blob: c31c5ad1310f9709ad4a6898ad15e29313f1d58f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.analyze.InvalidParserConfigurationException;
import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.dissector.UserAgentDissector;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MinorType;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.RowSetLoader;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.SchemaBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
import nl.basjes.parse.core.Casts;
import nl.basjes.parse.core.Parser;
import nl.basjes.parse.core.exceptions.DissectionFailure;
import nl.basjes.parse.core.exceptions.InvalidDissectorException;
import nl.basjes.parse.core.exceptions.MissingDissectorsException;
import nl.basjes.parse.httpdlog.HttpdLoglineParser;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import static nl.basjes.parse.core.Casts.DOUBLE;
import static nl.basjes.parse.core.Casts.DOUBLE_ONLY;
import static nl.basjes.parse.core.Casts.LONG;
import static nl.basjes.parse.core.Casts.LONG_ONLY;
import static nl.basjes.parse.core.Casts.STRING;
import static nl.basjes.parse.core.Casts.STRING_ONLY;
public class HttpdParser {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpdParser.class);
public static final String PARSER_WILDCARD = ".*";
private final Parser<HttpdLogRecord> parser;
private final List<SchemaPath> requestedColumns;
private final Map<String, MinorType> mappedColumns;
private final Map<String, Casts> columnCasts;
private final HttpdLogRecord record;
private final String logFormat;
private final boolean parseUserAgent;
private final String logParserRemapping;
private Map<String, String> requestedPaths;
public HttpdParser(
final String logFormat,
final String timestampFormat,
final boolean flattenWildcards,
final boolean parseUserAgent,
final String logParserRemapping,
final EasySubScan scan) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(logFormat != null && !logFormat.trim().isEmpty(), "logFormat cannot be null or empty");
this.logFormat = logFormat;
this.parseUserAgent = parseUserAgent;
this.record = new HttpdLogRecord(timestampFormat, flattenWildcards);
this.logParserRemapping = logParserRemapping;
this.parser = new HttpdLoglineParser<>(HttpdLogRecord.class, this.logFormat, timestampFormat);
* The log parser has the possibility of parsing the user agent and extracting additional fields
* Unfortunately, doing so negatively affects the startup speed of the parser, even if it is not used.
* So is is only enabled if there is a need for it in the requested columns.
if (parseUserAgent) {
parser.addDissector(new UserAgentDissector());
this.requestedColumns = scan.getColumns();
if (timestampFormat != null && !timestampFormat.trim().isEmpty()) {"Custom timestamp format has been specified. This is an informational note only as custom timestamps is rather unusual.");
if (logFormat.contains("\n")) {"Specified logformat is a multiline log format: {}", logFormat);
mappedColumns = new TreeMap<>();
columnCasts = new TreeMap<>();
private void applyRemapping(Parser<?> parser) {
if (logParserRemapping == null || logParserRemapping.isEmpty()) {
for (String rawEntry: logParserRemapping.split(";")) {
String entry = rawEntry.replaceAll("\n","").replaceAll(" ","").trim();
if (entry.isEmpty()) {
String[] parts = entry.split(":");
String field = parts[0];
String newType = parts[1];
String castString = parts.length == 3 ? parts[2] : "STRING";
switch (castString) {
case "STRING":
parser.addTypeRemapping(field, newType, STRING_ONLY);
case "LONG":
parser.addTypeRemapping(field, newType, LONG_ONLY);
case "DOUBLE":
parser.addTypeRemapping(field, newType, DOUBLE_ONLY);
throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException("Invalid type remapping cast was specified");
* We do not expose the underlying parser or the record which is used to manage the writers.
* @param line log line to tear apart.
* @throws DissectionFailure if there is a generic dissector failure
* @throws InvalidDissectorException if the dissector is not valid
* @throws MissingDissectorsException if the dissector is missing
public void parse(final String line) throws DissectionFailure, InvalidDissectorException, MissingDissectorsException {
parser.parse(record, line);
public TupleMetadata setupParser()
throws NoSuchMethodException, MissingDissectorsException, InvalidDissectorException {
SchemaBuilder builder = new SchemaBuilder();
* If the user has selected fields, then we will use them to configure the parser because this would be the most
* efficient way to parse the log.
List<String> allParserPaths = parser.getPossiblePaths();
* Use all possible paths that the parser has determined from the specified log format.
// Create a mapping table to each allParserPaths field from their corresponding Drill column name.
requestedPaths = new TreeMap<>(); // Treemap to have a stable ordering!
for (final String parserPath : allParserPaths) {
requestedPaths.put(HttpdUtils.drillFormattedFieldName(parserPath), parserPath);
* By adding the parse target to the dummy instance we activate it for use. Which we can then use to find out which
* paths cast to which native data types. After we are done figuring this information out, we throw this away
* because this will be the slowest parsing path possible for the specified format.
Parser<Object> dummy = new HttpdLoglineParser<>(Object.class, logFormat);
if (parseUserAgent) {
dummy.addDissector(new UserAgentDissector());
dummy.addParseTarget(String.class.getMethod("indexOf", String.class), allParserPaths);
If the column is not requested explicitly, remove it from the requested path list.
if (!isStarQuery() &&
!isMetadataQuery() &&
!isOnlyImplicitColumns()) {
List<String> keysToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String key : requestedPaths.keySet()) {
if (!isRequested(key)) {
keysToRemove.forEach( key -> requestedPaths.remove(key));
EnumSet<Casts> allCasts;
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : requestedPaths.entrySet()) {
allCasts = dummy.getCasts(entry.getValue());
// Select the cast we want to receive from the parser
Casts dataType = STRING;
if (allCasts.contains(DOUBLE)) {
dataType = DOUBLE;
} else if (allCasts.contains(LONG)) {
dataType = LONG;
columnCasts.put(entry.getKey(), dataType);
switch (dataType) {
case STRING:
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("TIME.STAMP:")) {
builder.addNullable(entry.getKey(), MinorType.TIMESTAMP);
mappedColumns.put(entry.getKey(), MinorType.TIMESTAMP);
} else if (entry.getValue().startsWith("TIME.DATE:")) {
builder.addNullable(entry.getKey(), MinorType.DATE);
mappedColumns.put(entry.getKey(), MinorType.DATE);
} else if (entry.getValue().startsWith("TIME.TIME:")) {
builder.addNullable(entry.getKey(), MinorType.TIME);
mappedColumns.put(entry.getKey(), MinorType.TIME);
} else if (HttpdUtils.isWildcard(entry.getValue())) {
mappedColumns.put(entry.getKey(), MinorType.MAP);
else {
builder.addNullable(entry.getKey(), TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR);
mappedColumns.put(entry.getKey(), MinorType.VARCHAR);
case LONG:
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("TIME.EPOCH:")) {
builder.addNullable(entry.getKey(), MinorType.TIMESTAMP);
mappedColumns.put(entry.getKey(), MinorType.TIMESTAMP);
} else {
builder.addNullable(entry.getKey(), TypeProtos.MinorType.BIGINT);
mappedColumns.put(entry.getKey(), MinorType.BIGINT);
case DOUBLE:
builder.addNullable(entry.getKey(), TypeProtos.MinorType.FLOAT8);
mappedColumns.put(entry.getKey(), MinorType.FLOAT8);
logger.error("HTTPD Unsupported data type {} for field {}", dataType.toString(), entry.getKey());
public void addFieldsToParser(RowSetLoader rowWriter) {
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : requestedPaths.entrySet()) {
try {
record.addField(parser, rowWriter, columnCasts, entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), mappedColumns);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
logger.error("Error adding fields to parser.");
logger.debug("Added Fields to Parser");
public boolean isStarQuery() {
return requestedColumns.size() == 1 && requestedColumns.get(0).isDynamicStar();
public boolean isMetadataQuery() {
return requestedColumns.size() == 0;
public boolean isRequested(String colName) {
for (SchemaPath path : requestedColumns) {
if (path.isDynamicStar()) {
return true;
} else if (path.nameEquals(colName)) {
return true;
return false;
This is for the edge case where a query only contains the implicit fields.
public boolean isOnlyImplicitColumns() {
// If there are more than two columns, this isn't an issue.
if (requestedColumns.size() > 2) {
return false;
if (requestedColumns.size() == 1) {
return requestedColumns.get(0).nameEquals(HttpdLogBatchReader.RAW_LINE_COL_NAME) ||
} else {
return (requestedColumns.get(0).nameEquals(HttpdLogBatchReader.RAW_LINE_COL_NAME) ||
requestedColumns.get(0).nameEquals(HttpdLogBatchReader.MATCHED_COL_NAME)) &&
(requestedColumns.get(1).nameEquals(HttpdLogBatchReader.RAW_LINE_COL_NAME) ||