blob: f00345ce251ea77021b6e999a009fa56e34a6da6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bootstrap
import (
import (
metav1 ""
corev1 ""
import (
securityModel ""
kubelib ""
caserver ""
type caOptions struct {
// Either extCAK8s or extCAGrpc
ExternalCAType ra.CaExternalType
ExternalCASigner string
// domain to use in SPIFFE identity URLs
TrustDomain string
Namespace string
Authenticators []security.Authenticator
CertSignerDomain string
// Based on istio_ca main - removing creation of Secrets with private keys in all namespaces and install complexity.
// For backward compat, will preserve support for the "cacerts" Secret used for self-signed certificates.
// It is mounted in the same location, and if found will be used - creating the secret is sufficient, no need for
// extra options.
// In old installer, the LocalCertDir is hardcoded to /etc/cacerts and mounted from "cacerts" secret.
// Support for signing other root CA has been removed - too dangerous, no clear use case.
// Default config, for backward compat with Citadel:
// - if "cacerts" secret exists in dubbo-system, will be mounted. It may contain an optional "root-cert.pem",
// with additional roots and optional {ca-key, ca-cert, cert-chain}.pem user-provided root CA.
// - if user-provided root CA is not found, the Secret "istio-ca-secret" is used, with ca-cert.pem and ca-key.pem files.
// - if neither is found, istio-ca-secret will be created.
// - a config map "istio-security" with a "caTLSRootCert" file will be used for root cert, and created if needed.
// The config map was used by node agent - no longer possible to use in sds-agent, but we still save it for
// backward compat. Will be removed with the node-agent. sds-agent is calling NewCitadelClient directly, using
// K8S root.
var (
// LocalCertDir replaces the "cert-chain", "signing-cert" and "signing-key" flags in citadel - Istio installer is
// requires a secret named "cacerts" with specific files inside.
LocalCertDir = env.RegisterStringVar("ROOT_CA_DIR", "./etc/cacerts",
"Location of a local or mounted CA root")
useRemoteCerts = env.RegisterBoolVar("USE_REMOTE_CERTS", false,
"Whether to try to load CA certs from a remote Kubernetes cluster. Used for external Istiod.")
workloadCertTTL = env.RegisterDurationVar("DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_CERT_TTL",
"The default TTL of issued workload certificates. Applied when the client sets a "+
"non-positive TTL in the CSR.")
maxWorkloadCertTTL = env.RegisterDurationVar("MAX_WORKLOAD_CERT_TTL",
"The max TTL of issued workload certificates.")
SelfSignedCACertTTL = env.RegisterDurationVar("CITADEL_SELF_SIGNED_CA_CERT_TTL",
"The TTL of self-signed CA root certificate.")
selfSignedRootCertCheckInterval = env.RegisterDurationVar("CITADEL_SELF_SIGNED_ROOT_CERT_CHECK_INTERVAL",
"The interval that self-signed CA checks its root certificate "+
"expiration time and rotates root certificate. Setting this interval "+
"to zero or a negative value disables automated root cert check and "+
"rotation. This interval is suggested to be larger than 10 minutes.")
selfSignedRootCertGracePeriodPercentile = env.RegisterIntVar("CITADEL_SELF_SIGNED_ROOT_CERT_GRACE_PERIOD_PERCENTILE",
"Grace period percentile for self-signed root cert.")
enableJitterForRootCertRotator = env.RegisterBoolVar("CITADEL_ENABLE_JITTER_FOR_ROOT_CERT_ROTATOR",
"If true, set up a jitter to start root cert rotator. "+
"Jitter selects a backoff time in seconds to start root cert rotator, "+
"and the back off time is below root cert check interval.")
k8sInCluster = env.RegisterStringVar("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST", "",
"Kubernetes service host, set automatically when running in-cluster")
// This value can also be extracted from the mounted token
trustedIssuer = env.RegisterStringVar("TOKEN_ISSUER", "",
"OIDC token issuer. If set, will be used to check the tokens.")
audience = env.RegisterStringVar("AUDIENCE", "",
"Expected audience in the tokens. ")
caRSAKeySize = env.RegisterIntVar("CITADEL_SELF_SIGNED_CA_RSA_KEY_SIZE", 2048,
"Specify the RSA key size to use for self-signed Istio CA certificates.")
// TODO: Likely to be removed and added to mesh config
externalCaType = env.RegisterStringVar("EXTERNAL_CA", "",
"External CA Integration Type. Permitted Values are ISTIOD_RA_KUBERNETES_API or "+
// TODO: Likely to be removed and added to mesh config
k8sSigner = env.RegisterStringVar("K8S_SIGNER", "",
"Kubernates CA Signer type. Valid from Kubernates 1.18").Get()
// EnableCA returns whether CA functionality is enabled in istiod.
// This is a central consistent endpoint to get whether CA functionality is
// enabled in istiod. EnableCA() is called in multiple places.
func (s *Server) EnableCA() bool {
return features.EnableCAServer
// RunCA will start the cert signing GRPC service on an existing server.
// Protected by installer options: the CA will be started only if the JWT token in /var/run/secrets
// is mounted. If it is missing - for example old versions of K8S that don't support such tokens -
// we will not start the cert-signing server, since pods will have no way to authenticate.
func (s *Server) RunCA(grpc *grpc.Server, ca caserver.CertificateAuthority, opts *caOptions) {
iss := trustedIssuer.Get()
aud := audience.Get()
token, err := os.ReadFile(getJwtPath())
if err == nil {
tok, err := detectAuthEnv(string(token))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Starting with invalid K8S JWT token", err, string(token))
} else {
if iss == "" {
iss = tok.Iss
if len(tok.Aud) > 0 && len(aud) == 0 {
aud = tok.Aud[0]
// The CA API uses cert with the max workload cert TTL.
// 'hostlist' must be non-empty - but is not used since a grpc server is passed.
// Adds client cert auth and kube (sds enabled)
caServer, startErr := caserver.New(ca, maxWorkloadCertTTL.Get(), opts.Authenticators)
if startErr != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to create istio ca server: %v", startErr)
// TODO: if not set, parse Istiod's own token (if present) and get the issuer. The same issuer is used
// for all tokens - no need to configure twice. The token may also include cluster info to auto-configure
// networking properties.
if iss != "" && // issuer set explicitly or extracted from our own JWT
k8sInCluster.Get() == "" { // not running in cluster - in cluster use direct call to apiserver
// Add a custom authenticator using standard JWT validation, if not running in K8S
// When running inside K8S - we can use the built-in validator, which also check pod removal (invalidation).
jwtRule := v1beta1.JWTRule{Issuer: iss, Audiences: []string{aud}}
oidcAuth, err := authenticate.NewJwtAuthenticator(&jwtRule, opts.TrustDomain)
if err == nil {
caServer.Authenticators = append(caServer.Authenticators, oidcAuth)
log.Info("Using out-of-cluster JWT authentication")
} else {
log.Info("K8S token doesn't support OIDC, using only in-cluster auth")
log.Info("Istiod CA has started")
// detectAuthEnv will use the JWT token that is mounted in istiod to set the default audience
// and trust domain for Istiod, if not explicitly defined.
// K8S will use the same kind of tokens for the pods, and the value in istiod's own token is
// simplest and safest way to have things match.
// Note that K8S is not required to use JWT tokens - we will fallback to the defaults
// or require explicit user option for K8S clusters using opaque tokens.
func detectAuthEnv(jwt string) (*authenticate.JwtPayload, error) {
jwtSplit := strings.Split(jwt, ".")
if len(jwtSplit) != 3 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid JWT parts: %s", jwt)
payload := jwtSplit[1]
payloadBytes, err := base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode jwt: %v", err.Error())
structuredPayload := &authenticate.JwtPayload{}
err = json.Unmarshal(payloadBytes, &structuredPayload)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal jwt: %v", err.Error())
return structuredPayload, nil
// detectSigningCABundle determines in which format the signing ca files are created.
// kubernetes tls secrets mount files as tls.crt,tls.key,ca.crt
// istiod secret is ca-cert.pem ca-key.pem cert-chain.pem root-cert.pem
func detectSigningCABundle() (ca.SigningCAFileBundle, error) {
tlsSigningFile := path.Join(LocalCertDir.Get(), ca.TLSSecretCACertFile)
// looking for tls file format (tls.crt)
if _, err := os.Stat(tlsSigningFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Info("Using secret type for signing ca files")
return ca.SigningCAFileBundle{
RootCertFile: path.Join(LocalCertDir.Get(), ca.TLSSecretRootCertFile),
CertChainFiles: []string{
path.Join(LocalCertDir.Get(), ca.TLSSecretRootCertFile),
SigningCertFile: tlsSigningFile,
SigningKeyFile: path.Join(LocalCertDir.Get(), ca.TLSSecretCAPrivateKeyFile),
}, nil
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// noop, file does not exist, move on
} else if err != nil {
return ca.SigningCAFileBundle{}, err
log.Info("Using istiod file format for signing ca files")
// default ca file format
return ca.SigningCAFileBundle{
RootCertFile: path.Join(LocalCertDir.Get(), ca.RootCertFile),
CertChainFiles: []string{path.Join(LocalCertDir.Get(), ca.CertChainFile)},
SigningCertFile: path.Join(LocalCertDir.Get(), ca.CACertFile),
SigningKeyFile: path.Join(LocalCertDir.Get(), ca.CAPrivateKeyFile),
}, nil
// loadCACerts loads an existing `cacerts` Secret if the files aren't mounted locally.
// By default, a cacerts Secret would be mounted during pod startup due to the
// Istiod Deployment configuration. But with external Istiod, we want to be
// able to load cacerts from a remote cluster instead.
func (s *Server) loadCACerts(caOpts *caOptions, dir string) error {
if s.kubeClient == nil {
return nil
signingKeyFile := path.Join(dir, ca.CAPrivateKeyFile)
if _, err := os.Stat(signingKeyFile); err == nil {
return nil
} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("signing key file %s already exists", signingKeyFile)
secret, err := s.kubeClient.Kube().CoreV1().Secrets(caOpts.Namespace).Get(
context.TODO(), "cacerts", metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil
return err
log.Infof("cacerts Secret found in config cluster, saving contents to %s", dir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0o700); err != nil {
return err
for key, data := range secret.Data {
filename := path.Join(dir, key)
if err := os.WriteFile(filename, data, 0o600); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// loadRemoteCACerts mounts an existing cacerts Secret if the files aren't mounted locally.
// By default, a cacerts Secret would be mounted during pod startup due to the
// Istiod Deployment configuration. But with external Istiod, we want to be
// able to load cacerts from a remote cluster instead.
func (s *Server) loadRemoteCACerts(caOpts *caOptions, dir string) error {
if s.kubeClient == nil {
return nil
signingKeyFile := path.Join(dir, ca.CAPrivateKeyFile)
if _, err := os.Stat(signingKeyFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("signing key file %s already exists", signingKeyFile)
secret, err := s.kubeClient.Kube().CoreV1().Secrets(caOpts.Namespace).Get(
context.TODO(), "cacerts", metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil
return err
log.Infof("cacerts Secret found in remote cluster, saving contents to %s", dir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0o700); err != nil {
return err
for key, data := range secret.Data {
filename := path.Join(dir, key)
if err := os.WriteFile(filename, data, 0o600); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// handleEvent handles the events on cacerts related files.
// If create/write(modified) event occurs, then it verifies that
// newly introduced cacerts are intermediate CA which is generated
// from cuurent root-cert.pem. Then it updates and keycertbundle
// and generates new dns certs.
// TODO(rveerama1): Add support for new ROOT-CA rotation also.
func handleEvent(s *Server) {
log.Info("Update Istiod cacerts")
var newCABundle []byte
var err error
currentCABundle := s.CA.GetCAKeyCertBundle().GetRootCertPem()
fileBundle, err := detectSigningCABundle()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to determine signing file format %v", err)
newCABundle, err = os.ReadFile(fileBundle.RootCertFile)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed reading root-cert.pem: ", err)
// Only updating intermediate CA is supported now
if !bytes.Equal(currentCABundle, newCABundle) {
log.Info("Updating new ROOT-CA not supported")
err = s.CA.GetCAKeyCertBundle().UpdateVerifiedKeyCertBundleFromFile(
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to update new Plug-in CA certs: ", err)
err = s.updatePluggedinRootCertAndGenKeyCert()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed generating plugged-in istiod key cert: ", err)
log.Info("Istiod has detected the newly added intermediate CA and updated its key and certs accordingly")
// handleCACertsFileWatch handles the events on cacerts files
func (s *Server) handleCACertsFileWatch() {
var timerC <-chan time.Time
for {
select {
case <-timerC:
timerC = nil
case event, ok := <-s.cacertsWatcher.Events:
if !ok {
log.Debug("plugin cacerts watch stopped")
if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write || event.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create {
if timerC == nil {
timerC = time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
case err := <-s.cacertsWatcher.Errors:
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to catch events on cacerts file: ", err)
case <-s.internalStop:
func (s *Server) addCACertsFileWatcher(dir string) error {
err := s.cacertsWatcher.Add(dir)
if err != nil {
log.Info("AUTO_RELOAD_PLUGIN_CERTS will not work, failed to add file watcher: ", err)
return err
log.Info("Added cacerts files watcher at ", dir)
return nil
// initCACertsWatcher initializes the cacerts (/etc/cacerts) directory.
// In particular it monitors 'ca-key.pem', 'ca-cert.pem', 'root-cert.pem'
// and 'cert-chain.pem'.
func (s *Server) initCACertsWatcher() {
var err error
s.cacertsWatcher, err = fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
log.Info("Failed to add CAcerts watcher: ", err)
err = s.addCACertsFileWatcher(LocalCertDir.Get())
if err != nil {
go s.handleCACertsFileWatch()
// createIstioCA initializes the Istio CA signing functionality.
// - for 'plugged in', uses ./etc/cacert directory, mounted from 'cacerts' secret in k8s.
// Inside, the key/cert are 'ca-key.pem' and 'ca-cert.pem'. The root cert signing the intermediate is root-cert.pem,
// which may contain multiple roots. A 'cert-chain.pem' file has the full cert chain.
func (s *Server) createIstioCA(client corev1.CoreV1Interface, opts *caOptions) (*ca.IstioCA, error) {
var caOpts *ca.IstioCAOptions
var err error
fileBundle, err := detectSigningCABundle()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to determine signing file format %v", err)
if _, err := os.Stat(fileBundle.RootCertFile); err != nil {
// In Citadel, normal self-signed doesn't use a root-cert.pem file for additional roots.
// In Istiod, it is possible to provide one via "cacerts" secret in both cases, for consistency.
fileBundle.RootCertFile = ""
if _, err := os.Stat(fileBundle.SigningKeyFile); err != nil {
// The user-provided certs are missing - create a self-signed cert.
if client != nil {
log.Info("Use self-signed certificate as the CA certificate")
// Abort after 20 minutes.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*20)
defer cancel()
// rootCertFile will be added to "ca-cert.pem".
// readSigningCertOnly set to false - it doesn't seem to be used in Citadel, nor do we have a way
// to set it only for one job.
caOpts, err = ca.NewSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(ctx,
selfSignedRootCertGracePeriodPercentile.Get(), SelfSignedCACertTTL.Get(),
selfSignedRootCertCheckInterval.Get(), workloadCertTTL.Get(),
maxWorkloadCertTTL.Get(), opts.TrustDomain, true,
opts.Namespace, -1, client, fileBundle.RootCertFile,
enableJitterForRootCertRotator.Get(), caRSAKeySize.Get())
} else {
"Use local self-signed CA certificate for testing. Will use in-memory root CA, no K8S access and no ca key file %s",
caOpts, err = ca.NewSelfSignedDebugIstioCAOptions(fileBundle.RootCertFile, SelfSignedCACertTTL.Get(),
workloadCertTTL.Get(), maxWorkloadCertTTL.Get(), opts.TrustDomain, caRSAKeySize.Get())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create a self-signed istiod CA: %v", err)
} else {
log.Info("Use local CA certificate")
caOpts, err = ca.NewPluggedCertIstioCAOptions(fileBundle, workloadCertTTL.Get(), maxWorkloadCertTTL.Get(), caRSAKeySize.Get())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create an istiod CA: %v", err)
if features.AutoReloadPluginCerts {
istioCA, err := ca.NewIstioCA(caOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create an istiod CA: %v", err)
// TODO: provide an endpoint returning all the roots. SDS can only pull a single root in current impl.
// ca.go saves or uses the secret, but also writes to the configmap "istio-security", under caTLSRootCert
// rootCertRotatorChan channel accepts signals to stop root cert rotator for
// self-signed CA.
// Start root cert rotator in a separate goroutine.
return istioCA, nil
// createIstioRA initializes the Istio RA signing functionality.
// the caOptions defines the external provider
// ca cert can come from three sources, order matters:
// 1. Define ca cert via kubernetes secret and mount the secret through `external-ca-cert` volume
// 2. Use kubernetes ca cert `/var/run/secrets/` if signer is
// kubernetes built-in `" signer
// 3. Extract from the cert-chain signed by other CSR signer.
func (s *Server) createIstioRA(client kubelib.Client,
opts *caOptions) (ra.RegistrationAuthority, error) {
caCertFile := path.Join(ra.DefaultExtCACertDir, constants.CACertNamespaceConfigMapDataName)
certSignerDomain := opts.CertSignerDomain
_, err := os.Stat(caCertFile)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get file info: %v", err)
// File does not exist.
if certSignerDomain == "" {
log.Infof("CA cert file %q not found, using %q.", caCertFile, defaultCACertPath)
caCertFile = defaultCACertPath
} else {
log.Infof("CA cert file %q not found - ignoring.", caCertFile)
caCertFile = ""
raOpts := &ra.IstioRAOptions{
ExternalCAType: opts.ExternalCAType,
DefaultCertTTL: workloadCertTTL.Get(),
MaxCertTTL: maxWorkloadCertTTL.Get(),
CaSigner: opts.ExternalCASigner,
CaCertFile: caCertFile,
VerifyAppendCA: true,
K8sClient: client,
TrustDomain: opts.TrustDomain,
CertSignerDomain: opts.CertSignerDomain,
raServer, err := ra.NewIstioRA(raOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.environment.AddMeshHandler(func() {
meshConfig := s.environment.Mesh()
caCertificates := meshConfig.CaCertificates
return raServer, err
// getJwtPath returns jwt path.
func getJwtPath() string {
log.Info("JWT policy is ", features.JwtPolicy)
switch features.JwtPolicy {
case jwt.PolicyThirdParty:
return securityModel.K8sSATrustworthyJwtFileName
case jwt.PolicyFirstParty:
return securityModel.K8sSAJwtFileName
log.Infof("unknown JWT policy %v, default to certificates ", features.JwtPolicy)
return ""