blob: 02434ad1545165889267d78c858484409655fb4c [file] [log] [blame]
Used by features.js in index.js to display the cards under the heading Key Druid Features. You can just add another more, and it'll keep adding cards in a 3 column pattern defined in index.css
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export const FeatureList = [
"title": "Interactive Query Engine",
"description": "Druid utilizes scatter/gather for high speed queries with data preloaded into memory or local storage to avoid data movement and network latency.",
"title": "Tiering & QoS",
"description": "Configurable tiering with quality of service enables the ideal price-performance for mixed workloads, guarantees priority, and avoids resource contention.",
"title": "Optimized Data Format",
"description": "Ingested data is automatically columnarized, time-indexed, dictionary-encoded, bitmap-indexed, and type-aware compressed.",
"title": "Elastic Architecture",
"description": "Loosely coupled components for ingestion, queries, and orchestration combined with a deep storage layer enable easy & quick scale-up & scale-out.",
"title": "True Stream Ingestion",
"description": "A connector-free integration with streaming platforms enables query-on-arrival, high scalability, low latency, and guaranteed consistency.",
"title": "Non-stop Reliability",
"description": "Automatic data services including continuous backup, automated recovery, and multi-node replication ensure high availability and durability.",
"title": "Schema Auto-Discovery",
"description": "Druid can automatically detect, define, and update column names and data types upon ingestion, providing the ease of schemaless and the performance of strongly typed schemas.",
"title": "Flexible Joins Support",
"description": "Druid supports join operations during data ingestion and at query-time execution, with the fastest query performance when tables are pre-joined during ingestion.",
"title": "SQL Support",
"description": "Developers and analysts can easily use the familiar SQL API for end-to-end data operations across ingestion, transformation, and querying.",