blob: 943273620a6426db16f01f0f84ed3ab7e532716e [file] [log] [blame]
// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// *
// *
// *
// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// * limitations under the License.
// */
//package org.apache.dubbo.admin.web.mvc.governance;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.governance.service.ConsumerService;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.governance.service.OwnerService;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.governance.service.ProviderService;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.governance.service.RouteService;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.registry.common.domain.Route;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.registry.common.route.ParseUtils;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.registry.common.route.RouteRule;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.web.mvc.BaseController;
//import org.apache.dubbo.admin.web.pulltool.Tool;
//import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
//import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
//import org.springframework.ui.Model;
//import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
//import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
//import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
//import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
//import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
//import java.text.ParseException;
//import java.util.*;
// * ProvidersController.
// * URI: /services/$service/routes
// *
// */
//public class RoutesController extends BaseController {
// private static final int MAX_RULE_LENGTH = 1000;
// static String[][] when_names = {
// {"method", "method", "unmethod"},
// {"consumer.application", "consumerApplication", "unconsumerApplication"},
// {"consumer.cluster", "consumerCluster", "unconsumerCluster"},
// {"", "consumerHost", "unconsumerHost"},
// {"consumer.version", "consumerVersion", "unconsumerVersion"},
// {"", "consumerGroup", "unconsumerGroup"},
// };
// static String[][] then_names = {
// {"provider.application", "providerApplication", "unproviderApplication"},
// {"provider.cluster", "providerCluster", "unproviderCluster"}, // Must check if Cluster exists
// {"", "providerHost", "unproviderHost"},
// {"provider.protocol", "providerProtocol", "unproviderProtocol"},
// {"provider.port", "providerPort", "unproviderPort"},
// {"provider.version", "providerVersion", "unproviderVersion"},
// {"", "providerGroup", "unproviderGroup"}
// };
// @Autowired
// private RouteService routeService;
// @Autowired
// private ProviderService providerService;
// @Autowired
// private ConsumerService consumerService;
// static void checkService(String service) {
// if (service.contains(",")) throw new IllegalStateException("service(" + service + ") contain illegale ','");
// String interfaceName = service;
// int gi = interfaceName.indexOf("/");
// if (gi != -1) interfaceName = interfaceName.substring(gi + 1);
// int vi = interfaceName.indexOf(':');
// if (vi != -1) interfaceName = interfaceName.substring(0, vi);
// if (interfaceName.indexOf('*') != -1 && interfaceName.indexOf('*') != interfaceName.length() - 1) {
// throw new IllegalStateException("service(" + service + ") only allow 1 *, and must be last char!");
// }
// }
// /**
// * add owners related with service
// *
// * @param usernames the usernames to add
// * @param serviceName no wildcards
// */
// public static void addOwnersOfService(Set<String> usernames, String serviceName,
// OwnerService ownerDAO) {
// List<String> serviceNamePatterns = ownerDAO.findAllServiceNames();
// for (String p : serviceNamePatterns) {
// if (ParseUtils.isMatchGlobPattern(p, serviceName)) {
// List<String> list = ownerDAO.findUsernamesByServiceName(p);
// usernames.addAll(list);
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * add owners related with service pattern
// *
// * @param usernames the usernames to add
// * @param serviceNamePattern service pattern, Glob
// */
// public static void addOwnersOfServicePattern(Set<String> usernames, String serviceNamePattern,
// OwnerService ownerDAO) {
// List<String> serviceNamePatterns = ownerDAO.findAllServiceNames();
// for (String p : serviceNamePatterns) {
// if (ParseUtils.hasIntersection(p, serviceNamePattern)) {
// List<String> list = ownerDAO.findUsernamesByServiceName(p);
// usernames.addAll(list);
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Routing module home page
// *
// */
// @RequestMapping("")
// public String index(@RequestParam(required = false) String service,
// @RequestParam(required = false) String app,
// HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) {
// model.addAttribute("service", service);
// model.addAttribute("app", app);
// if (service != null) {
// model.addAttribute("methods", CollectionUtils.sort(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findMethodsByService(service))));
// } else {
// List<String> serviceList = Tool.sortSimpleName(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findServices()));
// model.addAttribute("serviceList", serviceList);
// }
// return "routingRules";
// }
// /**
// * Display routing details
// *
// */
// @RequestMapping("/detail")
// public String show(@RequestParam("id") Long id, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) {
// try {
// prepare(request, response, model, "show", "routes");
// Route route = routeService.findRoute(id);
// if (route == null) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("The route is not existed.");
// }
// if (route.getService() != null && !route.getService().isEmpty()) {
// model.addAttribute("service", route.getService());
// }
// RouteRule routeRule = RouteRule.parse(route);
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// Map<String, RouteRule.MatchPair>[] paramArray = new Map[]{
// routeRule.getWhenCondition(), routeRule.getThenCondition()};
// String[][][] namesArray = new String[][][]{when_names, then_names};
// for (int i = 0; i < paramArray.length; ++i) {
// Map<String, RouteRule.MatchPair> param = paramArray[i];
// String[][] names = namesArray[i];
// for (String[] name : names) {
// RouteRule.MatchPair matchPair = param.get(name[0]);
// if (matchPair == null) {
// continue;
// }
// if (!matchPair.getMatches().isEmpty()) {
// String m = RouteRule.join(matchPair.getMatches());
// model.addAttribute(name[1], m);
// }
// if (!matchPair.getUnmatches().isEmpty()) {
// String u = RouteRule.join(matchPair.getUnmatches());
// model.addAttribute(name[2], u);
// }
// }
// }
// model.addAttribute("route", route);
// model.addAttribute("methods", CollectionUtils.sort(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findMethodsByService(route.getService()))));
// } catch (ParseException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// return "governance/screen/routes/show";
// }
// /**
// * Load new route page
// *
// */
// @RequestMapping("/add")
// public String add(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) {
// prepare(request, response, model, "add", "routes");
// BindingAwareModelMap newModel = (BindingAwareModelMap)model;
// String service = (String)newModel.get("service");
// if (service != null && service.length() > 0 && !service.contains("*")) {
// model.addAttribute("service", service);
// model.addAttribute("methods", CollectionUtils.sort(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findMethodsByService(service))));
// } else {
// List<String> serviceList = Tool.sortSimpleName(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findServices()));
// model.addAttribute("serviceList", serviceList);
// }
// //if (input != null) model.addAttribute("input", input);
// return "governance/screen/routes/add";
// }
// /**
// * Load modified routing page
// *
// */
// @RequestMapping("/edit")
// public String edit(@RequestParam("id") Long id, @RequestParam(required = false) String service,
// @RequestParam(required = false) String input,
// HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) {
// prepare(request, response, model, "edit", "routes");
// if (service != null && service.length() > 0 && !service.contains("*")) {
// model.addAttribute("service", service);
// model.addAttribute("methods", CollectionUtils.sort(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findMethodsByService(service))));
// } else {
// List<String> serviceList = Tool.sortSimpleName(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findServices()));
// model.addAttribute("serviceList", serviceList);
// }
// if (input != null) model.addAttribute("input", input);
// Route route = routeService.findRoute(id);
// if (route == null) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("The route is not existed.");
// }
// if (route.getService() != null && !route.getService().isEmpty()) {
// model.addAttribute("service", route.getService());
// }
// RouteRule routeRule = null;
// try {
// routeRule = RouteRule.parse(route);
// } catch (ParseException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// Map<String, RouteRule.MatchPair>[] paramArray = new Map[]{
// routeRule.getWhenCondition(), routeRule.getThenCondition()};
// String[][][] namesArray = new String[][][]{when_names, then_names};
// for (int i = 0; i < paramArray.length; ++i) {
// Map<String, RouteRule.MatchPair> param = paramArray[i];
// String[][] names = namesArray[i];
// for (String[] name : names) {
// RouteRule.MatchPair matchPair = param.get(name[0]);
// if (matchPair == null) {
// continue;
// }
// if (!matchPair.getMatches().isEmpty()) {
// String m = RouteRule.join(matchPair.getMatches());
// model.addAttribute(name[1], m);
// }
// if (!matchPair.getUnmatches().isEmpty()) {
// String u = RouteRule.join(matchPair.getUnmatches());
// model.addAttribute(name[2], u);
// }
// }
// }
// model.addAttribute("route", route);
// model.addAttribute("methods", CollectionUtils.sort(new ArrayList<String>(providerService.findMethodsByService(route.getService()))));
// return "governance/screen/routes/edit";
// }
// /**
// * Save the routing information to the database
// *
// * @return
// */
// @RequestMapping("/create")
// public String create(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) {
// prepare(request, response, model, "update", "routes");
// boolean success = true;
// String name = request.getParameter("name");
// String service = request.getParameter("service");
// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(service)
// && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name)) {
// checkService(service);
// Map<String, String> when_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Map<String, String> notWhen_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>();
// for (String[] names : when_names) {
// when_name2valueList.put(names[0], request.getParameter(names[1]));
// notWhen_name2valueList.put(names[0], request.getParameter(names[2])); // TODO. We should guarantee value is never null in here, will be supported later
// }
// Map<String, String> then_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Map<String, String> notThen_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>();
// for (String[] names : then_names) {
// then_name2valueList.put(names[0], request.getParameter(names[1]));
// notThen_name2valueList.put(names[0], request.getParameter(names[2]));
// }
// RouteRule routeRule = RouteRule.createFromNameAndValueListString(
// when_name2valueList, notWhen_name2valueList,
// then_name2valueList, notThen_name2valueList);
// if (routeRule.getThenCondition().isEmpty()) {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("Add route error! then is empty."));
// model.addAttribute("success", false);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// String matchRule = routeRule.getWhenConditionString();
// String filterRule = routeRule.getThenConditionString();
// // Limit the length of the expression
// if (matchRule.length() > MAX_RULE_LENGTH) {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("When rule is too long!"));
// model.addAttribute("success", false);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// if (filterRule.length() > MAX_RULE_LENGTH) {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("Then rule is too long!"));
// model.addAttribute("success", false);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// Route route = new Route();
// route.setService(service);
// route.setName(name);
// route.setUsername(request.getParameter("operator"));
// route.setOperator(request.getParameter("operatorAddress"));
// route.setRule(routeRule.toString());
// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getParameter("priority"))) {
// route.setPriority(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("priority")));
// }
// routeService.createRoute(route);
// }
// model.addAttribute("success", success);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// /**
// * Save the update data to the database
// *
// * @return
// */
// @RequestMapping("/update")
// public String update(@RequestParam("id") Long id, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) {
// prepare(request, response, model, "update", "routes");
// boolean success = true;
// String idStr = String.valueOf(id);
// if (idStr != null && idStr.length() > 0) {
// String[] blacks = request.getParameterMap().get("black");
// //String[] blacks = (String[]) context.get("black");
// boolean black = false;
// if (blacks != null && blacks.length > 0) {
// success = false;
// model.addAttribute("success", success);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// Route oldRoute = routeService.findRoute(Long.valueOf(idStr));
// if (null == oldRoute) {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("NoSuchRecord"));
// success = false;
// model.addAttribute("success", success);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// // Check parameters, patchwork rule
// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty((String) request.getParameter("name"))) {
// String service = oldRoute.getService();
// if (((BindingAwareModelMap)model).get("operator") == null) {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("HaveNoServicePrivilege", service));
// success = false;
// model.addAttribute("success", success);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// Map<String, String> when_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Map<String, String> notWhen_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>();
// for (String[] names : when_names) {
// when_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) request.getParameter(names[1]));
// notWhen_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) request.getParameter(names[2]));
// }
// Map<String, String> then_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Map<String, String> notThen_name2valueList = new HashMap<String, String>();
// for (String[] names : then_names) {
// then_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) request.getParameter(names[1]));
// notThen_name2valueList.put(names[0], (String) request.getParameter(names[2]));
// }
// RouteRule routeRule = RouteRule.createFromNameAndValueListString(
// when_name2valueList, notWhen_name2valueList,
// then_name2valueList, notThen_name2valueList);
// RouteRule result = null;
// if (black) {
// RouteRule.MatchPair matchPair = routeRule.getThenCondition().get("black");
// Map<String, RouteRule.MatchPair> then = null;
// if (null == matchPair) {
// matchPair = new RouteRule.MatchPair();
// then = new HashMap<String, RouteRule.MatchPair>();
// then.put("black", matchPair);
// } else {
// matchPair.getMatches().clear();
// }
// matchPair.getMatches().add(String.valueOf(black));
// result = RouteRule.copyWithReplace(routeRule, null, then);
// }
// if (result == null) {
// result = routeRule;
// }
// if (result.getThenCondition().isEmpty()) {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("Update route error! then is empty."));
// success = false;
// model.addAttribute("success", success);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// String matchRule = result.getWhenConditionString();
// String filterRule = result.getThenConditionString();
// // Limit the length of the expression
// if (matchRule.length() > MAX_RULE_LENGTH) {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("When rule is too long!"));
// success = false;
// model.addAttribute("success", success);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// if (filterRule.length() > MAX_RULE_LENGTH) {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("Then rule is too long!"));
// success = false;
// model.addAttribute("success", success);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// int priority = 0;
// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty((String) request.getParameter("priority"))) {
// priority = Integer.parseInt((String) request.getParameter("priority"));
// }
// Route route = new Route();
// route.setRule(result.toString());
// route.setService(service);
// route.setPriority(priority);
// route.setName((String) request.getParameter("name"));
// route.setUsername((String) request.getParameter("operator"));
// route.setOperator((String) request.getParameter("operatorAddress"));
// route.setId(Long.valueOf(idStr));
// route.setPriority(Integer.parseInt((String) request.getParameter("priority")));
// route.setEnabled(oldRoute.isEnabled());
// routeService.updateRoute(route);
// Set<String> usernames = new HashSet<String>();
// usernames.add((String) request.getParameter("operator"));
// usernames.add(route.getUsername());
// //RelateUserUtils.addOwnersOfService(usernames, route.getService(), ownerDAO);
// Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// params.put("action", "update");
// params.put("route", route);
// } else {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("MissRequestParameters", "name"));
// }
// } else {
// model.addAttribute("message", getMessage("MissRequestParameters", "id"));
// }
// model.addAttribute("success", success);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// /**
// * Remove the route rule for the specified ID
// *
// * @param ids
// * @return
// */
// @RequestMapping("/{ids}/delete")
// public String delete(@PathVariable("ids") Long[] ids, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
// Model model) {
// prepare(request, response, model, "delete", "routes");
// for (Long id : ids) {
// routeService.deleteRoute(id);
// }
// model.addAttribute("success", true);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// /**
// * Enable the specified route ID rules (batch processing)
// *
// * @param ids
// * @return
// */
// @RequestMapping("/{ids}/enable")
// public String enable(@PathVariable("ids") Long[] ids, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
// Model model) {
// prepare(request, response, model, "enable", "routes");
// for (Long id : ids) {
// routeService.enableRoute(id);
// }
// model.addAttribute("success", true);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }
// /**
// * Disabling route rules for specified IDs (can be batch processed)
// *
// * @param ids
// * @return
// */
// @RequestMapping("/{ids}/disable")
// public String disable(@PathVariable("ids") Long[] ids, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
// Model model) {
// prepare(request, response, model, "disable", "routes");
// for (Long id : ids) {
// routeService.disableRoute(id);
// }
// model.addAttribute("success", true);
// model.addAttribute("redirect", "../../routes");
// return "governance/screen/redirect";
// }