blob: 0954ae6ce7eaac715ac8d36c5c49ca8f841d89ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package compare
import (
import (
import (
// YAMLCmpReporter is a custom reporter to generate tree based diff for YAMLs, used by cmp.Equal().
type YAMLCmpReporter struct {
path cmp.Path
diffTree map[string]interface{}
// PushStep implements interface to keep track of current path by pushing.
// a step into YAMLCmpReporter.path
func (r *YAMLCmpReporter) PushStep(ps cmp.PathStep) {
r.path = append(r.path, ps)
// PopStep implements interface to keep track of current path by popping a step out.
// of YAMLCmpReporter.path
func (r *YAMLCmpReporter) PopStep() {
r.path = r.path[:len(r.path)-1]
// Report implements interface to add diff path into YAMLCmpReporter.diffTree.
func (r *YAMLCmpReporter) Report(rs cmp.Result) {
if !rs.Equal() {
vx, vy := r.path.Last().Values()
var dm string
isNonEmptyX := isValidAndNonEmpty(vx)
isNonEmptyY := isValidAndNonEmpty(vy)
if isNonEmptyX && !isNonEmptyY {
dm = fmt.Sprintf("%v -> <empty> (REMOVED)", vx)
} else if !isNonEmptyX && isNonEmptyY {
dm = fmt.Sprintf("<empty> -> %v (ADDED)", vy)
} else if isNonEmptyX && isNonEmptyY {
dm = fmt.Sprintf("%v -> %v", vx, vy)
} else {
// ignore the case that both x and y are invalid or empty
if r.diffTree == nil {
r.diffTree = make(map[string]interface{})
if err := tpath.WriteNode(r.diffTree, pathToStringList(r.path), dm); err != nil {
func isValidAndNonEmpty(v reflect.Value) bool {
if !v.IsValid() {
return false
k := v.Kind()
switch k {
case reflect.Interface:
return isValidAndNonEmpty(v.Elem())
case reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
return v.Len() > 0
return true
// String returns a text representation of diff tree.
func (r *YAMLCmpReporter) String() string {
if len(r.diffTree) == 0 {
return ""
y, err := yaml.Marshal(r.diffTree)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return string(y)
// YAMLCmp compares two yaml texts, return a tree based diff text.
func YAMLCmp(a, b string) string {
return YAMLCmpWithIgnore(a, b, nil, "")
// YAMLCmpWithIgnore compares two yaml texts, and ignores paths in ignorePaths.
func YAMLCmpWithIgnore(a, b string, ignorePaths []string, ignoreYaml string) string {
ao, bo := make(map[string]interface{}), make(map[string]interface{})
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(a), &ao); err != nil {
return err.Error()
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(b), &bo); err != nil {
return err.Error()
if kind := ao["kind"]; kind == "ConfigMap" {
if err := UnmarshalInlineYaml(ao, "data"); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Unable to unmarshal ConfigMap Data, error: %v", err)
if kind := bo["kind"]; kind == "ConfigMap" {
if err := UnmarshalInlineYaml(bo, "data"); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Unable to unmarshal ConfigMap Data, error: %v", err)
ignoreYamlOpt, err := genYamlIgnoreOpt(ignoreYaml)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
var r YAMLCmpReporter
cmp.Equal(ao, bo, cmp.Reporter(&r), genPathIgnoreOpt(ignorePaths), ignoreYamlOpt)
return r.String()
// UnmarshalInlineYaml tries to unmarshal string values in obj into YAML objects
// at a given targetPath. Side effect: this will mutate obj in place.
func UnmarshalInlineYaml(obj map[string]interface{}, targetPath string) (err error) {
nodeList := strings.Split(targetPath, ".")
if len(nodeList) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("targetPath '%v' length is zero after split", targetPath)
cur := obj
for _, nname := range nodeList {
ndata, ok := cur[nname]
if !ok || ndata == nil { // target path does not exist
return fmt.Errorf("targetPath '%v' doest not exist in obj: '%v' is missing",
targetPath, nname)
switch nnode := ndata.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
cur = nnode
default: // target path type does not match
return fmt.Errorf("targetPath '%v' doest not exist in obj: "+
"'%v' type is not map[string]interface{}", targetPath, nname)
for dk, dv := range cur {
switch vnode := dv.(type) {
case string:
vo := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(vnode), &vo); err != nil {
// Replace the original text yaml tree node with yaml objects
cur[dk] = vo
// genPathIgnoreOpt returns a cmp.Option to ignore paths specified in parameter ignorePaths.
func genYamlIgnoreOpt(yamlStr string) (cmp.Option, error) {
tree := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(yamlStr), &tree); err != nil {
return nil, err
return cmp.FilterPath(func(curPath cmp.Path) bool {
up := pathToStringList(curPath)
treeNode, found, _ := tpath.Find(tree, up)
return found && IsLeafNode(treeNode)
}, cmp.Ignore()), nil
// genPathIgnoreOpt returns a cmp.Option to ignore paths specified in parameter ignorePaths.
func genPathIgnoreOpt(ignorePaths []string) cmp.Option {
return cmp.FilterPath(func(curPath cmp.Path) bool {
cp := strings.Join(pathToStringList(curPath), ".")
for _, ip := range ignorePaths {
if res, err := filepath.Match(ip, cp); err == nil && res {
return true
return false
}, cmp.Ignore())
func pathToStringList(path cmp.Path) (up []string) {
for _, step := range path {
switch t := step.(type) {
case cmp.MapIndex:
up = append(up, fmt.Sprintf("%v", t.Key()))
case cmp.SliceIndex:
// Create an element, but never an NPath
s := t.String()
if util.IsNPathElement(s) {
// Convert e.g. [0] to [#0]
s = fmt.Sprintf("%c%c%s", s[0], '#', s[1:])
up = append(up, s)
func ManifestDiff(a, b string, verbose bool) (string, error) {
ao, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(a)
if err != nil {
return "", err
bo, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(b)
if err != nil {
return "", err
aom, bom := ao.ToMap(), bo.ToMap()
return manifestDiff(aom, bom, nil, verbose)
// ManifestDiffWithSelect checks the manifest differences with selected and ignored resources.
// The selected filter will apply before the ignored filter.
func ManifestDiffWithRenameSelectIgnore(a, b, renameResources, selectResources, ignoreResources string, verbose bool) (string, error) {
rnm := getKeyValueMap(renameResources)
sm := getObjPathMap(selectResources)
im := getObjPathMap(ignoreResources)
ao, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(a)
if err != nil {
return "", err
aom := ao.ToMap()
bo, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(b)
if err != nil {
return "", err
bom := bo.ToMap()
if len(rnm) != 0 {
aom, err = renameResource(aom, rnm)
if err != nil {
return "", err
aosm, err := filterResourceWithSelectAndIgnore(aom, sm, im)
if err != nil {
return "", err
bosm, err := filterResourceWithSelectAndIgnore(bom, sm, im)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return manifestDiff(aosm, bosm, im, verbose)
// FilterManifest selects and ignores subset from the manifest string
func FilterManifest(ms string, selectResources string, ignoreResources string) (string, error) {
sm := getObjPathMap(selectResources)
im := getObjPathMap(ignoreResources)
ao, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifestFailOption(ms, false)
if err != nil {
return "", err
aom := ao.ToMap()
slrs, err := filterResourceWithSelectAndIgnore(aom, sm, im)
if err != nil {
return "", err
var sb strings.Builder
for _, ko := range slrs {
yl, err := ko.YAML()
if err != nil {
return "", err
sb.WriteString(string(yl) + object.YAMLSeparator)
k8sObjects, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(sb.String())
if err != nil {
return "", err
sortdManifests, err := k8sObjects.YAMLManifest()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return sortdManifests, nil
// renameResource filter the input resources with selected and ignored filter.
func renameResource(iom map[string]*object.K8sObject, rnm map[string]string) (map[string]*object.K8sObject, error) {
oom := make(map[string]*object.K8sObject)
for name, obj := range iom {
isRenamed := false
for fromPat, toPat := range rnm {
fromRe, err := buildResourceRegexp(strings.TrimSpace(fromPat))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error building the regexp from "+
"rename-from string: %v, error: %v", fromPat, err)
if fromRe.MatchString(name) {
fromList := strings.Split(name, ":")
if len(fromList) != 3 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to split the old name,"+
" length != 3: %v", name)
toList := strings.Split(toPat, ":")
if len(toList) != 3 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to split the rename-to string,"+
" length != 3: %v", toPat)
// Use the old name if toList has "*" or ""
// Otherwise, use the name in toList
newList := make([]string, 3)
for i := range toList {
if toList[i] == "" || toList[i] == "*" {
newList[i] = fromList[i]
} else {
newList[i] = toList[i]
tk := strings.Join(newList, ":")
oom[tk] = obj
isRenamed = true
if !isRenamed {
oom[name] = obj
return oom, nil
// filterResourceWithSelectAndIgnore filter the input resources with selected and ignored filter.
func filterResourceWithSelectAndIgnore(aom map[string]*object.K8sObject, sm, im map[string]string) (map[string]*object.K8sObject, error) {
aosm := make(map[string]*object.K8sObject)
for ak, av := range aom {
for selected := range sm {
re, err := buildResourceRegexp(strings.TrimSpace(selected))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error building the resource regexp: %v", err)
if re.MatchString(ak) {
aosm[ak] = av
for ignored := range im {
re, err := buildResourceRegexp(strings.TrimSpace(ignored))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error building the resource regexp: %v", err)
if re.MatchString(ak) {
delete(aosm, ak)
return aosm, nil
// buildResourceRegexp translates the resource indicator to regexp.
func buildResourceRegexp(s string) (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
hash := strings.Split(s, ":")
for i, v := range hash {
if v == "" || v == "*" {
hash[i] = ".*"
return regexp.Compile(strings.Join(hash, ":"))
// manifestDiff an internal function to compare the manifests difference specified in the input.
func manifestDiff(aom, bom map[string]*object.K8sObject, im map[string]string, verbose bool) (string, error) {
var sb strings.Builder
out := make(map[string]string)
for ak, av := range aom {
ay, err := av.YAML()
if err != nil {
return "", err
bo := bom[ak]
if bo == nil {
out[ak] = fmt.Sprintf("\n\nObject %s is missing in B:\n\n", ak)
by, err := bo.YAML()
if err != nil {
return "", err
var diff string
if verbose {
diff = util.YAMLDiff(string(ay), string(by))
} else {
ignorePaths := objectIgnorePaths(ak, im)
diff = YAMLCmpWithIgnore(string(ay), string(by), ignorePaths, "")
if diff != "" {
out[ak] = fmt.Sprintf("\n\nObject %s has diffs:\n\n%s", ak, diff)
for bk := range bom {
ao := aom[bk]
if ao == nil {
out[bk] = fmt.Sprintf("\n\nObject %s is missing in A:\n\n", bk)
keys := make([]string, 0, len(out))
for k := range out {
keys = append(keys, k)
for i := range keys {
writeStringSafe(&sb, out[keys[i]])
return sb.String(), nil
func getObjPathMap(rs string) map[string]string {
rm := make(map[string]string)
if len(rs) == 0 {
return rm
for _, r := range strings.Split(rs, ",") {
split := strings.Split(r, ":")
if len(split) < 4 {
rm[r] = ""
kind, namespace, name, path := split[0], split[1], split[2], split[3]
obj := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v:%v", kind, namespace, name)
rm[obj] = path
return rm
func getKeyValueMap(rs string) map[string]string {
rm := make(map[string]string)
if len(rs) == 0 {
return rm
for _, r := range strings.Split(rs, ",") {
split := strings.Split(r, "->")
if len(split) != 2 {
rm[split[0]] = split[1]
return rm
func objectIgnorePaths(objectName string, im map[string]string) (ignorePaths []string) {
if im == nil {
im = make(map[string]string)
for obj, path := range im {
if path == "" {
re, err := buildResourceRegexp(strings.TrimSpace(obj))
if err != nil {
if re.MatchString(objectName) {
ignorePaths = append(ignorePaths, path)
return ignorePaths
func writeStringSafe(sb io.StringWriter, s string) {
_, err := sb.WriteString(s)
if err != nil {
// IsLeafNode reports whether the given node is a leaf, assuming internal nodes can only be maps or slices.
func IsLeafNode(node interface{}) bool {
return !util.IsMap(node) && !util.IsSlice(node)