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<h1 id="statsd-emitter">StatsD Emitter</h1>
<p>To use this extension, make sure to <a href="../../operations/including-extensions.html">include</a> <code>statsd-emitter</code> extension.</p>
<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>This extension emits druid metrics to a StatsD server.
<h2 id="configuration">Configuration</h2>
<p>All the configuration parameters for the StatsD emitter are under <code>druid.emitter.statsd</code>.</p>
<td>The hostname of the StatsD server.</td>
<td>The port of the StatsD server.</td>
<td>Optional metric name prefix.</td>
<td>Metric name separator</td>
<td>Flag to include the hostname as part of the metric name.</td>
<td>JSON file defining the StatsD type, and desired dimensions for every Druid metric</td>
<td>Default mapping provided. See below.</td>
<td>The blank character replacement as statsD does not support path with blank character</td>
<h3 id="druid-to-statsd-event-converter">Druid to StatsD Event Converter</h3>
<p>Each metric sent to StatsD must specify a type, one of <code>[timer, counter, guage]</code>. StatsD Emitter expects this mapping to
be provided as a JSON file. Additionally, this mapping specifies which dimensions should be included for each metric.
StatsD expects that metric values be integers. Druid emits some metrics with values between the range 0 and 1. To accommodate these metrics they are converted
into the range 0 to 100. This conversion can be enabled by setting the optional &quot;convertRange&quot; field true in the JSON mapping file.
If the user does not specify their own JSON file, a default mapping is used. All
metrics are expected to be mapped. Metrics which are not mapped will log an error.
StatsD metric path is organized using the following schema:
<code>&lt;druid metric name&gt; : { &quot;dimensions&quot; : &lt;dimension list&gt;, &quot;type&quot; : &lt;StatsD type&gt;, &quot;convertRange&quot; : true/false}</code>
<code>query/time&quot; : { &quot;dimensions&quot; : [&quot;dataSource&quot;, &quot;type&quot;], &quot;type&quot; : &quot;timer&quot;}</code></p>
<p>For metrics which are emitted from multiple services with different dimensions, the metric name is prefixed with
the service name.
<code>&quot;coordinator-segment/count&quot; : { &quot;dimensions&quot; : [&quot;dataSource&quot;], &quot;type&quot; : &quot;gauge&quot; },
&quot;historical-segment/count&quot; : { &quot;dimensions&quot; : [&quot;dataSource&quot;, &quot;tier&quot;, &quot;priority&quot;], &quot;type&quot; : &quot;gauge&quot; }</code></p>
<p>For most use-cases, the default mapping is sufficient.</p>
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