}
for _, ingress := range sortIngressByCreationTime(c.ingressInformer.GetStore().List()) {
if namespace != "" && namespace != ingress.Namespace {
process, err := c.shouldProcessIngress(c.meshWatcher.Mesh(), ingress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !process {
switch typ {
case gvk.VirtualService:
ConvertIngressVirtualService(*ingress, c.domainSuffix, ingressByHost, c.serviceLister)
case gvk.Gateway:
gateways := ConvertIngressV1alpha3(*ingress, c.meshWatcher.Mesh(), c.domainSuffix)
out = append(out, gateways)
if typ == gvk.VirtualService {
for _, obj := range ingressByHost {
out = append(out, *obj)
return out, nil
func (c *controller) Create(_ config.Config) (string, error) {
return "", errUnsupportedOp
func (c *controller) Update(_ config.Config) (string, error) {
return "", errUnsupportedOp
func (c *controller) UpdateStatus(config.Config) (string, error) {
return "", errUnsupportedOp
func (c *controller) Patch(_ config.Config, _ config.PatchFunc) (string, error) {
return "", errUnsupportedOp
func (c *controller) Delete(_ config.GroupVersionKind, _, _ string, _ *string) error {
return errUnsupportedOp