blob: 3a8bdcef0c2fb233a8af85e37b372dcc0d40a6f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
# Launch script for the Drill Application Master (AM).
# This script runs under YARN and assumes the environment that YARN provides to an AM.
# This script likely will not work from the command line.
# Environment variables set by the client:
# DRILL_DEBUG Set to 1 to print environment and other information to
# diagnose problems.
# DRILL_AM_HEAP AM heap memory. (The AM uses no direct memory.)
# DRILL_AM_JAVA_OPT Optional additional JVM options for the AM, such as
# options to enable debugging.
# The following environment variables are set in the AM launch context,
# not used by this script, but used the the AM itself.
# DRILL_AM_APP_ID Informs the AM of its YARN application ID.
# (Strangely, YARN provides no way for an AM to learn this
# from YARN itself.)
# YARN_RM_WEBAPP Informs the AM of the URL to the YARN RM web app.
# Again, YARN informs the Client of this information, but
# not the AM.
# DRILL_ARCHIVE The DFS path to the Drill archive used to localize Drillbit
# code.
# SITE_ARCHIVE The DFS path to the optional site archive used to localize
# Drillbit configuration.
# Further, this script infers DRILL_HOME from the location
# of the script itself. The site directory (if used) is provided
# via the --config command-line option.
# YARN requires that the AM run as a child process until completion; so this script
# does not launch the AM in the background.
# This script is run from $DRILL_HOME/bin, wherever the user has configured it.
bin=`dirname "${BASH_SOURCE-$0}"`
bin=`cd "$bin">/dev/null; pwd`
DRILL_HOME=`cd "$bin/..">/dev/null; pwd`
if [ -n "$DRILL_DEBUG" ]; then
echo "Drill AM launch script"
# AM-specific options for The AM
# code is in the tools folder which is not loaded by
# the Drillbit, only by the AM and client.
# Add the Hadoop config directory which we need to gain access to
# YARN and HDFS. This is an odd location to add the config dir,
# but if we add it sooner, Jersey complains with many class not
# found errors for reasons not yet known. Note that, to add the
# Hadoop config here, the Drill 1.6 $DRILL_HOME/conf/core-site.xml file
# MUST have been removed or renamed else Hadoop will pick up
# our dummy file instead of the real Hadoop file.
# Use Drill's standard configuration, including
# The AM discards most of the information, but does use JAVA
# and a few others.
. "$DRILL_HOME/bin/"
# DRILL_AM_HEAP and DRILL_AM_JAVA_OPTS are set by the
# Drill client via YARN. To set these, use the following
# configuration options:
# AM logging setup. Note: the Drillbit log file uses the default name
# of logback.xml.
# The AM uses a non-default log configuration file name.
# So, we must tell the AM to use an AM-specific file
# else we'll get warnings about the log.query.path system property
# not being set (and we won't pick up the AM logging settings.)
# See
# The name provided must be on the class path. By adding
# the site dir before $DRILL_HOME/conf, the user can
# provide a custom config without editing the default one.
# If this is wrong, you will see files such as
# log.path_IS_UNDEFINED in the launch directory.
if [ -n "$DRILL_JAVA_LIB_PATH" ]; then
# built the class path.
# Note that the class path uses the Hadoop, YARN and DFS jars
# packaged with Drill; not those from the YARN-provided
# environment variables in the launch context.
AMCMD="$JAVA $AM_JAVA_OPTS ${args[@]} -cp $CP org.apache.drill.yarn.appMaster.DrillApplicationMaster"
if [ -n "$DRILL_DEBUG" ]; then
echo "AM launch environment:"
echo "-----------------------------------"
echo "-----------------------------------"
echo "Command:"
echo "$AMCMD"
# Note: no need to capture output, YARN does that for us.
# AM is launched as a child process of caller, replacing this script.
# Replace this script process with the AM. Needed so that
# the YARN node manager can kill the AM if necessary by killing
# the PID for this script.
exec $AMCMD