blob: 1eb97cd80ecfbd45522803d3dd9d72c7a84abf73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include "drill/common.hpp"
#include "drill/collections.hpp"
#include "drill/protobuf/Types.pb.h"
namespace exec{
namespace shared{
class DrillPBError;
namespace Drill{
//struct UserServerEndPoint;
class DrillClientImplBase;
class DrillClientImpl;
class DrillClientQueryResult;
class FieldMetadata;
class PreparedStatement;
class RecordBatch;
class SchemaDef;
enum QueryType{
SQL = 1,
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT DrillClientError{
static const uint32_t CONN_ERROR_START = 100;
static const uint32_t QRY_ERROR_START = 200;
DrillClientError(uint32_t s, uint32_t e, char* m){status=s; errnum=e; msg=m;};
DrillClientError(uint32_t s, uint32_t e, std::string m){status=s; errnum=e; msg=m;};
static DrillClientError* getErrorObject(const exec::shared::DrillPBError& e);
// To get the error number we add a error range start number to
// the status code returned (either status_t or connectionStatus_t)
uint32_t status; // could be either status_t or connectionStatus_t
uint32_t errnum;
std::string msg;
// Only one instance of this class exists. A static member of DrillClientImpl;
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT DrillClientInitializer{
// Only one instance of this class exists. A static member of DrillClientImpl;
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT DrillClientConfig{
static void initLogging(const char* path);
static void setLogLevel(logLevel_t l);
static void setSaslPluginPath(const char* path);
static const char* getSaslPluginPath();
static void setBufferLimit(uint64_t l);
static uint64_t getBufferLimit();
static void setSocketTimeout(int32_t l);
static void setHandshakeTimeout(int32_t l);
static void setQueryTimeout(int32_t l);
static void setHeartbeatFrequency(int32_t l);
static int32_t getSocketTimeout();
static int32_t getHandshakeTimeout();
static int32_t getQueryTimeout();
static int32_t getHeartbeatFrequency();
static logLevel_t getLogLevel();
* Return the client name sent to the server when connecting
* @return the current client name
static const std::string& getClientName();
* Set the client name to be sent to the server when connecting.
* Only new connections will use the new value. Existing connections
* will be left unchanged.
* @param name the name to be send to the server
static void setClientName(const std::string& name);
* Return the application name sent to the server when connecting
* @return the current application name
static const std::string& getApplicationName();
* Set the application name to be sent to the server when connecting.
* Only new connections will use the new value. Existing connections
* will be left unchanged.
* @param name the name to be send to the server
static void setApplicationName(const std::string& name);
// The logging level
static logLevel_t s_logLevel;
// The total amount of memory to be allocated by an instance of DrillClient.
// For future use. Currently, not enforced.
static uint64_t s_bufferLimit;
static const char* s_saslPluginPath;
* DrillClient configures timeout (in seconds) in a fine granularity.
* Disabled by setting the value to zero.
* s_socketTimout: (default 0)
* set SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO socket options and place a
* timeout on socket receives and sends. It is disabled by default.
* s_handshakeTimeout: (default 5)
* place a timeout on validating handshake. When an endpoint (host:port)
* is reachable but drillbit hangs or running another service. It will
* avoid the client hanging.
* s_queryTimeout: (default 180)
* place a timeout on waiting result of querying.
* s_heartbeatFrequency: (default 30)
* Seconds of idle activity after which a heartbeat is sent to the drillbit
static int32_t s_socketTimeout;
static int32_t s_handshakeTimeout;
static int32_t s_queryTimeout;
static int32_t s_heartbeatFrequency;
static boost::mutex s_mutex;
// The client name (default to DRILL_CONNECTOR_NAME)
static std::string s_clientName;
// The application name (default to <empty>)
static std::string s_applicationName;
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT DrillUserProperties{
static const std::map<std::string, uint32_t> USER_PROPERTIES;
void setProperty( const std::string& propName, const std::string& propValue){
std::pair< std::string, std::string> in = make_pair(propName, propValue);
size_t size() const { return m_properties.size(); }
const std::string& keyAt(size_t i) const { return; }
const std::string& valueAt(size_t i) const { return; }
bool validate(std::string& err);
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string> > m_properties;
* Handle to the Query submitted for execution.
* */
typedef void* QueryHandle_t;
* Query Results listener callback. This function is called for every record batch after it has
* been received and decoded. The listener function should return a status.
* If the listener returns failure, the query will be canceled.
* The listener is also called one last time when the query is completed or gets an error. In that
* case the RecordBatch Parameter is NULL. The DrillClientError parameter is NULL is there was no
* error oterwise it will have a valid DrillClientError object.
* DrillClientQueryResult will hold a listener & listener contxt for the call back function
typedef status_t (*pfnQueryResultsListener)(QueryHandle_t ctx, RecordBatch* b, DrillClientError* err);
* The schema change listener callback. This function is called if the record batch detects a
* change in the schema. The client application can call getColDefs in the RecordIterator or
* get the field information from the RecordBatch itself and handle the change appropriately.
typedef status_t (*pfnSchemaListener)(void* ctx, FieldDefPtr f, DrillClientError* err);
* The prepared statement creation listener
* This function is called when a prepared statement is created, or if an error occurs during the prepared statement creation.
* This callback is only invoked once.
* @param[in] ctx the listener context provided to getColumns
* @param[in] pstmt the prepared statement handle, NULL in case of error
* @param[in] err an error object, NULL in case of success
typedef status_t (*pfnPreparedStatementListener)(void* ctx, PreparedStatement* pstmt, DrillClientError* err);
* A Record Iterator instance is returned by the SubmitQuery class. Calls block until some data
* is available, or until all data has been returned.
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT RecordIterator{
friend class DrillClient;
* Returns a vector of column(i.e. field) definitions. The returned reference is guaranteed to be valid till the
* end of the query or until a schema change event is received. If a schema change event is received by the
* application, the application should discard the reference it currently holds and call this function again.
FieldDefPtr getColDefs();
/* Move the current pointer to the next record. */
status_t next();
/* Gets the ith column in the current record. */
status_t getCol(size_t i, void** b, size_t* sz);
/* true if ith column in the current record is NULL */
bool isNull(size_t i);
/* Cancels the query. */
status_t cancel();
/* Returns true is the schem has changed from the previous record. Returns false for the first record. */
bool hasSchemaChanged();
void registerSchemaChangeListener(pfnSchemaListener l);
bool hasError();
* Returns the last error message
const std::string& getError();
RecordIterator(DrillClientQueryResult* pResult){
DrillClientQueryResult* m_pQueryResult;
size_t m_currentRecord;
RecordBatch* m_pCurrentRecordBatch;
boost::mutex m_recordBatchMutex;
FieldDefPtr m_pColDefs; // Copy of the latest column defs made from the
// first record batch with this definition
namespace meta {
// Set of template functions to create bitmasks
template<typename T>
inline T
operator&(T __a, T __b)
{ return T(static_cast<int>(__a) & static_cast<int>(__b)); }
template<typename T>
inline T
operator|(T __a, T __b)
{ return T(static_cast<int>(__a) | static_cast<int>(__b)); }
template<typename T>
inline T
operator^(T __a, T __b)
{ return T(static_cast<int>(__a) ^ static_cast<int>(__b)); }
template<typename T>
inline T&
operator|=(T& __a, T __b)
{ return __a = __a | __b; }
template<typename T>
inline T&
operator&=(T& __a, T __b)
{ return __a = __a & __b; }
template<typename T>
inline T&
operator^=(T& __a, T __b)
{ return __a = __a ^ __b; }
template<typename T>
inline T
operator~(T __a)
{ return T(~static_cast<int>(__a)); }
* Internal type for Date/Time literals support
enum _DateTimeLiteralSupport {
_DL_NONE = 0,
_DL_DATE = 1 << 1L,
_DL_TIME = 1 << 2L,
_DL_TIMESTAMP = 1 << 3L,
template inline _DateTimeLiteralSupport operator&(_DateTimeLiteralSupport __a, _DateTimeLiteralSupport __b);
template inline _DateTimeLiteralSupport operator|(_DateTimeLiteralSupport __a, _DateTimeLiteralSupport __b);
template inline _DateTimeLiteralSupport operator^(_DateTimeLiteralSupport __a, _DateTimeLiteralSupport __b);
template inline _DateTimeLiteralSupport& operator&=(_DateTimeLiteralSupport& __a, _DateTimeLiteralSupport __b);
template inline _DateTimeLiteralSupport& operator|=(_DateTimeLiteralSupport& __a, _DateTimeLiteralSupport __b);
template inline _DateTimeLiteralSupport& operator^=(_DateTimeLiteralSupport& __a, _DateTimeLiteralSupport __b);
template inline _DateTimeLiteralSupport operator~(_DateTimeLiteralSupport __a);
* Date time literal support flags
typedef _DateTimeLiteralSupport DateTimeLiteralSupport;
/** Does not support Date/Time literals */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_NONE = _DL_NONE;
/** Supports DATE literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_DATE = _DL_DATE;
/** Supports TIME literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_TIME = _DL_TIME;
/** Supports TIMESTAMP literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_TIMESTAMP = _DL_TIMESTAMP;
/** Supports INTERVAL YEAR literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_INTERVAL_YEAR = _DL_INTERVAL_YEAR;
/** Supports INTERVAL MONTH literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_INTERVAL_MONTH = _DL_INTERVAL_MONTH;
/** Supports INTERVAL DAY literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_INTERVAL_DAY = _DL_INTERVAL_DAY;
/** Supports INTERVAL HOUR literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_INTERVAL_HOUR = _DL_INTERVAL_HOUR;
/** Supports INTERVAL MINUTE literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_INTERVAL_MINUTE = _DL_INTERVAL_MINUTE;
/** Supports INTERVAL SECOND literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_INTERVAL_SECOND = _DL_INTERVAL_SECOND;
/** Supports INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH literal */
/** Supports INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR literal */
static const DateTimeLiteralSupport DL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR = _DL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR;
/** Supports INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE literal */
/** Supports INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND literal */
/** Supports INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE literal */
/** Supports INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND literal */
/** Supports INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND literal */
* Internal type for COLLATE support
enum _CollateSupport {
_C_NONE = 0,
_C_GROUPBY = 1 << 1L
template inline _CollateSupport operator&(_CollateSupport __a, _CollateSupport __b);
template inline _CollateSupport operator|(_CollateSupport __a, _CollateSupport __b);
template inline _CollateSupport operator^(_CollateSupport __a, _CollateSupport __b);
template inline _CollateSupport& operator&=(_CollateSupport& __a, _CollateSupport __b);
template inline _CollateSupport& operator|=(_CollateSupport& __a, _CollateSupport __b);
template inline _CollateSupport& operator^=(_CollateSupport& __a, _CollateSupport __b);
template inline _CollateSupport operator~(_CollateSupport __a);
* COLLATE support flags
typedef _CollateSupport CollateSupport;
static const CollateSupport C_NONE = _C_NONE; /**< COLLATE clauses are not supported */
static const CollateSupport C_GROUPBY = _C_GROUPBY; /**< a COLLATE clause can be added after each grouping column */
* Correlation names support flags
enum CorrelationNamesSupport {
CN_NONE = 1, /**< Correlation names are not supported */
CN_DIFFERENT_NAMES = 2, /**< Correlation names are supported, but names have to be different
from the tables they represent */
CN_ANY_NAMES = 3 /**< Correlation names are supported with no restriction on names */
* Group by support
enum GroupBySupport {
GB_NONE, /**< Do not support GROUP BY */
GB_SELECT_ONLY, /**< Only support GROUP BY clause with non aggregated columns in the select list */
GB_BEYOND_SELECT,/**< Support GROUP BY clauses with columns absent from the select list
if all the non-aggregated column from the select list are also added. */
GB_UNRELATED /** Support GROUP BY clauses with columns absent from the select list */
* Identified case support
enum IdentifierCase {
IC_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< Unknown support */
IC_STORES_LOWER = 0, /**< Mixed case unquoted SQL identifier are treated as
case insensitive and stored in lower case */
IC_STORES_MIXED = 1, /**< Mixed case unquoted SQL identifier are treated as
case insensitive and stored in mixed case */
IC_STORES_UPPER = 2, /**< Mixed case unquoted SQL identifier are treated as
case insensitive and stored in upper case */
IC_SUPPORTS_MIXED =3 /**< Mixed case unquoted SQL identifier are treated as
case sensitive and stored in mixed case */
* Null collation support
enum NullCollation {
NC_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< Unknown support */
NC_AT_START = 0, /**< NULL values are sorted at the start regardless of the order*/
NC_AT_END = 1, /**< NULL values are sorted at the end regardless of the order*/
NC_HIGH = 2, /**< NULL is the highest value */
NC_LOW = 3 /**< NULL is the lowest value */
* Internal type for Outer join support flags
enum _OuterJoinSupport {
_OJ_NONE = 0, //!< _OJ_NONE
_OJ_LEFT = 1 << 1L,//!< _OJ_LEFT
_OJ_RIGHT = 1 << 2L,//!< _OJ_RIGHT
_OJ_FULL = 1 << 3L,//!< _OJ_FULL
_OJ_NESTED = 1 << 4L,//!< _OJ_NESTED
_OJ_INNER = 1 << 6L,//!< _OJ_INNER
template inline _OuterJoinSupport operator&(_OuterJoinSupport __a, _OuterJoinSupport __b);
template inline _OuterJoinSupport operator|(_OuterJoinSupport __a, _OuterJoinSupport __b);
template inline _OuterJoinSupport operator^(_OuterJoinSupport __a, _OuterJoinSupport __b);
template inline _OuterJoinSupport& operator&=(_OuterJoinSupport& __a, _OuterJoinSupport __b);
template inline _OuterJoinSupport& operator|=(_OuterJoinSupport& __a, _OuterJoinSupport __b);
template inline _OuterJoinSupport& operator^=(_OuterJoinSupport& __a, _OuterJoinSupport __b);
template inline _OuterJoinSupport operator~(_OuterJoinSupport __a);
* Outer join support flags
typedef _OuterJoinSupport OuterJoinSupport;
/** Outer join is not supported */
static const OuterJoinSupport OJ_NONE = _OJ_NONE;
/** Left outer join is supported */
static const OuterJoinSupport OJ_LEFT = _OJ_LEFT;
/** Right outer join is supported */
static const OuterJoinSupport OJ_RIGHT = _OJ_RIGHT;
/** Full outer join is supported */
static const OuterJoinSupport OJ_FULL = _OJ_FULL;
/** Nested outer join is supported */
static const OuterJoinSupport OJ_NESTED = _OJ_NESTED;
* The columns names in the ON clause of a outer join don't have to share the same
* order as their respective table names in the OUTER JOIN clause
static const OuterJoinSupport OJ_NOT_ORDERED = _OJ_NOT_ORDERED;
* The inner table can also be used in an inner join
static const OuterJoinSupport OJ_INNER = _OJ_INNER;
* Any comparison operator in supported in the ON clause.
* Quoted Identified case support
enum QuotedIdentifierCase {
QIC_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< Unknown support */
QIC_STORES_LOWER = 0, /**< Mixed case quoted SQL identifier are treated as
case insensitive and stored in lower case */
QIC_STORES_MIXED = 1, /**< Mixed case quoted SQL identifier are treated as
case insensitive and stored in mixed case */
QIC_STORES_UPPER = 2, /**< Mixed case quoted SQL identifier are treated as
case insensitive and stored in upper case */
QIC_SUPPORTS_MIXED =3 /**< Mixed case quoted SQL identifier are treated as
case sensitive and stored in mixed case */
* Internal Subquery support flags type
enum _SubQuerySupport {
_SQ_NONE = 0,
_SQ_IN_EXISTS = 1 << 3L,
_SQ_IN_INSERT = 1 << 4L,
template inline _SubQuerySupport operator&(_SubQuerySupport __a, _SubQuerySupport __b);
template inline _SubQuerySupport operator|(_SubQuerySupport __a, _SubQuerySupport __b);
template inline _SubQuerySupport operator^(_SubQuerySupport __a, _SubQuerySupport __b);
template inline _SubQuerySupport& operator&=(_SubQuerySupport& __a, _SubQuerySupport __b);
template inline _SubQuerySupport& operator|=(_SubQuerySupport& __a, _SubQuerySupport __b);
template inline _SubQuerySupport& operator^=(_SubQuerySupport& __a, _SubQuerySupport __b);
template inline _SubQuerySupport operator~(_SubQuerySupport __a);
* SubQuery support flags
typedef _SubQuerySupport SubQuerySupport;
* Subqueries are not supported
static const SubQuerySupport SQ_NONE = _SQ_NONE;
/** Correlated subqueries are supported */
static const SubQuerySupport SQ_CORRELATED = _SQ_CORRELATED;
/** Subqueries in comparison expressions are supported */
static const SubQuerySupport SQ_IN_COMPARISON = _SQ_IN_COMPARISON;
/** Subqueries in EXISTS expressions are supported */
static const SubQuerySupport SQ_IN_EXISTS = _SQ_IN_EXISTS;
/** Subqueries in INSERT expressions are supported */
static const SubQuerySupport SQ_IN_INSERT = _SQ_IN_INSERT;
/** Subqueries in quantified expressions are supported */
static const SubQuerySupport SQ_IN_QUANTIFIED = _SQ_IN_QUANTIFIED;
* Internal Union support flags type
enum _UnionSupport {
_U_NONE = 0, //!< _U_NONE
_U_UNION = 1 << 1L,//!< _U_UNION
_U_UNION_ALL = 1 << 2L //!< _U_UNION_ALL
template inline _UnionSupport operator&(_UnionSupport __a, _UnionSupport __b);
template inline _UnionSupport operator|(_UnionSupport __a, _UnionSupport __b);
template inline _UnionSupport operator^(_UnionSupport __a, _UnionSupport __b);
template inline _UnionSupport& operator&=(_UnionSupport& __a, _UnionSupport __b);
template inline _UnionSupport& operator|=(_UnionSupport& __a, _UnionSupport __b);
template inline _UnionSupport& operator^=(_UnionSupport& __a, _UnionSupport __b);
template inline _UnionSupport operator~(_UnionSupport __a);
* Union support flags
typedef _UnionSupport UnionSupport;
/** Union is not supported */
static const UnionSupport U_NONE = _U_NONE;
/** UNION is supported */
static const UnionSupport U_UNION = _U_UNION;
/** UNION ALL is supported */
static const UnionSupport U_UNION_ALL = _U_UNION_ALL;
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT CatalogMetadata {
CatalogMetadata() {};
virtual ~CatalogMetadata() {};
virtual bool hasCatalogName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getCatalogName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasDescription() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getDescription() const = 0;
virtual bool hasConnect() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getConnect() const = 0;
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT SchemaMetadata {
SchemaMetadata() {};
virtual ~SchemaMetadata() {};
virtual bool hasCatalogName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getCatalogName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasSchemaName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getSchemaName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasOwnerName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getOwner() const = 0;
virtual bool hasType() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getType() const = 0;
virtual bool hasMutable() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getMutable() const = 0;
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT TableMetadata {
TableMetadata() {};
virtual ~TableMetadata() {};
virtual bool hasCatalogName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getCatalogName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasSchemaName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getSchemaName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasTableName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getTableName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasType() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getType() const = 0;
class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT ColumnMetadata {
ColumnMetadata() {};
virtual ~ColumnMetadata() {};
virtual bool hasCatalogName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getCatalogName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasSchemaName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getSchemaName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasTableName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getTableName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasColumnName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getColumnName() const = 0;
virtual bool hasOrdinalPosition() const = 0;
virtual std::size_t getOrdinalPosition() const = 0;
virtual bool hasDefaultValue() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getDefaultValue() const = 0;
virtual bool hasNullable() const = 0;
virtual bool isNullable() const = 0;
virtual bool hasDataType() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getDataType() const = 0;
virtual bool hasColumnSize() const = 0;
virtual std::size_t getColumnSize() const = 0;
virtual bool hasCharMaxLength() const = 0;
virtual std::size_t getCharMaxLength() const = 0;
virtual bool hasCharOctetLength() const = 0;
virtual std::size_t getCharOctetLength() const = 0;
virtual bool hasNumericPrecision() const = 0;
virtual int32_t getNumericPrecision() const = 0;
virtual bool hasNumericRadix() const = 0;
virtual int32_t getNumericRadix() const = 0;
virtual bool hasNumericScale() const = 0;
virtual int32_t getNumericScale() const = 0;
virtual bool hasIntervalType() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getIntervalType() const = 0;
virtual bool hasIntervalPrecision() const = 0;
virtual int32_t getIntervalPrecision() const = 0;
virtual ~Metadata() {};
* Returns the connector name
* @return the connector name
virtual const std::string& getConnectorName() const = 0;
* Returns the connector version string
* @return the connector version string
virtual const std::string& getConnectorVersion() const = 0;
* Returns the connector major version
* @return the connector major version
virtual uint32_t getConnectorMajorVersion() const = 0;
* Returns the connector minor version
* @return the connector minor version
virtual uint32_t getConnectorMinorVersion() const = 0;
* Returns the connector patch version
* @return the connector patch version
virtual uint32_t getConnectorPatchVersion() const = 0;
* Returns the server name
* @return the server name
virtual const std::string& getServerName() const = 0;
* Returns the server version string
* @return the server version string
virtual const std::string& getServerVersion() const = 0;
* Returns the server major version
* @return the server major version
virtual uint32_t getServerMajorVersion() const = 0;
* Returns the server minor version
* @return the server minor version
virtual uint32_t getServerMinorVersion() const = 0;
* Returns the server patch version
* @return the server patch version
virtual uint32_t getServerPatchVersion() const = 0;
* Callback function invoked by getCatalogs when receiving results
* This callback is only invoked once.
* @param[in] ctx the listener context provided to getCatalogs
* @param[in] metadata the catalog metadata, or NULL in case of error
* @param[in] err an error object, NULL in case of success
typedef status_t (*pfnCatalogMetadataListener)(void* ctx, const DrillCollection<meta::CatalogMetadata>* metadata, DrillClientError* err);
* Get a list of catalogPattern available to the current connection.
* Only catalogs matching the catalogPattern LIKE expression are returned.
* @param[in] catalogPattern a catalog pattern
* @param[in] listener a metadata listener
* @param[in] context to be passed to the listener
* @param[out] the query handle
virtual status_t getCatalogs(const std::string& catalogPattern, pfnCatalogMetadataListener listener, void* listenerCtx, QueryHandle_t* qHandle) = 0;
* Callback function invoked by getSchemas when receiving results
* This callback is only invoked once.
* @param[in] ctx the listener context provided to getSchemas
* @param[in] metadata the schema metadata, or NULL in case of error
* @param[in] err an error object, NULL in case of success
typedef status_t (*pfnSchemaMetadataListener)(void* ctx, const DrillCollection<meta::SchemaMetadata>* metadata, DrillClientError* err);
* Get a list of schemas available to the current connection.
* Only schemas matching the catalogPattern and schemaPattern LIKE expressions are returned.
* @param[in] catalogPattern a catalog pattern
* @param[in] schemaPattern a schema pattern
* @param[in] listener a metadata query listener
* @param[in] context to be passed to the listener
* @param[out] the query handle
virtual status_t getSchemas(const std::string& catalogPattern, const std::string& schemaPattern, pfnSchemaMetadataListener listener, void* listenerCtx, QueryHandle_t* qHandle) = 0;
* Callback function invoked by getTables when receiving results
* This callback is only invoked once.
* @param[in] ctx the listener context provided to getTables
* @param[in] metadata the table metadata, or NULL in case of error
* @param[in] err an error object, NULL in case of success
typedef status_t (*pfnTableMetadataListener)(void* ctx, const DrillCollection<meta::TableMetadata>* metadata, DrillClientError* err);
* Get a list of tables available to the current connection.
* Only tables matching the catalogPattern, schemaPattern and tablePattern LIKE expressions are returned.
* @param[in] catalogPattern a catalog pattern
* @param[in] schemaPattern a schema pattern
* @param[in] tablePattern a table pattern
* @param[in] tableTypes a list of table types to look for. Pass NULL to not filter
* @param[in] listener a metadata query listener
* @param[in] context to be passed to the listener
* @param[out] the query handle
virtual status_t getTables(const std::string& catalogPattern, const std::string& schemaPattern, const std::string& tablePattern, const std::vector<std::string>* tableTypes,
pfnTableMetadataListener listener, void* listenerCtx, QueryHandle_t* qHandle) = 0;
* Callback function invoked by getColumns when receiving results
* This callback is only invoked once.
* @param[in] ctx the listener context provided to getColumns
* @param[in] metadata the columns metadata, or NULL in case of error
* @param[in] err an error object, NULL in case of success
typedef status_t (*pfnColumnMetadataListener)(void* ctx, const DrillCollection<meta::ColumnMetadata>* metadata, DrillClientError* err);
* Get a list of columns available to the current connection.
* Only columns matching the catalogPattern, schemaPattern, tablePattern and columnPattern LIKE expressions are returned.
* @param[in] catalogPattern a catalog pattern
* @param[in] schemaPattern a schema pattern
* @param[in] tablePattern a table pattern
* @param[in] columnPattern a colum name pattern
* @param[in] listener a metadata query listener
* @param[in] context to be passed to the listener
* @param[out] the query handle
virtual status_t getColumns(const std::string& catalogPattern, const std::string& schemaPattern, const std:: string& tablePattern, const std::string& columnPattern, pfnColumnMetadataListener listener, void* listenerCtx, QueryHandle_t* qHandle) = 0;
// Capabilities
* Return if the current user can use all tables returned by the getTables method
* @result true if the user can select any table, false otherwise
virtual bool areAllTableSelectable() const = 0;
* Return if the catalog name is at the start of a fully qualified table name
* @return true if the catalog name is at the start, false otherwise.
virtual bool isCatalogAtStart() const = 0;
* Return the string used as a separator between the catalog and the table name
* @return the catalog separator
virtual const std::string& getCatalogSeparator() const = 0;
* Return the term used by the server to designate a catalog
* @return the catalog term
virtual const std::string& getCatalogTerm() const = 0;
* Return if the server supports column aliasing
* @return true if the server supports column aliasing, false otherwise
virtual bool isColumnAliasingSupported() const = 0;
* Return if the result of a NULL and a non-NULL values concatenation is NULL
* @return true if the result is NULL, false otherwise
virtual bool isNullPlusNonNullNull() const = 0;
* Return if the CONVERT function supports conversion for the given types
* @return true if the conversion is supported, false otherwise
virtual bool isConvertSupported(common::MinorType from, common::MinorType to) const = 0;
* Return what kind of correlation name support the server provides
* @return the correlation name supported by the server
virtual meta::CorrelationNamesSupport getCorrelationNames() const = 0;
* Returns if the connection to the server is read-only
* @return true if the connection is read-only, false otherwise
virtual bool isReadOnly() const = 0;
* Return what kind of date time literals the server supports
* @return a bitmask of supported date/time literals
virtual meta::DateTimeLiteralSupport getDateTimeLiteralsSupport() const = 0;
* Return what kind of COLLATE expressions are supported
virtual meta::CollateSupport getCollateSupport() const = 0;
* Return what kind of GROUP BY support the server provides
* @return the group by support
virtual meta::GroupBySupport getGroupBySupport() const = 0;
* Returns how unquoted identifier are stored
* @return the unquoted identifier storage policy
virtual meta::IdentifierCase getIdentifierCase() const = 0;
* Returns the string used to quote SQL identifiers
* @return the quote string
virtual const std::string& getIdentifierQuoteString() const = 0;
* Returns the list of SQL keywords supported by the database
* @return a list of keywords
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& getSQLKeywords() const = 0;
* Returns if LIKE operator supports an escape clause
* @return true if escape claused are supported
virtual bool isLikeEscapeClauseSupported() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum number of hexa characters supported for binary literals
* @return the length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum length of catalog names
* @return the length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxCatalogNameLength() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum number of characters for string literals
* @return the length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxCharLiteralLength() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum length of column names
* @return the length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxColumnNameLength() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum number of columns in GROUP BY expressions
* @return the maximum number, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum number of columns in ORDER BY expressions
* @return the maximum number, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum number of columns in a SELECT list
* @return the maximum number, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxColumnsInSelect() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum length for cursor names
* @return the maximum length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxCursorNameLength() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum logical size for LOB types
* @return the maximum size, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxLogicalLobSize() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum number of statements
* @return the maximum number, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxStatements() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum number of bytes for a single row
* @return the maximum size, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxRowSize() const = 0;
* Returns if BLOB types are included in the maximum row size
* @return true if BLOB are included
virtual bool isBlobIncludedInMaxRowSize() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum length for schema names
* @return the maximum length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxSchemaNameLength() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum length for statements
* @return the maximum length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxStatementLength() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum length for table names
* @return the maximum length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxTableNameLength() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum number of tables in a SELECT expression
* @return the maximum number, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxTablesInSelect() const = 0;
* Returns the maximum length for user names
* @return the maximum length, 0 if unlimited or unknown
virtual std::size_t getMaxUserNameLength() const = 0;
* Returns how NULL are sorted
* @return the NULL collation policy
virtual meta::NullCollation getNullCollation() const = 0;
* Returns the list of supported numeric functions
* @return a list of function names
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& getNumericFunctions() const = 0;
* Returns how outer joins are supported
* @return outer join support (as flags)
virtual meta::OuterJoinSupport getOuterJoinSupport() const = 0;
* Returns if columns not in the SELECT column lists can be used
* in the ORDER BY expression
* @return true if unrelated columns are supported in ORDER BY
virtual bool isUnrelatedColumnsInOrderBySupported() const = 0;
* Returns how quoted identifier are stored
* @return the quoted identifier storage policy
virtual meta::QuotedIdentifierCase getQuotedIdentifierCase() const = 0;
* Returns the term used to designate schemas
* @return the term
virtual const std::string& getSchemaTerm() const = 0;
* Return the string for escaping patterns in metadata queries
* @return the characters for escaping, empty if not supported
virtual const std::string& getSearchEscapeString() const = 0;
* Returns the list of extra characters that can be used in identifier names
* Extra characters are those characters beyond a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '_' (underscore)
* @return a list of characters
virtual const std::string& getSpecialCharacters() const = 0;
* Returns the list of supported string functions
* @return a list of function names
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& getStringFunctions() const = 0;
* Returns how subqueries are supported
* @return the subqueries support (as flags)
virtual meta::SubQuerySupport getSubQuerySupport() const = 0;
* Returns the list of supported system functions
* @return a list of function names
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& getSystemFunctions() const = 0;
* Returns the term used to designate tables
* @return the term
virtual const std::string& getTableTerm() const = 0;
* Returns the list of supported date/time functions
* @return a list of function names
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& getDateTimeFunctions() const = 0;
* Returns if transactions are supported
* @return true if transactions are supported
virtual bool isTransactionSupported() const = 0;
* Returns how unions are supported
* @return the union support (as flags)
virtual meta::UnionSupport getUnionSupport() const = 0;
* Returns if SELECT FOR UPDATE expressions are supported
* @return true if SELECT FOR UPDATE is supported
virtual bool isSelectForUpdateSupported() const = 0;
* Get the application context from query handle
static void* getApplicationContext(QueryHandle_t handle);
* Get the query status from query handle
static status_t getQueryStatus(QueryHandle_t handle);
// change the logging level
static void initLogging(const char* path, logLevel_t l);
* Connect the client to a Drillbit using connection string and default schema.
* @param[in] connectStr: connection string
* @param[in] defaultSchema: default schema (set to NULL and ignore it
* if not specified)
* @return connection status
DEPRECATED connectionStatus_t connect(const char* connectStr, const char* defaultSchema=NULL);
* Connect the client to a Drillbit using connection string and a set of user properties.
* The connection string format can be found in comments of
* [DRILL-780](
* To connect via zookeeper, use the format:
* "zk=zk1:port[,zk2:p2,...][/<path_to_drill_root>/<cluster_id>]".
* e.g.
* ```
* zk=localhost:2181
* zk=localhost:2181/drill/drillbits1
* zk=localhost:2181,zk2:2181/drill/drillbits1
* ```
* To connect directly to a drillbit, use the format "local=host:port".
* e.g.
* ```
* local=
* ```
* User properties is a set of name value pairs. The following properties are recognized:
* schema
* userName
* password
* useSSL [true|false]
* pemLocation
* pemFile
* (see drill/common.hpp for friendly defines and the latest list of supported proeprties)
* @param[in] connectStr: connection string
* @param[in] properties
* if not specified)
* @return connection status
connectionStatus_t connect(const char* connectStr, DrillUserProperties* properties);
/* test whether the client is active */
bool isActive();
/* close the connection. cancel any pending requests. */
void close() ;
* Submit a query asynchronously and wait for results to be returned through a callback. A query context handle is passed
* back. The listener callback will return the handle in the ctx parameter.
status_t submitQuery(Drill::QueryType t, const std::string& plan, pfnQueryResultsListener listener, void* listenerCtx, QueryHandle_t* qHandle);
* Submit a query asynchronously and wait for results to be returned through an iterator that returns
* results synchronously. The client app needs to call freeQueryIterator on the iterator when done.
RecordIterator* submitQuery(Drill::QueryType t, const std::string& plan, DrillClientError* err);
* Prepare a query.
* @param[in] sql the query to prepare
* @param[in] listener a callback to be notified when the prepared statement is created, or if an error occured
* @param[in] user context to provide to the callback
* @param[out] a handle on the query
status_t prepareQuery(const std::string& sql, pfnPreparedStatementListener listener, void* listenerCtx, QueryHandle_t* qHandle);
* Execute a prepared statement.
* @param[in] pstmt the prepared statement to execute
* @param[in] listener a callback to be notified when results have arrived, or if an error occured
* @param[in] user context to provide to the callback
* @param[out] a handle on the query
status_t executeQuery(const PreparedStatement& pstmt, pfnQueryResultsListener listener, void* listenerCtx, QueryHandle_t* qHandle);
* Cancel a query.
* @param[in] the handle of the query to cancel
void cancelQuery(QueryHandle_t handle);
* The client application should call this function to wait for results if it has registered a
* listener.
void waitForResults();
* Returns the last error message
std::string& getError();
* Returns the error message associated with the query handle
const std::string& getError(QueryHandle_t handle);
* Applications using the async query submit method can register a listener for schema changes
void registerSchemaChangeListener(QueryHandle_t* handle, pfnSchemaListener l);
* Applications using the async query submit method should call freeQueryResources to free up resources
* once the query is no longer being processed.
void freeQueryResources(QueryHandle_t* handle);
* Applications using the sync query submit method should call freeQueryIterator to free up resources
* once the RecordIterator is no longer being processed.
void freeQueryIterator(RecordIterator** pIter){ delete *pIter; *pIter=NULL;}
* Applications using the async query submit method should call freeRecordBatch to free up resources
* once the RecordBatch is processed and no longer needed.
void freeRecordBatch(RecordBatch* pRecordBatch);
* Get access to the server metadata
Metadata* getMetadata();
* Free resources associated with the metadata object
void freeMetadata(Metadata** metadata);
static DrillClientInitializer s_init;
static DrillClientConfig s_config;
DrillClientImplBase * m_pImpl;
} // namespace Drill