blob: 3f564af6bdb7352769bf6c81390406260b3b916c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package name
import (
import (
import (
iop ""
// Istio default namespace
const (
IstioDefaultNamespace = "dubbo-system"
// Kubernetes Kind strings.
const (
CRDStr = "CustomResourceDefinition"
ClusterRoleStr = "ClusterRole"
ClusterRoleBindingStr = "ClusterRoleBinding"
CMStr = "ConfigMap"
DaemonSetStr = "DaemonSet"
DeploymentStr = "Deployment"
EndpointStr = "Endpoints"
HPAStr = "HorizontalPodAutoscaler"
IngressStr = "Ingress"
IstioOperator = "IstioOperator"
MutatingWebhookConfigurationStr = "MutatingWebhookConfiguration"
NamespaceStr = "Namespace"
PVCStr = "PersistentVolumeClaim"
PodStr = "Pod"
PDBStr = "PodDisruptionBudget"
ReplicationControllerStr = "ReplicationController"
ReplicaSetStr = "ReplicaSet"
RoleStr = "Role"
RoleBindingStr = "RoleBinding"
SAStr = "ServiceAccount"
ServiceStr = "Service"
SecretStr = "Secret"
StatefulSetStr = "StatefulSet"
ValidatingWebhookConfigurationStr = "ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"
// Istio Kind strings
const (
EnvoyFilterStr = "EnvoyFilter"
GatewayStr = "Gateway"
DestinationRuleStr = "DestinationRule"
MeshPolicyStr = "MeshPolicy"
PeerAuthenticationStr = "PeerAuthentication"
VirtualServiceStr = "VirtualService"
IstioOperatorStr = "IstioOperator"
// Istio API Group Names
const (
AuthenticationAPIGroupName = ""
ConfigAPIGroupName = ""
NetworkingAPIGroupName = ""
OperatorAPIGroupName = ""
SecurityAPIGroupName = ""
const (
// OperatorAPINamespace is the API namespace for operator config.
// TODO: move this to a base definitions file when one is created.
OperatorAPINamespace = OperatorAPIGroupName
// DefaultProfileName is the name of the default profile.
DefaultProfileName = "default"
// installedSpecCRPrefix is the prefix of any IstioOperator CR stored in the cluster that is a copy of the CR used
// in the last install operation.
InstalledSpecCRPrefix = "installed-state"
// ComponentName is a component name string, typed to constrain allowed values.
type ComponentName string
const (
// IstioComponent names corresponding to the IstioOperator proto component names. Must be the same, since these
// are used for struct traversal.
IstioBaseComponentName ComponentName = "Base"
PilotComponentName ComponentName = "Pilot"
CNIComponentName ComponentName = "Cni"
// istiod remote component
IstiodRemoteComponentName ComponentName = "IstiodRemote"
// Gateway components
IngressComponentName ComponentName = "IngressGateways"
EgressComponentName ComponentName = "EgressGateways"
// Operator components
IstioOperatorComponentName ComponentName = "IstioOperator"
IstioOperatorCustomResourceName ComponentName = "IstioOperatorCustomResource"
// ComponentNamesConfig is used for unmarshaling legacy and addon naming data.
type ComponentNamesConfig struct {
DeprecatedComponentNames []string
var (
AllCoreComponentNames = []ComponentName{
// AllComponentNames is a list of all Istio components.
AllComponentNames = append(AllCoreComponentNames, IngressComponentName, EgressComponentName,
IstioOperatorComponentName, IstioOperatorCustomResourceName)
allCoreComponentNamesMap = map[ComponentName]bool{}
// ValuesEnablementPathMap defines a mapping between legacy values enablement paths and the corresponding enablement
// paths in IstioOperator.
ValuesEnablementPathMap = map[string]string{
"spec.values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.enabled": "spec.components.ingressGateways.[name:istio-ingressgateway].enabled",
"spec.values.gateways.istio-egressgateway.enabled": "spec.components.egressGateways.[name:istio-egressgateway].enabled",
// userFacingComponentNames are the names of components that are displayed to the user in high level CLIs
// (like progress log).
userFacingComponentNames = map[ComponentName]string{
IstioBaseComponentName: "Istio core",
PilotComponentName: "Istiod",
CNIComponentName: "CNI",
IngressComponentName: "Ingress gateways",
EgressComponentName: "Egress gateways",
IstioOperatorComponentName: "Istio operator",
IstioOperatorCustomResourceName: "Istio operator CRDs",
IstiodRemoteComponentName: "Istiod remote",
// Manifest defines a manifest for a component.
type Manifest struct {
Name ComponentName
Content string
// ManifestMap is a map of ComponentName to its manifest string.
type ManifestMap map[ComponentName][]string
func init() {
for _, c := range AllCoreComponentNames {
allCoreComponentNamesMap[c] = true
// Consolidated returns a representation of mm where all manifests in the slice under a key are combined into a single
// manifest.
func (mm ManifestMap) Consolidated() map[string]string {
out := make(map[string]string)
for cname, ms := range mm {
allM := ""
for _, m := range ms {
allM += m + helm.YAMLSeparator
out[string(cname)] = allM
return out
// MergeManifestSlices merges a slice of manifests into a single manifest string.
func MergeManifestSlices(manifests []string) string {
return strings.Join(manifests, helm.YAMLSeparator)
// String implements the Stringer interface.
func (mm ManifestMap) String() string {
out := ""
for _, ms := range mm {
for _, m := range ms {
out += m + helm.YAMLSeparator
return out
// IsGateway reports whether cn is a gateway component.
func (cn ComponentName) IsGateway() bool {
return cn == IngressComponentName || cn == EgressComponentName
// Namespace returns the namespace for the component. It follows these rules:
// 1. If DefaultNamespace is unset, log and error and return the empty string.
// 2. If the feature and component namespaces are unset, return DefaultNamespace.
// 3. If the feature namespace is set but component name is unset, return the feature namespace.
// 4. Otherwise return the component namespace.
// Namespace assumes that controlPlaneSpec has been validated.
// TODO: remove extra validations when comfort level is high enough.
func Namespace(componentName ComponentName, controlPlaneSpec *v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec) (string, error) {
defaultNamespace := iop.Namespace(controlPlaneSpec)
componentNodeI, found, err := tpath.GetFromStructPath(controlPlaneSpec, "Components."+string(componentName)+".Namespace")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error in Namepsace GetFromStructPath componentNamespace for component=%s: %s", componentName, err)
if !found {
return defaultNamespace, nil
if componentNodeI == nil {
return defaultNamespace, nil
componentNamespace, ok := componentNodeI.(string)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("component %s enabled has bad type %T, expect string", componentName, componentNodeI)
if componentNamespace == "" {
return defaultNamespace, nil
return componentNamespace, nil
// TitleCase returns a capitalized version of n.
func TitleCase(n ComponentName) ComponentName {
s := string(n)
return ComponentName(strings.ToUpper(s[0:1]) + s[1:])
// UserFacingComponentName returns the name of the given component that should be displayed to the user in high
// level CLIs (like progress log).
func UserFacingComponentName(name ComponentName) string {
ret, ok := userFacingComponentNames[name]
if !ok {
return "Unknown"
return ret