blob: 20315949d0fa2aa754304ecafcfe8de34e28df09 [file] [log] [blame]
hub: apache
tag: latest
# ImagePullSecrets for operator ServiceAccount, list of secrets in the same namespace
# used to pull operator image. Must be set for any cluster configured with private docker registry.
imagePullSecrets: []
# Used to replace istioNamespace to support operator watch multiple namespaces.
watchedNamespaces: dubbo-system
waitForResourcesTimeout: 300s
# Used for helm2 to add the CRDs to templates.
enableCRDTemplates: false
# revision for the operator resources
revision: ""
# The number of old ReplicaSets to retain in operator deployment
deploymentHistory: 10
# Operator resource defaults
cpu: 200m
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 50m
memory: 128Mi
# Node labels for pod assignment
nodeSelector: {}
# Tolerations for pod assignment
tolerations: []
# Affinity for pod assignment
affinity: {}
# Additional labels and annotations to apply on the pod level for monitoring and logging configuration.
podLabels: {}
podAnnotations: {}