blob: 502e089b6e2769f485ed250fcbaeb47aeda28d5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package util
import (
const (
// PathSeparator is the separator between path elements.
PathSeparator = "."
// KVSeparator is the separator between the key and value in a key/value path element,
KVSeparator = string(kvSeparatorRune)
kvSeparatorRune = ':'
// InsertIndex is the index that means "insert" when setting values
InsertIndex = -1
// PathSeparatorRune is the separator between path elements, as a rune.
pathSeparatorRune = '.'
// EscapedPathSeparator is what to use when the path shouldn't separate
EscapedPathSeparator = "\\" + PathSeparator
// ValidKeyRegex is a regex for a valid path key element.
var ValidKeyRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$")
// Path is a path in slice form.
type Path []string
// PathFromString converts a string path of form a.b.c to a string slice representation.
func PathFromString(path string) Path {
path = filepath.Clean(path)
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, PathSeparator)
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, PathSeparator)
pv := splitEscaped(path, pathSeparatorRune)
var r []string
for _, str := range pv {
if str != "" {
str = strings.ReplaceAll(str, EscapedPathSeparator, PathSeparator)
// Is str of the form node[expr], convert to "node", "[expr]"?
nBracket := strings.IndexRune(str, '[')
if nBracket > 0 {
r = append(r, str[:nBracket], str[nBracket:])
} else {
// str is "[expr]" or "node"
r = append(r, str)
return r
// String converts a string slice path representation of form ["a", "b", "c"] to a string representation like "a.b.c".
func (p Path) String() string {
return strings.Join(p, PathSeparator)
func (p Path) Equals(p2 Path) bool {
if len(p) != len(p2) {
return false
for i, pp := range p {
if pp != p2[i] {
return false
return true
// ToYAMLPath converts a path string to path such that the first letter of each path element is lower case.
func ToYAMLPath(path string) Path {
p := PathFromString(path)
for i := range p {
p[i] = firstCharToLowerCase(p[i])
return p
// ToYAMLPathString converts a path string such that the first letter of each path element is lower case.
func ToYAMLPathString(path string) string {
return ToYAMLPath(path).String()
// IsValidPathElement reports whether pe is a valid path element.
func IsValidPathElement(pe string) bool {
return ValidKeyRegex.MatchString(pe)
// IsKVPathElement report whether pe is a key/value path element.
func IsKVPathElement(pe string) bool {
pe, ok := RemoveBrackets(pe)
if !ok {
return false
kv := splitEscaped(pe, kvSeparatorRune)
if len(kv) != 2 || len(kv[0]) == 0 || len(kv[1]) == 0 {
return false
return IsValidPathElement(kv[0])
// IsVPathElement report whether pe is a value path element.
func IsVPathElement(pe string) bool {
pe, ok := RemoveBrackets(pe)
if !ok {
return false
return len(pe) > 1 && pe[0] == ':'
// IsNPathElement report whether pe is an index path element.
func IsNPathElement(pe string) bool {
pe, ok := RemoveBrackets(pe)
if !ok {
return false
n, err := strconv.Atoi(pe)
return err == nil && n >= InsertIndex
// PathKV returns the key and value string parts of the entire key/value path element.
// It returns an error if pe is not a key/value path element.
func PathKV(pe string) (k, v string, err error) {
if !IsKVPathElement(pe) {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid key:value path element", pe)
pe, _ = RemoveBrackets(pe)
kv := splitEscaped(pe, kvSeparatorRune)
return kv[0], kv[1], nil
// PathV returns the value string part of the entire value path element.
// It returns an error if pe is not a value path element.
func PathV(pe string) (string, error) {
// For :val, return the value only
if IsVPathElement(pe) {
v, _ := RemoveBrackets(pe)
return v[1:], nil
// For key:val, return the whole thing
v, _ := RemoveBrackets(pe)
if len(v) > 0 {
return v, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid value path element", pe)
// PathN returns the index part of the entire value path element.
// It returns an error if pe is not an index path element.
func PathN(pe string) (int, error) {
if !IsNPathElement(pe) {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid index path element", pe)
v, _ := RemoveBrackets(pe)
return strconv.Atoi(v)
// RemoveBrackets removes the [] around pe and returns the resulting string. It returns false if pe is not surrounded
// by [].
func RemoveBrackets(pe string) (string, bool) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(pe, "[") || !strings.HasSuffix(pe, "]") {
return "", false
return pe[1 : len(pe)-1], true
// splitEscaped splits a string using the rune r as a separator. It does not split on r if it's prefixed by \.
func splitEscaped(s string, r rune) []string {
var prev rune
if len(s) == 0 {
return []string{}
prevIdx := 0
var out []string
for i, c := range s {
if c == r && (i == 0 || (i > 0 && prev != '\\')) {
out = append(out, s[prevIdx:i])
prevIdx = i + 1
prev = c
out = append(out, s[prevIdx:])
return out
func firstCharToLowerCase(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(s[0:1]) + s[1:]