blob: 59db0ed05aeb40e5bfe24bcac216c653be3b9c56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validate
import (
import (
import (
operator_v1alpha1 ""
var (
// DefaultValidations maps a data path to a validation function.
DefaultValidations = map[string]ValidatorFunc{
"Values": func(path util.Path, i interface{}) util.Errors {
return CheckValues(i)
"MeshConfig": validateMeshConfig,
"Hub": validateHub,
"Tag": validateTag,
"Revision": validateRevision,
"Components.IngressGateways": validateGatewayName,
"Components.EgressGateways": validateGatewayName,
// requiredValues lists all the values that must be non-empty.
requiredValues = map[string]bool{}
// CheckIstioOperator validates the operator CR.
func CheckIstioOperator(iop *operator_v1alpha1.IstioOperator, checkRequiredFields bool) error {
if iop == nil {
return nil
errs := CheckIstioOperatorSpec(iop.Spec, checkRequiredFields)
return errs.ToError()
// CheckIstioOperatorSpec validates the values in the given Installer spec, using the field map DefaultValidations to
// call the appropriate validation function. checkRequiredFields determines whether missing mandatory fields generate
// errors.
func CheckIstioOperatorSpec(is *v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec, checkRequiredFields bool) (errs util.Errors) {
if is == nil {
return util.Errors{}
return Validate2(DefaultValidations, is)
func Validate2(validations map[string]ValidatorFunc, iop *v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec) (errs util.Errors) {
for path, validator := range validations {
v, f, _ := tpath.GetFromStructPath(iop, path)
if f {
errs = append(errs, validator(util.PathFromString(path), v)...)
// Validate function below is used by third party for integrations and has to be public
// Validate validates the values of the tree using the supplied Func.
func Validate(validations map[string]ValidatorFunc, structPtr interface{}, path util.Path, checkRequired bool) (errs util.Errors) {
scope.Debugf("validate with path %s, %v (%T)", path, structPtr, structPtr)
if structPtr == nil {
return nil
if util.IsStruct(structPtr) {
scope.Debugf("validate path %s, skipping struct type %T", path, structPtr)
return nil
if !util.IsPtr(structPtr) {
return util.NewErrs(fmt.Errorf("validate path %s, value: %v, expected ptr, got %T", path, structPtr, structPtr))
structElems := reflect.ValueOf(structPtr).Elem()
if !util.IsStruct(structElems) {
return util.NewErrs(fmt.Errorf("validate path %s, value: %v, expected struct, got %T", path, structElems, structElems))
if util.IsNilOrInvalidValue(structElems) {
for i := 0; i < structElems.NumField(); i++ {
fieldName := structElems.Type().Field(i).Name
fieldValue := structElems.Field(i)
if !fieldValue.CanInterface() {
kind := structElems.Type().Field(i).Type.Kind()
if a, ok := structElems.Type().Field(i).Tag.Lookup("json"); ok && a == "-" {
scope.Debugf("Checking field %s", fieldName)
switch kind {
case reflect.Struct:
errs = util.AppendErrs(errs, Validate(validations, fieldValue.Addr().Interface(), append(path, fieldName), checkRequired))
case reflect.Map:
newPath := append(path, fieldName)
errs = util.AppendErrs(errs, validateLeaf(validations, newPath, fieldValue.Interface(), checkRequired))
for _, key := range fieldValue.MapKeys() {
nnp := append(newPath, key.String())
errs = util.AppendErrs(errs, validateLeaf(validations, nnp, fieldValue.MapIndex(key), checkRequired))
case reflect.Slice:
for i := 0; i < fieldValue.Len(); i++ {
newValue := fieldValue.Index(i).Interface()
newPath := append(path, indexPathForSlice(fieldName, i))
if util.IsStruct(newValue) || util.IsPtr(newValue) {
errs = util.AppendErrs(errs, Validate(validations, newValue, newPath, checkRequired))
} else {
errs = util.AppendErrs(errs, validateLeaf(validations, newPath, newValue, checkRequired))
case reflect.Ptr:
if util.IsNilOrInvalidValue(fieldValue.Elem()) {
newPath := append(path, fieldName)
if fieldValue.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
errs = util.AppendErrs(errs, Validate(validations, fieldValue.Interface(), newPath, checkRequired))
} else {
errs = util.AppendErrs(errs, validateLeaf(validations, newPath, fieldValue, checkRequired))
if structElems.Field(i).CanInterface() {
errs = util.AppendErrs(errs, validateLeaf(validations, append(path, fieldName), fieldValue.Interface(), checkRequired))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
func validateLeaf(validations map[string]ValidatorFunc, path util.Path, val interface{}, checkRequired bool) util.Errors {
pstr := path.String()
msg := fmt.Sprintf("validate %s:%v(%T) ", pstr, val, val)
if util.IsValueNil(val) || util.IsEmptyString(val) {
if checkRequired && requiredValues[pstr] {
return util.NewErrs(fmt.Errorf("field %s is required but not set", util.ToYAMLPathString(pstr)))
msg += fmt.Sprintf("validate %s: OK (empty value)", pstr)
return nil
vf, ok := getValidationFuncForPath(validations, path)
if !ok {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("validate %s: OK (no validation)", pstr)
// No validation defined.
return nil
return vf(path, val)
func validateMeshConfig(path util.Path, root interface{}) util.Errors {
vs, err := util.ToYAMLGeneric(root)
if err != nil {
return util.Errors{err}
// ApplyMeshConfigDefaults allows unknown fields, so we first check for unknown fields
if err := protomarshal.ApplyYAMLStrict(string(vs), mesh.DefaultMeshConfig()); err != nil {
return util.Errors{fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshall mesh config: %v", err)}
// This method will also perform validation automatically
if _, validErr := mesh.ApplyMeshConfigDefaults(string(vs)); validErr != nil {
return util.Errors{validErr}
return nil
func validateHub(path util.Path, val interface{}) util.Errors {
if val == "" {
return nil
return validateWithRegex(path, val, ReferenceRegexp)
func validateTag(path util.Path, val interface{}) util.Errors {
return validateWithRegex(path, val.(*structpb.Value).GetStringValue(), TagRegexp)
func validateRevision(_ util.Path, val interface{}) util.Errors {
if val == "" {
return nil
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(val.(string)) {
err := fmt.Errorf("invalid revision specified: %s", val.(string))
return util.Errors{err}
return nil
func validateGatewayName(path util.Path, val interface{}) (errs util.Errors) {
v := val.([]*v1alpha1.GatewaySpec)
for _, n := range v {
errs = append(errs, validateWithRegex(path, n.Name, ObjectNameRegexp)...)