blob: f7029ec1ed9b8266ae628b74a800f44281b12f0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package helmreconciler
import (
import (
kerrors ""
metav1 ""
klabels ""
import (
v1alpha12 ""
const (
autoscalingV2MinK8SVersion = 23
pdbV1MinK8SVersion = 21
var (
// ClusterResources are resource types the operator prunes, ordered by which types should be deleted, first to last.
ClusterResources = []schema.GroupVersionKind{
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.MutatingWebhookConfigurationStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ClusterRoleStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ClusterRoleBindingStr},
// Cannot currently prune CRDs because this will also wipe out user config.
// {Group: "", Version: "v1beta1", Kind: name.CRDStr},
// ClusterCPResources lists cluster scope resources types which should be deleted during uninstall command.
ClusterCPResources = []schema.GroupVersionKind{
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.MutatingWebhookConfigurationStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ClusterRoleStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ClusterRoleBindingStr},
// AllClusterResources lists all cluster scope resources types which should be deleted in purge case, including CRD.
AllClusterResources = append(ClusterResources,
schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.CRDStr},
// NamespacedResources gets specific pruning resources based on the k8s version
func NamespacedResources(version *version.Info) []schema.GroupVersionKind {
res := []schema.GroupVersionKind{
{Group: "apps", Version: "v1", Kind: name.DeploymentStr},
{Group: "apps", Version: "v1", Kind: name.DaemonSetStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.ServiceStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.CMStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.PVCStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.PodStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.SecretStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.SAStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.RoleBindingStr},
{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: name.RoleStr},
{Group: name.NetworkingAPIGroupName, Version: "v1alpha3", Kind: name.DestinationRuleStr},
{Group: name.NetworkingAPIGroupName, Version: "v1alpha3", Kind: name.EnvoyFilterStr},
{Group: name.NetworkingAPIGroupName, Version: "v1alpha3", Kind: name.GatewayStr},
{Group: name.NetworkingAPIGroupName, Version: "v1alpha3", Kind: name.VirtualServiceStr},
{Group: name.SecurityAPIGroupName, Version: "v1beta1", Kind: name.PeerAuthenticationStr},
// autoscaling v2 API is available on >=1.23
if kube.IsKubeAtLeastOrLessThanVersion(version, autoscalingV2MinK8SVersion, true) {
res = append(res, schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "autoscaling", Version: "v2", Kind: name.HPAStr})
} else {
res = append(res, schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "autoscaling", Version: "v2beta2", Kind: name.HPAStr})
// policy/v1 is available on >=1.21
if kube.IsKubeAtLeastOrLessThanVersion(version, pdbV1MinK8SVersion, true) {
res = append(res, schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "policy", Version: "v1", Kind: name.PDBStr})
} else {
res = append(res, schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "policy", Version: "v1beta1", Kind: name.PDBStr})
return res
// NamespacedResources gets specific pruning resources based on the k8s version
func (h *HelmReconciler) NamespacedResources() []schema.GroupVersionKind {
clusterVersion, err := h.kubeClient.GetKubernetesVersion()
if err != nil {
scope.Warnf("Failed to get kubernetes version: %v", err)
return NamespacedResources(clusterVersion)
// Prune removes any resources not specified in manifests generated by HelmReconciler h.
func (h *HelmReconciler) Prune(manifests name.ManifestMap, all bool) error {
return h.runForAllTypes(func(labels map[string]string, objects *unstructured.UnstructuredList) error {
var errs util.Errors
if all {
errs = util.AppendErr(errs, h.deleteResources(nil, labels, "", objects, all))
} else {
for cname, manifest := range manifests.Consolidated() {
errs = util.AppendErr(errs, h.deleteResources(object.AllObjectHashes(manifest), labels, cname, objects, all))
return errs.ToError()
// PruneControlPlaneByRevisionWithController is called to remove specific control plane revision
// during reconciliation process of controller.
// It returns the install status and any error encountered.
func (h *HelmReconciler) PruneControlPlaneByRevisionWithController(iopSpec *v1alpha1.IstioOperatorSpec) (*v1alpha1.InstallStatus, error) {
ns := v1alpha12.Namespace(iopSpec)
if ns == "" {
ns = name.IstioDefaultNamespace
errStatus := &v1alpha1.InstallStatus{Status: v1alpha1.InstallStatus_ERROR}
enabledComponents, err := translate.GetEnabledComponents(iopSpec)
if err != nil {
return errStatus,
fmt.Errorf("failed to get enabled components: %v", err)
pilotEnabled := false
// check wherther the istiod is enabled
for _, c := range enabledComponents {
if c == string(name.PilotComponentName) {
pilotEnabled = true
// If istiod is enabled, check if it has any proxies connected.
if pilotEnabled {
// TODO(ramaraochavali): Find a better alternative instead of using debug interface
// of istiod as it is typically not recommended in production environments.
pids, err := proxy.GetIDsFromProxyInfo("", "", iopSpec.Revision, ns)
if err != nil {
return errStatus,
fmt.Errorf("failed to check proxy infos: %v", err)
// TODO(richardwxn): add warning message together with the status
if len(pids) != 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("there are proxies still pointing to the pruned control plane: %s.",
strings.Join(pids, " "))
st := &v1alpha1.InstallStatus{Status: v1alpha1.InstallStatus_ACTION_REQUIRED, Message: msg}
return st, nil
for _, c := range enabledComponents {
uslist, err := h.GetPrunedResources(iopSpec.Revision, false, c)
if err != nil {
return errStatus, err
err = h.DeleteObjectsList(uslist, c)
if err != nil {
return errStatus, err
return &v1alpha1.InstallStatus{Status: v1alpha1.InstallStatus_HEALTHY}, nil
// DeleteObjectsList removed resources that are in the slice of UnstructuredList.
func (h *HelmReconciler) DeleteObjectsList(objectsList []*unstructured.UnstructuredList, componentName string) error {
var errs util.Errors
deletedObjects := make(map[string]bool)
for _, ul := range objectsList {
for _, o := range ul.Items {
obj := object.NewK8sObject(&o, nil, nil)
oh := obj.Hash()
// kube client does not differentiate API version when listing, added this check to deduplicate.
if deletedObjects[oh] {
if err := h.deleteResource(obj, componentName, oh); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
deletedObjects[oh] = true
return errs.ToError()
// GetPrunedResources get the list of resources to be removed
// 1. if includeClusterResources is false, we list the namespaced resources by matching revision and component labels.
// 2. if includeClusterResources is true, we list the namespaced and cluster resources by component labels only.
// If componentName is not empty, only resources associated with specific components would be returned
// UnstructuredList of objects and corresponding list of name kind hash of k8sObjects would be returned
func (h *HelmReconciler) GetPrunedResources(revision string, includeClusterResources bool, componentName string) (
[]*unstructured.UnstructuredList, error) {
var usList []*unstructured.UnstructuredList
labels := make(map[string]string)
if revision != "" {
labels[label.IoIstioRev.Name] = revision
if componentName != "" {
labels[IstioComponentLabelStr] = componentName
selector := klabels.Set(labels).AsSelectorPreValidated()
resources := h.NamespacedResources()
gvkList := append(resources, ClusterCPResources...)
if includeClusterResources {
gvkList = append(resources, AllClusterResources...)
if ioplist := h.getIstioOperatorCR(); ioplist.Items != nil {
usList = append(usList, ioplist)
} else if componentName == "" {
// Remove Istio operator CR with specified revision if it is uninstalled
ioplist := h.getIstioOperatorCR()
if ioplist.Items != nil {
for _, iop := range ioplist.Items {
revisionIop := getIstioOperatorCRName(revision)
if iop.GetName() == revisionIop {
if iopToList, err := iop.ToList(); err == nil {
iopToList.Items = []unstructured.Unstructured{iop}
usList = append(usList, iopToList)
for _, gvk := range gvkList {
objects := &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}
componentRequirement, err := klabels.NewRequirement(IstioComponentLabelStr, selection.Exists, nil)
if err != nil {
return usList, err
if includeClusterResources {
s := klabels.NewSelector()
err = h.client.List(context.TODO(), objects,
client.MatchingLabelsSelector{Selector: s.Add(*componentRequirement)})
} else {
// do not prune base components or unknown components
includeCN := []string{
string(name.IngressComponentName), string(name.EgressComponentName),
string(name.CNIComponentName), string(name.IstioOperatorComponentName),
includeRequirement, err := klabels.NewRequirement(IstioComponentLabelStr, selection.In, includeCN)
if err != nil {
return usList, err
if err = h.client.List(context.TODO(), objects,
Selector: selector.Add(*includeRequirement, *componentRequirement),
); err != nil {
if err != nil {
for _, obj := range objects.Items {
objName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", obj.GetNamespace(), obj.GetName())
metrics.AddResource(objName, gvk.GroupKind())
usList = append(usList, objects)
return usList, nil
// getIstioOperatorCR is a helper function to get IstioOperator CR during purge,
// otherwise the resources would be reconciled back later if there is in-cluster operator deployment.
// And it is needed to remove the IstioOperator CRD.
func (h *HelmReconciler) getIstioOperatorCR() *unstructured.UnstructuredList {
objects := &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}
Group: "",
Version: "v1alpha1", Kind: name.IstioOperatorStr,
if err := h.client.List(context.TODO(), objects); err != nil {
scope.Errorf("failed to list IstioOperator CR: %v", err)
return objects
// DeleteControlPlaneByManifests removed resources by manifests with matching revision label.
// If purge option is set to true, all manifests would be removed regardless of labels match.
func (h *HelmReconciler) DeleteControlPlaneByManifests(manifestMap name.ManifestMap,
revision string, includeClusterResources bool) error {
labels := map[string]string{
operatorLabelStr: operatorReconcileStr,
cpManifestMap := make(name.ManifestMap)
if revision != "" {
labels[label.IoIstioRev.Name] = revision
if !includeClusterResources {
// only delete istiod resources if revision is empty and --purge flag is not true.
cpManifestMap[name.PilotComponentName] = manifestMap[name.PilotComponentName]
manifestMap = cpManifestMap
for cn, mf := range manifestMap.Consolidated() {
if cn == string(name.IstioBaseComponentName) && !includeClusterResources {
objects, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(mf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse k8s objects from yaml: %v", err)
if objects == nil {
unstructuredObjects := unstructured.UnstructuredList{}
for _, obj := range objects {
if h.opts.DryRun {
h.opts.Log.LogAndPrintf("Not deleting object %s because of dry run.", obj.Hash())
obju := obj.UnstructuredObject()
if err := h.applyLabelsAndAnnotations(obju, cn); err != nil {
return err
unstructuredObjects.Items = append(unstructuredObjects.Items, *obju)
if err := h.deleteResources(nil, labels, cn, &unstructuredObjects, includeClusterResources); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete resources: %v", err)
return nil
// pruneAllTypes will collect all existing resource types we care about. For each type, the callback function
// will be called with the labels used to select this type, and all objects.
// This is in internal function meant to support prune and delete
func (h *HelmReconciler) runForAllTypes(callback func(labels map[string]string, objects *unstructured.UnstructuredList) error) error {
var errs util.Errors
// Ultimately, we want to prune based on component labels. Each of these share a common set of labels
// Rather than do N List() calls for each component, we will just filter for the common subset here
// and each component will do its own filtering
// Because we are filtering by the core labels, List() will only return items that some components will care
// about, so we are not querying for an overly broad set of resources.
labels, err := h.getCoreOwnerLabels()
if err != nil {
return err
selector := klabels.Set(labels).AsSelectorPreValidated()
resources := append(h.NamespacedResources(), ClusterResources...)
for _, gvk := range resources {
// First, we collect all objects for the provided GVK
objects := &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}
componentRequirement, err := klabels.NewRequirement(IstioComponentLabelStr, selection.Exists, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
selector = selector.Add(*componentRequirement)
if err := h.client.List(context.TODO(), objects, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{Selector: selector}); err != nil {
// we only want to retrieve resources clusters
if !(h.opts.DryRun && meta.IsNoMatchError(err)) {
scope.Debugf("retrieving resources to prune type %s: %s", gvk.String(), err)
for _, obj := range objects.Items {
objName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", obj.GetNamespace(), obj.GetName())
metrics.AddResource(objName, gvk.GroupKind())
errs = util.AppendErr(errs, callback(labels, objects))
return errs.ToError()
// deleteResources delete any resources from the given component that are not in the excluded map. Resource
// labels are used to identify the resources belonging to the component.
func (h *HelmReconciler) deleteResources(excluded map[string]bool, coreLabels map[string]string,
componentName string, objects *unstructured.UnstructuredList, all bool) error {
var errs util.Errors
labels := h.addComponentLabels(coreLabels, componentName)
selector := klabels.Set(labels).AsSelectorPreValidated()
for _, o := range objects.Items {
obj := object.NewK8sObject(&o, nil, nil)
oh := obj.Hash()
if !all {
// Label mismatch. Provided objects don't select against the component, so this likely means the object
// is for another component.
if !selector.Matches(klabels.Set(o.GetLabels())) {
if excluded[oh] {
if err := h.deleteResource(obj, componentName, oh); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if all {
return errs.ToError()
func (h *HelmReconciler) deleteResource(obj *object.K8sObject, componentName, oh string) error {
if h.opts.DryRun {
h.opts.Log.LogAndPrintf("Not pruning object %s because of dry run.", oh)
return nil
u := obj.UnstructuredObject()
if u.GetKind() == name.IstioOperatorStr {
if err := h.client.Patch(context.TODO(), u, client.Merge); err != nil {
scope.Errorf("failed to patch IstioOperator CR: %s, %v", u.GetName(), err)
err := h.client.Delete(context.TODO(), u, client.PropagationPolicy(metav1.DeletePropagationBackground))
scope.Debugf("Deleting %s (%s/%v)", oh, h.iop.Name, h.iop.Spec.Revision)
objGvk := u.GroupVersionKind()
if err != nil {
if !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return err
// do not return error if resources are not found
h.opts.Log.LogAndPrintf("object: %s is not being deleted because it no longer exists", obj.Hash())
return nil
if componentName != "" {
h.removeFromObjectCache(componentName, oh)
} else {
metrics.RemoveResource(obj.FullName(), objGvk.GroupKind())
h.opts.Log.LogAndPrintf(" Removed %s.", oh)
return nil
// RemoveObject removes object with objHash in componentName from the object cache.
func (h *HelmReconciler) removeFromObjectCache(componentName, objHash string) {
crHash, err := h.getCRHash(componentName)
if err != nil {
cache.RemoveObject(crHash, objHash)
scope.Infof("Removed object %s from Cache.", objHash)