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<h1>Towards a Community Led Druid</h1>
<p class="text-muted">by <span class="author text-uppercase">Fangjin Yang, Xavier Léauté, and Eric Tschetter</span> · February 20, 2015</p>
<p>We are very happy to announce that Druid has changed its license to Apache 2.0.
We believe this is a change the community will welcome. As engineers, we love
to see the things we make get used and attempt to provide value to the broader
open source world that we have benefitted from for so long. By switching to the
Apache license, we believe this change will better promote the growth of the Druid
community. We hope to send a clear message that we
are all equal participants in the Druid community, a sentiment that is very
important to us.</p>
<p>In addition to the license change, we are going to work towards a community led
governance model for Druid. We hope to establish a community led committee and
add committers from different organizations as soon as possible. If you are
interested in more actively contributing to Druid, please let us know! We
strongly believe that Druid should be as open as possible and we hope that this
change will enable many different organizations to help guide the roadmap and
direction of the project. </p>
<p>Finally, we’d like to take this chance to thank the entire Druid community.
Whether you ask questions, file bugs, start technical discussions, submit
feedback on proposals or issues, contribute code or docs, or talk about Druid,
you are an integral part of this project. As much as we might like to think
that the code makes the project, the people are always most important and we
could not be where we are today without all of you.</p>
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