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Building the Drill C++ Client on Windows
This document lists the steps to build the Drill C++ Client on Windows. The
steps and examples are for Windows 7, using Visual Studio 2010 Express. Newer
Windows platforms should be more or less similar.
1 Tools and software
1.1 The following git tools would be useful to get source code and apply patches -
MSysGit and GitForWindows -
Tortoise SVN -
1.2 Windows SDK
The Windows SDK is required to enable 64 bit options for Visual Studio 2010
Express. You can get it here:
Note: For 64 bit builds, change the platform toolset to Windows SDK for your
(Root node, i.e. the projectname) Properties ->Configuration Properties->General->Platform Toolset = Windows7.1SDK
If you are running Windows 7 and having problem isntalling windows SDK follow the instructions here
1.3 [Optional] Windows Driver kit
The Windows Driver kit is required to get the 64 bit assembler ml64. The
32 bit assembler masm is included in VS2010. The assembler is required to build
boost and can be ignored for Drill
ML64(the 64 bit assembler) can be downloaded from here:
MASM(the 32 bit assembler) should be installed in VC/bin already. If not it
can be downloaded from here:
Add the paths to the assemblers in your path environment variable. ml64 can be
found in (or the appropriate path to the WinDDK installation on your system):
2 Dependencies
a) The Drill client library requires the following third party libraries -
zookeeper C API
The Drill client is linked with STATIC versions of these libraries. The
libraries are themselves linked with the DYNAMIC C Runtime DLLs. It is
important that the libraries all have the same linkage model, otherwise the
Drill Client library will not link successfully.
b) The build assumes that Zookeeper is not availble as a
binary installer and is available in source form only for windows. The
location of the header files, as a result is different from Unix like
systems. This will be important later with Cmake.
c) The document below will refer to the following as the directories where
the thirdparty library source is installed.
BOOST_HOME - Directory where boost source is installed.
ZOOKEEPER_HOME - Directory where Zookeeper source is installed. Note that
this is the directory for the full Zookeeper source not just the
source for the C library.
PROTOBUF_HOME - Directory where Protobuf source is installed.
CPPUNIT_HOME - Directory where CPPUnit source is installed
d) The build assumes that Powershell is installed
2.1 Boost (version 1.55)
a) Download Boost from:
ii) open boost_1_55_0\boost/archive/iterators/transform_width.hpp and add the following to the include statements: #include <algorithm>
iii) Yes somehow this header was not included and has been missed! See here for more info:
b) i) Boost 32 bit build -
Open a Visual Studio command prompt from the Visual Studio IDE
ii) Boost 64 bit build -
Open a command prompt from the Windows SDK menu
Start->All Programs->Windows SDK 7.1->Start Command Prompt
c) In the command prompt window -
C:> .\bootstrap.bat
d) Choose the build type (64 bit, 32 bit) and the variant type (debug, release)
and build the libraries. Boost build will write the libraries to
<BOOST_HOME>/stage/lib. Copy them to an appropriately named directory
C:> .\b2 variant=debug link=static threading=multi address-model=64 toolset=msvc-10.0 runtime-link=shared
C:> mkdir Debug64
C:> copy stage\lib\* Debug64
C:> .\b2 variant=release link=static threading=multi address-model=64 toolset=msvc-10.0 runtime-link=shared
C:> mkdir Release64
C:> copy stage\lib\* Release64
C:> .\b2 variant=debug link=static threading=multi address-model=32 toolset=msvc-10.0 runtime-link=shared
C:> mkdir Debug32
C:> copy stage\lib\* Debug32
C:> .\b2 variant=release link=static threading=multi address-model=32 toolset=msvc-10.0 runtime-link=shared
C:> mkdir Release32
C:> copy stage\lib\* Release32
e) Notes:
i) For more information on Boost build
ii) Detail options for b2 -
iii) If you do not have the 64 bit assembler installed, boost-context does not
build. It is safe to ignore it as boost-context is not needed for Drill
2.2 Protobuf (2.5.0)
Get protobuf from here:
a) Protobuf builds static libraries
b) In Visual Studio, open <PROTOBUF_HOME>/vsprojects/protobuf.sln. The IDE may
update the solution file. This should go thru successfully.
c) If build for 64 bit, add a 64 bit project configuration for each project. (Make sure the
platform toolset is set to Windows7.1SDK)
d) Build the protobuf project first (not the solution)
e) Build the solution!
2.3 Zookeeper (3.4.6)
a) Set the ZOOKEEPER_HOME environment variable
b) The 3.4.6 release of Zookeeper does not build correctly on 64 bit windows. To
fix that for the 64 bit build, apply patch zookeeper-3.4.6-x64.patch
For example in Msysgit
$ cd <ZOOKEEPER_HOME> && git apply <DRILL_HOME>/contrib/native/client/patches/zookeeper-3.4.6-x64.patch
c) In Visual Studio 2010 Express open <ZOOKEEPER_HOME>/src/c/zookeeper.sln
i) Add a 64 bit project configuration for each project. (Make sure the
platform toolset is set to Windows7.1SDK)
ii) Change the output type for the zookeeper project to a static lib
Properties->Configuration Properties->General->Configuration Type = Static Library
iii) In the cli project add the preprocessor define USE_STATIC_LIB
iv) Build. Build zookeeper lib first, then build cli
2.4 CppUnit (3.4.6)
a) Download cppunit and unzip/untar it.
Latest version is available at:
More informations:
b) Set the CPPUNIT_HOME environment variable
c) InVisual Studio 2010 Express open <CPPUNIT_HOME>/src/CppUnitLibraries2010.sln
i) Build cppunit project
3 Building Drill Clientlib
3.1 SET the following environment variables
3.2 Generate the Visual Studio Solutions file
C:> cd <DRILL_HOME>/contrib/native/client
C:> mkdir build
C:> cd build
a) For the 32 bit build :
b) For the 64 bit build :
3.3 Open the generated <DRILL_HOME>/contrib/native/client/build/drillclient.sln
file in Visual Studio.
a) If doing a Debug build, check the link libraries for the clientlib
project. You might see the protobuf library being linked from the Release
build. Correct that to pick up the library from the Debug build. (See 4.2
3.4 Select the ALL_BUILD project and build.
4 Common Problems
4.1 In the 64 bit build, If you get: " error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'"
a) Some library is a 32 bit library and you're linking it into a 64 bit Drill
Client library, or vice versa. You can check the type of the libraryi with
dumpbin library_or_dll /headers
b) Check the linker settings for the project.
Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Command Line->Additional Options.
If you're doing a 64 bit build and you see "/machine:X86", remove it and rebuild
4.2) error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '0' doesn't match value '2' in decimalUtils.obj
a) This happens if you are doing a Debug build and linking a Release build
version of some library, or vice versa. Check the link libraries.
Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies.
Check the libraries are all the same as your configuration (all debug, or all
In particular, for debug builds, check the path of the protobuf library.
5 Testing with querySubmitter
querySubmitter query="select * from INFORMAITON_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA" type=sql connectStr=local= api=sync logLevel=trace user=yourUserName password=yourPassWord