Remove OffheapIncrementalIndex and clarify aggregator thread-safety needs. (#11124)

* Remove OffheapIncrementalIndex and clarify aggregator thread-safety needs.

This patch does the following:

- Removes OffheapIncrementalIndex.
- Clarifies that Aggregators are required to be thread safe.
- Clarifies that BufferAggregators and VectorAggregators are not
  required to be thread safe.
- Removes thread safety code from some DataSketches aggregators that
  had it. (Not all of them did, and that's OK, because it wasn't necessary
- Makes enabling "useOffheap" with groupBy v1 an error.

Rationale for removing the offheap incremental index:

- It is only used in one rare scenario: groupBy v1 (which is non-default)
  in "useOffheap" mode (also non-default). So you have to go pretty deep
  into the wilderness to get this code to activate in production. It is
  never used during ingestion.
- Its existence complicates developer efforts to reason about how
  aggregators get used, because the way it uses buffer aggregators is so
  different from how every other query engine uses them.
- It doesn't have meaningful testing.

By the way, I do believe that the given way the offheap incremental index
works, it actually didn't require buffer aggregators to be thread-safe.
It synchronizes on "aggregate" and doesn't call "get" until it has
stopped calling "aggregate". Nevertheless, this is a bother to think about,
and for the above reasons I think it makes sense to remove the code anyway.

* Remove things that are now unused.

* Revert removal of getFloat, getLong, getDouble from BufferAggregator.

* OAK-related warnings, suppressions.

* Unused item suppressions.
24 files changed
tree: 87cec1007674c56234ac00383ddf8a9a5a8ab39f
  1. .github/
  2. .idea/
  3. benchmarks/
  4. cloud/
  5. codestyle/
  6. core/
  7. dev/
  8. distribution/
  9. docs/
  10. examples/
  11. extendedset/
  12. extensions-contrib/
  13. extensions-core/
  14. helm/
  15. hll/
  16. hooks/
  17. indexing-hadoop/
  18. indexing-service/
  19. integration-tests/
  20. licenses/
  21. processing/
  22. publications/
  23. server/
  24. services/
  25. sql/
  26. web-console/
  27. website/
  28. .asf.yaml
  29. .backportrc.json
  30. .codecov.yml
  31. .dockerignore
  32. .gitignore
  33. .lgtm.yml
  34. .travis.yml
  38. LABELS
  40. licenses.yaml
  41. NOTICE
  42. owasp-dependency-check-suppressions.xml
  43. pom.xml
  45. README.template

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Apache Druid

Druid is a high performance real-time analytics database. Druid's main value add is to reduce time to insight and action.

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