blob: 0c169f7eda3eefdc8f7caa79307d2d6ee205ad5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mesh
import (
import (
. ""
v1 ""
metav1 ""
klabels ""
import (
tutil ""
const (
istioTestVersion = "istio-1.7.0"
testTGZFilename = istioTestVersion + "-linux.tar.gz"
testIstioDiscoveryChartPath = "charts/istio-control/istio-discovery/templates"
// chartSourceType defines where charts used in the test come from.
type chartSourceType string
var (
operatorRootDir = filepath.Join(env.IstioSrc, "operator")
// testDataDir contains the directory for manifest-generate test data
testDataDir = filepath.Join(operatorRootDir, "cmd/mesh/testdata/manifest-generate")
// Snapshot charts are in testdata/manifest-generate/data-snapshot
snapshotCharts = func() chartSourceType {
d, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "data-snapshot-*")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to make temp dir: %v", err))
f, err := os.Open("testdata/manifest-generate/data-snapshot.tar.gz")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to read data snapshot: %v", err))
if err := tgz.Extract(f, d); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to extract data snapshot: %v", err))
return chartSourceType(filepath.Join(d, "manifests"))
// Compiled in charts come from assets.gen.go
compiledInCharts chartSourceType = "COMPILED"
_ = compiledInCharts
// Live charts come from manifests/
liveCharts = chartSourceType(filepath.Join(env.IstioSrc, helm.OperatorSubdirFilePath))
type testGroup []struct {
desc string
// Small changes to the input profile produce large changes to the golden output
// files. This makes it difficult to spot meaningful changes in pull requests.
// By default we hide these changes to make developers life's a bit easier. However,
// it is still useful to sometimes override this behavior and show the full diff.
// When this flag is true, use an alternative file suffix that is not hidden by
// default github in pull requests.
showOutputFileInPullRequest bool
flags string
noInput bool
outputDir string
fileSelect []string
diffSelect string
diffIgnore string
chartSource chartSourceType
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
code := m.Run()
// Cleanup uncompress snapshot charts
func TestManifestGenerateComponentHubTag(t *testing.T) {
g := NewWithT(t)
objs, err := runManifestCommands("component_hub_tag", "--set values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.enabled=true", liveCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
if err != nil {
tests := []struct {
deploymentName string
containerName string
want string
deploymentName: "istio-ingressgateway",
containerName: "istio-proxy",
want: "istio-spec.hub/dubbo-agent:istio-spec.tag",
deploymentName: "istiod",
containerName: "discovery",
want: "component.pilot.hub/dubbo-pilot:2",
for _, tt := range tests {
for _, os := range objs {
containerName := tt.deploymentName
if tt.containerName != "" {
containerName = tt.containerName
container := mustGetContainer(g, os, tt.deploymentName, containerName)
g.Expect(container).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"image", tt.want}))
func TestManifestGenerateGateways(t *testing.T) {
g := NewWithT(t)
flags := "-s components.ingressGateways.[0].k8s.resources.requests.memory=999Mi " +
"-s components.ingressGateways.[name:user-ingressgateway].k8s.resources.requests.cpu=555m"
objss, err := runManifestCommands("gateways", flags, liveCharts, nil)
if err != nil {
for _, objs := range objss {
dobj := mustGetDeployment(g, objs, "istio-ingressgateway")
d := dobj.Unstructured()
c := dobj.Container("istio-proxy")
g.Expect(d).Should(HavePathValueContain(PathValue{"metadata.labels", toMap("aaa:aaa-val,bbb:bbb-val")}))
g.Expect(c).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"resources.requests.cpu", "111m"}))
g.Expect(c).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"resources.requests.memory", "999Mi"}))
dobj = mustGetDeployment(g, objs, "user-ingressgateway")
d = dobj.Unstructured()
c = dobj.Container("istio-proxy")
g.Expect(d).Should(HavePathValueContain(PathValue{"metadata.labels", toMap("ccc:ccc-val,ddd:ddd-val")}))
g.Expect(c).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"resources.requests.cpu", "555m"}))
g.Expect(c).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"resources.requests.memory", "888Mi"}))
dobj = mustGetDeployment(g, objs, "ilb-gateway")
d = dobj.Unstructured()
c = dobj.Container("istio-proxy")
s := mustGetService(g, objs, "ilb-gateway").Unstructured()
g.Expect(d).Should(HavePathValueContain(PathValue{"metadata.labels", toMap("app:istio-ingressgateway,istio:ingressgateway,release: istio")}))
g.Expect(c).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"resources.requests.cpu", "333m"}))
g.Expect(c).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"env.[name:PILOT_CERT_PROVIDER].value", "foobar"}))
g.Expect(s).Should(HavePathValueContain(PathValue{"metadata.annotations", toMap(" internal")}))
g.Expect(s).Should(HavePathValueContain(PathValue{"spec.ports.[0]", portVal("grpc-pilot-mtls", 15011, -1)}))
g.Expect(s).Should(HavePathValueContain(PathValue{"spec.ports.[1]", portVal("tcp-citadel-grpc-tls", 8060, 8060)}))
g.Expect(s).Should(HavePathValueContain(PathValue{"spec.ports.[2]", portVal("tcp-dns", 5353, -1)}))
for _, o := range objs.kind(name.HPAStr).objSlice {
ou := o.Unstructured()
g.Expect(ou).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"spec.minReplicas", int64(1)}))
g.Expect(ou).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"spec.maxReplicas", int64(5)}))
checkRoleBindingsReferenceRoles(g, objs)
func TestManifestGenerateWithDuplicateMutatingWebhookConfig(t *testing.T) {
testResourceFile := "duplicate_mwc"
testCases := []struct {
name string
force bool
assertFunc func(g *WithT, objs *ObjectSet, err error)
name: "Duplicate MutatingWebhookConfiguration should be allowed when --force is enabled",
force: true,
assertFunc: func(g *WithT, objs *ObjectSet, err error) {
name: "Duplicate MutatingWebhookConfiguration should not be allowed when --force is disabled",
force: false,
assertFunc: func(g *WithT, objs *ObjectSet, err error) {
g.Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("Webhook overlaps with others"))
rs, err := readFile(filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input-extra-resources", testResourceFile+".yaml"))
if err != nil {
err = writeFile(filepath.Join(env.IstioSrc, helm.OperatorSubdirFilePath+"/"+testIstioDiscoveryChartPath+"/"+testResourceFile+".yaml"), []byte(rs))
if err != nil {
t.Cleanup(func() {
removeFile(filepath.Join(env.IstioSrc, helm.OperatorSubdirFilePath+"/"+testIstioDiscoveryChartPath+"/"+testResourceFile+".yaml"))
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
g := NewWithT(t)
objs, err := fakeControllerReconcile(testResourceFile, liveCharts, &helmreconciler.Options{Force: tc.force, SkipPrune: true})
tc.assertFunc(g, objs, err)
func TestManifestGenerateIstiodRemote(t *testing.T) {
g := NewWithT(t)
objss, err := runManifestCommands("istiod_remote", "", liveCharts, nil)
if err != nil {
for _, objs := range objss {
// check core CRDs exists
mwc := mustGetMutatingWebhookConfiguration(g, objs, "istio-sidecar-injector").Unstructured()
g.Expect(mwc).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"webhooks.[0].clientConfig.url", "https://xxx:15017/inject"}))
ep := mustGetEndpoint(g, objs, "istiod-remote").Unstructured()
g.Expect(ep).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"subsets.[0].addresses.[0]", endpointSubsetAddressVal("", "", "")}))
g.Expect(ep).Should(HavePathValueContain(PathValue{"subsets.[0].ports.[0]", portVal("tcp-istiod", 15012, -1)}))
checkClusterRoleBindingsReferenceRoles(g, objs)
func TestManifestGenerateAllOff(t *testing.T) {
g := NewWithT(t)
m, _, err := generateManifest("all_off", "", liveCharts, nil)
if err != nil {
objs, err := parseObjectSetFromManifest(m)
if err != nil {
func TestManifestGenerateFlagsMinimalProfile(t *testing.T) {
g := NewWithT(t)
// Change profile from empty to minimal using flag.
m, _, err := generateManifest("empty", "-s profile=minimal", liveCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
if err != nil {
objs, err := parseObjectSetFromManifest(m)
if err != nil {
// minimal profile always has istiod, empty does not.
mustGetDeployment(g, objs, "istiod")
func TestManifestGenerateFlagsSetHubTag(t *testing.T) {
g := NewWithT(t)
m, _, err := generateManifest("minimal", "-s hub=foo -s tag=bar", liveCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
if err != nil {
objs, err := parseObjectSetFromManifest(m)
if err != nil {
dobj := mustGetDeployment(g, objs, "istiod")
c := dobj.Container("discovery")
g.Expect(c).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"image", "foo/dubbo-pilot:bar"}))
func TestManifestGenerateFlagsSetValues(t *testing.T) {
g := NewWithT(t)
m, _, err := generateManifest("default", "-s values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.enabled=true -s -s,", liveCharts,
[]string{"templates/deployment.yaml", "templates/istiod-injector-configmap.yaml"})
if err != nil {
objs, err := parseObjectSetFromManifest(m)
if err != nil {
dobj := mustGetDeployment(g, objs, "istio-ingressgateway")
c := dobj.Container("istio-proxy")
g.Expect(c).Should(HavePathValueEqual(PathValue{"image", "apache/myproxy:latest"}))
cm := objs.kind("ConfigMap").nameEquals("istio-sidecar-injector").Unstructured()
// TODO: change values to some nicer format rather than text block.
g.Expect(cm).Should(HavePathValueMatchRegex(PathValue{"data.values", `.*"includeIPRanges"\: "172\.30\.0\.0/16,172\.21\.0\.0/16".*`}))
func TestManifestGenerateFlags(t *testing.T) {
flagOutputDir := createTempDirOrFail(t, "flag-output")
flagOutputValuesDir := createTempDirOrFail(t, "flag-output-values")
runTestGroup(t, testGroup{
// desc: "all_on",
// diffIgnore: "ConfigMap:*:istio, ClusterRole::dubbo-system$, ClusterRoleBinding::",
// showOutputFileInPullRequest: true,
desc: "flag_values_enable_egressgateway",
diffSelect: "Service:*:istio-egressgateway",
fileSelect: []string{"templates/service.yaml"},
flags: "--set values.gateways.istio-egressgateway.enabled=true",
noInput: true,
desc: "flag_output",
flags: "-o " + flagOutputDir,
diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istiod",
fileSelect: []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"},
outputDir: flagOutputDir,
// desc: "flag_output_set_values",
// diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istio-ingressgateway",
// flags: "-s -o " + flagOutputValuesDir,
// fileSelect: []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"},
// outputDir: flagOutputValuesDir,
// noInput: true,
desc: "flag_force",
diffSelect: "no:resources:selected",
fileSelect: []string{""},
flags: "--force",
removeDirOrFail(t, flagOutputDir)
removeDirOrFail(t, flagOutputValuesDir)
func TestManifestGeneratePilot(t *testing.T) {
runTestGroup(t, testGroup{
// desc: "pilot_default",
// diffIgnore: "CustomResourceDefinition:*:*,ConfigMap:*:istio",
desc: "pilot_k8s_settings",
diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istiod,HorizontalPodAutoscaler:*:istiod",
fileSelect: []string{"templates/deployment.yaml", "templates/autoscale.yaml"},
desc: "pilot_override_values",
diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istiod,HorizontalPodAutoscaler:*:istiod",
fileSelect: []string{"templates/deployment.yaml", "templates/autoscale.yaml"},
desc: "pilot_override_kubernetes",
diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istiod, Service:*:istiod,MutatingWebhookConfiguration:*:istio-sidecar-injector,ClusterRoleBinding::istio-reader-dubbo-system",
fileSelect: []string{
"templates/deployment.yaml", "templates/mutatingwebhook.yaml",
"templates/service.yaml", "templates/reader-clusterrolebinding.yaml", "templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml",
// TODO this is broken for overriding things to default value
// This can be seen from REGISTRY_ONLY not applying
desc: "pilot_merge_meshconfig",
diffSelect: "ConfigMap:*:istio$",
fileSelect: []string{"templates/configmap.yaml"},
desc: "pilot_disable_tracing",
diffSelect: "ConfigMap:*:istio$",
desc: "deprecated_autoscaling_k8s_spec",
diffSelect: "HorizontalPodAutoscaler:*:istiod,HorizontalPodAutoscaler:*:istio-ingressgateway",
fileSelect: []string{"templates/autoscale.yaml"},
func TestManifestGenerateGateway(t *testing.T) {
runTestGroup(t, testGroup{
// desc: "ingressgateway_k8s_settings",
// diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istio-ingressgateway, Service:*:istio-ingressgateway",
// TestManifestGenerateHelmValues tests whether enabling components through the values passthrough interface works as
// expected i.e. without requiring enablement also in IstioOperator API.
func TestManifestGenerateHelmValues(t *testing.T) {
runTestGroup(t, testGroup{
desc: "helm_values_enablement",
diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istio-egressgateway, Service:*:istio-egressgateway",
func TestManifestGenerateOrdered(t *testing.T) {
// Since this is testing the special case of stable YAML output order, it
// does not use the established test group pattern
inPath := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input/all_on.yaml")
got1, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPath}, "", snapshotCharts, nil)
if err != nil {
got2, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPath}, "", snapshotCharts, nil)
if err != nil {
if got1 != got2 {
fmt.Printf("%s", util.YAMLDiff(got1, got2))
t.Errorf("stable_manifest: Manifest generation is not producing stable text output.")
func TestManifestGenerateFlagAliases(t *testing.T) {
inPath := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input/all_on.yaml")
gotSet, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPath}, "--set revision=foo", snapshotCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
if err != nil {
gotAlias, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPath}, "--revision=foo", snapshotCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
if err != nil {
if gotAlias != gotSet {
t.Errorf("Flag aliases not producing same output: with --set: \n\n%s\n\nWith alias:\n\n%s\nDiff:\n\n%s\n",
gotSet, gotAlias, util.YAMLDiff(gotSet, gotAlias))
func TestMultiICPSFiles(t *testing.T) {
inPathBase := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input/all_off.yaml")
inPathOverride := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input/helm_values_enablement.yaml")
got, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPathBase, inPathOverride}, "", snapshotCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml", "templates/service.yaml"})
if err != nil {
outPath := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "output/helm_values_enablement"+goldenFileSuffixHideChangesInReview)
want, err := readFile(outPath)
if err != nil {
diffSelect := "Deployment:*:istio-egressgateway, Service:*:istio-egressgateway"
got, err = compare.FilterManifest(got, diffSelect, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error selecting from output manifest: %v", err)
diff := compare.YAMLCmp(got, want)
if diff != "" {
t.Errorf("`manifest generate` diff = %s", diff)
func TestBareSpec(t *testing.T) {
inPathBase := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input/bare_spec.yaml")
_, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPathBase}, "", liveCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
if err != nil {
func TestMultipleSpecOneFile(t *testing.T) {
inPathBase := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input/multiple_iops.yaml")
_, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPathBase}, "", liveCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "contains multiple IstioOperator CRs, only one per file is supported") {
t.Fatalf("got %v, expected error for file with multiple IOPs", err)
func TestBareValues(t *testing.T) {
inPathBase := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input/bare_values.yaml")
// As long as the generate doesn't panic, we pass it. bare_values.yaml doesn't
// overlay well because JSON doesn't handle null values, and our charts
// don't expect values to be blown away.
_, _ = runManifestGenerate([]string{inPathBase}, "", liveCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
func TestBogusControlPlaneSec(t *testing.T) {
inPathBase := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input/bogus_cps.yaml")
_, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPathBase}, "", liveCharts, []string{"templates/deployment.yaml"})
if err != nil {
func TestInstallPackagePath(t *testing.T) {
serverDir := t.TempDir()
if err := tgz.Create(string(liveCharts), filepath.Join(serverDir, testTGZFilename)); err != nil {
srv := httpserver.NewServer(serverDir)
runTestGroup(t, testGroup{
// Use some arbitrary small test input (pilot only) since we are testing the local filesystem code here, not
// manifest generation.
desc: "install_package_path",
diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istiod",
flags: "--set installPackagePath=" + string(liveCharts),
// Specify both charts and profile from local filesystem.
desc: "install_package_path",
diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istiod",
flags: fmt.Sprintf("--set installPackagePath=%s --set profile=%s/profiles/default.yaml", string(liveCharts), string(liveCharts)),
// --force is needed for version mismatch.
desc: "install_package_path",
diffSelect: "Deployment:*:istiod",
flags: "--force --set installPackagePath=" + srv.URL() + "/" + testTGZFilename,
// TestTrailingWhitespace ensures there are no trailing spaces in the manifests
// This is important because `kubectl edit` and other commands will get escaped if they are present
// making it hard to read/edit
func TestTrailingWhitespace(t *testing.T) {
got, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{}, "--set values.gateways.istio-egressgateway.enabled=true", liveCharts, nil)
if err != nil {
lines := strings.Split(got, "\n")
for i, l := range lines {
if strings.HasSuffix(l, " ") {
t.Errorf("Line %v has a trailing space: [%v]. Context: %v", i, l, strings.Join(lines[i-25:i+25], "\n"))
func validateReferentialIntegrity(t *testing.T, objs object.K8sObjects, cname string, deploymentSelector map[string]string) {
t.Run(cname, func(t *testing.T) {
deployment := mustFindObject(t, objs, cname, name.DeploymentStr)
service := mustFindObject(t, objs, cname, name.ServiceStr)
pdb := mustFindObject(t, objs, cname, name.PDBStr)
hpa := mustFindObject(t, objs, cname, name.HPAStr)
podLabels := mustGetLabels(t, deployment, "spec.template.metadata.labels")
// Check all selectors align
mustSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, pdb, "spec.selector.matchLabels"), podLabels)
mustSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, service, "spec.selector"), podLabels)
mustSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, deployment, "spec.selector.matchLabels"), podLabels)
if hpaName := mustGetPath(t, hpa, ""); cname != hpaName {
t.Fatalf("HPA does not match deployment: %v != %v", cname, hpaName)
serviceAccountName := mustGetPath(t, deployment, "spec.template.spec.serviceAccountName").(string)
mustFindObject(t, objs, serviceAccountName, name.SAStr)
// Check we aren't changing immutable fields. This only matters for in place upgrade (non revision)
// This one is not a selector, it must be an exact match
if sel := mustGetLabels(t, deployment, "spec.selector.matchLabels"); !reflect.DeepEqual(deploymentSelector, sel) {
t.Fatalf("Depployment selectors are immutable, but changed since 1.5. Was %v, now is %v", deploymentSelector, sel)
// This test enforces that objects that reference other objects do so properly, such as Service selecting deployment
func TestConfigSelectors(t *testing.T) {
selectors := []string{
got, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{}, "--set values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.enabled=true --set values.gateways.istio-egressgateway.enabled=true", liveCharts, selectors)
if err != nil {
objs, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(got)
if err != nil {
gotRev, e := runManifestGenerate([]string{}, "--set revision=canary", liveCharts, selectors)
if e != nil {
objsRev, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(gotRev)
if err != nil {
istiod15Selector := map[string]string{
"istio": "pilot",
istiodCanary16Selector := map[string]string{
"app": "istiod",
"": "canary",
ingress15Selector := map[string]string{
"app": "istio-ingressgateway",
"istio": "ingressgateway",
egress15Selector := map[string]string{
"app": "istio-egressgateway",
"istio": "egressgateway",
// Validate references within the same deployment
validateReferentialIntegrity(t, objs, "istiod", istiod15Selector)
validateReferentialIntegrity(t, objs, "istio-ingressgateway", ingress15Selector)
validateReferentialIntegrity(t, objs, "istio-egressgateway", egress15Selector)
validateReferentialIntegrity(t, objsRev, "istiod-canary", istiodCanary16Selector)
t.Run("cross revision", func(t *testing.T) {
// Istiod revisions have complicated cross revision implications. We should assert these are correct
// First we fetch all the objects for our default install
cname := "istiod"
deployment := mustFindObject(t, objs, cname, name.DeploymentStr)
service := mustFindObject(t, objs, cname, name.ServiceStr)
pdb := mustFindObject(t, objs, cname, name.PDBStr)
podLabels := mustGetLabels(t, deployment, "spec.template.metadata.labels")
// Next we fetch all the objects for a revision install
nameRev := "istiod-canary"
deploymentRev := mustFindObject(t, objsRev, nameRev, name.DeploymentStr)
hpaRev := mustFindObject(t, objsRev, nameRev, name.HPAStr)
serviceRev := mustFindObject(t, objsRev, nameRev, name.ServiceStr)
pdbRev := mustFindObject(t, objsRev, nameRev, name.PDBStr)
podLabelsRev := mustGetLabels(t, deploymentRev, "spec.template.metadata.labels")
// Make sure default and revisions do not cross
mustNotSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, serviceRev, "spec.selector"), podLabels)
mustNotSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, service, "spec.selector"), podLabelsRev)
mustNotSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, pdbRev, "spec.selector.matchLabels"), podLabels)
mustNotSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, pdb, "spec.selector.matchLabels"), podLabelsRev)
// Make sure the scaleTargetRef points to the correct Deployment
if hpaName := mustGetPath(t, hpaRev, ""); nameRev != hpaName {
t.Fatalf("HPA does not match deployment: %v != %v", nameRev, hpaName)
// Check selection of previous versions . This only matters for in place upgrade (non revision)
podLabels15 := map[string]string{
"app": "istiod",
"istio": "pilot",
mustSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, service, "spec.selector"), podLabels15)
mustNotSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, serviceRev, "spec.selector"), podLabels15)
mustSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, pdb, "spec.selector.matchLabels"), podLabels15)
mustNotSelect(t, mustGetLabels(t, pdbRev, "spec.selector.matchLabels"), podLabels15)
// TestLDFlags checks whether building mesh command with
// -ldflags "-X -X"
// results in these values showing up in a generated manifest.
func TestLDFlags(t *testing.T) {
tmpHub, tmpTag := version.DockerInfo.Hub, version.DockerInfo.Tag
defer func() {
version.DockerInfo.Hub, version.DockerInfo.Tag = tmpHub, tmpTag
version.DockerInfo.Hub = "testHub"
version.DockerInfo.Tag = "testTag"
l := clog.NewConsoleLogger(os.Stdout, os.Stderr, installerScope)
_, iop, err := manifest.GenerateConfig(nil, []string{"installPackagePath=" + string(liveCharts)}, true, nil, l)
if err != nil {
if iop.Spec.Hub != version.DockerInfo.Hub || iop.Spec.Tag.GetStringValue() != version.DockerInfo.Tag {
t.Fatalf("DockerInfoHub, DockerInfoTag got: %s,%s, want: %s, %s", iop.Spec.Hub, iop.Spec.Tag, version.DockerInfo.Hub, version.DockerInfo.Tag)
func runTestGroup(t *testing.T, tests testGroup) {
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
inPath := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input", tt.desc+".yaml")
outputSuffix := goldenFileSuffixHideChangesInReview
if tt.showOutputFileInPullRequest {
outputSuffix = goldenFileSuffixShowChangesInReview
outPath := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "output", tt.desc+outputSuffix)
var filenames []string
if !tt.noInput {
filenames = []string{inPath}
csource := snapshotCharts
if tt.chartSource != "" {
csource = tt.chartSource
got, err := runManifestGenerate(filenames, tt.flags, csource, tt.fileSelect)
if err != nil {
if tt.outputDir != "" {
got, err = util.ReadFilesWithFilter(tt.outputDir, func(fileName string) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(fileName, ".yaml")
if err != nil {
diffSelect := "*:*:*"
if tt.diffSelect != "" {
diffSelect = tt.diffSelect
got, err = compare.FilterManifest(got, diffSelect, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error selecting from output manifest: %v", err)
tutil.RefreshGoldenFile(t, []byte(got), outPath)
want, err := readFile(outPath)
if err != nil {
if got != want {
diff, err := compare.ManifestDiffWithRenameSelectIgnore(got, want,
"", diffSelect, tt.diffIgnore, false)
if err != nil {
if diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("%s: got:\n%s\nwant:\n%s\n(-got, +want)\n%s\n", tt.desc, "", "", diff)
t.Fatalf(cmp.Diff(got, want))
// nolint: unparam
func generateManifest(inFile, flags string, chartSource chartSourceType, fileSelect []string) (string, object.K8sObjects, error) {
inPath := filepath.Join(testDataDir, "input", inFile+".yaml")
manifest, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{inPath}, flags, chartSource, fileSelect)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error %s: %s", err, manifest)
objs, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(manifest)
return manifest, objs, err
// runManifestGenerate runs the manifest generate command. If filenames is set, passes the given filenames as -f flag,
// flags is passed to the command verbatim. If you set both flags and path, make sure to not use -f in flags.
func runManifestGenerate(filenames []string, flags string, chartSource chartSourceType, fileSelect []string) (string, error) {
return runManifestCommand("generate", filenames, flags, chartSource, fileSelect)
func mustGetWebhook(t test.Failer, obj object.K8sObject) []v1.MutatingWebhook {
path := mustGetPath(t, obj, "webhooks")
by, err := json.Marshal(path)
if err != nil {
var mwh []v1.MutatingWebhook
if err := json.Unmarshal(by, &mwh); err != nil {
return mwh
func getWebhooks(t *testing.T, setFlags string, webhookName string) []v1.MutatingWebhook {
got, err := runManifestGenerate([]string{}, setFlags, liveCharts, []string{"templates/mutatingwebhook.yaml"})
if err != nil {
objs, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(got)
if err != nil {
return mustGetWebhook(t, mustFindObject(t, objs, webhookName, name.MutatingWebhookConfigurationStr))
func getWebhooksFromYaml(t *testing.T, yml string) []v1.MutatingWebhook {
objs, err := object.ParseK8sObjectsFromYAMLManifest(yml)
if err != nil {
if len(objs) != 1 {
t.Fatal("expected one webhook")
return mustGetWebhook(t, *objs[0])
type LabelSet struct {
namespace, pod klabels.Set
func mergeWebhooks(whs ...[]v1.MutatingWebhook) []v1.MutatingWebhook {
res := []v1.MutatingWebhook{}
for _, wh := range whs {
res = append(res, wh...)
return res
const (
// istioctl manifest generate --set values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.useLegacySelectors=true
legacyDefaultInjector = `
kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
name: istio-sidecar-injector
- name:
name: istiod
namespace: dubbo-system
path: "/inject"
sideEffects: None
- operations: [ "CREATE" ]
apiGroups: [""]
apiVersions: ["v1"]
resources: ["pods"]
failurePolicy: Fail
admissionReviewVersions: ["v1beta1", "v1"]
istio-injection: enabled
- key: ""
operator: NotIn
- "false"
// istioctl manifest generate --set values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.useLegacySelectors=true --set revision=canary
legacyRevisionInjector = `
kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
name: istio-sidecar-injector-canary
- name:
name: istiod-canary
namespace: dubbo-system
path: "/inject"
sideEffects: None
- operations: [ "CREATE" ]
apiGroups: [""]
apiVersions: ["v1"]
resources: ["pods"]
failurePolicy: Fail
admissionReviewVersions: ["v1beta1", "v1"]
- key: istio-injection
operator: DoesNotExist
- key:
operator: In
- canary
- key: ""
operator: NotIn
- "false"
// This test checks the mutating webhook selectors behavior, especially with interaction with revisions
func TestWebhookSelector(t *testing.T) {
// Setup various labels to be tested
empty := klabels.Set{}
revLabel := klabels.Set{"": "canary"}
legacyAndRevLabel := klabels.Set{"istio-injection": "enabled", "": "canary"}
legacyDisabledAndRevLabel := klabels.Set{"istio-injection": "disabled", "": "canary"}
legacyLabel := klabels.Set{"istio-injection": "enabled"}
legacyLabelDisabled := klabels.Set{"istio-injection": "disabled"}
objEnabled := klabels.Set{"": "true"}
objDisable := klabels.Set{"": "false"}
objEnabledAndRev := klabels.Set{"": "true", "": "canary"}
objDisableAndRev := klabels.Set{"": "false", "": "canary"}
defaultWebhook := getWebhooks(t, "", "istio-sidecar-injector")
revWebhook := getWebhooks(t, "--set revision=canary", "istio-sidecar-injector-canary")
autoWebhook := getWebhooks(t, "--set values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.enableNamespacesByDefault=true", "istio-sidecar-injector")
legacyWebhook := getWebhooksFromYaml(t, legacyDefaultInjector)
legacyRevWebhook := getWebhooksFromYaml(t, legacyRevisionInjector)
// predicate is used to filter out "obvious" test cases, to avoid enumerating all cases
// nolint: unparam
predicate := func(ls LabelSet) (string, bool) {
if ls.namespace.Get("istio-injection") == "disabled" {
return "", true
if ls.pod.Get("") == "false" {
return "", true
return "", false
// We test the cross product namespace and pod labels:
// 1. revision label (
// 2. inject label true (istio-injection on namespace, on pod)
// 3. inject label false
// 4. inject label true and revision label
// 5. inject label false and revision label
// 6. no label
// However, we filter out all the disable cases, leaving us with a reasonable number of cases
testLabels := []LabelSet{}
for _, namespaceLabel := range []klabels.Set{empty, revLabel, legacyLabel, legacyLabelDisabled, legacyAndRevLabel, legacyDisabledAndRevLabel} {
for _, podLabel := range []klabels.Set{empty, revLabel, objEnabled, objDisable, objEnabledAndRev, objDisableAndRev} {
testLabels = append(testLabels, LabelSet{namespaceLabel, podLabel})
type assertion struct {
namespaceLabel klabels.Set
objectLabel klabels.Set
match string
baseAssertions := []assertion{
{empty, empty, ""},
{empty, revLabel, "istiod-canary"},
{empty, objEnabled, "istiod"},
{empty, objEnabledAndRev, "istiod-canary"},
{revLabel, empty, "istiod-canary"},
{revLabel, revLabel, "istiod-canary"},
{revLabel, objEnabled, "istiod-canary"},
{revLabel, objEnabledAndRev, "istiod-canary"},
{legacyLabel, empty, "istiod"},
{legacyLabel, objEnabled, "istiod"},
{legacyAndRevLabel, empty, "istiod"},
{legacyAndRevLabel, objEnabled, "istiod"},
// The behavior of these is a bit odd; they are explicitly selecting a revision but getting
// the default Unfortunately, the legacy webhook selectors would select these, cause
// duplicate injection, so we defer to the namespace label.
{legacyLabel, revLabel, "istiod"},
{legacyAndRevLabel, revLabel, "istiod"},
{legacyLabel, objEnabledAndRev, "istiod"},
{legacyAndRevLabel, objEnabledAndRev, "istiod"},
cases := []struct {
name string
webhooks []v1.MutatingWebhook
checks []assertion
name: "base",
webhooks: mergeWebhooks(defaultWebhook, revWebhook),
checks: baseAssertions,
// This is exactly the same as above, but empty/empty matches
name: "auto injection",
webhooks: mergeWebhooks(autoWebhook, revWebhook),
checks: append([]assertion{{empty, empty, "istiod"}}, baseAssertions...),
// Upgrade from a legacy webhook to a new revision based
// Note: we don't need non revision legacy -> non revision, since it will overwrite the webhook
name: "revision upgrade",
webhooks: mergeWebhooks(legacyWebhook, revWebhook),
checks: append([]assertion{
{empty, objEnabled, ""}, // Legacy one requires namespace label
}, baseAssertions...),
// Use new default webhook, while we still have a legacy revision one around.
name: "inplace upgrade",
webhooks: mergeWebhooks(defaultWebhook, legacyRevWebhook),
checks: append([]assertion{
{empty, revLabel, ""}, // Legacy one requires namespace label
{empty, objEnabledAndRev, ""}, // Legacy one requires namespace label
}, baseAssertions...),
for _, tt := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
whs := tt.webhooks
for _, s := range testLabels {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("ns:%v pod:%v", s.namespace, s.pod), func(t *testing.T) {
found := ""
match := 0
for i, wh := range whs {
sn := wh.ClientConfig.Service.Name
matches := selectorMatches(t, wh.NamespaceSelector, s.namespace) && selectorMatches(t, wh.ObjectSelector, s.pod)
if matches && found != "" {
// There must be exactly one match, or we will double inject.
t.Fatalf("matched multiple webhooks. Had %v, matched %v", found, sn)
if matches {
found = sn
match = i
// If our predicate can tell us the expected match, use that
if want, ok := predicate(s); ok {
if want != found {
t.Fatalf("expected webhook to go to service %q, found %q", want, found)
// Otherwise, look through our assertions for a matching one, and check that
for _, w := range tt.checks {
if w.namespaceLabel.String() == s.namespace.String() && w.objectLabel.String() == s.pod.String() {
if found != w.match {
if found != "" {
t.Fatalf("expected webhook to go to service %q, found %q (from match %d)\nNamespace selector: %v\nObject selector: %v)",
w.match, found, match, whs[match].NamespaceSelector.MatchExpressions, whs[match].ObjectSelector.MatchExpressions)
} else {
t.Fatalf("expected webhook to go to service %q, found %q", w.match, found)
// If none match, a test case is missing for the label set.
t.Fatalf("no assertion for namespace=%v pod=%v", s.namespace, s.pod)
func selectorMatches(t *testing.T, selector *metav1.LabelSelector, labels klabels.Set) bool {
// From webhook spec: "Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything."
if selector == nil {
return true
s, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(selector)
if err != nil {
return s.Matches(labels)
func TestSidecarTemplate(t *testing.T) {
runTestGroup(t, testGroup{
// desc: "sidecar_template",
// diffSelect: "ConfigMap:*:istio-sidecar-injector",