blob: bf11633705e4e6db9d58b039f540f3c85d22b53e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package hessian
import (
import (
perrors ""
// invalid consts
const (
InvalidJavaEnum JavaEnum = -1
// struct filed tag of hessian
var tagIdentifier = "hessian"
// SetTagIdentifier for customize struct filed tag of hessian, your can use it like:
// hessian.SetTagIdentifier("json")
// type MyUser struct {
// UserFullName string `json:"user_full_name"`
// FamilyPhoneNumber string // default convert to => familyPhoneNumber
// }
// var user MyUser
// hessian.NewEncoder().Encode(user)
func SetTagIdentifier(s string) { tagIdentifier = s }
// POJO interface
// !!! Pls attention that Every field name should be upper case.
// Otherwise the app may panic.
type POJO interface {
JavaClassName() string // got a go struct's Java Class package name which should be a POJO class.
// POJOEnum enum for POJO
type POJOEnum interface {
String() string
EnumValue(string) JavaEnum
// JavaEnum type
type JavaEnum int32
// JavaEnumClass struct
type JavaEnumClass struct {
name string
type classInfo struct {
javaName string
fieldNameList []string
buffer []byte // encoded buffer
type structInfo struct {
typ reflect.Type
goName string
javaName string
index int // classInfoList index
inst interface{}
// POJORegistry pojo registry struct
type POJORegistry struct {
classInfoList []classInfo // {class name, field name list...} list
j2g map[string]string // java class name --> go struct name
registry map[string]structInfo // go class name --> go struct info
var (
pojoRegistry = POJORegistry{
j2g: make(map[string]string),
registry: make(map[string]structInfo),
pojoType = reflect.TypeOf((*POJO)(nil)).Elem()
javaEnumType = reflect.TypeOf((*POJOEnum)(nil)).Elem()
// struct parsing
func showPOJORegistry() {
for k, v := range pojoRegistry.registry {
fmt.Println("-->> show Registered types <<----")
fmt.Println(k, v)
// RegisterPOJO Register a POJO instance. The return value is -1 if @o has been registered.
func RegisterPOJO(o POJO) int {
// # definition for an object (compact map)
// class-def ::= 'C' string int string*
defer pojoRegistry.Unlock()
if goName, ok := pojoRegistry.j2g[o.JavaClassName()]; ok {
return pojoRegistry.registry[goName].index
// JavaClassName shouldn't equal to goName
if _, ok := pojoRegistry.registry[o.JavaClassName()]; ok {
return -1
var (
bHeader []byte
bBody []byte
fieldList []string
structInfo structInfo
clsDef classInfo
structInfo.typ = obtainValueType(o)
structInfo.goName = structInfo.typ.String()
structInfo.javaName = o.JavaClassName()
structInfo.inst = o
pojoRegistry.j2g[structInfo.javaName] = structInfo.goName
registerTypeName(structInfo.goName, structInfo.javaName)
// prepare fields info of objectDef
nextStruct := []reflect.Type{structInfo.typ}
for len(nextStruct) > 0 {
current := nextStruct[0]
for i := 0; i < current.NumField(); i++ {
// skip unexported anonymous filed
if current.Field(i).PkgPath != "" {
structField := current.Field(i)
// skip ignored field
tagVal, hasTag := structField.Tag.Lookup(tagIdentifier)
if tagVal == `-` {
// flat anonymous field
if structField.Anonymous && structField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
nextStruct = append(nextStruct, structField.Type)
var fieldName string
if hasTag {
fieldName = tagVal
} else {
fieldName = lowerCamelCase(structField.Name)
fieldList = append(fieldList, fieldName)
bBody = encString(bBody, fieldName)
nextStruct = nextStruct[1:]
// prepare header of objectDef
bHeader = encByte(bHeader, BC_OBJECT_DEF)
bHeader = encString(bHeader, structInfo.javaName)
// write fields length into header of objectDef
// note: cause fieldList is a dynamic slice, so one must calculate length only after it being prepared already.
bHeader = encInt32(bHeader, int32(len(fieldList)))
// prepare classDef
clsDef = classInfo{javaName: structInfo.javaName, fieldNameList: fieldList}
// merge header and body of objectDef into buffer of classInfo
clsDef.buffer = append(bHeader, bBody...)
structInfo.index = len(pojoRegistry.classInfoList)
pojoRegistry.classInfoList = append(pojoRegistry.classInfoList, clsDef)
pojoRegistry.registry[structInfo.goName] = structInfo
return structInfo.index
// UnRegisterPOJOs unregister POJO instances. It is easy for test.
func UnRegisterPOJOs(os ...POJO) []int {
arr := make([]int, len(os))
for i := range os {
arr[i] = unRegisterPOJO(os[i])
return arr
func unRegisterPOJO(o POJO) int {
defer pojoRegistry.Unlock()
goName := obtainValueType(o).String()
if structInfo, ok := pojoRegistry.registry[goName]; ok {
delete(pojoRegistry.j2g, structInfo.javaName)
// remove registry cache.
delete(pojoRegistry.registry, structInfo.goName)
// don't remove registry classInfoList,
// indexes of registered pojo may be affected.
return structInfo.index
return -1
func obtainValueType(o POJO) reflect.Type {
v := reflect.ValueOf(o)
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
return v.Type()
case reflect.Ptr:
return v.Elem().Type()
return reflect.TypeOf(o)
// RegisterPOJOs register a POJO instance arr @os. The return value is @os's
// mathching index array, in which "-1" means its matching POJO has been registered.
func RegisterPOJOs(os ...POJO) []int {
arr := make([]int, len(os))
for i := range os {
arr[i] = RegisterPOJO(os[i])
return arr
// RegisterJavaEnum Register a value type JavaEnum variable.
func RegisterJavaEnum(o POJOEnum) int {
var (
ok bool
b []byte
i int
n int
f string
l []string
t structInfo
c classInfo
v reflect.Value
defer pojoRegistry.Unlock()
if _, ok = pojoRegistry.registry[o.JavaClassName()]; !ok {
v = reflect.ValueOf(o)
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
t.typ = v.Type()
case reflect.Ptr:
t.typ = v.Elem().Type()
t.typ = reflect.TypeOf(o)
t.goName = t.typ.String()
t.javaName = o.JavaClassName()
t.inst = o
pojoRegistry.j2g[t.javaName] = t.goName
b = b[:0]
b = encByte(b, BC_OBJECT_DEF)
b = encString(b, t.javaName)
l = l[:0]
n = 1
b = encInt32(b, int32(n))
f = strings.ToLower("name")
l = append(l, f)
b = encString(b, f)
c = classInfo{javaName: t.javaName, fieldNameList: l}
c.buffer = append(c.buffer, b[:]...)
t.index = len(pojoRegistry.classInfoList)
pojoRegistry.classInfoList = append(pojoRegistry.classInfoList, c)
pojoRegistry.registry[t.goName] = t
i = t.index
} else {
i = -1
return i
// check if go struct name @goName has been registered or not.
func checkPOJORegistry(goName string) (int, bool) {
var (
ok bool
s structInfo
s, ok = pojoRegistry.registry[goName]
return s.index, ok
// @typeName is class's java name
func getStructInfo(javaName string) (structInfo, bool) {
var (
ok bool
g string
s structInfo
g, ok = pojoRegistry.j2g[javaName]
if ok {
s, ok = pojoRegistry.registry[g]
return s, ok
func getStructDefByIndex(idx int) (reflect.Type, classInfo, error) {
var (
ok bool
clsName string
cls classInfo
s structInfo
defer pojoRegistry.RUnlock()
if len(pojoRegistry.classInfoList) <= idx || idx < 0 {
return nil, cls, perrors.Errorf("illegal class index @idx %d", idx)
cls = pojoRegistry.classInfoList[idx]
clsName, ok = pojoRegistry.j2g[cls.javaName]
if !ok {
return nil, cls, perrors.Errorf("can not find java type name %s in registry", cls.javaName)
s, ok = pojoRegistry.registry[clsName]
if !ok {
return nil, cls, perrors.Errorf("can not find go type name %s in registry", clsName)
return s.typ, cls, nil
// Create a new instance by its struct name is @goName.
// the return value is nil if @o has been registered.
func createInstance(goName string) interface{} {
var (
ok bool
s structInfo
s, ok = pojoRegistry.registry[goName]
if !ok {
return nil
return reflect.New(s.typ).Interface()
func lowerCamelCase(s string) string {
runes := []rune(s)
runes[0] = unicode.ToLower(runes[0])
return string(runes)