remark dingding notification
diff --git a/.github/workflows/github-actions.yml b/.github/workflows/github-actions.yml
index c74669a..458aefa 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/github-actions.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/github-actions.yml
@@ -84,43 +84,43 @@
     - name: Hello world
       run: echo Hello world ${{ secrets.DING_TOKEN }} ${{ secrets.DING_SIGN }}
-      # Because the contexts of push and PR are different, there are two Notify.
-      # Notifications are triggered only in the apache/dubbo-go-hessian2 repository.
-    - name: DingTalk Message Notify only Push
-      uses: zcong1993/actions-ding@v3.0.1
-      # Whether job is successful or not, always () is always true.
-      if: |
-        always() &&
-        github.event_name == 'push' &&
-        github.repository == 'apache/dubbo-go-hessian2'
-      with:
-        # DingDing bot token
-        dingToken: ${{ env.DING_TOKEN }}
-        secret: ${{ env.DING_SIGN }}
-        # Post Body to send
-        body: |
-          {
-            "msgtype": "markdown",
-            "markdown": {
-                "title": "Github Actions",
-                "text": "## Github Actions \n - name: CI \n - repository: ${{ github.repository }} \n - trigger: ${{ }} \n - event: ${{ github.event_name }} \n - ref: ${{ github.ref }} \n - status: [${{ job.status	}}](${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}) \n - environment: ${{ runner.os }} \n > SHA: [${{ github.sha }}](${{ }})"
-            }
-          }
-    - name: DingTalk Message Notify only PR
-      uses: zcong1993/actions-ding@v3.0.1
-      if: |
-        always() &&
-        github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
-        github.repository == 'apache/dubbo-go-hessian2'
-      with:
-        dingToken: ${{ env.DING_TOKEN }}
-        secret: ${{ env.DING_SIGN }}
-        body: |
-          {
-            "msgtype": "markdown",
-            "markdown": {
-                "title": "Github Actions",
-                "text": "## Github Actions \n - name: CI \n - repository: ${{ github.repository }} \n - pr_title: **${{ github.event.pull_request.title }}** \n - trigger: ${{ }} \n - event: ${{ github.event_name }} \n - ref: [${{ github.ref }}](${{ github.event.pull_request._links.html.href }}) \n - status: [${{ job.status	}}](${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}) \n - environment: ${{ runner.os }} \n > SHA: [${{ github.sha }}](${{ github.event.pull_request._links.html.href }})"
-            }
-          }
+      #      # Because the contexts of push and PR are different, there are two Notify.
+      #      # Notifications are triggered only in the apache/dubbo-go-hessian2 repository.
+      #    - name: DingTalk Message Notify only Push
+      #      uses: zcong1993/actions-ding@v3.0.1
+      #      # Whether job is successful or not, always () is always true.
+      #      if: |
+      #        always() &&
+      #        github.event_name == 'push' &&
+      #        github.repository == 'apache/dubbo-go-hessian2'
+      #      with:
+      #        # DingDing bot token
+      #        dingToken: ${{ env.DING_TOKEN }}
+      #        secret: ${{ env.DING_SIGN }}
+      #        # Post Body to send
+      #        body: |
+      #          {
+      #            "msgtype": "markdown",
+      #            "markdown": {
+      #                "title": "Github Actions",
+      #                "text": "## Github Actions \n - name: CI \n - repository: ${{ github.repository }} \n - trigger: ${{ }} \n - event: ${{ github.event_name }} \n - ref: ${{ github.ref }} \n - status: [${{ job.status	}}](${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}) \n - environment: ${{ runner.os }} \n > SHA: [${{ github.sha }}](${{ }})"
+      #            }
+      #          }
+      #
+      #    - name: DingTalk Message Notify only PR
+      #      uses: zcong1993/actions-ding@v3.0.1
+      #      if: |
+      #        always() &&
+      #        github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
+      #        github.repository == 'apache/dubbo-go-hessian2'
+      #      with:
+      #        dingToken: ${{ env.DING_TOKEN }}
+      #        secret: ${{ env.DING_SIGN }}
+      #        body: |
+      #          {
+      #            "msgtype": "markdown",
+      #            "markdown": {
+      #                "title": "Github Actions",
+      #                "text": "## Github Actions \n - name: CI \n - repository: ${{ github.repository }} \n - pr_title: **${{ github.event.pull_request.title }}** \n - trigger: ${{ }} \n - event: ${{ github.event_name }} \n - ref: [${{ github.ref }}](${{ github.event.pull_request._links.html.href }}) \n - status: [${{ job.status	}}](${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}) \n - environment: ${{ runner.os }} \n > SHA: [${{ github.sha }}](${{ github.event.pull_request._links.html.href }})"
+      #            }
+      #          }