blob: 9946081dbca13028c6c807f38422c95469506cfa [file] [log] [blame]
hub: ""
tag: ""
image: install-cni
pullPolicy: ""
logLevel: info
# Configuration file to insert istio-cni plugin configuration
# by default this will be the first file found in the cni-conf-dir
# Example
# cniConfFileName: 10-calico.conflist
# CNI bin and conf dir override settings
# defaults:
cniBinDir: /opt/cni/bin
cniConfDir: /etc/cni/net.d
cniConfFileName: ""
- dubbo-system
- kube-system
# Custom annotations on pod level, if you need them
podAnnotations: {}
# If this value is set a RoleBinding will be created
# in the same namespace as the istio-cni DaemonSet is created.
# This can be used to bind a preexisting ClusterRole to the istio/cni ServiceAccount
# e.g. if you use PodSecurityPolicies
psp_cluster_role: ""
# Deploy the config files as plugin chain (value "true") or as standalone files in the conf dir (value "false")?
# Some k8s flavors (e.g. OpenShift) do not support the chain approach, set to false if this is the case
chained: true
# Allow the istio-cni container to run in privileged mode, needed for some platforms (e.g. OpenShift)
privileged: false
enabled: true
hub: ""
tag: ""
labelPods: true
deletePods: true
initContainerName: "istio-validation"
brokenPodLabelKey: ""
brokenPodLabelValue: "true"
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi
# Experimental taint controller for further race condition mitigation
enabled: false
enabled: false
pods: 5000
# Revision is set as 'version' label and part of the resource names when installing multiple control planes.
revision: ""
# For Helm compatibility.
ownerName: ""
# Default hub for Istio images.
# Releases are published to docker hub under 'istio' project.
# Dev builds from prow are on
hub: apache
# Default tag for Istio images.
tag: latest
# Specify image pull policy if default behavior isn't desired.
# Default behavior: latest images will be Always else IfNotPresent.
imagePullPolicy: ""
# ImagePullSecrets for all ServiceAccount, list of secrets in the same namespace
# to use for pulling any images in pods that reference this ServiceAccount.
# For components that don't use ServiceAccounts (i.e. grafana, servicegraph, tracing)
# ImagePullSecrets will be added to the corresponding Deployment(StatefulSet) objects.
# Must be set for any cluster configured with private docker registry.
imagePullSecrets: []
# - private-registry-key
# Default resources allocated
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi