blob: dd0c437131858dcbfc93bd3e61d8c29baa0c8463 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mesh
import (
import (
import (
revtag ""
v1alpha12 ""
pkgversion ""
operatorVer ""
type InstallArgs struct {
// InFilenames is an array of paths to the input IstioOperator CR files.
InFilenames []string
// KubeConfigPath is the path to kube config file.
KubeConfigPath string
// Context is the cluster context in the kube config
Context string
// ReadinessTimeout is maximum time to wait for all Istio resources to be ready. wait must be true for this setting
// to take effect.
ReadinessTimeout time.Duration
// SkipConfirmation determines whether the user is prompted for confirmation.
// If set to true, the user is not prompted and a Yes response is assumed in all cases.
SkipConfirmation bool
// Force proceeds even if there are validation errors
Force bool
// Verify after installation
Verify bool
// Set is a string with element format "path=value" where path is an IstioOperator path and the value is a
// value to set the node at that path to.
Set []string
// ManifestsPath is a path to a ManifestsPath and profiles directory in the local filesystem, or URL with a release tgz.
ManifestsPath string
// Revision is the Istio control plane revision the command targets.
Revision string
func (a *InstallArgs) String() string {
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString("InFilenames: " + fmt.Sprint(a.InFilenames) + "\n")
b.WriteString("KubeConfigPath: " + a.KubeConfigPath + "\n")
b.WriteString("Context: " + a.Context + "\n")
b.WriteString("ReadinessTimeout: " + fmt.Sprint(a.ReadinessTimeout) + "\n")
b.WriteString("SkipConfirmation: " + fmt.Sprint(a.SkipConfirmation) + "\n")
b.WriteString("Force: " + fmt.Sprint(a.Force) + "\n")
b.WriteString("Verify: " + fmt.Sprint(a.Verify) + "\n")
b.WriteString("Set: " + fmt.Sprint(a.Set) + "\n")
b.WriteString("ManifestsPath: " + a.ManifestsPath + "\n")
b.WriteString("Revision: " + a.Revision + "\n")
return b.String()
func addInstallFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, args *InstallArgs) {
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVarP(&args.InFilenames, "filename", "f", nil, filenameFlagHelpStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&args.KubeConfigPath, "kubeconfig", "c", "", KubeConfigFlagHelpStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&args.Context, "context", "", ContextFlagHelpStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().DurationVar(&args.ReadinessTimeout, "readiness-timeout", 300*time.Second,
"Maximum time to wait for Istio resources in each component to be ready.")
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&args.SkipConfirmation, "skip-confirmation", "y", false, skipConfirmationFlagHelpStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&args.Force, "force", false, ForceFlagHelpStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&args.Verify, "verify", false, VerifyCRInstallHelpStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringArrayVarP(&args.Set, "set", "s", nil, setFlagHelpStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&args.ManifestsPath, "charts", "", "", ChartsDeprecatedStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&args.ManifestsPath, "manifests", "d", "", ManifestsFlagHelpStr)
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&args.Revision, "revision", "r", "", revisionFlagHelpStr)
// InstallCmdWithArgs generates an Istio install manifest and applies it to a cluster
func InstallCmdWithArgs(rootArgs *RootArgs, iArgs *InstallArgs, logOpts *log.Options) *cobra.Command {
ic := &cobra.Command{
Use: "install",
Short: "Applies an Istio manifest, installing or reconfiguring Istio on a cluster.",
Long: "The install command generates an Istio install manifest and applies it to a cluster.",
Aliases: []string{"apply"},
// nolint: lll
Example: ` # Apply a default Istio installation
istioctl install
# Enable Tracing
istioctl install --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true
# Generate the demo profile and don't wait for confirmation
istioctl install --set profile=demo --skip-confirmation
# To override a setting that includes dots, escape them with a backslash (\). Your shell may require enclosing quotes.
istioctl install --set "values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.injectedAnnotations.container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/istio-proxy=runtime/default"
# For setting boolean-string option, it should be enclosed quotes and escaped with a backslash (\).
istioctl install --set meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.PROXY_XDS_VIA_AGENT=\"false\"
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0),
PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(iArgs.Revision) && cmd.PersistentFlags().Changed("revision") {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid revision specified: %v", iArgs.Revision)
return nil
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
l := clog.NewConsoleLogger(cmd.OutOrStdout(), cmd.ErrOrStderr(), installerScope)
p := NewPrinterForWriter(cmd.OutOrStderr())
return Install(rootArgs, iArgs, logOpts, cmd.OutOrStdout(), l, p)
addFlags(ic, rootArgs)
addInstallFlags(ic, iArgs)
return ic
// InstallCmd generates an Istio install manifest and applies it to a cluster
func InstallCmd(logOpts *log.Options) *cobra.Command {
return InstallCmdWithArgs(&RootArgs{}, &InstallArgs{}, logOpts)
func Install(rootArgs *RootArgs, iArgs *InstallArgs, logOpts *log.Options, stdOut io.Writer, l clog.Logger, p Printer) error {
kubeClient, client, err := KubernetesClients(iArgs.KubeConfigPath, iArgs.Context, l)
if err != nil {
return err
tag, err := GetTagVersion(operatorVer.OperatorVersionString)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fetch Istio version: %v", err)
setFlags := applyFlagAliases(iArgs.Set, iArgs.ManifestsPath, iArgs.Revision)
_, iop, err := manifest.GenerateConfig(iArgs.InFilenames, setFlags, iArgs.Force, kubeClient, l)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("generate config: %v", err)
profile, ns, enabledComponents, err := getProfileNSAndEnabledComponents(iop)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get profile, namespace or enabled components: %v", err)
// Ignore the err because we don't want to show
// "no running Istio pods in dubbo-system" for the first time
_ = detectIstioVersionDiff(p, tag, ns, kubeClient, setFlags)
// Warn users if they use `istioctl install` without any config args.
if !rootArgs.DryRun && !iArgs.SkipConfirmation {
prompt := fmt.Sprintf("This will install the Istio %s %s profile with %q components into the cluster. Proceed? (y/N)", tag, profile, enabledComponents)
if profile == "empty" {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("This will install the Istio %s %s profile into the cluster. Proceed? (y/N)", tag, profile)
if !confirm(prompt, stdOut) {
if err := configLogs(logOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not configure logs: %s", err)
// Detect whether previous installation exists prior to performing the installation.
exists := revtag.PreviousInstallExists(context.Background(), kubeClient)
pilotEnabled := iop.Spec.Components.Pilot != nil && iop.Spec.Components.Pilot.Enabled.Value
rev := iop.Spec.Revision
if rev == "" && pilotEnabled {
_ = revtag.DeleteTagWebhooks(context.Background(), kubeClient, revtag.DefaultRevisionName)
iop, err = InstallManifests(iop, iArgs.Force, rootArgs.DryRun, kubeClient, client, iArgs.ReadinessTimeout, l)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to install manifests: %v", err)
if !exists || rev == "" && pilotEnabled {
p.Println("Making this installation the default for injection and validation.")
if rev == "" {
rev = revtag.DefaultRevisionName
autoInjectNamespaces := validateEnableNamespacesByDefault(iop)
o := &revtag.GenerateOptions{
Tag: revtag.DefaultRevisionName,
Revision: rev,
Overwrite: true,
AutoInjectNamespaces: autoInjectNamespaces,
// If tag cannot be created could be remote cluster install, don't fail out.
tagManifests, err := revtag.Generate(context.Background(), kubeClient, o, ns)
if err == nil {
err = revtag.Create(kubeClient, tagManifests)
if err != nil {
return err
if iArgs.Verify {
if rootArgs.DryRun {
l.LogAndPrint("Control plane health check is not applicable in dry-run mode")
return nil
l.LogAndPrint("\n\nVerifying installation:")
installationVerifier, err := verifier.NewStatusVerifier(iop.Namespace, iArgs.ManifestsPath, iArgs.KubeConfigPath,
iArgs.Context, iArgs.InFilenames, clioptions.ControlPlaneOptions{Revision: iop.Spec.Revision},
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup verifier: %v", err)
if err := installationVerifier.Verify(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("verification failed with the following error: %v", err)
if !rootArgs.DryRun {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(stdOut, "\nThank you for installing Istio 1.14. Please take a few minutes to "+
"tell us about your install/upgrade experience!")
return nil
// InstallManifests generates manifests from the given istiooperator instance and applies them to the
// cluster. See GenManifests for more description of the manifest generation process.
// force validation warnings are written to logger but command is not aborted
// DryRun all operations are done but nothing is written
// Returns final IstioOperator after installation if successful.
func InstallManifests(iop *v1alpha12.IstioOperator, force bool, dryRun bool, kubeClient kube.Client, client client.Client,
waitTimeout time.Duration, l clog.Logger) (*v1alpha12.IstioOperator, error) {
// Needed in case we are running a test through this path that doesn't start a new process.
opts := &helmreconciler.Options{
DryRun: dryRun, Log: l, WaitTimeout: waitTimeout, ProgressLog: progress.NewLog(),
Force: force,
reconciler, err := helmreconciler.NewHelmReconciler(client, kubeClient, iop, opts)
if err != nil {
return iop, err
status, err := reconciler.Reconcile()
if err != nil {
return iop, fmt.Errorf("errors occurred during operation: %v", err)
if status.Status != v1alpha1.InstallStatus_HEALTHY {
return iop, fmt.Errorf("errors occurred during operation")
// Save a copy of what was installed as a CR in the cluster under an internal name.
iop.Name = savedIOPName(iop)
if iop.Annotations == nil {
iop.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
iop.Annotations[istiocontrolplane.IgnoreReconcileAnnotation] = "true"
iopStr, err := yaml.Marshal(iop)
if err != nil {
return iop, err
return iop, saveIOPToCluster(reconciler, string(iopStr))
func savedIOPName(iop *v1alpha12.IstioOperator) string {
ret := name.InstalledSpecCRPrefix
if iop.Name != "" {
ret += "-" + iop.Name
if iop.Spec.Revision != "" {
ret += "-" + iop.Spec.Revision
return ret
// detectIstioVersionDiff will show warning if istioctl version and control plane version are different
// nolint: interfacer
func detectIstioVersionDiff(p Printer, tag string, ns string, kubeClient kube.ExtendedClient, setFlags []string) error {
warnMarker := color.New(color.FgYellow).Add(color.Italic).Sprint("WARNING:")
icps, err := kubeClient.GetIstioVersions(context.TODO(), ns)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(*icps) != 0 {
var icpTags []string
var icpTag string
// create normalized tags for multiple control plane revisions
for _, icp := range *icps {
tagVer, err := GetTagVersion(icp.Info.GitTag)
if err != nil {
return err
icpTags = append(icpTags, tagVer)
// sort different versions of control plane revsions
// capture latest revision installed for comparison
for _, val := range icpTags {
if val != "" {
icpTag = val
revision := manifest.GetValueForSetFlag(setFlags, "revision")
msg := ""
// when the revision is not passed and if the ns has a prior istio
if revision == "" && tag != icpTag {
if icpTag < tag {
msg = "A newer"
} else {
msg = "An older"
p.Printf("%s Istio control planes installed: %s.\n"+
"%s "+msg+" installed version of Istio has been detected. Running this command will overwrite it.\n", warnMarker, strings.Join(icpTags, ", "), warnMarker)
// when the revision is passed
if icpTag != "" && tag != icpTag && revision != "" {
if icpTag < tag {
p.Printf("%s Istio is being upgraded from %s -> %s.\n"+
"%s Before upgrading, you may wish to use 'istioctl analyze' to check for "+
"IST0002 and IST0135 deprecation warnings.\n", warnMarker, icpTag, tag, warnMarker)
} else {
p.Printf("%s Istio is being downgraded from %s -> %s.\n", warnMarker, icpTag, tag)
return nil
// GetTagVersion returns istio tag version
func GetTagVersion(tagInfo string) (string, error) {
if pkgversion.IsVersionString(tagInfo) {
tagInfo = pkgversion.TagToVersionStringGrace(tagInfo)
tag, err := pkgversion.NewVersionFromString(tagInfo)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return tag.String(), nil
// getProfileNSAndEnabledComponents get the profile and all the enabled components
// from the given input files and --set flag overlays.
func getProfileNSAndEnabledComponents(iop *v1alpha12.IstioOperator) (string, string, []string, error) {
var enabledComponents []string
if iop.Spec.Components != nil {
for _, c := range name.AllCoreComponentNames {
enabled, err := translate.IsComponentEnabledInSpec(c, iop.Spec)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to check if component: %s is enabled or not: %v", string(c), err)
if enabled {
enabledComponents = append(enabledComponents, name.UserFacingComponentName(c))
for _, c := range iop.Spec.Components.IngressGateways {
if c.Enabled.GetValue() {
enabledComponents = append(enabledComponents, name.UserFacingComponentName(name.IngressComponentName))
for _, c := range iop.Spec.Components.EgressGateways {
if c.Enabled.GetValue() {
enabledComponents = append(enabledComponents, name.UserFacingComponentName(name.EgressComponentName))
if configuredNamespace := v1alpha12.Namespace(iop.Spec); configuredNamespace != "" {
return iop.Spec.Profile, configuredNamespace, enabledComponents, nil
return iop.Spec.Profile, name.IstioDefaultNamespace, enabledComponents, nil
// validateEnableNamespacesByDefault checks whether there is .Values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.enableNamespacesByDefault set in the Istio Operator.
// Should be used in installer when deciding whether to enable an automatic sidecar injection in all namespaces.
func validateEnableNamespacesByDefault(iop *v1alpha12.IstioOperator) bool {
if iop == nil || iop.Spec == nil || iop.Spec.Values == nil {
return false
sidecarValues := iop.Spec.Values.AsMap()["sidecarInjectorWebhook"]
sidecarMap, ok := sidecarValues.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return false
autoInjectNamespaces, ok := sidecarMap["enableNamespacesByDefault"].(bool)
if !ok {
return false
return autoInjectNamespaces