blob: 704cd2b4838f8b75757426e07077093f1cf93d17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
import (
type execTestCase struct {
execClientConfig map[string][]byte
args []string
// Typically use one of the three
expectedOutput string // Expected constant output
expectedString string // String output is expected to contain
goldenFilename string // Expected output stored in golden file
wantException bool
func TestProxyConfig(t *testing.T) {
loggingConfig := map[string][]byte{
"details-v1-5b7f94f9bc-wp5tb": util.ReadFile(t, "../pkg/writer/envoy/logging/testdata/logging.txt"),
"httpbin-794b576b6c-qx6pf": []byte("{}"),
cases := []execTestCase{
args: strings.Split("proxy-config", " "),
expectedString: "A group of commands used to retrieve information about",
{ // short name 'pc'
args: strings.Split("pc", " "),
expectedString: "A group of commands used to retrieve information about",
{ // clusters invalid
args: strings.Split("proxy-config clusters invalid", " "),
expectedString: "unable to retrieve Pod: pods \"invalid\" not found",
wantException: true, // "istioctl proxy-config clusters invalid" should fail
{ // listeners invalid
args: strings.Split("proxy-config listeners invalid", " "),
expectedString: "unable to retrieve Pod: pods \"invalid\" not found",
wantException: true, // "istioctl proxy-config listeners invalid" should fail
{ // logging empty
args: strings.Split("proxy-config log", " "),
expectedString: "Error: log requires pod name or --selector",
wantException: true, // "istioctl proxy-config logging empty" should fail
{ // logging invalid
args: strings.Split("proxy-config log invalid", " "),
expectedString: "unable to retrieve Pod: pods \"invalid\" not found",
wantException: true, // "istioctl proxy-config logging invalid" should fail
{ // logging level invalid
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("proxy-config log details-v1-5b7f94f9bc-wp5tb --level xxx", " "),
expectedString: "unrecognized logging level: xxx",
wantException: true,
{ // logger name invalid
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("proxy-config log details-v1-5b7f94f9bc-wp5tb --level xxx:debug", " "),
expectedString: "unrecognized logger name: xxx",
wantException: true,
{ // logger name valid, but logging level invalid
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("proxy-config log details-v1-5b7f94f9bc-wp5tb --level http:yyy", " "),
expectedString: "unrecognized logging level: yyy",
wantException: true,
{ // both logger name and logging level invalid
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("proxy-config log details-v1-5b7f94f9bc-wp5tb --level xxx:yyy", " "),
expectedString: "unrecognized logger name: xxx",
wantException: true,
{ // routes invalid
args: strings.Split("proxy-config routes invalid", " "),
expectedString: "unable to retrieve Pod: pods \"invalid\" not found",
wantException: true, // "istioctl proxy-config routes invalid" should fail
{ // bootstrap invalid
args: strings.Split("proxy-config bootstrap invalid", " "),
expectedString: "unable to retrieve Pod: pods \"invalid\" not found",
wantException: true, // "istioctl proxy-config bootstrap invalid" should fail
{ // secret invalid
args: strings.Split("proxy-config secret invalid", " "),
expectedString: "unable to retrieve Pod: pods \"invalid\" not found",
wantException: true, // "istioctl proxy-config secret invalid" should fail
{ // endpoint invalid
args: strings.Split("proxy-config endpoint invalid", " "),
expectedString: "unable to retrieve Pod: pods \"invalid\" not found",
wantException: true, // "istioctl proxy-config endpoint invalid" should fail
{ // supplying nonexistent deployment name should result in error
args: strings.Split("proxy-config clusters deployment/random-gibberish", " "),
expectedString: `"deployment/random-gibberish" does not refer to a pod`,
wantException: true,
{ // supplying nonexistent deployment name in nonexistent namespace
args: strings.Split("proxy-config endpoint deployment/random-gibberish.bogus", " "),
expectedString: `"deployment/random-gibberish" does not refer to a pod`,
wantException: true,
{ // supplying type that doesn't select pods should fail
args: strings.Split("proxy-config listeners serviceaccount/sleep", " "),
expectedString: `"serviceaccount/sleep" does not refer to a pod`,
wantException: true,
{ // supplying valid pod name retrieves Envoy config (fails because we don't check in Envoy config unit tests)
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("pc clusters httpbin-794b576b6c-qx6pf", " "),
expectedString: `config dump has no configuration type`,
wantException: true,
{ // supplying valid pod name retrieves Envoy config (fails because we don't check in Envoy config unit tests)
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("pc bootstrap httpbin-794b576b6c-qx6pf", " "),
expectedString: `config dump has no configuration type`,
wantException: true,
{ // supplying valid pod name retrieves Envoy config (fails because we don't check in Envoy config unit tests)
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("pc endpoint httpbin-794b576b6c-qx6pf", " "),
wantException: false,
{ // supplying valid pod name retrieves Envoy config (fails because we don't check in Envoy config unit tests)
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("pc listener httpbin-794b576b6c-qx6pf", " "),
expectedString: `config dump has no configuration type`,
wantException: true,
{ // supplying valid pod name retrieves Envoy config (fails because we don't check in Envoy config unit tests)
execClientConfig: loggingConfig,
args: strings.Split("pc route httpbin-794b576b6c-qx6pf", " "),
expectedString: `config dump has no configuration type`,
wantException: true,
for i, c := range cases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("case %d %s", i, strings.Join(c.args, " ")), func(t *testing.T) {
verifyExecTestOutput(t, c)
func verifyExecTestOutput(t *testing.T, c execTestCase) {
// Override the exec client factory used by proxyconfig.go and proxystatus.go
kubeClientWithRevision = mockClientExecFactoryGenerator(c.execClientConfig)
kubeClient = mockEnvoyClientFactoryGenerator(c.execClientConfig)
var out bytes.Buffer
rootCmd := GetRootCmd(c.args)
fErr := rootCmd.Execute()
output := out.String()
if c.expectedOutput != "" && c.expectedOutput != output {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected output for 'istioctl %s'\n got: %q\nwant: %q", strings.Join(c.args, " "), output, c.expectedOutput)
if c.expectedString != "" && !strings.Contains(output, c.expectedString) {
t.Fatalf("Output didn't match for 'istioctl %s'\n got %v\nwant: %v", strings.Join(c.args, " "), output, c.expectedString)
if c.goldenFilename != "" {
util.CompareContent(t, []byte(output), c.goldenFilename)
if c.wantException {
if fErr == nil {
t.Fatalf("Wanted an exception for 'istioctl %s', didn't get one, output was %q",
strings.Join(c.args, " "), output)
} else {
if fErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unwanted exception for 'istioctl %s': %v", strings.Join(c.args, " "), fErr)
// mockClientExecFactoryGenerator generates a function with the same signature as
// kubernetes.NewExecClient() that returns a mock client.
// nolint: lll
func mockClientExecFactoryGenerator(testResults map[string][]byte) func(kubeconfig, configContext string, _ string) (kube.ExtendedClient, error) {
outFactory := func(_, _ string, _ string) (kube.ExtendedClient, error) {
return kube.MockClient{
Results: testResults,
}, nil
return outFactory
func mockEnvoyClientFactoryGenerator(testResults map[string][]byte) func(kubeconfig, configContext string) (kube.ExtendedClient, error) {
outFactory := func(_, _ string) (kube.ExtendedClient, error) {
return kube.MockClient{
Results: testResults,
}, nil
return outFactory