blob: b2d37c6c30ef8fc2c13b63b9ed71068b508a4c29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
service: 'Service',
serviceSearch: 'Search service name',
serviceGovernance: 'Service Governance',
routingRule: 'Condition Rule',
tagRule: 'Tag Rule',
meshRule: 'Mesh Rule',
dynamicConfig: 'Dynamic Config',
accessControl: 'Black White List',
weightAdjust: 'Weight Adjust',
loadBalance: 'Load Balance',
serviceTest: 'Service Test',
serviceMock: 'Service Mock',
serviceMetrics: 'Service Metrics',
serviceRelation: 'Service Relation',
metrics: 'Metrics',
relation: 'Relation',
group: 'Group',
serviceInfo: 'Service Info',
providers: 'Providers',
consumers: 'Consumers',
version: 'Version',
app: 'Application',
ip: 'IP',
qps: 'qps',
rt: 'rt',
successRate: 'success rate',
port: 'PORT',
timeout: 'timeout(ms)',
serialization: 'serialization',
appName: 'Application Name',
serviceName: 'Service Name',
registrySource: 'Registry Source',
instanceRegistry: 'Instance Registry',
interfaceRegistry: 'Interface Registry',
allRegistry: 'Instance / Interface Registry',
operation: 'Operation',
searchResult: 'Search Result',
search: 'Search',
methodName: 'Method Name',
enabled: 'Enabled',
disabled: 'Disabled',
method: 'Method',
weight: 'Weight',
create: 'CREATE',
save: 'SAVE',
cancel: 'CANCEL',
close: 'CLOSE',
confirm: 'CONFIRM',
ruleContent: 'RULE CONTENT',
createNewRoutingRule: 'Create New Routing Rule',
createNewTagRule: 'Create New Tag Rule',
createNewMeshRule: 'Create New Mesh Rule',
createNewDynamicConfigRule: 'Create New Dynamic Config Rule',
createNewWeightRule: 'Create New Weight Rule',
createNewLoadBalanceRule: 'Create new load balancing rule',
serviceIdHint: 'Service ID',
view: 'View',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
searchRoutingRule: 'Search Routing Rule',
searchAccess: 'Search Access Rule',
searchWeightRule: 'Search Weight Adjust Rule',
dataIdClassHint: 'Complete package path of service interface class',
dataIdVersionHint: 'The version of the service interface, which can be filled in according to the actual situation of the interface',
dataIdGroupHint: 'The group of the service interface, which can be filled in according to the actual situation of the interface',
agree: 'Agree',
disagree: 'Disagree',
searchDynamicConfig: 'Search Dynamic Config',
appNameHint: 'Application name the service belongs to',
basicInfo: 'BasicInfo',
metaData: 'MetaData',
methodMetrics: 'Method Statistics',
searchDubboService: 'Search Dubbo Services or applications',
serviceSearchHint: 'Service ID, org.apache.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService, * for all services',
ipSearchHint: 'Find all services provided by the target server on the specified IP address',
appSearchHint: 'Input an application name to find all services provided by one particular application, * for all',
searchTagRule: 'Search Tag Rule by application name',
searchMeshRule: 'Search Mesh Rule by application name',
searchSingleMetrics: 'Search Metrics by IP',
searchBalanceRule: 'Search Balancing Rule',
noMetadataHint: 'There is no metadata available, please update to Dubbo2.7, or check your config center configuration in, please check ',
parameterList: 'parameterList',
returnType: 'returnType',
here: 'here',
configAddress: '',
whiteList: 'White List',
whiteListHint: 'White list IP address, divided by comma:,',
blackList: 'Black List',
blackListHint: 'Black list IP address, divided by comma:,',
address: 'Address',
weightAddressHint: 'IP addresses to set this weight, divided by comma:,',
weightHint: 'weight value, default is 100',
methodHint: 'choose method of load balancing, * for all methods',
strategy: 'Strategy',
balanceStrategyHint: 'load balancing strategy',
goIndex: 'Go To Index',
releaseLater: 'will release later',
later: {
metrics: 'Metrics will release later',
serviceTest: 'Service Test will release later',
serviceMock: 'Service Mock will release later'
by: 'by ',
$vuetify: {
dataIterator: {
rowsPerPageText: 'Items per page:',
rowsPerPageAll: 'All',
pageText: '{0}-{1} of {2}',
noResultsText: 'No matching records found',
nextPage: 'Next page',
prevPage: 'Previous page'
dataTable: {
rowsPerPageText: 'Rows per page:'
noDataText: 'No data available'
configManage: 'Configuration Management',
configCenterAddress: 'ConfigCenter Address',
searchDubboConfig: 'Search Dubbo Config',
createNewDubboConfig: 'Create New Dubbo Config',
scope: 'Scope',
name: 'Name',
warnDeleteConfig: ' Are you sure to Delete Dubbo Config: ',
warnDeleteRouteRule: 'Are you sure to Delete routing rule',
warnDeleteDynamicConfig: 'Are you sure to Delete dynamic config',
warnDeleteBalancing: 'Are you sure to Delete load balancing',
warnDeleteAccessControl: 'Are you sure to Delete access control',
warnDeleteTagRule: 'Are you sure to Delete tag rule',
warnDeleteMeshRule: 'Are you sure to Delete mesh rule',
warnDeleteWeightAdjust: 'Are you sure to Delete weight adjust',
configNameHint: "Application name the config belongs to, use 'global'(without quotes) for global config",
configContent: 'Config Content',
testMethod: 'Test Method',
selectProvider: 'Select provider, default load balancing policy',
execute: 'EXECUTE',
result: 'Result: ',
success: 'SUCCESS',
fail: 'FAIL',
detail: 'Detail',
more: 'More',
copyUrl: 'Copy URL',
copy: 'Copy',
url: 'URL',
copySuccessfully: 'Copied',
test: 'Test',
placeholders: {
searchService: 'Search by service name'
methods: 'Methods',
testModule: {
searchServiceHint: 'Entire service ID, org.apache.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService, press Enter to search'
userName: 'User Name',
password: 'Password',
login: 'Login',
apiDocs: 'API Docs',
apiDocsRes: {
dubboProviderIP: 'Dubbo Provider Ip',
dubboProviderPort: 'Dubbo Provider Port',
loadApiList: 'Load Api List',
apiListText: 'Api List',
apiForm: {
missingInterfaceInfo: 'Missing interface information',
getApiInfoErr: 'Exception in obtaining interface information',
api404Err: 'Interface name is incorrect, interface parameters and response information are not found',
apiRespDecShowLabel: 'Response Description',
apiNameShowLabel: 'Api Name',
apiPathShowLabel: 'Api Path',
apiMethodParamInfoLabel: 'Api method parameters',
apiVersionShowLabel: 'Api Version',
apiGroupShowLabel: 'Api Group',
apiDescriptionShowLabel: 'Api Description',
isAsyncFormLabel: 'Whether to call asynchronously (this parameter cannot be modified, according to whether to display asynchronously defined by the interface)',
apiModuleFormLabel: 'Api module (this parameter cannot be modified)',
apiFunctionNameFormLabel: 'Api function name(this parameter cannot be modified)',
registryCenterUrlFormLabel: 'Registry address. If it is empty, Dubbo provider IP and port will be used for direct connection',
paramNameLabel: 'Parameter name',
paramPathLabel: 'Parameter path',
paramDescriptionLabel: 'Description',
paramRequiredLabel: 'This parameter is required',
doTestBtn: 'Do Test',
responseLabel: 'Response',
responseExampleLabel: 'Response Example',
apiResponseLabel: 'Api Response',
LoadingLabel: 'Loading...',
requireTip: 'There are required items not filled in',
requireItemTip: 'This field is required',
requestApiErrorTip: 'There is an exception in the request interface. Please check the submitted data, especially the JSON class data and the enumeration part',
unsupportedHtmlTypeTip: 'Temporarily unsupported form type',
none: 'none'
authFailed: 'Authorized failed,please login.',
ruleList: 'Rule List',
mockRule: 'Mock Rule',
mockData: 'Mock Data',
globalDisable: 'Global Disable',
globalEnable: 'Global Enable',
saveRuleSuccess: 'Save Rule Successfully',
deleteRuleSuccess: 'Delete Rule Successfully',
disableRuleSuccess: 'Disable Rule Successfully',
enableRuleSuccess: 'Enable Rule Successfully',
methodNameHint: 'The method name of Service',
createMockRule: 'Create Mock Rule',
editMockRule: 'Edit Mock Rule',
deleteRuleTitle: 'Are you sure to delete this mock rule?'