blob: 2c67e61d87a875b17b60cd1d050160140caf7f88 [file] [log] [blame]
Version: 6 June 2023
Purpose: Build the OSS Druid Docusaurus 2 docs for all
versions supplied in the [-v, --versions] flag.
Versions aside from "latest" only retain content
from the docs folder. The "latest" version keeps
everything. Assumes script is called from
`druid-website-src/static/build-scripts` directory.
Help: python --help
Example call: python -v latest 26.0.0
import fileinput
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
def rsync_build_output(src, dst):["rsync", "--delete", "--recursive", src, dst])
def build_docs(versions, use_yarn):
for v in versions:
print(f"Building the docs for version '{v}'...")
# replace "latest" in redirects to the appropriate version
if v != "latest":
for line in fileinput.input("redirects.js", inplace=1):
print(line.replace("/latest/", f"/{v}/"), end='')
# set the version in "buildVersion" variable in docusaurus.config.js
replacement = f'var buildVersion = "{v}";'
for line in fileinput.input("docusaurus.config.js", inplace=1):
print(re.sub(r"^var buildVersion.*", replacement, line), end='')
# build the docs
if not use_yarn:["npm", "run", "build"])
else:["yarn", "build"])
# move output to temporary directory since docusaurus 2
# overwrites build directory with each build.
# the "latest" version is built last to maintain
# all the non-docs content for latest
source_dir = "build"
destination_dir = "build__temp"
if not os.path.isdir(source_dir):
sys.exit("ERROR: The docs were not built. Check Docusaurus logs.")
rsync_build_output(source_dir + "/", destination_dir)
# restore the redirect file back to URLs with "latest"
if v != "latest":
for line in fileinput.input("redirects.js", inplace=1):
print(line.replace(f"/{v}/", "/latest/"), end='')
# after all version builds, rename the temp directory back to "build"
rsync_build_output(destination_dir + "/", source_dir)
def main(versions, skip_install, use_yarn):
# from druid-website-src/static/build-scripts,
# move to druid-website-src to run the npm commands
# sort to build "latest" last
versions = sorted(versions)
# install docusaurus 2
if not skip_install:
print("Installing Docusaurus 2...")
if not use_yarn:["npm", "install"])
else:["yarn", "install"])
# remove the old build directory
shutil.rmtree('build', ignore_errors=True)
# do the actual builds
build_docs(versions, use_yarn)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-v", "--versions", required=True, nargs='+',
help="One or more versions to build. "
"For example: -v latest 26.0.0")
help="Skip the Docusaurus 2 installation",
parser.add_argument("--yarn", default=False,
help="Use yarn to install and build instead of npm",
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.versions, args.skip_install, args.yarn)