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druid-multi-stage-query developer notes

This document provides developer notes for the major packages of the druid-multi-stage-query extension. It does not discuss future plans; these are discussed on the list or in GitHub issues.


Multi-stage queries are modeled as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of stages. Each stage has some inputs (or, possibly, zero inputs, if the stage generates data out of thin air). Those inputs can be Druid tables, external data, or the outputs of other stages of the same query. There is one final stage that produces the query result. Stage outputs, whether they are inputs to other stages or results of the query itself, are optionally shuffled.

SQL-based ingestion jobs run as multi-stage query tasks. In this case, the result of the query is inserted into the target table.

Package org.apache.druid.msq.kernel and org.apache.druid.msq.input contain the model classes for multi-stage queries.

Main classes:

Indexing service

Package org.apache.druid.msq.indexing contains code related to integrating with the indexing service. This allows multi-stage queries to run as indexing service tasks.

Main classes:

  • MSQControllerTask is a query_controller task. Each query has one controller task. The controller task launches worker tasks to do the actual work.
  • MSQWorkerTask is a query_worker task. These stick around for the lifetime of the query. Each task may do work for multiple stages. It has a specific worker number that is retained across all stages that the task may work on.


Multi-stage queries, when run as SQL via query tasks, are planned in three phases:

  1. The SQL planner generates a native query corresponding to the user's SQL query.
  2. The query_controller task generates a multi-stage QueryDefinition corresponding to the native query, using QueryKit.
  3. The query_controller task determines how many workers will run and generates WorkOrders for each worker.

Once all three of these phases are complete, query_worker tasks are launched, sent their WorkOrders, and query execution begins.

Packages org.apache.druid.msq.querykit, org.apache.druid.msq.input, and org.apache.druid.msq.kernel contain code related to query planning.

Main classes:

  • QueryKit implementations produce QueryDefinition instances from native Druid queries.
  • InputSlice represents a slice of stage input assigned to a particular worker.
  • WorkerAssignmentStrategy drives the splitting of input specs into input slices, and is therefore responsible for assigning work to workers.
  • WorkOrder represents the work assigned to a particular worker in a particular stage.


Package org.apache.druid.msq.exec and org.apache.druid.msq.kernel contain code related to driving query execution.

Main classes:

  • ControllerQueryKernel is the state machine that drives execution on the controller.
  • WorkerStageKernel is the state machine that drives execution on workers.
  • ControllerImpl embeds a ControllerQueryKernel and handles controller-side execution beyond the state machine, including query planning, RPC, counters, and so on.
  • WorkerImpl embeds a WorkerStageKernel and handles worker-side execution beyond the state machine, including setup of processors, channels, counters, and so on.


Package org.apache.druid.msq.statistics contains code related to determining partition boundaries as part of doing a range-based shuffle. During a stage that intends to do range-based shuffle, workers gather statistics using a ClusterByStatisticsCollector, which are then merged on the controller and used to generate partition boundaries.


Package org.apache.druid.msq.counters contains code related to tracking and reporting query execution metrics.

Main classes:

  • CounterTracker is used by workers to keep track of named counters of various types.
  • CounterSnapshots are periodically reported from workers to the controller.
  • CounterSnapshotsTree is used by the controller to store worker snapshots. It is also included in task reports, which enables live metrics, and also allows query counters to be reviewed after the query has been completed.


Package org.apache.druid.msq.sql contains code related to integration with Druid SQL APIs.

Main classes:

  • SqlTaskResource offers the endpoint /druid/v2/sql/task, where SQL queries are executed as multi-stage query tasks.
  • MSQTaskSqlEngine is a SqlEngine implementation that executes SQL queries as multi-stage query tasks. It is injected into the SqlTaskResource.
